Manhunt gone awry. [Kaybee and cevl]


Oct 12, 2011
[Two Hours Earlier]

The briefing room was silent but for the gentle hum of the ship's engine and Commander Alexis Shepard's voice as she addressed the three chosen for the mission. "You are going down to this planet in order to chase a dangerous fugitive, an extremely powerful biotic assassin." The planet was on the screen before them, glimmering green and turquoise, an earth like atmosphere having lent itself to a massive jungle that covered 90% of the land. "We don't know much about this planet, we've found the escape pod he crash landed in but we don't know anything about the environment or the dangers you might face, be ready for anything." Her three chosen were before her, Jack, Samara, and Miranda. "As you know, the Normandy will be leaving once we have you dropped off, your extraction will be within a few days, a week at the most." A glare was exchanged between Miranda and Jack, one that did not go unnoticed by their commander. "I would hope you don't kill each other in the mean time." She gave them both a look, then clapped her hands, signalling the end of the briefing. "Get ready and meet at the shuttle in an hour."

[Present Time]

The jungle was thick, the air cool, the wind blowing through the trees with a gentle rustling sound, covering the movements of the three figures wading through the underbrush.

"Any sign yet?" The comms crackled to life with Jack's voice, sounding irritated as it always did.

"Nothing, here." Miranda responded, determined not to rise to Jack's snark as she scanned about. "He could have gone quite a bit farther than this in any case, we should move on, keep following the trail."

"There is a clearing up ahead. Perhaps you should maintain silence in the case of an ambush." Samara's calm voice broke onto the line and the group spread out, Samara advancing into the clearing first as Miranda and Jack took her flanks.

Samara came to a halt three steps in as a patch of crushed brush became visible, raising her pistol. "I've found something, maintain positions." She advanced cautiously, listening as the others confirmed nothing on their motion trackers and knelt before the corpse of the man they'd been sent to kill, a massive hole in his chest giving no doubt as to the cause of his death. "Convene on me... Our target is already deceased."

Jack and Miranda closed quickly on Samara's position. "Hmph, he can't have been as strong as the commander said if he got killed like this..." The small biotic rolled her eyes. "So we've been on a wild goose chase and we still have to wait a few days on this damn planet before we're getting back to the Normandy."

"I would perhaps question as to what killed him." Miranda interjected. "It seems likely he was taken by surprise..."

"Caution!" Samara snapped, cutting Jack short. "Motion trackers... There's something out there." The three were back to back in the centre of the clearing, hands reaching for weapons. "Possibly what killed him..."
This planet was one of the only uncolonized ones which had a liveable atmosphere, without the need to alter anything. Maybe they should have wondered why. As people had tried several times, but even if the workers could get the building up before all of them inexplicably died, it would soon be found in rubble. Even exploration trips had landed on disaster, and when they tried to probe it, the ship who did got destroyed.

And it was all thanks to the worlds native creatures. When first encountered most thought no more of them then a large puddle of goo, but even that puddle was dangerous. It could wrap around you and cut off your air supply with ease. And if it didn't want to kill you that way, it would transform. It could snap your bones as a krogan, eat you as a vorcha, and, as one of them had once gone here also, so was stuck in their collective knowledge, kind of like the one from the geth, but which only transmitted useful knowledge, even could become a special asari and rip their souls out of them with sex.

When they got past the man the silurae, as they were called amongst themselves, had already found out why they were there. All trees here were silurae, who had grown old and transformed into a tree, where their silura part died, and they actually became trees. But they still could listen.

The movement they found was a trick, they wanted them somewhere else. When they looked they would see the exact man that was on the ground, who gave a perfect show, the silura (as if that wasn't clear by now) Acted as if he recognized them, before starting to run. He would lead them to where he wanted. Bullets wouldn't manage to kill him from that far away, and biotics would only make him feel as if he were running through syrup.
"There!" Miranda gave a shout, firing off a pair of rounds from her pistol to little effect. The figure she saw turned, running. "It's him, the body must have been a decoy!" There had been no time to confirm if it was or was not the body they had sought and so the three dove after the man, pursuing him as he twisted about trees and crashed through the brush.

