How Do You Do Mr. Malfoy? (super-6-1 X Krys Snape)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Alexis was woken up early by Draco shaking her roughly, "Alexis, Wake up you lazy ass" ,he said laughing. Alexis just covered her head with the blanket and growled. "Five more minutes Draco" ,she said sleepily. Draco sighed, "Come on we have to get ready to go to my house for the holidays, we need to take the train to King's Cross and if you don't get up we're going to miss the train" ,Draco said shaking Alexis again. "Grrr Fine I'm up" ,Alexis said throwing the blanket off of herself. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower, when she was finished in the shower she got dressed and sprayed herself with her peach body spray then made her way down to the common room with her trunk. "Ok let's go then" ,she said looking at Draco.

When the two arrived at King's Cross station that got off the train and waited for Draco's father. "Where is he"? Alexis asked impatiently. She was freezing and her cheeks were turning red. She started to pace back and forth until a car pulled up and someone inside motioned for the two to get in. Alexis followed Draco's lead and got into the back seat.

Alexis walked into the manor and her jaw dropped it was a huge place and looked as if it could've fit 5 or maybe even 10 family's and Draco's family had the place to themselves, "I am so jealous of you right now" ,Alexis whispered into Draco's ear as they walked into the sitting room and sat down.
He awates his son to come home for the holidays but what he didn't expect was a friend to come along at all. As Draco walks in with her he looks at him
"welcome home my boy now... who is the lovly young lady we here?"
He asked grabing the young girls hand kissing at. A hold past time he did when he met a new female in his life. He stil does it to his wife this day.
"Well im sure we can get acquainted later on please Draco, since she is staying with us show her around the home. I know its big but, you get use to it."
When Alexis seen Mr. Malfoy her jaw nearly dropped, "That's your father" ,she whispered before Lucius got close to them. "I'm Alexis" ,she replied blushing when he asked who she was. When he kissed her hand she got chills, man was Draco's father something to look at. "This is a beautiful place you have here Mr. Malfoy it's a pleasure to be staying with you all for the holidays" ,Alexis smiled and allowed Draco to pull her away and show her the rest of the house. When they finished walking around the manor a few times the house elf told them it was time for dinner and the two made their way to the dining room and sat down.
The tablet was around 15 feet long, 5 foot wide, the table top was covered in a silky red based cloth with based designs on it, the ends where wrapped in a golden slick as the ending tips.
As he sits down the cheifs are bring out the food onto the table and Draco and Alexis come in.
"Greetings son and Alexis, please sit down. The cheifs have prepared Lobster, steak, Mashed Potatos, Salad and anything else you could want as well. If there is nothing you like im sure the cheifs can make it for you. Please let them know. Would you two like anything to drink this evening? "
He turns as asks one of the waitresses that he wants a small glass of red wine, she leaves and bring him back a glass about half full.
Alexis smiled when she seen Draco's father again, when he asked what they wanted to drink she thought for a moment, "I'll have ssome pumpkin juice if that's ok" ,she said shyly. Alexis made a plate with very little on it and Draco gave her a look, "Don't feel embarrassed to eat around us, please eat more" ,Draco told her quietly. Alexis had a problem eating ever since someone had said she was gaining weight, she used to be able to match the boys with her appetite but now she eats like a rabbit in fear of gaining any weight and Draco hated it. "I'll eat until I'm full I promise" ,Alexis said quietly.
Before Lucius could ask the waitress to get it for her she already got it and brought it in for Alexis, he also noticed her plate was never even half full.
"You know Alexis, we have a lot of food here, do not be embarrassed if you want to eat, its a natural thing. Eat as much as you like. "
Lucius already had his plate made, Chicken breast with side gravy, a small salad on the side in a sperat bowl as well as green beans, Collard, and a baked potato with it. He started to eat until one of the gaurds walked over to his attention and spoke in his ear.
"Mhmm... ok... so will he be able to handle this?... Ok.. im coming." he whispered to the Gaurd.

"I am sorry but something came up, Ahri, if you can please wrap this up for me, i will eat it when i get the chance tonight." She smiles and start wraping it up.
He goes off into the next room to talk on the phone.
