Life in the Justice League

John gave the woman a glare, a glare that would have made some of he trainers on Apocalypse wince. The glare of a man who had stood at the gates of hell who had stared down the man she was supposed to believe was god, a man who had went toe to toe with enemies with more skill, more knowledge, and sheer numbers and come out ahead. John spoke simply, "When you joined the League you lost certain rights, those rights were the right to take lives, Thomas gets away with it because of his knowledge he's technically not in the League but a neutral being doing the will of three goddesses, if a day comes when he goes to far he will be removed from the League completely and if worse case happens we'll try and arrest him it wont' work but we'll try."

He looked her dead in the eyes, "We are not some army, we are not generals, we are a symbol, we defend, and that is all we do, defend, and protect, we do not, nor will we ever take a life that is the rule of the League Wonder Woman has taken lives, hell I was a soldier before I joined the League, even in the core loss of life is acceptable, but the only difference between protecting people and enslaving them is what lines your willing to cross, we wont' permit anyone including our members to kill, Thomas will e brought up on official League charges after the current threat, but he is the embodiment of the goddess of wisdom, and the hunt, Diana will respect his choice, as will I, Sheyira, and even John know what has to be done, but the simple truth is just because something has to be done, does NOT mean we are allowed to do it to snap our fingers and make it happen your not on Apocalypse so stop thinking like a general."

J'onn spoke then from behind them, "Sometimes a life must be taken and both of you have points, but at the end of the day we of the League have no real authority, no jurisdiction, we are people with kills who band together to fight, if we declare war on a species, if we cut loose how long do you think it would be before others started, before vigliantism truly became an issue world wide, we cannot permit it to happen because to do so would have such wide reaching effects the world could very well burn itself to ash if we did, you joined the League not the other way around, our court, our ball, now play our game."

Mentally he filed away Thomas's injuries.

Thomas groaned, "Bonus of having two forms, I'm not supposed to get hurt, magical barriers and such unfortunately energy is energy."

Thomas laid back on the bed a hand on his chest, "A fire spell and a laser are basically the same, same with a freeze gun and an ice spell, that beam put off enough energy to burn through a dozen layers of protection spells sucks but I'll survive I think."

A heavy throaty voice spoke, "Very smart for a mortal, realized that already did you magic is a type of energy enough of an equal energy and it may as well be nothing."

Thomas nodded, "Lord Hephaestus what do I owe the honor?"

The heavy god chuckled low, "My wife asked me to make you something that wouldn't be burned away Artemis and Athena helped and well here you are."

What was inside the case he held up was beautiful armor. It looked somewhat like samurai armor, but lighter. No helmet it looked more like scales then leather and metal. The Grecian influences were obvious. Two Gladius rested on his hips, two revolvers under each armpit. The Smith god spoke, "The swords are made of a very effective polymer, Ares and Athena blessed both to cut anything, the armor has healing spells placed upon it, the whip was a gift from Apollo charmed to burn with the same heat his horses use to control the sun, the bow and arrows are from Artemis herself each custom made, the gods are rather interested to see how the first champion in six centuries does."

Pulling the armor on Thomas nodded his thanks to the god. The aromor looked to be a necklace and watch. However when he said the code word it shifted. Thomas knew it wasn't perfect nothing could be, it may make serve as armor but it was still just armor. He hoped he didn't' have to test it against any weapons any time soon. Thomas turned around to thank the god but he was gone. Thomas shrugged, "So kinky sex, or you want to go deal with the others?"
Like in an adventure of Hawk and dove before the smith god always gave every armor he made one weakness. But what it could be would only be known to him. The armor given to Ares at some point had to be fueled by rage around it. "Sure." Supergirl said. She said goodbye to the visitors as well, still a bit worried about Tommy, but they had a fight to fight. ut they had to join the others now.

