Manhunt gone awry. [Kaybee and cevl]

'Miranda', of course, was loving all this, both out of a point of view from the slime, as from the memories from Miranda. She let out several small moans during her thrusting. Once the tattoo covered woman started bucking her body against her thrusts she could go further in, brushing past her cervix several times. She still had part of herself out of Jack, so if all was in, she would probably lodge her thick cock into this woman's cervix. "Omega Slut, show me what you're made off." She said, making her thrusting faster. She leaned over her, gripping her breasts with her hands and starting to grope them, sometimes even digging her manicured nails into her body.

Miranda had a while of respite for now. A screen opened, a one way mirror, the kind Jack hated so much, so she could see into the room, where Samara was still deep in meditation, which would soon change, and she could see what her look-alike did to Jack. A panel in the floor opened, and a platter with her favourite foods came out of the ground. They would take care of these women outside of the testing and stuff fairly well.
Jack's head was spinning with the pleasures being inflicted upon her willing body, the unnatural cock stretching her tightness wide open and forcing moan after moan from her lips even as her mind raged and screamed, trapped in it's lustful prison. The light touches against her cervix were intense and the stimulation of her breasts brought her higher, an orgasm almost upon her as the thrusts came faster and faster.

The real Miranda's eyes widened as the wall shimmered to show the scene, shock clear in her features before she began to beat against the wall with a terrified scream. She wanted the image to go away, the strange and impossible image of Jack being fucked by... By HER. With a COCK. Her mind would not accept what she was being shown and so she believed it to be a trick. Glad that she could hear nothing she turned away, ignoring the food that was deposited into the room as Miranda sat with her back to the wall, not wanting to see that unnatural sight any longer.
'Miranda' just continued pounding into the woman, groaning and moaning herself too. She could feel the woman's tightness being stretched, which only caused her thrusting to come harder and faster, as she was then capable of doing so. After a while, once she noticed that the woman's body was getting even hotter, she could feel that she was about to burst. She, with one last, hard thrust, pounded herself fully into the woman, making their bodies be against each other, and then spouted out her cum, it going into her, filling her up. When she pulled away she suddenly dissapeared in a cloud of particles, while Jack would be too busy with herself to notice, and the other Miranda got pushed into the room, completely naked, lying on the ground with her face down.
Jack came as 'Miranda' did, the sudden feeling of being filled with cum pushing her over the edge as her body shuddered, pussy clamping down on the cock as it was filled with the strange seed. She felt 'Miranda' pull out and the hands that had held her disappear. The convict slowly turned, her nerves still frazzled and her head spinning from the sudden orgasm only to see Miranda lying face down on the floor, naked but strangely missing the cock that had been there seconds before. Emboldened by the lack of the unnatural organ, Jack quickly moved forwards, vengeance the only thing in mind as the tattooed woman leapt on the cerberus operative, pinning her through weight and biotic power and reaching about to grope Miranda's breasts. "Omega Slut am I? I'll turn you into a whore before I EVER do something like that again." Miranda moaned as the only response, the pleasures of the slime springing unbidden to mind as just as Jack's had a moment ago, Miranda's body responded even though her mind revolted.
The aliens were watching the room, they had guessed, but weren't sure, Jack would do something like that, even though she could clearly see something was different about her. Not that they minded, it was pretty fun too watch. Meanwhile, in her womb, the cum went through it, and impregnated her. It would go fast, within half a day she'd be ready to give birth. Not that it didn't go with all the pain and uncomfortability, mind you, it just went faster. While the two were busy, not caring about the rest of the room, they took Samara out, and in an empty room woke her up once more. The normal scan had already been there, and as most of her was human-like, they didn't feel the need for a more intimate scan. So the VI was standing infront of her, and said "Good afternoon, Asari. We would like you to answer several of our questions."
"Questions..." Samara's eyes opened, glancing about and seeing only white walls with not hint of her two companions. "Where have you taken my companions? Why did I perceive nothing until mere moments ago?" Samara knew that she had been in a deeper state of meditation but she did not know why, she was curious and quite prepared to attack should the answers to her questions be poor. For her, the mission came first, to get back to the ship, and put a stop to the collectors and the reapers they served, she would only remain on this planet until such time as she could return to the ship but she was prepared to cooperate until that time so long as there were no unreasonable demands.

