Life in the Justice League


Jan 10, 2009
Diana was sitting at a table in the cafetaria, eating lunch. "Mind if I sit here?" Shyera asked.
"Not at all." Diana said. Though the amazon wasn't really talkative. Six months ago a few new recruits had been added to the Justice League. One guy she originally found to be a total prick, but she'd begun to warm up to him, even though they had hardly ever exchanged words. But he was such a cuty. Looks was one thing this guy had plenty off, manners not so much. But by now she was so used to that it didn't annoy her as much anymore. Though her crush had originally been on the bat he'd never said anything about getting together, quite the opposite actually. She could take a hint and started looking elsewhere. She hadn't noticed Shyera had been talking to her. "Earth to Diana..." Shyera said and waved a hand in front of Diana's eyes. This got her attention since it spoiled the view. "What's gotten into you?" Shyera asked and looked in the same direction Diana had been. No way. "I thought you said he was a total asshole." She said.
"Maybe so, but he's certainly improving the view." Diana said. Shyera however had had her eye on him for a while now and wasn't too happy with this development. "That he does." She said, but her tone gave her away. "You like him." Diana said.
"I do so stay away." Shyera said.
"Well whoever he wants to be with is his decision to make right?" Diana said slyly. As much as Shyera hated to admit that she was right and nodded. "So let's see who can get him first." Diana said. Shyera was never one to turn down a challenge. "You're on." She said.

However there was one more girl who was interested in him. However she didn't intervein with the conversation they were having. The blond heard every words and wasn't happy about it. She'd just gotten lunch and was looking for a seat. She walked right up to his table. "Good afternoon, may I sit here?" Supergirl asked.

Another new recruit went by the name Forest Shadow. On Batman's advice she'd gotten a tight fitting suit to wear under the armor, mask and all in case she ever need to use two elements and one of them not being her armor. He'd even supplied her with a bunch of them. Made from a tight fitting but durable material they worked just fine. The mask was like a hoody on it and she didn't wear it if she didn't have to. She too overheard the conversation between Hawkgirl and Wonderwoman and then saw Supergirl ask to sit next to him. Well there was a soap for you. She was by no means small, standing 6ft tall her build was lean and athletic. She didn't care too much for make-up or vanity and had somewhat more muscle then you'd find on most women, also she was blessed with two E-cup breasts. This native American beauty had copper skin, long straight black hair, currently anging in a braid over her left shoulder and two big, almond shaped dark brown eyes. She was dedicated to her work and not really sure how to socialize. Those were skills she hadn't been taught on Apokolips, though so far no one knew about her having been held captive there. She came from a tribe living away from the modern world, having no contact with it and had been abducted from there. She also had no identity within the modern world either. She wore one of those suits Batman provided her with and those were practically skin tight.
Thomas nodded gently to Super Girl, "Sure Sexy, have a seat."

The blessed warrior had also heard every word. Super hearing wasn't uncommon in this group. He could also hear the heart rate of the blond in front of him increase. Chuckling lightly he said, 'What can I do for the fabulous Super girl?"

Thomas was tall at seven foot six, but like brick wall, but with lean and firm muscles. His dark blue eyes, and white blond hair matched his almost too pale skin. His pale skin was mostly covered by a large black body suit, red gloves, red boots, a red belt, with a red rape and sash. On his chest a large T.

Thomas had been playing around with different names, never sure if Pleasure child was the best one. He personally preferred Tommy Gun, but it was still a work in progress. Athena, Artemis, and Aphrodite loved to tease him about the name.

Some days he wondered what his life would be like if he hadn't tried to seduce the three attractive Grecian women sitting at the bar. Only for it to turn out they were horny goddesses. reading his hearts wish they'd "Given him a gift" of the powers he currently had. He turned his attention back to Super Girl eating the Alfredo in front of hi hungrily but still without any unflattering movement.

John Stewart had just returned from his patrol of his sector. Speaking his famous oath he held his ring to the battery to recharge it. He had an odd feeling inside of himself. A boiling and buzzing, as if something big were about to occur. He made sure to over charge the ring a bit, it would be dangerous if held too long, but he had a feeling it would be useful only too soon.