"Stinking Coward..." Jack grumbled as they ran. "He's not a strong biotic at all..." The three had tried biotic powers as they had run but they seemed to do little, occasionally slowing the running figure down but never holding him as they ought, a point that frustrated Jack and Puzzled Miranda and Samara. "He could be leading us into a trap..." Samara advised. "We don't have time to stop and think, he could get away if we're not quick." Miranda countered as the trio vaulted a fallen tree.
The last jump they made would be one they'd regret. The words look before you leap would from then on forever be stuck inside their heads. When they landed, nearly simultaneously, the ground gave way under them. They would slide through an underground tube, going pretty fast, before shooting out of it, ending up in a gooey net, which suddenly went around all of them, squishing them together in what could quite possibly be very uncomfortable, or between Jack and Miranda, hated spots.

The net started hovering, bringing them to another room. There, another group of slimes awaited, in a for the rest empty room. They had taken on a slightly humanoid form, but were still made out of goo, from all colours, from bright to dim. One changed itself into a mix of the tree of them. Miranda's head, Jack's body, and Samara's colour. "Trespassers aren't taken on kindly here. You have one minute to give us a reason not to punish you." it said, it's voice sounding like three people speaking at once.
Miranda, Jack and Samara let out a cry of surprise as the ground opened up under them, followed by the gasps of breath being knocked out of them as they all landed in the net. "Get off me before I end you chee-!" Jacks threat was cut off as the three were suddenly pulled together, leaving no options as to physical contact no matter how much they hated it, a twisted irony of fate resulting in Miranda's head being level with Jack's crotch, prompting a taunt "Well well cheerleader I never though you would want to eat me out." from the other biotic.

A silence fell as the three were pulled into the room. "Intelligent life? But we were told nothing of this..." Samara muttered in astonishment before falling silent as the strange being spoke.

When it finished, Miranda and Jack both burst out in angry exclamations but Samara silenced them both as her voice cut across the din, ringing out forcefully but calmly. "We were here to capture the man who we were chasing, we were not aware of your presence, we will leave once he is found by us or is otherwise dealt with. So long as he is no longer able to leave this planet." She fell silent, giving a glare at Miranda and Jack as best she could to quiet them as they both began to mutter at each other.
The alien shook her head at what Samara, quite possibly the coolest of the three, said "He has gone to our planet, which means he falls for us to deal with. We don't go to your planets if some of our kind manages to hitch a ride to get away from us." She/it crossed her arms under her breasts and said "With the landing of your ship on this planet, you've defiled one of the places a man (this was spoken out weird, as if it should be another word, but she couldn't translate it) of legend has been laid to rest. We want compensation for that, either with things, or with your body." The way she/it said it didn't have anything in it, and maybe they could think she meant working.

"After your payment is done, you may leave, as the threat you spoke off is dealt with. We will, however, make sure you won't speak of us to others. We prefer living in silence, and don't feel the need to participate in otherworldly affairs." She said.
"Provided it will not take greater time than three days we are prepared to pay through work." Samara replied, Miranda and Jack burst out talking again "Are you crazy?! We ca-!"

"Quiet!" Samara snapped, before dropping her voice to a whisper. "We have no quarrel with these beings, we should not anger them and I do not think they are interested in our weapons or what little we carry on our persons. I suspect they intend simply for us to rebuild what we have destroyed or perhaps to perform manual labour and I for one will respect that." Miranda fell silent, deferring to the justicar's judgement, Jack muttered something but fell silent as well when Samara shot a glare at her. "As I said, we will pay through our labour, provided we may leave in three days time."

((I really wish I could write more but I can't seem to find much to go on... @_@))
The being infront of them smiled. It had intended very different purposes of their bodies, one being study, another maybe repopulation, a third just fun, and fourth universe domination. And with the last she wasn't even kidding. "No. You will repay us with your bodies until we think you have done enough that your sentence will be lifted. If it is in three days time, we will have to see. If your bodies are good enough, perhaps. If not, it will be longer." She said, again using body, not work, or labour.