Meanwhile, Jack delighted in the responses of Miranda's body, feeling the stuck up woman clench about her fingers, taunting her as her pussy became wet.
"We are the one asking the questions, Asari, as we've also said before. I'd think that you'd know after the first time, you seemed to be smart." the VI said, then asked several questions "What is your name, Occupation? How did your group meet? Did you come here only for that man, or more? What was that ship?" It continued on like that, several questions about what they did, and it seemed the VI was glad to hear they flew all over the galaxy. The collectors and reapers didn't do much to them. Collectors had been here several times, and had died. Reapers wouldn't come near the planet for some reason she didn't know.

In the other room a panel slid away, and one housing several toys and forms of bondage equipment appeared, and yes, that was copied from the mind of Jack. It would either mean she'd use them, or she'd realize the aliens had set them up to it.
Samara answered the questions in a clipped tone, the only outward sign of her annoyance. She planned to wait until she saw one of the beings rather than a VI so that she could try to escape using a hostage and so she cooperated for now, only planning to use force if it became obviously necessary.

Jack noticed the sudden panel and the wall of toys that appeared. A grin crossed her face but as she reached for an anal plug she did realize that something was wrong. Miranda took advantage of the distraction of the convict to scramble away, glowing blue with biotic power and anger on her normally pretty features.

"Hold up Cheerleader! I'm the victim here as much as you are." Jack held up a hand, slowly stepping back from the wall of toys and bondage gear. "Some of this stuff is one of a kind, and that means that someone must've been fucking around in my head."

"No technology exists that can allow-." Miranda's recrimination was cut off suddenly. "Well how else do you think they got this stuff!" Jack threw an arm out to indicate one particular toy. "I made that myself! It was destroyed!"

Miranda glared but relaxed her stance... Still glancing warily at the other biotic. "You think we're being manipulated?"
Actually the VI was one of those creatures, as was the room around her. All was made out of the beings, though usually the things that never moved were made out of dead ones. But she wouldn't be able, in any way, to take one hostage, as even if she'd be able to beat them, they would just turn into a gas, and she couldn't catch them.

"Tell me more about that 'Commander' of yours. What is she skilled at?" The questions afterwards were mostly strategic, and if she thought about it she would come to a probable conclusion that they'd try to attack her, or the ship. But if she would lie, they wouldn't know, hopefully.

The arguement between the Chearleader and the convict caught some attention. They had wondered how quickly they caught up on it, and were a bit dissapointed it was now already. They had wanted to at least see if one came, or broke something.

While they argued, the pile of toys reformed, and became one of the aliens, giving them the slow clap. "Well done." he said, "you got to it." He said. "God, even to this conclusion it took you long enough."
When the VI asked about Commander Shepard Samara simply stopped responding with a curt remark. "I will answer no further questions in that vein." She had no way of knowing if these beings were in league with the reapers or collectors and in any case she had no desire to give them tactical data they could use against the commander regardless of their intentions as she doubted the commander would appreciate it.

Miranda was a soldier, trained to react and fight, and when the pile of toys reformed she wasted no time in hurling a biotic warp at it, a strange singularity of biotic force flying across the room to strike the humanoid being directly on. Jack meanwhile scrambled away from the being towards Miranda, turning to stand side by side with her rival.
The VI leaned in closer to her and grabbed her by the neck. "Listen, Asari. You promised to use your body as your punishment until we think you've had enough. As far as I know, your vocal chords and your brain are both part of your body. So I would answer, or things are going to be rather unpleasant for you, as we will force you to tell us. You have one more chance to tell us."

The biotics that hit him barely irritated the slime and he started going towards them. Every biotic shot they'd send at him only made his movements a bit harder, as if he was walking through thick syrup, or against the wind, but he moved steadily towards them. "Come on, I've done nothing against you, now have I?" He asked "If you conitnue, however, I will"
Samara was shocked when what she thought was a holographic VI had moved forwards to seize her by the neck. She delivered a biotically charged punch to it's midsection but the 'VI' didn't even seem to notice the impact as it threatened her. "I acknowledge that but the information you request is the real of my mind rather than my body and you have no such jurisdiction over my mind by our agreement." Somehow still managing to sound defiantly calm with a hand at her throat.