Bruce Wayne known to the world as Batman looked over the blue prints yet again. Typing furiously, as the thirty eight hours without sleep started to effect him. This new modification to he Bat heavy armor might very well prove invaluable. Slowly the man sat back removing his infamous cowl to rub at his eyes. Finally he made a decision, better to get a few hours sleep and look at the blue prints better rested than risk damaging them now. Slowly he walked off to find his bed.

The Martian Manhunter sat silent vigil over the Watch Tower's monitors. His martian brain keeping everything in contact, and keeping the heroes working as one. The man chuckled lightly as he "heard" of Shyra's and Diana's bet. Green Arrow had already opened a pool, he put twenty down on both women, and forty down on Kira.

He looked up as an alarm blared. He quickly brought all the sensors to bear, this wasn't good. Hundreds of cloaked alien war ships, heading for earth. Scrambling he sent out the call to 90% of the heroes. Batman and Green Lantern were indisposed but most would reply back. John silently shifted Bruce and John to the benches for now. Along with the elder Zatana, Red arrow, and Speedy. NightWing as on the station and so was the current Robin. He brought the tower's automated defenses online as he relayed the information. Earth was under attack.
"I don't think we've been properly introduced yet. Though you already know my name." Supergirl said and took a bite. She could pick up on his heart beat as easily as he could pick up on hers. "So Thomas how do you like it here in the Justice League?" She asked him. For now she'd just make small talk, she didn't want to overwealm him or anything like that, nor did she want to appear to be an lay. Unfortunately their little conversation was interrupted way too soon when the invasion started. She told J'onn she could fight.

Both Diana and Shyera were unpleasantly surprised by Supergirl coming onto him. They eyed the two from the corner of their eyes and eating silently. After all they did need to eat to keep their strength up. But fortunately for them J'onn called in an emergency not too long after Supergirl had sat down. They responded immediately. Work before pleasure.

It was bad and she signed up immediately, not sure what she could do yet. But it was a good thing the Justice League had grown. She immediately put the hoody on and materialied her armor ontop of that and awaiting information. Who was invading and aboard those ships?
Thomas chuckled, "After you beautiful."

Thomas got onto the space release hanger. Pulling on his power he tossed himself shoulder first at the first three ships. An energy field crackled to life but against the super dense skin and will power driven elbow it collapsed just as quickly. The reinforced aromor plating lasted even less time. As Thomas came out the back of the ship it exploded in a dazzling display of fire. He chuckled. Noticing him, Wonder Woman Super Girl, and Shyeera were the ones protecting the tower he said, "Okay ladies, lowest score count has to buy the steaks when this is done, ready go!"

Thomas did a barrel roll. Firing blats form his eye beams to drop the ships and soldiers. He found out after blasting a dozen of them they were some type of robot. He grabbed one of the fighters and ripped it in half. He spotted one of the ship locking on Kyra and heard over an electronic signal "Target identified anti kryptonian ammo equipped."

Thomas blurred forward, grabbing the gun, but two others fired red beam energy while another poured red energy rounds at her. Thomas blurred grabbing the girl as the rounds dug into him. The tensed and said a repel spell. Grabbing one of the bullets he swore. It was depleted kryptonite with a red solar energy transmitter. He slapped his hands together saying, "You okay Super babe?"

Bruce had fallen asleep moments before the Martian's call to arms. His exhausted mind and body getting the much needed sleep, sealed off from the world. It didn't hurt the normal ones who alerted him were giving the exhausted man a chance to rest.

John Stewart sighed. Sometimes he had to curse his luck. His ring would need 2 hours to fully charge. He's been planing on asking Forest Shadow out over some coffee. He's rescued a few groups of slaves and such from Dar Side over the years. He knew some of what the place was and could do. He thought any knowledge she could give hi would help out, and may be invaluable later.

As the tower's automated defenses "Ran dry" The Martian Man-hunter phased through the lower. He knew Shadow Forest, Tommy, Diana, Shyera, and Kyra were working on holding the line. He found himself slightly distracted as his eyes followed Shadow's for. Shaking his head and mentally chiding himself he joined the combat.
"Fine thank you." She said and got to work. It was time to catch up. Heat vision or just strength ripping the glorified tin cans apart, but there was a yellow glow from their eyes, what the hell was their powersource. J'onn there's a weird yellow glow coming from them it eerily reminds me of GL's ring, but then yellow. Supergirl said as she melted a few more. But their numbers were endless.