Alexis blushed when Lucius told her not to be embarrassed and she eventually grabbed a few more things to eat. When dinner was over both Alexis and Draco went to their rooms and changed into their pajamas. Alexis put on a pair of booty shorts and a tank top with her green and black striped socks that came up to just below her knees. She sat down on the bed and opened her back pack and pulled out her homework and began taking notes, after a while she laid on her stomach to get more comfortable. Draco came in and the two of them worked on their homework together. "So what was your dad in such a hurry about"? Alexis asked being nosey. Draco shrugged his shoulders and Alexis just let it go and the two continued to work.
Lucius was finally done with the bussiness that came up and he went back into the kitchen so we could continue finishing his meal he started. He went into the kitchen and heated it up and sat at the table to eat. With him he had a book titled "Muggles Knowledge of Arts" It was about muggles who knew about the wizard world and how they helped and copped with what they know. Then his wife sits down at the table.
"Hun, i didn't know Alexis was coming here this holiday. You think there Boy friend and girl friend?" She wanted to know to make sure
"Well... Im not sure. When i can ill ask him or her and see what they say. Maybe she couldn't go home this time and draco wanted her to have a nice christmas. Ill get someone to pick up a few gifts for her so she not a lone this year." he said, she gets up and kisses his cheek and go to the door way.
"Alright, im heading off to bed, do not stay up to long." then she walks off into the house.
In the middle of working on their homework Alexis looked over to Draco and smirked right before she hit him with a pillow. "Alexis, what was that for"? He said laughing. Alexis stood up on the bed in a fighting stance and looked at him, "Let's go punk" ,she said laughing. Draco and Alexis always played around like this, she didn't have too many girl friends to play fight with so Draco was always a target for her antics. Draco got up and hit Alexis back with a pillow square in the face, Alexis laughed and the two went back and forth for a little while before the play fight ended up in the hallway and the two were laughing hysterically.
as he was eating he heard a raket going on down the hall aways. He sits up closing his book on a book marker he has placed in it and walks down the wall way to see whats going on.
He find Alexis and Draco both with pillows in there hands
"what are you two doing? it is late you know"
When Lucius came up the stairs and asked what they were doing Alexis turned red, "Sorry Mr. Malfoy erm I'll just head back to my room" ,Alexis said biting her lip nervously and backing away from the man. She felt so embarrassed that she had caused a racket in someone else house. Alexis sat down on the bed and sighed then picked up her quill and began to work on her homework again. Draco had decided to go to bed and Alexis sat alone in the room trying to finish up her work before it got too late.
Lucius noticed that she backed away almost scar fully. He had a small dreadful look on his face as if he was mad at himself. He then turned back around and went back to finish his meal and the chapter he was working on in his book before he headed to bed.
Alexis finished her homework then put her stuff back into her bag then put her bag in the closet. She paced around the room for a while bored, she was wide awake and had nothing to do. She looked over to the bathroom and decided to take a bath. Alexis walked into the bathroom and stripped her clothes off, she looked into the large mirror and ran her fingers up her body. Alexis was beautiful but she never seen herself that way instead she only seen the flaws that she had. Alexis turned the water on and waited for it to heat up, when it did she poured some bubble bath in and let the tub fill before getting in. Alexis let out a small moan at how good the warm water felt on her skin, it had been a long time since she was able to relax in a bathtub the showers at Hogwarts were the only means of washing and they just didn't cut it when she wanted to relax. Alexis laid back and enjoyed soaking in the tub for a little while longer, she sat in there for a bout a half hour before getting out and drying off.

Alexis laid on her bed with just a towel on she was so relaxed she didn't realize she had left the door open a crack. She pointed her wand to her head and dried her hair before rolling over onto her stomach, her breasts halfway out of the towel. Alexis reached over to the bedside table and grabbed the book she had placed there and opened it beginning to read. As she read she bit her lip to concentrate it was a habit she had since she was younger.
Lucius just finished his meal and the chapter he was working on. He put the plate in the kitchen and went to the bathroom, as he walked in he notcied it was still stuffy, humid as if someone just took a shower, he didn't mind it, so he cleaned his face off and also his teeth and headed to bed, on the way there tho. He noticed that Alexis door was cracked, curiously he peaked in and sew her still wraped in her towel. All tho he knew he was married he still thought she was very beautiful. He looked at her a litle longer and if she notcied he would speak to her and ask if she was ok as if he wasn't looking at her but just checking up on her.