"So yes or no? Will you use your bodies for us?" The alien asked. If they said yes she would raise her hand and say "Take them away." To which the net around them would fly off and drop them in a white room, where they would be left alone for a while., if they said no, well, she would say "Kill them." The net would tighten and tighten, until their bones broke and their bodies collapsed."
(By the way, are they wearing normal suits, loyalty suits, or appearance pack suits?)
(Normal suits are what I've been picturing)

Silence stretched out for some time, each member of the group thinking, worrying, planning. Samara had fallen silent, uncertain now with how the being before them had always used the word "Body", implications in it's words made rather unfortunate. Miranda did not wish to speak for fear of breaking the peace the justicar seemed to have established.

"Damnit we accept so just get it over with!" Miranda and Samara both tried to move to stifle Jack as the biotic shouted angrily but neither had a sufficient range of movement within the net. The net began to move again, carrying them off through an opening in the wall. "You can't just-." Miranda's irate cry at Jack was cut off as they were unceremoniously dropped to the floor of a white room, Jack and Miranda both tumbling to the floor while Samara's biotic abilities let her float down more gently to stand over the pair.

"What has been done cannot be undone. In this way we will at least be able to live and continue to aid Shepard in her mission once these beings see fit to release us." The Justicar moved to a wall and sat cross legged, beginning to meditate as she often did, Miranda picking herself off the floor and sitting on the opposite side of the room as Jack began to pace, her dark eyes flashing with frustration and anger at their predicament.

"Just where are they anyways?" Miranda wondered after some time had passed.
When they were in the room the beings discussed what to do, and decided they would first pull them apart. Once the Asari was meditating and the clothed woman sat down, the first having become known as Samara from listening to them, the second as Miranda, and the other woman was pacing around, they got both suddenly changed. The Asari got the best thing happening to her, for now only getting put into a deeper state of meditation, which would cause her to be unable to notice her surroundings. Miranda got drawn away, a creature somehow passing through her, afterwards copying her form, complete with assets and memory, which meant she would be capable of knowing all the woman had known until that point.

She stood up suddenly and walked over to Jack. She decided she'd test if she could break a little of that womans anger by what was planned now. She felt a hate for the woman, coming from the memories of the person this body was a copy off, but shrugged it off. "What do you think they'll make us do?" She asked, stepping in infront of the woman, making her bump against her if she couldn't stop her, and even then she would be close. "This is really getting boring"
(if you want you can have the copy be a futa)

The real miranda landed on a bed several meters below. There a woman, having transformed into what looked like a VI, told her "We are going to investigate your body. If we come to any spot where it would be lethal for several microscopic creatures to go, either for them or for you, tell us please." She said. Suddenly a wall of slime, which were actually many creatures, moved over her from her feet to her head, only avoiding the places she mentioned.
(Futa copy is okay.)

Jack turned to look at the motion she had seen, finding the cheerleader walking towards her with a concerned look on her face. "Trying to sympathize? Fuck off." She rolled her eyes and walked away, ignoring the question and Miranda's tone and dismissing the behavioural oddities as "psychological bullshit" that the cerberus girl would be trying to pull on her.

Miranda meanwhile was too surprised to react as the strange VI questioned her. "I-I What?" She saw the slime wall and scrambled to her feet, trying to get away only for it to pass around her harmlessly like a cloud. "What are you doing to us?!" She shouted at the VI. "Th-this is... What?!" She barely processed the question, looking about frantically to try and find an exit and seeing nothing but smooth white walls. "Where did you take me? Where are my companions?!" Miranda began to glow blue with biotic power, ready to punch her way out if she could.
The woman rolled her eyes, just like the real Miranda would do, and said "No, I am just trying to make the time we'll have together here less boring, as we won't get much help from our blue friend over there.' She would try to get her to stop being this mad, and if that didn't work, would press her against a wall and, using the exactt thoughts of Miranda "Rip the junkyard filth she calls clothing straight off her."