Diana and Shyera teamed up. Diana got them lined up and Shyera smashed them to bits with her mace. It was practiced team work and they were going through numbers fast. But they too knew that they would need a plan, there were way too many to take them out one at atime they'd be exhausted and there would still be plenty it was as if these robots were being produced on site.

Forest Shadow had summoned her Child, a plant machine like creature and was using the cloaking ability. Using the voulge like weapon and its chain extensions she could cut many into pieces without being seen. But there was no end to their number, but she did come across something nice, a non robot with a yellow power ring. She used the chain like extension to cut his hand off and take it before grabbing him and holding him in the cloaking field. Exchanging elements and using the laser threads to scorge the wound to stop the bleeding. They were hidden from sight and he was disarmed. J'onn I found a guy with a yellow power ring, though he's sort of ringless now. There's got to be a control center to shut all the robots down, but I need the information he has. She let him know. She could conceil herself or even appear to be him using the illusion power of her Child. But she would need passwords and whatnot. J'onn could read this guy's mind, then they would know what was going on and what the hell they were dealing with.
Thomas slammed backwards towards the tower. Groaning in pain as the lasers and missiles impacted him. He opened his mouth letting out a blood curling scream, it seemed to effect gravity itself causing the ships and fighters within it to fold in upon themselves. leaving them as a single cube of blank debree. Thomas was blurring through the one punch, two punch, three punch, four. Thomas shredded through another of the bigger ships. Thomas knew something was up as he released a massive blast of energy from his eyes more like a cannon then an eye beam raking it across the enemy ships he chuckled as he felt metal and wires burn away but no flesh.

For every dozen ships they took out it seemed like a dozen more reached planet side. He knew this wouldn't be particularly good.

The Martian Manhunter tore through the enemy ships sometimes making them hit one another. Taking note of what Kyra said he moved over towards the Lantern. He put his hand on the creature's head and recoiled as the lantern spoke.

I am a Valorgian Martian, your powers have no effect on me I will never betray the secrets of the Sinestro core, release me and I may spare your souls!"

Thomas moved forward even as John nodded. The lien's physiology and type of brain meant it would take too long to hack it. Thomas started singing a soft tune, and yet it seemed to be so close. The alien blinked, then blinked again. Thomas quite singing and spoke gently, "Aphrodite's curse.".

Soon the alien was lashing back and forth saying, "Make it stop, make it stop, come on, the tune, the tune, it's soo deep inside of me make it STOP!"

Thomas chuckled, "Tell us what's going on, and I'll consider it."

The lantern struggled but blue blood started to run from it's eyes. it spoke loudly, "Lord Sinestro and Lord Brianiac have brought back the Geth, powered by fear itself an enemy that can't be killed, and uses your own machines to grow stronger!"

The alien whimpered, "Now please make it stop!"

John fought the initial urge to swear. The Geth were ancient even when his people were young. A race hat believed technological life forms were better than organic ones. They'd wiped out a majority of the known universe before the guardians had defeated them. The Geth were the biggest threat because they evolved. They also shared a hive mind. Even now he could spot Hawk Woman and Wonder Woman's tactics working less.

Remembering something Thomas had told him he looked at Tommy Gun saying, "Do it we have to buy time, hopefully if we can take out most of the force here we can get the ones on earth before they do to much damage!"

Thomas nodded, he hoped the alien knew what he was doing. He pulled both hands back and yelled, "SURGE OF ZEUS!"

Thomas then seemed to slam his hands together, however the truth was his did it about a million times. Creating a massive sonic boom, and in doing so created a very high powered and wild Electro magnetic pulse. The ships shut down as Thomas brought multiple eye blasts across burning away the majority of the forces that were now offline.

John nodded his head, speaking empathic and physically, "Diana, Shadow, Shyera, Kyra, and Thomas you five are with me, Green Lantern will be online soon that should be enough base protection, everyone else head to earth, we need to support the earth based heroes as soon as possible this was most likely a feeling out party, to test us, we need to make sure the Geth stay down if one survives he can rebuild an entire army."

Green Lantern smiled grimly as his ring finally finished recharging. He felt his outfit change. Nodding to himself he took off for Watch Tower's main room. He'd herd John mention he wanted him to stay here. He would be the first one back of course. It was far closer for him then them.