Alexis was in the middle of reading when she felt someone's gaze on her, she looked up and noticed Lucius standing there. "H-Hi Mr. Malfoy, erm sorry I didn't realize I left my door open" ,Alexis said as her cheeks turned pink. "I'm glad I wasn't laying here in the nude like I usually do that would've been a bit embarrassing" ,Alexis blurted out as if she were talking to Draco or one of her other friends, when she realized what she had said her cheeks turned even redder. Why was she acting so weird around the man, she never talked about being naked in front of anyone before. The only thing Alexis had ever done was kiss a boy, in fact that boy was Draco and it only lasted for about two seconds but there was something about Mr. Malfoy that made her curious about how it would feel to go all the way with a man. Alexis shook her head to wipe the dirty thoughts from her mind. "So erm how are you doing"? Alexis asked nervously.
He looked away as soon as she saw him
"no its ok, im sorry for looking, i wanted to make sure you where ok seeing it is your first time here no? "
he then leaves shutting the door for her and getting into bed with his wife.
Alexis just looked away as he left she quickly got off the bed and put her pajamas on. When she finished getting dressed she climbed into bed and fell asleep, when she woke up in the morning she got dressed and made her way down to the dining room to meet up with Draco for breakfast. She looked around to see if Lucius was there yet, she was a bit embarrassed about what had happened and was hoping things wouldn't be too awkward. "Good morning Draco" ,Alexis whispered quietly as she sat down. "Morning Alexis" ,he replied. The two waited for the house elves to bring them their breakfast, while they waited the elf gave them something to drink and the two chatted for a bit until their breakfast came.
The smell of coffie woke him as he stretched, his wife was already gone off to work for the day back at the school getting ready for other the next semister of school.
He gets dressed and heads into the kitchen and sat down seeing Alexis and Draco already there.
"Good morning you two, how was your sleep? "
Alexis smiled when she seen Draco's father come in, "I had an alright sleep Mr. Malfoy how was your sleep"? she asked in response. When the elf brought their food Alexis began eating, she kept glancing over at Lucius and blushing like a little school girl with a crush. Well technically she was a school girl with a crush. "So what are the plans for today"? Alexis asked shyly looking between Draco and his father. Alexis tried to look away from Lucius but something kept drawing her eyes back to him, it was as if he had some sort of spell on her.
Lucius noticed Alexis was looking at him, he was wondering what she wanted from him but he figured he had something on his shirt or it was something he was wearing at the time. Then the staff came out with the food to order, today to keep the food down and the waste down someone came around for orders
When Alexis finished eating her and Draco went into the sitting room to play a game of wizards chess. She wasn't very good at it but she was a little bored and wanted something to do and quite frankly she needed to take her mind off of Lucius, she was being silly to even have a crush on him, the man was married and she was a 17 year old teenager that went to school with his son. Alexis got thirsty and went to the kitchen to get a drink, "Do you mind if I get a drink"? she asked Lucius sweetly giving him a cute smile.
He looked up as she walked in and he chuckled
"No hun go right ahead, get anything you would like. "
He said then finished up his meal and left back into his study
Alexis smiled, "Thank you" ,she said right before opening the fridge and bending down to grab the orange juice on the bottom shelf. She stood up and poured two glasses and went back into the sitting room. She handed Draco a glass then sat down so they could continue their game. "So your father's really nice huh"? Alexis said. Draco looked up at her and snickered, "Yeah he is I guess" ,he said laughing. Alexis gave him a funny look, "What"?! She asked laughing back. Alexis and Draco finished up their game and just sat in the room for a while.
Lusius walked into the room where Draco and Alexis was at.
"anyway wanna go out for a bit? I need to go into downtown and get ahold of a few people for some documents. If you guys would like to come you can.
Alexis perked up when Lucius asked if the two wanted to go with him, "I would really like that Mr. Malfoy" ,she said sweetly. She stood up and grabbed her jacket and waited for Draco to grab his so they could go. "So where exactly are we going"?
She asked curiously.
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