"You would have raped me..." Miranda glared, although a twinge of fear had worked it's way into her voice at the enormity of what they had been caught in. Miranda and Jack both knew that these creatures were resistant or even immune to biotics as the 'man' drew closer and so they prepared to fight with nothing but their hands and feet. They had had no way of knowing this was what resided on the planet they had pursued the fugitive to and now they feared they might simply become another name on the long list of people who had disappeared on this fearsome place.
The VI didn't appear to change her opinion because of the words spoken by the girl before her. Her hand, when she punched her, sank into her body, where it tightened around her, getting her arm stuck. "The mind is part of the body as well, and even if it were not, the information I request is somewhere in your brain, which is definately part of your body. So give me my answers, or things will get worse, and you'll never get back in the three days you asked." Her hand seemed to spread over her throat, covering it, making it able to feel every heartbeat that pumped blood through it, every breath that pumped air through it.

"Oh, no. Our bald chick here would have. I would only be the tool, raped as much as you would, the difference is, I'd enjoy it better." He said. He looked at them, and smiled in himself. They wouldn't become just another name, no, they would be the names, both praised and scoffed on, for they would be the ones who would bring the new rulers into the universe. "If you want rape." He said, his body spreading out, and going around them. "You can get it though. I can still have fun. Just make sure Jack doesn't get in the way." The reason for that being the fact her stomach was now visibly swollen lightly, and so had her breasts, as if preparing to bare a child.
Samara glared but recognized that this fight would be an exercise in futility to resist further. Samara began to answer the questions again but left out any and all specifics she could, refusing to tell and outright lie but perfectly accepting omissions of truth as she could tell these creatures were quite intelligent and would likely be able to tell were she to falsify her statements, even if she could not confirm that, it would be better not to have her and her companions' sentence here further extended by being exposed as liars.

Jack only glared at the humanoid's statement, then recoiled as what had seemed a man then spread out to become a wall, enclosing them. Seeing the transformations was a disorienting and somewhat nauseating sight sometimes. Miranda meanwhile noticed altogether too many similarities to the slime that had invaded her earlier and also recoiled in horror, both women finding them selves back to back in the circle.

"Make sure Jack doesn't get in the way?" Miranda echoed, confused by the statement until behind her Jack let out a cry, just then noticing the reason her her imbalance and off kilter movements. "What the hell is this! That freak-clone can't have made me pregnant!" The convict's voice was almost a scream.
The VI kept Samara's hand inside herself, where she could see it, but not move it. For others it would get a blueish colour, but she already was blue, so that wouldn't work. "So if she gets back here to pick you up, where will she land?" The VI asked. This was the key question, as if they knew where Shepard would land, they could prepare an ambush. She had already seen one of the changes they could make, who said they couldn't take their place? And Miranda would know they could also inhabit them, and Jack would know they could make the women pregnant.

The slime was similar, but not the same, to the other. This one was there mostly for fun, and if they could get some research out of it, it'd be nice. The other one was the other way around. In this form, no mouth could be seen, and any noise he made would echo around them. Like what he said at Jack's reaction. "Oh? What else? Have you gotten fat this quickly?" The slime asked. They could then nearly feel it grinning, as tentacles shot out and went around her limbs, keeping her against the wall, protecting her torso with a layer of slime.

Then one of them whispered into Jack's ear, out of hearing from Miranda "Would you like me to use some of your toys on her. Even if you don't like us, it would be nice to see, no?"
Samara suspected that Shepard would likely try to land where they had been detected but would otherwise default to the site where they had landed themselves so she truthfully answered. "I do not know. I suspect it will be close to us but I cannot be sure as to an precise location. One could likely infer the same continent at least but little more than that." Samara knew that they could be impersonated and that Shepard could be perhaps ambushed upon return but she also knew that it would basically depend on luck as to whether the crew would be able to escape this planet.

"Jack!" Miranda shouted as the convict was suddenly pulled into a part of the wall and she found herself rather alone in the circle, sparing a curious glance for Jack's visibly swollen belly as she glared about at the wall, knowing that there would be little to stop it from doing to her what it had just done to Jack but defiant regardless.