On the way towards the watch tower John severely hoped the EMP shielding of the Tower had held up. Thomas couldn't control what happened with the wave, and the Martian was relieved to see lights still on. Absentmindedly he thought back to Shadow's skills during the a battle. A good stealth and behind the lines fighter. he was glad he'd ordered her back she may prove invaluable in the chess game to come.[color/]
Forest Shadow returned, holding her captive, bringing him to J'onn. The power ring however began acting a bit funny on the way, shaking and an energy blast coming from it. She threw it down and jammed the point of one of her swords into it. This oly reflected the yellow powerblast. Then she hurled it towards Thomas, he'd know how to deal with it. she dropped the cloak now, the battle was over for now. "You're down your ring, stop struggling before I take your other hand off, in fact, for every time you struggle I'll break one bone and once every bone in that part is broken I'll cut it off. You're already down one hand pall." She said. She could be scary and to make sure he wouldn't call what originally was a bluff she mentioned him already having lost a hand and suddenly he stopped struggling. She made it to J'onn without further trouble. Once there she dropped the cloaking field. "Look what I found." She said.

Diana and Shyera also picked up on this. "Switch." Shyera said and flew past Diana handing her, her mace and began to line up the robots in her own style while Diana wielded the mace with more powerful strokes only needing one each to tear them apart. It would work for a while. But they needed more and they knew it. They started to improvise, using the power still left in parts to fry other robots, lining them up so a whole group would be shocked. But they could at least keep them away from the teleporters and preferably the hangar. So far so good. "Are they making these glorified tin cans right here?" Shyera said, getting annoyed by the number. "Wouldn't be surprised if they were." Diana replied. "Just great." Shyera said with a tone that had sarcasm dripping from it.

Supergirl in the mean time continued to take out ships, it didn't take her long to realize her normal methods didn't work for long, fortunately she'd learnt to improvise. Flying to near a ship till they took aim and dodge out of the way, using her eye lasers more as a defense for now. Bending the guns or ripping them off and block missile launchers as they were about to fire, making sure not to create a pattern, be unpredictable. Since they had ammunition that could seriously hurt her she had to be careful. Fortunately Superman showed up and they teamed up. They didn't need words to know what the other was up to, they were that good a team. Together their efficiency increased almost tenfold. Then the EMP took the rest offline and they headed back to the monotoring room. After everything looked OK Superman headed to Eart to get to work there, wishing Kara good luck.
Thomas yanked the ring from her hand, as he said, "Not a gun, it's pulsating with magic, it is also very Dna."

Yellow energy arced over Thomas's form, the smell of burning flesh echoed the ring like all of them was programmed to not allow a non allowed barer to well bare it. It's defenses were designed to kill a normal person. Thomas sealed the ring inside a magic orb. Breathing heavily he said, "You need to be more careful Shadow your not invulnerable, and these things are a lot smarter than Dark Side."

The ring wasn't just a tool, it was also in a way a very advanced life form. Thomas knew the woman was tough but her training was more about slashing and mincing rather than thinking things out Part of her style always frustrated him the few times they'd been forced to working together. He knew she disliked his thinking though as well.

He looked at Kira, Shyera, and Diana they had awhile at least to relax in the control room he spoke, "Are you three okay, what about you Shadow, we need to stay calm, why am I so nervous, something isn't right."

Thomas suddenly released the ring and it fell smashing into the ground as Thomas nodded "Of you cray bitch, BY THE KNOWLEDGE OF ATHENA, I CAST YOU OUT!"

Yellow energy leached from his eyes and mouth forming the ring's AI. A swirling mass of yellow tentacles, lashing out until Thomas wrapped it tightly in a magic bubble. He sat down saying, "Guess we know the yellow rings have gotten a boost, the A.I. is sentient I wonder if the Geth have something like this inside of them maybe one of them tried to enslave the geth but this thing took over, who knows, all I know is I need a rest anyone willing to walk with me to my chambers?"

MM nodded his head. He prodded the AI for it's knowledge, but it was too advanced working him like it had been designed to. He spoke to Shadow, "Can you link with it get some sort of information, the idea of the ring was sound, it was just you underestimated what the tool could do, it would have fried you, and then controlled your corpse like a puppet definitely fear based."