"I'll play your game, you've shut down my ideas, both to destroy them and the one to reprogram them so does anyone have a better idea? After all as long as they are capable they won't stop their mission and you know it. By the way they're going at it the human race will be annialated in less than a day. I don't have any ideas left so I'm all ears." Forest Shadow said, she wasn't really impressed by John's stare. She was still relatively knew to the league and hadn't been away from apocolypse that long. Obviously she still had a lot to learn.
Thomas spoke from behind Forrest Shadow, "The answer is simple sexy, we fight, and we fight, and we fight more, and more and more, until the enemy chokes on our corpses, or realize it isn't worth the effort, one way or the other we'll have a hell of a time when we meet in Asgard."

He was still a bit sore in his powered up form, However the obvious gaping chest wound was gone. He chuckled as he said, "Don't you know anything, eventually we win, or we die, if it's time to die we make sure to take as many of them with us as possible, I figure someone of Native American decent who was on that god forsaken planet would know that, we've beaten off Darkside a dozen times by hitting him until he had to fall back."

He winked at Super girl, and the returning Power Girl and Shyera, he said, "Am I wrong ladies?"

J'onn spoke, "Their is no shame in dying for a cause, but that isn't the plan, your spores are relatively similar to the Geth, and thus they are falling for the same illusion Zatanna placed upon them, because while the Geth are machines and organic, magic and machines don't work well together."

The Geth were destroying cities sort of, most of them were over an ocean, or abandoned slums. The League taking them out as they fought imaginary foes. J'onn spoke again, "Have a bit of faith children, this is far from our first alien invasion."

Suddenly the alien looked up, "Oh that is not good."

A massive war fleet had appeared. and were heading for the planet's surface they were still an hour and some away. J'onn spoke quickly, "I've sent out an alert, but the League is busy it will be forty minutes until any back up can arrive, we'll have to draw a line in the sand for twenty minutes."

John nodded as the tower's hatch opened and all of the group exited. A gattling gun appearing in his hands. He lined up the site.

Thomas took a breathe, his hands going to the guns, "Shera left hand, Diana right, Super girl watch my six, Shadow your our eyes, watch us and tell us if anything really bad is about to happen, also if you can you should wrap some of those fancy laser strings or yours around at least my limbs, being able to have a nearly invisible nearly unstoppable cutting took and rope may be very useful."

John and J'onn were to the left and right of Thomas and the Girls, the Martian shape shifting to different animals and snakes to squeeze the ship. While the Lantern used different blades. Thomas knew his team was perfectly balanced Super Girl's resilience Wonder Womans' skills, Shyra's Nyth metal and battle strategy and Shadow as the eyes and back up, with the four tanks goign to war who would notice the invisible Shadow?

Thomas blurred forward even as he used the open telepathic link to request Kyra follow up his attack with strafing heat vision while Shyra and Diana went for a spiral through and through. He dove low his swords cutting deep into the ships armor the electrical current that raced up his arms stung but it still weakened the hull's integrity enough for some serious damage. Especally if Kyra followed his cuts with her eyes. The second ship he fired thermal vision at a massive beam. The armor held it but was red hot he asked Kyra to ice breathe it.

A dozen missiles impacted him sending him flying however he grabbed one of the smaller battle ships and tossed it into a third "War ship" each one as large as the Titanic, where as the battle ships were semi sized. The four ship fired it's main beam weapon at him and hit but he crossed his arms and legs, the basic energy cannon wasn't hurting him but was sending him backwards. He requested mentally one of the women deal with it.
"I know that. Darkseid came ranting against Granny about each of the failures, screaming so loud I could hear them through several walks like half a foot thick each. Some of the best times I had there." Forest Shadow said. After all Darkseid getting his butt kicked was amusing.

"You're right, now let's get going, plenty of smashing to do." Hawkgirl said, the coming fleet was huge after all. The bit of sleep had done her good and she was more rested. She had downed a big energy drink on her way here, knowing she could use the extra energy.

"I agree, but we need a plan or we won't have any sort of chance to begin with." Diana said. She was a bit more rational then Shyera who sometimes would dive in headfirst. But at least they seemed to have one.

