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Aug 2, 2011


-{Erklären Sie mir ein Geheimnis.}-
Tell me a secret

Hello there my sweets. I am Pandora, you can call me Panda for short. I have been extremely disappointed lately with the available role-players out there right now. So I am going to attempt to make a thread!! Yay! First thing is first, the rules. Don't worry they aren't all that bad *Wink*

Naruto! (Is in need of someone who can play Naruto, Sasuke, Itachi, Kakashi and so on Would love some tentacle jutsu and gang-bang for this particular one >: D Maybe some beastiality as well.)
Criminal Minds ( I love me some Spencer )
Anything Mid evil and Ancient Egypt or Greece

-{Ich sah die Wünsche }-

I saw the desires

Now for the Rules

{Ein}- Do Not I repeat Do Not god mode! I hate it><.

{Zwie}- This will be a long term role-play. I don't really get to huffy when people just leave and never speak to me again, their loss not mine. It would just be of common curtsey and respect to let me know if you wish not to continue.

{Drei}- I expect you to be literate to adv. I myself am Advanced, but you don't have to be. I also require that you be able to post At least One good decent paragraph meaning 5 to six sentences but I would prefer three to four paragraphs per post. I normally do about six or seven, but you don't have to do that many^^. I just tend to get carried away when I type.

{Vier}- I Play Female! End of story, I'm so tired of male slash and honestly need a break from it.. Yuri, and hetero? I'm all for it! Now, I have no limits, but I would like to know yours.

{fünf}- I am all for romance, now I am willing to do exotic related romance. However, It has to have a story line, and plot. No straight up Smut! Don't get me wrong I love to be taken advantage of and have a fun kinky party, but Some plot is a lot more fun. If you are interested Pm with your desired exotic based role-play and we will discus further.

{Sechs}- Finally, Be respectful, this is a role-play not Rl, So no First person! No I, you, we bullshit. I most definitely prefer Third. He,she, they. Oh and just to be clear. RESPECTFUL!!

Craving's and stuff like that,

gang rape
Rape(In general)
dirty little secret
...Pretty much anything, I have a very open mind and nothing really makes me uncomfortable..Honest!

Oh and One more thing, I love anime so any series you wish to role-play just let me know!

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