The Green Lantern nodded, "This is by far more advanced then what we were have run into before, luckily one Ring's AI is built for another I should be able to extract some useful data eventually."

Not looking he said, "All of you but Shadow are relieved for now, you three make sure he makes it to his room okay I've been infected by fer and fighting it off isn't fun the drain hits you hard and fast, but between the three of you I'm sure you can get him into bed."

John added, "Keep your emergency transponders on, however with the EMP done by Thomas no ships should cause us problems up here for long while, plus I've set the sensors, we wont' be taken unaware next time."
"So I noticed. OK I got one crazy theory, what if none of the species mentioned is really behind it. I can imagine synestro wanting to update the rings and their powersource. He found a way, it got an upgrade, but it was much more then he bargained for. The yellow latern core has existed for a while,but why suddenly attack Earth? We should consider the possibility that the one pulling the strings is in fact the A.I. Especially with Braniac involved." Forest shadow said, she was almost always calm. She didn't know much about the Geth other then that they were a major pain in the ass.

Supergirl looked at Shyera and Diana who both were exhausted. "Don't worry, get some rest, I can handle this." She said. Though she could deffinately see those two didn't like it, she knew the other two were too tired to really object. So she picked him up bridal style and flew off with him to his quarters.

Both Diana and Shyera were absolutely drained from their battle with the robots. They both liked him sure, but were too tired to object. Besides Thomas would need his rest anyway and so did they. Instead they went to their own quarters to pass out.

Forest shadow looked at the ring, feeling a bit uncomfortable, but calmed herself. She pulled out her mother box. It should work, it could link with machines, even intelligent ones, but it was risky. "I'm not sure if it's a good idea. A motherbox is powerful, but the guy did say it would absorb machines and use ti to grow stronger if it manages to absorb this our problems will multiply greatly." She told J'onn who obviously knew of the abilities and power of a mother box and this A.I. was anything but standard.
J'onn nodded his head slowly, "Too risky to try it, other Box could potentially lead to our defeat if they got a hold of the boom tube technology, it's just too dangerous to be reasonable, I believe between the three of us we can get the information we require."

J'onn took a moment to gather his thoughts before saying, "GL is going to make a container for a small part of the AI, then using your energy laser strings we need you to cut part off, if we're right that small part will have all the data the whole thing has, if nothing else we just keep cutting away at the AI until a small enough piece is left we can read it."

Green Lantern nodded, "I agree, and your theory doesn't' sound bad unfortunately it's just as possible Brainiac took over the power battery somehow or Sinestro took over one of Brainiac's left over bodies, no telling until we get more information."

When they reached his quarters Thomas invited Kira in. The room was four times as large as the other quarters on base. Thomas spoke easily, "I bet my room mates I had a better hand, they didn't, so I won their rooms, don't tell any of the major five."

Thomas laid on his bed stripping down into only black silk boxers. His torso looked to be carved out of marble. He laid on the bed saying, "Would you like to join my Kyra, it must suck being so strong you'd break a normal man in half, I mean damn people always wonder how Lois and Clark do it, but you, damn especially at your age to be totally virginal I don't' know how you do it."
"This just keeps getting better and better." Forest Shadow said sarcastically. somehow she had the feeling the A.I. had gained so much of a personality it had taken over, both this left over Braniac body as well as the yellow latern core. It was using its knowlegde and the ability to evolve of the race the Gerth to improve on a faster rate. In theory that could be true. She put the motherbox box away. "Of course tis will only work if Braniac or Sinerstro or an outside source is rsponsible, if the A.I. itself is pulling the strings on this...." She said.

She chuckled. "J'onn is a telepath, I think they already know." Supergirl pointed out, referring to his room. She watched him strip and he looked good enough to eat.

"Normally I'd jump at the chance, but I'm tired and so are you after that stunt, you should at least rest and go into normal mode until the next attack. I'll stay to monitor your condition in case that A.I. did something funny." Supergirl said. She pulled up a chair and sat down.

oh Diana and Shyera are asleep.
Thomas chuckled, "I got my powers from the goddess of the hunt, the goddess of lust, and the goddess of war and knowledge, I am not as drained as I seemed to be, mostly I just wanted to get you alone sexy."