This assignment would take a lot out of her. She used one of the claws to wrap laser lines around his arms, legs and neck. But the amount of spores needed for this assignment wouldn't be easy to control. The ones on Earth dematerialised, it would take too long to have them return, instead Mirror Wall sent out many new ones to function as their eyes, a few kept her from sight as she was looking at the mirrors to find what was going on. But keeping her eyes on so many places wasn't easy at all, but at least she'd been trained for this a lot. She had one hand free with a claws she could use to defend herself if need be. She used the motherbox to both propel her in space and sustain her.

"Got it." Both Diana and Shyera said and took the assigned positions, doing as much damage as possible.

Super Girl was watching his back, staying clear of the laser threads while doing so. She wasn't one to question orders and followed him, first using her heat vision as he requested and thent he frost breath. It was working like a charm.

After the both of them were done either Shyera or Diana would finish the job. Diana using a canon which she'd ripped of one of the ships until that stopped working or reflecting the beams with her bracelets. Shyera had her fun smashing her mace into the cracks and holes already made be Thomas and Supergirl.
One of the ships decided to cut him off from the others. A massive tactical obviousness since simply cutting one of the heroes away would expose a flank, it didn't hurt that he was the strongest and seemingly the leader. However as one came in from above Thomas moved back. His hands grabbing the laser wire as the ships downwards momentum pulled the line taunt the strings cut it like butter.

Thomas motioned for Wonder Woman to move beside him mentally saying, "Come up as close as you can, grab the wires with a hand and when I say so fly hard and fast to the left."

Him and the Amazon flew him above, her below his body pressed tightly against hers. As they reached the first ship he nodded and what had seemed to be an almost nearly suicidal charge broke the laser wire cutting clean through the ship and half way through another before the heroes had to do a barrel roll and dive to avoid fire. Thomas fired wide wave Thermal blasts.

He knew Diana and Hawk Woman coudl cover themselves well enough when he notice Super girl was slowly but surely being moved away. He poured on the speed battering one of the ships in his way away. Grabbing Super girl on her thighs he said, "I have an idea, open your eyes and use your heat vision full force they can react to the beams you fire consiously but nto to me aiming you."

He then pulled her into a kiss she'd feel a slight heat as his own thermal eyes fired a perfect measure of space and distance because of the position fo their faces. An uncommon technique but it did make practical sense. Thomas gently seemed ot dance with Kyra, spinning twisting Her eye beams and his own carving through the dozen oil tanker sized ships, it didn't hurt that as Kyra's on lusts were provoked her heat vision got hotter.
Got it. Was Diana's mental response and flew in close. Flying so close with him felt a little arousing, but she had to ignore that for now. They broke apart just in time and the ship cut in half and half way through another, both ships had to deal with a great deal of explosions and exposure to vaccuum. After that she moved closer to continue working with Hawkgirl.

After smashing in one more canon that was about to fire, a big one at that Hawkgirl flew away and made sure not to get too far from the others. The big canon blew up the lower part of one of the main ships. She pointed at it, they would have to finish it now or it would repair. After getting a nod from Diana she headed back up and hit a powerline and using the Nth metal to sent an electrical current through it. Since it was a big powerline this cause major damage.

Diana used the magical gauntlets to reflect the standard beam weapons back into the already damaged part only causing more and more damage.

It was one last smash from Hawkgirl that did the ship in, damaging it beyond the Geth's healing abilities.