Once the scan was done the beings combined into one intelligence, and created several images of her, where her complete insides where charted. "This is just another room. Your companions are still in the main holding cell." The VI-like thing calmly said. "I would advice you to remain calm and lie down again or we'll have to be forced to use force to get you there and continue the research." It wasn't like she could harm them much with her biotics, but it still would be annoyinbg.
Jack realized that Samara was acting odd, normally the Asari would have tried to keep them from fighting but she seemed almost lost in the meditation, unnaturally so. However, the Asari's state didn't make her any less annoyed about Miranda's overtures to her and she made it known so. "Hmph... Given the choice between spending time talking to you and spending my time alone I think I'd rather do it alone." Jack turned to glare at the one she thought was Miranda. "So fuck off okay? I don't care if you want to be friends all of a sudden, I don't want to be buddy buddy with anyone, least of all you."

In the cell elsewhere, the real Miranda stared curiously at the images of her but at the suggestion she lie down again she balked. "Why are we being separated. What are you planning to do to us?!" Her calm had reasserted herself but there was a tension in her voice and a faint blue glow about her that belied her anger, barely restrained. "Just tell me."
'Miranda' rolled her eyes, and knew she wasn't going to get Jack the nice way. It didn't matter much in the long shot, anyways. She grabbed the woman, and pushed her into the wall, standing against her. One small movements of her hands and the little leather strips that hid her nipples moved aside, revealing all of her breasts to him. "I wasn't thinking buddy buddy, Fuck buddy would come closer." She said. If the woman tried to use her biotics not much would happen.

The VI stood over her and said "You don't ask questions here, and especially not in that tone, like you're demanding them. But I doubt there's anything bad in telling you. We want to study your kind, your body, your weak and sensitive points, and do the same with the other one, the Asari." The last came halfly out as a question, if she wasn't really sure. "Now, stay calm. It might feel odd, but your breath won't be cut off." She said. Then, starting at her head, a layer of the slime went over her. It started covering her body, going under her skintight suit, making it snap and go open, revealing her body through the blueish shimmer of the see-through slime. Once it covered her it went into all of her holes, her ears, her nose, her mouth, her vagina, her ass, going all the way in until it was just outside her stomach, because if they entered that, the acid there would burn them, even her urethra, all of them.

"Please don't restrain your body from reacting." The woman then said. The slime began to buzz, pinch, vibrate and shake at some parts of her body, for now staying out of the three major holes, seeing what the most sensitive spots on her skin were. Especially those which they thought were sensitive, mainly her breasts, her elbows and her neck were focused on. If they could find a spot where they could hurt their enemies enough that they fell in one shot or push there, it'd be great.
"Aughn!" Jeack let out a cry as she was slammed against the wall, trying to push off to slug the stupid girl in the face only to find herself pinned, not even her biotic powers availing her to push away. The straps fell away from her nipples with a quick motion, "You bitch." Jack snarled, "Get off me!" She roared, bringing her head back to ram it against the false Miranda's face, hoping to free herself.

The sudden return of the slime, this time tangible and thick, was a shock to Miranda who -to her credit- took it stoically, not even letting out a sound as she glared at the VI until the slime passed over her head. When it began to crawl under her suit she began to panic, trying to move, to get out, her movements slowed to a crawl by the slime that had completely divested her of her garments and was now beginning to invade her, a tiny prick of pain as it entered her Urethra lost amidst the strange sensation of having her pussy, ass, and mouth filled with the slime, pleasurable in a weird way. The sudden vibrations provoked another panicked reaction as Miranda tried to escape, ignoring the tingling pleasures she was receiving from her breasts and her neck as they were swamp by the very real fear of being raped by this thing, whatever it was.
'Miranda' grinned when the bald woman roared at her, and only backed away slightly when she saw the woman wanting to headbutt her. She then moved her hand to one of the womans' breasts and squeezed it lightly. The other hand went to her pants and said "Oh no, now I've got the chance I won't let it go." She said, moving her hands under them and giving a rub over her slit. If she had been connected to the others right now, she would know what the best places to touch her would be, but she had now just to go with Miranda's memories.

