How Do You Do Mr. Malfoy? (super-6-1 X Krys Snape)

Alexis came back into the room and asked where we are going. He Looked at her with a smile.
"We are going to Diagon Ally to pick up a few things. "
He waited for Draco to get back down and also told one of the Elves to bring the car around to them
Alexis smiled, "Sounds fun I can buy you all Christmas presents while we're there seeing you're being so kind and letting me stay for the holidays" , Alexis replied. She was grateful to be able to spend the holidays with a family, she was an orphan and usually spent her holidays at the school so it was nice to be able to go somewhere for Christmas. When the elf brought the car around Alexis got in the back seat and waited to leave.
The Lemo bumped and slide a little on the snow packed drivway until it reach speed enoght to fly off into the air. The windows start to get covered with snow as it runs threw the air, since its snowing muggles really wont see them at all. As the Driver takes it town the car slides a little and reachs a pub in the local town. He gets out awaits for the others and taps 4 bricks and the wall folds open into Diagon
Alexis wandered around the shops and bought a few things for everyone she wanted to get the Malfoys something special seeing they were being so kind to her. When she finished shopping she met back up with Draco and Lucius, "Hey I'm all set so whenever you guys are ready I'm ready" ,she told them in her usual cheery tone. Her eyes fell on Lucius who looked really handsome his features seemed to show more with the snowy backdrop, his grey eyes stood out along with his long white blonde hair and Alexis was completely lost in his beauty. It was at that moment Alexis realized that she wanted him in more ways then one.
Lusius was holding a tanned Envelop filled with documents. He ran a small store in the area went there to make sure things where running smoothly and operatin the best they could, soon after Alexis and Draco and back and he re opened the wall to the muggle world once again and back into the car. It was Christmas eve and everyone was out etting last minute Gifts.
When they got back to the manor Alexis went up to her room and changed into her pajamas early. She put on a pair of booty shorts and a tank top that showed a lot of cleavage, she wanted Lucius to notice her. She pulled on her green and black striped socks and headed out of the room and down to the sitting room where Draco was. Draco was used to seeing Alexis in revealing clothing so it didn't really faze him at all.
They get home and lucis's first thing to do is to get the paperwork done with the small store he owns. So he heads into his study and starts doing the work. He after a good hour of working he walks into the dining area where the living room meets each other. He looks at Alexis as he walks by, his first thought was "wow... her body is amazingly beautiful... but she to young" his gult gets to him, his wife really hasn't been paying any attention to him so he would have to have other means to "itch" his scratch.
He gets something to drink and returns to his study to do more work.
Alexis noticed Lucius look at her and she bit her lip as he walked by returning to his study. Draco looked at Alexis, "I'm gonna go to the library for a bit do you wanna come"? he asked. "Erm no thanks I think I'll just hang around for a bit" ,Alexis replied. When Draco was out of sight she got up and made her way to Lucius' study and walked inside slowly, "H-Hi Mr. Malfoy erm I just wanted to say thank you for letting me stay here for the holidays, I really appreciate it" ,Alexis said shyly looking at him. The normally shy girl walked over to him and sat down in the chair in front of his desk and leaned forward just enough for him to be able to see down her shirt. "I hope you don't mind me coming in here sir" ,Alexis said with a seductive smile, she wanted Lucius and she wanted him badly.
He heard foot steps coming to his study, he didn't really care anyone could come in. To his surprise tho it was alexis. She walks in Thanking him for staying.
"You are very welcome, its always nice to bring happiness to someone around this year." then she sat down in the chair at his desk, she learned far enough forward so he could see down her shirt. He thought it was just something she did without thinking. Then she spoke to him.

"N..No i don't mind at all, its kinda nice to have company here.
"Ok I didn't want to intrude at all" ,Alexis replied smiling. She had never seduced a man in her life and was unsure of what to do next. Alexis fidgeted with a pen that had been sitting on Lucius' desk. "Lucius...." ,Alexis paused unsure if it was ok for her to use the man's first name. "Do you find me attractive"? She asked. "It's just I've never really had a boyfriend and I just wanted to know if there was something wrong with my physical appearance or something, like maybe I'm not as pretty as all the other girls" ,Alexis spoke quietly and looked at the man with lust filled eyes, she hoped he would tell her she was pretty or even better look at her the same way she looked at him.
He left very odd for this question, she was the same age as his son or a little older and barry legal at that. He thought for a second. To him, she was the fantasy he has always wanted. The one girl hoped he could have his way with.
"well, you are very attractive to any male. You are actually a fantasy come true for a lot of men im sure. Maybe, you are are so beautiful that men are scared to talk to you."
Alexis smiled at his words, she stood up from her chair and walked over to the door and shut it. "Well Mr. Malfoy would you like to live out that fantasy" ,Alexis couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her own mouth, she walked back over to the man and sat in his lap. "I think you're every woman's fantasy, I know you're my fantasy" ,Alexis admitted running her finger down his jawline and looking into his eyes. Alexis leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips then whispered, "I want you Mr. Malfoy".
without hesitation once she kissed him, he held her close to him kissing her back, in his head he couldn't beleave he was doing this but he didn't really care at all. He wanted it and this maybe his only chance he could have this.
When Alexis felt Lucius kiss her back she ran her hands up and down his chest, "Do you want to go to my room so we have more privacy" ,she asked after breaking the kiss. She wanted this and it felt as if her dreams were coming true. Alexis got up and grabbed Lucius' hands and pulled at him motioning for him to stand and follow her.
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