Forest Shadow kept an eye on the ship now. J'onn the ship Hawkgirl and Diana brought down is releasng those bombs, but not three, but 18 of them. She told him. The bombs would work in pairs of three of course, but six active bombs, heading for the most damaged part of the fleet. the ships there had been written off and the remaining powercores would only add to the effect, the explosion would be so massive the Geth would think they couldn't survive if that meant sacrificing like thirty ships out of five hundred or so, they'd do it.[/i]

Supergirl suddenly felt a pair of hands on her thighs, only one person who would do that. She gave a slight nod and closed her eyes. Surprised by the kiss she opened them, her heat vision was on full force and the kiss was good, it was amazing, turning her on and powering up her heat vision unlike anything she'd seen before. Now she knew this was one technique those glorified tin cans weren't expecting.
Thomas left Super girl alone as one of the ships flew past Wonder woman and the Amazonian's rope pulled it but it was too much. He wrapped his legs around her waist his crotch accidentally rubbing her own as he joined her firing a blast of thermal vision. His and Diana's cheeks rubbed as he did so.

The ship exploded as Thomas moved again watching Hawk Woman try and follow the mini cannons. He blasted two of them before grabbing Sheira and tossing her bodily towards the devices. He knew she was strong enough but the pods were too fast.

Seconds after Hawk Woman left his hands five ships opened fire on him with their main weapons this drew a yell from Thomas sending him flying dangerously close to the atmosphere. He mumbled a spell causing a dark blue energy ball to appear in his hand Throwing it it hit the barely touching ships and like a dance ice spread out freezing any and everything they touched. A dozen ships were soon ice. He didn't even hesitate to shatter them seconds later.

Something hit Thomas in the head. An idea. He called out, "Diana Super Girl hawk get over here, I may have a way to while John and J'onn cover us."

Energy was energy, thermal energy however so was lust energy Thomas knew it would be a gamble but they'd barely held their own twenty minutes.

J'onn read the boys mind and had to agree. The spell may help them all survive this assuming the three didn't kill him afterwords. He told Shadow to focus on protecting them what Thomas was about to attempt was either genus or stupidity.

John paused for breathe as yet another ship exploded. He was feeling drained but his battery had fifty percent charge.
Diana had bitten of a little more then she could chew, though normally she'd be able to the last battle, not being able to completely recover and the intense battling now had left her tired. She wa taken by surprise when he wraped his legs around her like that, their crotces pressing together got a small arousal started. She couldn't help but blush. This was awkward. Whn he told them to gather she did, not sure what he was up to this time.

The canons were a major threat and she had a hard time catching up. Thomas gave her a boost. Ironically on the sie of each ball was written what was inside and her first swing took out the anti matter pods, the major exploding foce when combined with the other two, the swings that followed were swift to take out the rest. They really shouldn't write that one the side of the balls though, use a color code or soemthing, but not this. She flew over, Tommy had an idea. she joind Diana and Supergirl.

Supergirl had to hold her own for a little while, but she too was getting tired now. When he had an idea she could only hoped it would be a good one, they could all use some rest. She flew over meeting the other two. I hope this works I'm getting tired, we all are. She said mentally to Tommy.

Forest shadow now used a couple of the spores to create the illusion of them seperating and not being in one spot and no one being where they actually were. She now let go of the laser threads, not sure if it could harm the spell Tommy was about to perform. She joined John and J 'onn sticking somewhat close to them now, just in case.
Thomas moved the girls together, kissing each of their neck he spoke his voice sounding oddly feminine, "Each of you think the most erotic thought you can the more the better release your constraint, imagine them drape yourself in them, try to feel the lust devouring you."

Thomas grabbed Wonder Woman's full breasts, his legs going around either woman. His right heel rubbing Super girl's crotch his left Sheyira's. The women would feel a compulsion to thrust their arms out flat as energy started building a bright hot pink flowing into yellow, blue, and white respectively. Thomas spoke in latin, then English, then another language the language changing but the words the same, "Aphrodite Goddess of lust i beseech thee, let us use thine energy!"

The chant continued for nearly 3 minutes before suddenly the arousal became too much and all three women would release, like a bolt of lightning the energy tore through space Wonder Woman's divine heritage showing itself whoever Sheyira and Kyra's energy followed Kyra's wild and untamed while Hawk Woman's was less but far more tightly compacted and reigned in it blew through weak points, each taking out a third of the Geth's invasion force in the space of a second the three blasts then met at the end of the battle field. Causing a second release and the energy detonated. In the space of six seconds the entire fleet was gone. However Thomas was still very high on lust energy and each woman had her own feed back loop as if she'd taken a dozen super aphrodisiacs. Thomas kissed Diana hard, his hands rubbing the other two females crotches. White hot lust burning him he needed release and he knew the other three were no different.