"Hell No." Jack spat back. She may have disliked the cheerleader but this whole debacle was not something she would wish on anyone, not even that stuck up cerberus bitch. She tried to struggle against the tentacles that held her to the wall. "Let us Go!"
"If you do not know, where do you think it will be?" The woman asked, starting to move closer to the woman, both sensual and intimidating, because as she did more of the other woman was pulled into her, most of her arm, and part of her knees. It could only get in, not out. The woman could feel her breath, which was warm, and would make her abit lightheaded, as if she had been on a bit of drugs. "You can tell me, or I make your friends do it, choose." She said, still smiling.
(wait, forgot the other two)

The tentacle at her ear chuckled. "Why? You were about to do it yourself, why wouldn't you allow me to? But even though you don't want me to, it's still going to happen, and if I were you, I'd try to like it, otherwise it will be a much less pleasant sight." it, as that was the only way to talk about the voice, said. Tentacles, now being leather, not slime, went around her, putting her into a harnass going around her breasts, and over her body. It would make everything stand out more.

Then, the leather, which was around her torso and limbs, just not over her face, started forcing her to dance sensually (Think Kelly, but some more), even moved her to Jack, to dance against her. After a minute or five, it would let go of her, at least with controlling her, as the leather was still on her. "Having fun yet?" The voice asked them both.
"I already told you, I suspect that it will be close to our location if we can be detected but I can draw little to no conjecture as to what will be done if we cannot be found." Samara was unintimidated by the clearly sexual movements, believing them to be an attempt to intimidate her although she began to breathe shallow as she realized that the exhale of the creature was making her lightheaded, trying not to come under the effects of whatever it was that had just entered her system to cause that.

Jack gritted her teeth, an angry grimace upon her face, but said nothing, closing her eyes as Miranda was seized by the tentacles and made to dance.

Miranda tried to resist, her face angry even as her movements were sensual and erotic, flashing her holes at the convict and practically grinding herself on Jack's body as the harness controlled her movements. A steady stream of profanities at the entity that surrounded them fell from Miranda's lips, trying to deny the shame and embarrassment of this by burying it under anger and focus.

Jack could feel the heat of Miranda's slit against her, tried to ignore the touches and the sexuality that hung in the air, like a tension that both women tried to deny and reject even as their bodies responded and even welcomed it.
The VI wasn't all too happy with her answer, but knew it wouldn't be able to get much more out of her, especially not on this subject. So it decided to just have some fun with her. "Well, thanks for all the information you've given me, I think a small reward is in order." She said, leaning forward, her lips landing against the Asari's in a passionate way. One of her arms returned from the woman, and moved over her body, pulling the jacket, which was barely containing the woman's busum as it was, aside.

After a while the tentacles stopped making her dance, thinking it not fun enough to last that long. The leathery harness stayed on her however, she wouldn't get free soon. It's last action was making her kneel in front of Jack, her face nearly pressing into her intimates. With the position of her mouth it was fairly logical what it wanted her to do. Meanwhile a small stream of slime snuck to her back, and formed a small vibrating egg, then stuck himself on her clit, starting to send pleasureable waves through her body.
"What ar-MPH!" Samara's query was cut off as the VI pressed it's lips to hers, lips that Samara had believed would be intangible just as the holographic VI should be. She quite quickly understood that this was not the case and reacted with the instincts of a fighter, lashing out with a series of blows to the false VI's stomach, ignoring the fact that her jacket had been twitched aside and that her breasts were on full display to her assailant.

Miranda felt the tentacles force her to kneel before the convict and prayed that they wouldn't force her to do anything although she knew she had little hope of stopping them. However instead she was just left there, the harness about her holding her in place, close enough that if she would stick her neck out she could lick at Jack's pussy, not so far that she could not smell the convict's slight unwilling arousal and found herself wondering if Jack had been made to be like this because of her dance.