He sired slyly he raised his hand and spoke in a voice deeper than his own, "I beseech thee goddess Athena cure my allies weakness make her strong and ready so we may worship you in the most fitting way."

Super Girl would feel pink energy surround her. Then she'd feel as if she just rolled out of ed. Including the feel a arousal sensation that came with a very good dream.

Thomas chuckled, "In expelling the being I tapped my inner energy, but while it did drain me I can use that form for an hour and need to be powdered for a little while, my real form is a weak little nothing my powers are where it lies, my abilities my attractiveness fuck the real me, THIS is the real me."

Thomas took a few deep breathes before saying, "Sorry, the greek pantheon are a bit of fuckers look and read some of the old stories some time, they help me out because it amuses them, they made this power addictive to me, knowing eventually it's addictiveness eventually I wont' be able to depower down without feeling the same need a crack whore does to get her fix to re transform, it's a clash that will slowly drive me insane, and eventually I'll die painfully because I won't be able to power down long enough to recharge."

He chuckled lightly, "But I've been training my body and mind, working so I ca stay changed longer, I transformed right before I headed to lunch so I've still got roughly 48 hours of normal mode, and 55 minutes of super mode."

John Stewart was forcing on making a container to hold the yellow energy AI. It required a lot of focus so he stayed silent for now, checking it over and silently communicating with his own ring's A.I.

J'onn nodded his head slowly, "I understand that statement but I doubt this A.I. is the leader, it would be stupid to go into combat this soon."

The Martian decided to fill the two in on the Geth, "The Geth were originally created for labor and to be pack mules of a race that was very ancient, the Geth outnumbered them a dozen to one, no one is sure when it happened but one day the Geth turned on their asters, they were designed to be nearly indestructible, able to format any technology or mass into their being, a spark of their bodies or the AI that existed within it could bring a new body to life imagine a hundred soldiers thrown in as meteorites heal make a hundred new geth bodies each then spark them, and you have a ground force of a thousand soldiers in twenty four hours, soldiers that adapt and evolve so no attack works twice, my guess is some planet fell to the geth and the spark shut down for an active battle
, when the geth were destroyed the AI cores remained but had no intelligence to guide them they kept building then somehow they got an AI that could lead them and boosted with yellow energy where the more fear they inspire the stronger they get, they could easily tke over a majority of the universe."
Supergirl looked at him wearily. Suddenly she indeed felt much better and aroused. OK this was getting a little too weird. "Well i think we had some greek mythology in class. from what I've read the whole greek god thingy makes the Bold and the Beautiful look like nothing." She said, so old fuckers was an understatement. However as much as she did want to fuck him she knew they had an invasion on their hands. "Exactly, which is why none of that time should be wasted considering what we're facing right now. Earth invaded by a species that adapts like crazy, the yellow latern core ontop of that." She said. She was not someone to walk away from her duties as hero, she was still learning, but screwing around when they could be attacked at any time seemed foolish.

"This is beginning to sound like the script of some B-rated movie." Forest shadow said and sighed. She was indeed worried, maybe even a little scared and frustrated. "Wait you said they have a hive mind, they're also machines. If we release a virus within the hive, which also seems to be linked to the yellow latern core................." Forest shadow started. But where to get said virus or how to introduce it she didn't know.
Thomas shook his head, "The rel me is hideous, a ft loser who his on girls by accident, you don't know what it's like to be mocked for what you are you may be different but your beautiful and charming and your differences has a boon it makes you super awesome mine are but the lame kid that get you picked on at school, or beaten up at lunch, one of the reasons I've always been attracted to you is that we are both ostracized for being different."

Thomas grabbed his heart and swore. A deep heavy throbbing pain in it. He swore agian, "Gods damnit I must have used more power to push the fer out then I thought, I guess you'll get your wish to see the week and pathetic me."

Thomas closed his eyes, saying his voice echoing, "Blessed be the goddesses three."

Thomas's features seemed to melt way. As they did his true for became visible It wasn't ugly but it also wasn't his transformed form. His hair was stringy and dirty blond, his eyes were a crystal blue. He had no muscle and was maybe a hundred pounds over weight. he was also about eighteen.

This Thomas wasn't truly bad looking, a bit better looking on the scale, but also wasn't as attractive as his transformed form It didn't' help that his skin grew visibly paler, his eyes becoming blood shot. He bit his lip breathing heavily, "No I wont' give in, go away, GO AWAY, you witches want to taunt me do it some other time, GO AWAY!"