All magic had an effect, and this was the lust spells.

John blinked, "That was Pink lantern energy weird love energy manifested through a spell, never heard of that before remind me not to piss that newby off an entire fleet in less than ten minutes."

J'onn nodded, "It was risky Thomas himself is already a conduit for extreme power, it was lucky he didn't fry himself out, but then again his partners probably didn't hurt, are you okay Shadow?"
She blushed, but all of them knew lust energy could be very powerful, it felt weird, of course his heel rubbing against her helped release the original restraints. Like most girls her age she had plenty of fantasies, but lately hers had evolved around one guy, Tommy, Thomas whateer he called himself. The dirtiest and most extreme one had been a dream, him taking her in the middle of the cafetaria with like half the league watching. Hr spread across the center table totally naked with him pounding into her hard, very hard. She closed her eyes, trying to forget everything else and the spell deffinately was getting her hotter, it couldn't have been that long before the energy had been released. She opened her eyes and saw the fleet was gone and blinked. Though still horny as hell she was also tired, but she knew unless she'd get release she wouldn't be able to sleep.

"What?" Shyera said, trying to hide a blush, afterall this would be very intimate and a lot of people could see. But feeling him rub against her crotch helped lowering the inhibitions and she already knew lust spells to be powerful from other adventures so put her uneasyness aside, closing her eyes to block everything out. Her fantasy was also of the same guy she'd recently fallen for. Getting fucked to high haven by him in the middle of guy's locker room, where anyone could walk in any moment. Being filled as far as she could possibly be with her breasts bouncing freely. Well it worked combined with the spell she found herself incredibly horny, the release of the lust energy came sooner then expected since she'd gotten a bit lost in her fantasy. She opened her eyes, still feeling very horny indeed, but the fleet was gone. Eerie, but she was too horny to really care.

Diana was about to say something when Shyera did. Of the three of them she blushed the worst. Suddenly his hand grabbed her breast. She was well aware of the power of lust. She would block everything out and hope she wasn't going to die of shame afterwards. she thought of a rather dirty fantasy of hers. Ever since she'd begun to like Tommy fantasising became more frequent. It was making love out on a sandplate a bit out of the shore near a public beach. Anyone getting close could see, either from the beach or ships passing by. Both of them totally naked, him ramming into her pussy from behind, leaving both her breasts and pussy exposed for anyone to see if they came close or looked through a pair of binoculars. Somehow this was very arousing to her. She was glad when it was over and the fleet was gone. But she was still very horny indeed, she just hoped they could continue this in a more private setting.

"Deal." Forest Shadow said to John. The spores had picked up lust energy as well and she was rather aroused from that as well as the sight of them just now. The spores now dematerialised, leaving the four of them explosed for both John and J'onn to see and everyone else nearby. "I'm OK and like you two horny." She said and winked at the both of them. The bulges in their uniforms were easy to see, big ones at that. "Now while they're having their fun, maybe we should get inside and have our own?" She suggested as she was right in between them. She headed to the watch tower only after brushing against their bulges, barely touching them. Normally she wouldn't have dared this sort of thing, but right now she was too damn horny to care.
Thomas spoke the spell as he pulled away from Diana "Teleport us to my room."

IN a flash they were in Thomas's earth apartment, a California king bed made with fie silk sheets. Fire light bathing the bed Thomas groped both Hawk Woman and Super Girls asses saying, "You two make out ad strip each other down."

His 12 inch cock was so hard it hurt as he kissed Wonder Woman his hands going to her girdle's zipper. Trying to get it off as he hungrily sucked her neck biting down on it as well.