The woman had nowhere to go, and wouldn't even be capable of getting of the table before she was completely surrounded by the slime, where she would be incapable of any movement the slime didn't allow. "Don't panic." The VI said "Some parts might hurt, but others will bring you pleasure." After the vibrations had gone over every part of her neck and breasts they went to focus on other parts of her body, sometimes vibrations still coming by her nipples. The slime around her was a new being, and he couldn't help teasing her.
The vibrations then went to other grounds. The slime vibrated in her mouth, her throat, her ass, her intestines, her Vagina, her Urethra. Even some slime had seeped into her womb, and would find special sensitive spots there.
The gentle touch on her breast was one Jack could ignore, the light tingling pleasure swamped by annoyance turned to anger at 'Miranda'. The sudden touch to her slit was a more Immediate one, a soft cry escaping Jack's lips at the unexpectedness and the sheer insanity of what 'Miranda' was doing. "Ah! You-!" She tried to escape again, to try and get away from the image of the woman she hated that was now molesting her but to no avail. Jack was finding herself almost becoming turned on by the struggle, her nipples becoming erect and her pussy reacting slightly, moistening almost imperceptibly.

The same inability to move had Miranda exhaust herself quickly in her struggles, finally beginning to feel the touches and vibrations of her breasts and respond, the stimulation arousing her despite herself. Then the touches started down her body and she found herself laughing at the vibrations to her stomach and knees, always having been ticklish in those spots. The vibrations in her pussy and deep in her ass were sudden and made her cry out, the sensations reminiscent of her occasional masturbation sessions enough that she aroused quickly, diminished only slightly by the painful vibrations that came in her urethra and then enhanced by the vibrations in her throat, her eyes widening at the strange feeling as she let out a strangled moan through the slime.
The 'woman' wasn't planning on let her get away, if she had to she'd even show her that she wasn't the cheerleader, but one of the aliens. It would only be done if she really had to, as she would prefer to let her continue thinking she was Miranda. It would lead for some very well scenes if they got all brought together once more. She leaned into the woman, her own suit pressing against part of her body, while her soft lips found Jacks and forced a kiss on them. One hand stayed on the woman's breast, now focusing more on the hardened nipple, while the other hand continued rubbing her slit, and teased her clit. "Come on, Zero, we both know you've been thinking about this too."

Miranda would have an as hard time as her enemy above her, but while Jack would mostly feel it within her emotions, right now, she would feel it in her body. The slime soon found out the places where it was uncomfortable for her to feel the vibrations, being her ears, nose, urethra, and too deep in her throat and ass. It stopped there, but instead made the vibrations go into smaller areas and stronger, to get more specific with her reactions. Any fluids she let out, both saliva and juices, would be absorbed by the slime, but it was already slick enough on it's own.
Jack could not deny arousal at this point as 'Miranda' touched at her clit with teasing fingers, sending jolts of electric pleasure through her accompanied by the pinches to her nipples. "Uhn... Not like this." Jack gritted out, "I don't want to get fucked by you, I'd rather take you and tie you up in the hold somewhere, brainwash you with something other than cerberus propaganda until you're fit to be nothing more than an Omega whore." The image of that particular urge only made Jack more aroused, a mistake on her part as she found herself unable to bite back a loud moan.

The vibrations seemed to touch every spot, one at a time in Miranda. The feeling of being filled in this way was a powerful arousal in and of itself but the unnatural vibration needled her, making her gasp in pleasure as they touched on her clit, the rim of her asshole, deep in her throat. In her pussy the vibrations slowly made their way deeper and deeper until Miranda realized that the stimulation had awoken something within her and that an orgasm was impending. The vibrations finally touched on a spot the size of a dime, deep within her, Miranda's G-Spot, that pushed the pressure over the edge and had the woman suddenly shudder and cry out in pleasure, her pussy juicing and convulsing in ecstasy.
'Miranda' grinned as well, seeing several real omega whores in Miranda's mind. "I don't think I would really fit in there, you, though, would make a fine addition." She said. She then showed the woman why 'she' couldn't become an Omega whore easily, although knowing the people of omega..
She, not really knowing how the real one it did, acted as if she pushed some button on her suit, then made it retract to a small pile behind her back. It would show off her entire body, including the 12 inch long, which was average to long for a lot of species except for the krogan, cock, with the hanging balls, and underneath both a glistening pussy. (Yup, full package for her)

When the creature had explored her full insides it went back to her G-spot, and the VI asked "Would you rather stay here to let us perform further testing on how your body reacts to continuous pleasure, or get back to the holding room and wait for the next test to be readied?" The vibrations at all of her most sensitive spots started once more, making her nearly get drowned in heavenly pleasure.
Jack's mind was distracted for a moment in wondering how the cheerleader had made her suit do that but that was swiftly replaced with the more pressing concern of a foot long cock that was suddenly pressing against her. "What the hell?! Fuck! GET AWAY!" She tried to push, finding her efforts useless once again, anger replaced by fear in an instant. How the hell would she even hide something that big in that skintight slut-suit!? "Get away you freak! Don't touch me with that thing!"