Thomas was wringing his hands, a bit like junkie. He looked at Super girl, "See ugly weak, I used to be proud of myself or at least happy with it, but having three goddesses whisper what a freak you are in your head, it doesn't help they whisper loudest right after I transform."

Thomas looked up suddenly, "Maybe I should transform again, I mean we never know when we'll be attacked, no John set up the alarms we'll know forty five minutes before the enemy can reach here, calm down, be calm"

Thomas sat on the bed, his hands wringing absentmindedly scratching at the back of his hands.

J'onn nodded his head, "A virus put directly into the Geth's AI core would at least slow them down, problem comes with finding said object and the yellow power core is hidden very well."

John added, "And our lives re pretty much B schlock horror films, I mean technically speaking your an Native American Space barbarian, I'm a space cop, J'onn is the last survivor of doomed race, all sound like bad movie hooks."
"No you shouldn't. The trick is to make this form more attractive, build muscle on it. That way you wouldn't have to rely on the power given to you so much and you wouldn't have to hate your weaker form." Supergirl said. She didn't appear to be grossed out or anything. "After all if you don't hate your form when you're not tranformed you won't have to crave transforming back as much." She reasoned.

"Point taken. Well depends on the virus and in what core its released, if in the hive mind of the Geth it could destroy just them leaving the Yallow Latern core most likely intact. If released inside the Yellow Latern core that core will be destroyed, but the Geth might no longer be dependent on that powersource. It could be transmitted by nanobots. I believe earth has them already we just need to adjust the programming. Finding the core would be the hardest part, but the most effective way to do it would be from the inside out." Forest Shadow said.
Thomas chuckled, "I used to like my old form, but it's impossible to get it perfected the powers give me a form of ultimate beauty as decided by three goddesses, my mortal form could never be that, just like it could never be as fast, or as strong it sucks but it's part of life, I need to learn to deal with it, but it's hard sometimes."

John nodded, "I have Steel and Giant Man working on it, the problem is the Geth have self repair technology they could conceivably pull themselves together if their is anything left behind, and wiping our a race is a tad extreme for the league, the Geth may seek to artificially enhance all life but they are still a race finding out how to persuade them not to attack earth is the first solution."

John nodded as he finally had the container prepared, "Yeah, we can't just decide a race is evil and they should all be wiped out, for all we know Sinestro is behind the attack, we protect earth we don't' wipe out entire species unless they attack us with the entire species."
"Who said anything about killing. Destroying their programming has to be done in order to make place for new, a more peace loving kind. I'm more suggesting brainwashing to the point where they'll believe the yellow latern core is their enemy? That the laterns are using them like their old masters were? That they have to compete over the energy core or something like that. By the way he said he brought back the Geth so isn't that all of them?" Forest Shadow said. If they couldn't do that, she'd like to hear an idea.

"I know it can't be perfect, humans and most of us never are perfect. Mostly because what's considered perfect is relative to begin with. What I'm saying is work on this body to the point you don't hate it anymore, to the point you don't have to feel ashamed of it. Trust me even if it can't be as good looking as the powered up one, it would still be incredibly handsome, but it'll take some work." Superirl said. Of course this would mean he'd have to put his backbone into it and show will power, something he seemed to lack.
Thomas shook his head slowly, "You don't get it, the goddesses didn't just snap their fingers to make Tommy Gun they used their magic to enhance my best features to n umpteenth degree, but that means when I'm powered down all that's left is my worst attributes, basically they split me in half determination will drive, all of that went to Tommy lazy, idiocy, I am legally blind in the form, and weak as hell."

He popped his back, "My powered form became what I mentally saw as me perfect and this form became me when I though I looked my worst, it means I subconsciously become this and all my weaknesses and such come to bare, the "Good" stuff being locked away with the magic form."

J'onn shoot his head, "They didn't turn on their master, just to them evolved above them, and again the Geth had a huge universe under their control, and a single Geth unit could restart their army, no way of knowing where they started, your idea is a good strategy for your former group, but for the League is impossible."