Unfortunately, Jack was in fact aroused by Miranda's dance, possibly even more by the fact that the cheerleader had been forced to move like that. She was also aroused by the position Miranda was held in, feeling even the shallowest of breaths from the australian woman brush against her pussy when suddenly Miranda let out a loud moan and jerked forwards to press her mouth against Jack's clit, a sudden movement inexplicable to Jack but quite sensible to Miranda as the vibrating egg had just attached itself to her own clit with a sudden shock of pleasure. Miranda immediately pulled away, trying to resist the pleasure from below and the brief temptation of Jack's arousal that had touched her tongue for the briefest of moments and still filled her nose.
The fists went straight through the VI, but her lips continued being placed against the woman's. Meanwhile her breath, now being nearly directly exchanged by them, continued to cloud up her mind, her judgement, her loyality, her morality... And when the VI's hands went to the upper torso of the blue woman, she was in more trouble then she had been before. It would be a reward like she'd never forget, though she would fairly probably really wish too.

The tentacles didn't force her to do anything just as of yet, no, but one drop went to her ear and whispered in it. "Come on, lick it. You know that you too would like to do it." It had a tone on it that was mesmerizing, hypnotizing. "Show her you can bring her to as intense feelings as your doppelgänger did. We both know that is what you really want. To serve, to please, you do and did so with the Illusive man, you did and would like to continue doing so with your Commander, and you absolutely want a piece of Jack. You know that if you please her, you'll also please yourself." While it spoke it adapted the tone of the Illusive Man, and continued mesmerizing her.

Jack, meanwhile, was left alone. Left to wonder why the genetically modified cheerleader just went forward, and whose mouth had just been at her womanhood.
Miranda did her best to ignore the voice and the buzzing at her clit. She focused on her dislike for the convict, staring up into Jack's face, trying to hold on to the negative emotions. She couldn't hold out forever though, she could only hope the creature would tire of trying to make her do this and would do something else, maybe even leave them alone. She gritted her teeth, not daring to speak for fear of succumbing to the dual temptations of the disturbingly familiar sounding voice in her ear and the overpower smell and sight of Jack's arousal.

Samara's punches were to no effect and the Asari blinked, a moment of confusion turning into a steady spiral of uncertainty as she felt intensely lightheaded. A part of her realized that the VI's 'breath' was causing this but so much had entered her from the kiss that she could do little act on that realization, half formed plans of escape and potential ways to release herself dying as her thoughts swirled chaotically, her body responding to the arousing touches easily as her mind tried and failed to resist the sensations.
The voice, however, didn't stop. It went into her ears, blocking all noise out but his voice and what he let through, mainly her and Jack's noises of pleasure. "Come, girl. Stop resisting your deepest desires. It'll only hurt yourself. Succumb, and I'll make you feel better then you ever did. Your body and soul will both feel well as you give in to your ultimate fate." He said. He would make her choose to become a slut, take all they would give to her. As one of the first of the pets for when they took over.

The VI smiled as the woman stopped fighting her. the woman's pupils had grown, and she could see that she was slipping away. She started trailing her kisses down the womans cheek and neck, and even further down until her lips were placed around the other woman's nipple. Her tongue flicked over it, while one hand was at her other breast, the other having gone down to cup her buttocks through the material of her outfit. She herself had changed how she looked, clothing having disappeared, and twin orbs appearing.
The voice was hypnotic, echoing inside of Miranda's skull despite all of her efforts to block it out, as though it had dove in through her ears and infiltrated her mind. "N-no..." Her resolve was wavering but she still stood her ground, her lips moving in silence, mouthing out her denial even as the voice and the pleasure slowly stripped away her resistance and Miranda knew that she would break soon. If I do this... She reasoned desperately, trying to reconcile what she was about to do. If I do this willingly rather than brokenly, at least I do it on my own terms. And with that little logical failure she finally pushed forwards with an apologetic look at Jack and began to lap at the convict's slit, trailing her tongue over the outer lips before dipping in between them, skillfully finding Jack's clit while the convict moaned and squirmed, confusion and arousal at the sight of Miranda's submission before her, unnerved by the sorrow and placidity in the genetically modified woman's eyes but very much aroused by her actions.

Samara attempted flight into her mental fortress as the VI's mouth began to trail down her skin, her body responding even as her mind tried to retreat, recoiling from what was being inflicted upon it only to be dragged back by the light sensations upon her skin, how wonderful they felt... She felt a weight press against her own breasts and noted in a detached sort of way that the VI's shape had changed to produce a pair of breasts comparable to Samara's own generous mounds. The drug still pounded in her head and Samara's hand moved involuntarily, attempting to palm one of the orbs.
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