The real Miranda tried to reply to the VI but instead found herself moaning again as the vibrations started again, touching on every one of her most sensitive spots, stimulating her everywhere they could. Her mouth fell open and she moaned long and loud, her eyes rolling back up in her head as the unrelenting stimulation brought her to an orgasm in short order, then another and another, unable to reply with anything but screams of ecstasy as the stimulation continued, her brain to fogged by pleasure to try to wrestle her mouth and tongue back into working order to say anything.
'Miranda' knew that she had done something wrong with the way she had taken of her suit, but she hadn't known another better way. And know there was fear in the woman's eyes, an emotion that she, she guessed, hadn't felt for a long time. One of her hands went to the girls breasts once more, while the other pulled down her pants. "Why? Do you think you can not handle it? No, we're going all the way through now." She said, "And you can either enjoy it, or not, it doesn't matter to me." She grabbed the womans arm, and by turning it forced her to turn around and bend over. She then guided her cock towards the womans' pussy, and then kept it against her folds for a short while "Let's do this, jack-ass." She said. She then thrusted her hips forward, moving his cock in as far as she managed to get it.

The VI had anticipated this reaction, so just stood back, and watched as because of the vibrations the woman endured orgasm after orgasm, After orgasm. Still, when, or if, the slime would ever get out of her, she would be as dry as she had been before this all happened. The VI waited until either the woman passed out, or managed to speak.
Jack was helpless against the sudden grip and turn, ignoring 'Miranda's' words and struggling in panic as she was forced into potition. Jack's fear had done away with every mental trace of arousal she felt but her pussy was still wet from the earlier ministrations and the shaft slid in easily, almost hilting in her with a single thrust and sending sudden shocks of pleasure through her system, her body having gone so long without sex that it betrayed her easily, the screams of horror becoming a poorly stifled moan of pleasure.

The real Miranda meanwhile was in no fit state to speak, her body trapped constant orgasm at this point by the expert stimulations. Slowly her eyelids fell closed and she passed into unconsciousness, her pussy still twitching with the aftermath of her final peak, her body would be shaking but for her inability to move, her breathing ragged, the slime the only thing that had prevented her from screaming so loud her throat would have suffered.
'Miranda' smiled to herself when she started thrusting into Jack. Even with the first thrust she was already incapable of hiding her pleasure. She started to thrust into her deeply, the woman's body not much more then an object of pleasure now. But the part of her mind she had taken over from Miranda still obliged her to be rough. She slapped the woman's ass a couple of times while she thrust into her, and said "Come on, bitch, you can do better then just standing there not doing anything."

When the woman passed out from all the things that happened to her the slime went out of her. It appeared to be a lot more then when it had gone over her. It left, sending the information to all entities, then left. He was ready for splitting, one of the ways they could increase their amount of people. The woman would be brought upwards, though wouldn't be moved back into the room, first they wanted to let 'miranda' be done with Jack.
"Agh! Ahn!" Jack moaned from the physical pleasure, her mind reeling with the sensation of being fucked like this, being dominated by one she hated, unnaturally so at that. The slap on her ass caused her to moan again, her body refusing to accept the fucking as anything less than pleasurable, her body beginning to buck against the thrusts despite herself, answering the demands 'Miranda' was making with actions that agreed even if her thoughts did not.

Miranda awoke in another room, her muscles still weak from the dozens of orgasms that had exhausted her. The VI and the slime were nowhere to be seen and so were her companions. She tried to gather her thoughts, to make sense of the incoherent frazzled neurons that were still scrambled by the pleasure she had received, tears welling up to track their way down her face at the thought that she might have doomed her companions, for all she knew they were undergoing the same treatment at the hands of their captors, or worse.
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