J'onn kissed the girls neck hungrily His hard 13 inch shaft rubbed at her armor clad ass. Sucking hard on the left side of her neck. His strong hands working her breasts.

John groaned, working on the right side of her neck with his mouth. He ground his cock into her crotch. His hands groping and meading her sexy ass.
A hand groped Supergirl's ass only for a moment, but he clearly had plans to get them all off. Well who knew this might be fun, though making out with anothe girl, well woman was something she hadn't expected herself to be doing. However it was intriguing. Her lips met Shyera's and they started a slow kiss, both of them experimenting the girl on girl thing. Also she wasn't sure how to get Shyera's top off. Shyera however didn't waste any time with Super Girl's cape and then her top while kissing. By now they added their tongues and the kiss heated up. However supergirl broke the kiss and turned Shyera around to try and find an opening to get that top off, but not before slapping the Thanagarian's ass playfully. She found a zipper on the back and zipped it down and let the top slide off. Though Supergirl was still wearing a bra, Shyera was now topless. Shyera decided to repay the favor, turned around, grabbed Supergirl, turned her around and slapped her ass, before undoing the girl's bra and letting it drop to the floor.

Diana kissed him back eagely. Her sure was horny and she was going to love fucking him into next week. However she pulled him away and pushed him onto the bed. She took her top off, exposing her full breasts to him before unzipping the girdle and wiggling out of it leaving her in a sexy black laced thong. She took her boots off and left them on the floor before straddling him.

Forest Shadow grinned aas they followed her to her room. They began touching her before she had the time to even take her armor off. She coudln't feel much through it at all, fortunately she could dematerialise it, leaving her in the skin tight suit batman had given her and she took the mask off. She now could dlearly feel their erections press against her. The thing with J'onn was the clothes were part of him she couldn't take it off and the outfit John was wearing was made of green latern enegy, nothing she could do with that either. She kissed J'onn's lips and slapped John's ass. "I think we're overdressed." She sad seductively.
Thomas chuckled, laying on the bed he spread his legs willing Hawk woman to come and squat over his face so he could eat her out he motioned for Wonder Woman to get on him. Burning away just her thong with a careful thermal blast. He used his magic to make a second cock for Kyra to use, he said, "Kyra be my hands for Shyeria's amazing tits but be gentle."

He waited for them to be in place before going to town His tongue jack hammering inside the Thanagarian's pussy. Hard and thick is used her cunt hitting everywhere it could hard and fast His shaft did the same to the other women's holes. Filling them deeply in a way no other man could or had. His body shook under them a sin he was using super speed to slam them. He slammed them hard and fast. His hands cupping Diana's perfect E breasts His middle fingers rubbing up and down her nipples hard.

John took the subtle hint. he made his costume disappear as he dug his hands firmly into her ass. Rocking his manhood against her sex.

J'onn did the same, rubbign his large shaft between her ass cheeks. Pinching and tweaking the woman's nipples lightly.
Supergirl pulled Shyera's pants down, taking her underwear with it, leaving the Thanegarian naked. Shyera then returned the favor by doing to same with Super Girl's skirt. Diana was too horny for any further foreplay anyway, would have to wait for another time. She guided the twelve inch monster into her. She moaned out in both pleasure and pain, she wasn't used to having a man in her let alone one so big. Shyera responded to his message and grinned. She sat down on his face, with her front facing Diana. When the second cock appeared in front of Diana Super girl sat down on it, guiding into her pussy slowly, having to adjust the size of the lovely looking cock, but didn't really have the patience and just rammed herself down and moaned out, like DIana's filled with both pain and pleasure. Kara reached forward and grabed hold of Shyera's breasts and Diana reached for Supergirl's large breasts while she felt Tommy's hands on her own.

Now everyone was in place. Shyera gasped when his tongue started to move in her, rubbing every part of her and the way Kara was rubbing her breasts only added to it. Both Diana and Supergirl were enjoying the feeling of a twelve inch monster cock hammering inside of them at superspeed, causing them to moan. Supergirl's nipples grew hard when Diana played with them and Diana's grew hard from Tommy's touches.

Now she still had to get that skin tight suit off, but with them so eager that wasn't easy. sShe moaned softly as her nipples grew hard, J'onn touching them through the fabric. "Just a moment please, I'm still overdressed." She said and winked at them. She undid the zipper in front and pulled the body suit down and her panties with them, her bra following soon. "Now where were we?" She asked with a sly grin and kissed J'onn. Of the two of them the martian was the biggest, she figured it would be best to not have the largest cock up her ass first, but John was by no means small, but no 13 inch monster. So she positioned herself with John behind her. She reached back and slapped John's ass before groping it for a moment, encouring him while she kissed J'onn.
Thomas's tongue hammered Haw woman's G-spot. Hard and fast it was rubbed. His nose grinding into her clit. His hands grabbing Diana's nipples and pulling them hard. he twisted and pulled them. His hips thrusting making the two super strong women buck up and down his massive pole.

John thrust into her cunt hard and fast, riding the native American. Pushing her against the strong martian who was like a fleshy wall. Slamming her hard and fast the black man went to work. He wondered what the girl would feel like inside.
Shyera wanted to flap her wings, but was afraid to hurt anyone. This was somewhere in the back of her mind. The way he was hammering in her with that tongue an then his nose on her very sensitive clit made her forget rational thought almost all together as her pussy was producing quite a lot of juice for him to lap up. Her breasts bouncing somewhat as Supergirl was playing with them and mostly her hard and sensitive nipples. She reached down, her hands reached for Tommy's nipples wondering if they were sensitive...

For Supergirl thinking clearly was something she didn't even try anymore. She had just impaled her virgin pussy on a monster cock and it felt amazing the walls of her Kryptonian pussy clenching tightly around him. The original pain was all gone and the manipulation of her hard nipples by Diana felt amazing especially combined with the way her big breasts were bouncing from his thrusts. He was fucking her at exactly the right angle and she moaned out or panted sometimes as he hammered into her G-spot.

Diana had her breasts played by, by Tommy. They were bouncing just like the tits of the other girls, her nipples hard and sensitive. She was doing her best to play with Kara's big tits and had to admit she liked doing that, but also liked to hear the moans from everyone including her own. Being an Amazon she'd grown up without men and during her time in what Amazon's called men's world only once did she have sex with a man, but his cock was not even half as big as the monster cock now pounding into her very tight pussy so hard thinking was nearly impossible so she stopped trying and just enjoyed the ride.

Forest Shadow, aka Fala moaned out when John pushed that big rod inside of her. It had been quite a while for her and she was very tight. She had to break the kiss for air while John began fucking her like there was no tomorrow with his balls slapping against her pussy. She looked at J'onn before kissing him again and bringing her tongue into play and letting her hands explore the Martian's body looking for pleasure spots, assuming they would be different than a humans. What did he like?
Thomas almost growled using a tantric sex technique with his tongue. He spun it around in Shiera's cunt. Wanting to make her lose control. he wanted to see those long proud wings go out. To see the women's toes curl, from his angle he couldn't even see the sweat glisten down their bodies. Thomas used his ability to send each girl an impulse. To Super girl it was to slid a finger up Sheira's ass, to Diana it was the same, and another finger up her own to Sheira it was to talk dirty to yell kinky things as she rode to orgasm. He used a second spell to make his tongue and cocks vibrate harder and faster than any dildo could. Groaning as he felt his own nipples played with.

J'onn rubbed his hard torso against Shadow. Slowly he started sliding his cock into the woman's ass. Slamming her ass hard with the second half of his length. The thrusts were hard, and fast, and deep. Making him groan in pleasure. His hands squeezing and pinching her nipples.

John pounded her pussy harder still their hard abs grinding as he fucked her hard and fast. His hard nipples rubbing hers. His fingers pinching her ass.
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