J'onn understood why she though the way she did. For someone like Darkside sending a few troops to scour a universe was easy he could send a few to find out where they were then invade. However the League didn't have nearly as many people ad weren't willing to sacrifice a scout team. The entire league would in theory take over planet, but not without abandoning earth, or leaving only few behind who would be overwhelmed in the resulting clash.

John groaned, "can we do this please, this isn't easy to hold, use a laser line and cut a small bit way."
"So you're saying it's impossible to gain anything good in this form? Even if everything good at the time of the first transformation went to Tommy would trying to regain that in this form drain power from your other form?" Supergirl asked. "If not all you need to do is grow a backbone in this form and outsmart the three bitches."

"So we can't destroy them, we can't reprogram them, then how else do you suppose we deal with this evolving species, invite them over for tea and ask them to leave us alone?" Forest Shadow said sarcastically. The she used the laser like threads from the claws and cut a small peace of. By now she was getting annoyed. All she was suggesting was reprogramming those damn robots.
Thomas sighed, "Magic is a fickle bitch, in essence they ripped me in half, one is one me, the other is the other me, besides triggering my magically enchained stuff would shred my human form in about ten seconds my skin and bones are denser so my own muscles don't snap them, etc, I'm a bit scared to probe the barrier since for ll I know a crack in the damn will drown me."

J'onn glared at the woman, "A mind is not some trick to be toyed with, you should know that better than anyone how easy it is for one skilled to screw with a mind, to change the very being of person with a few words."

His eyes were glowing, the normally calm alien took a f breathes. Not looking at the warrior woman he said "I'll be back I need to go check in on the other teams."

John sighed, as his friend left he said, "Don't take it personally, J'onn has always had issues dealing with the mind on Mars everyone was telepathic ad they rarely actually spoke, since he's come here he's tried to follow a strict moral conduct code not unlike Batman's in a way or Superman's, then recently with the whole Messmero thing he's been second guessing himself."

Messmero was a low level thug of a villain. Or he had been until a recent event had given him psychic powers The thug had decided against doing his own crimes instead mind raping random people he met on the street to do it To ignore all fear, and pain. The League had been chasing one victim thinking she herself was a thief when she'd tried to jump a gap even Batman couldn't have. Despite her shattered legs the girl had tried crawling away.

The League had found out the girl had ounce been a gymnast of Olympic level, until a chance encounter had caused her to never be able to walk again It weighted heavily on all the League but J'onn could have killed the man himself. Seeing the child's shredded mind, the fact she was nearly a vegetable The martian abhorred such things and to see it done was something deeply wrong with the martian.

John spoke again, "To a Martian the sight was like spitting on a cross to a catholic, he feels that if he had read some of he other criminals effect's minds he may have figured it out sooner, J'onn limits himself so we feel safe around him, but at the same time how much he should do so it always a bit of an issue."

John had his ring scanning everything it could for the enemy. The AI may be better but his ring glowed with his will.
"There's also a difference between ripping people's minds apart and using them for crime or defending yourself against an alien invasion that's set on concurring the universe and killing billions, us included by the way. Morals are great and all, but how many lives should we sacrifice before we consider doing something that could harm our enemy, especially one who wouldn't mind killing every living being on this planet since machines are in their believes superior?" Forest Shadow said to J'onn. Sometimes things like this couldn't be helped.

"An evolving species can't be taken down easily especially the kind that feels mechanical life forms are better then flesh and blood. I doubt any of us could convince them normally otherwise and were just one big steppingstone. Of course maybe Red Tornado could try it, he's an android after all, but I doubt that will work since according to them he would have been among humans for too long or some stupid argument like that. Even if we simply find the yellow laterns powercore and destroy it without the hive mind of the Geth they'll have a charge of what 24 hours left before shutting down. They can kill an awful lot of people in that time. Of course during that time they could evolve to function on solar energy instead who knows. This is giving me a headache. Do I need to cut another piece off?" She asked John.

"So what we need is some answers. It can be really risky, but if we can find out from one of them is it's possible to gain good aspects in this form without drowning you so to speak it's worth a shot, if not we need to find a way to reduce the addictive affect another way. Now you picked them up at a bar right? Do they ever get like wasted?" Supergirl asked with a grin on her face. Even though she was legally too young to drink she kenw people's tongue would loosen when drunk. And the Greek gods and godesses were just like humans, just immortal which probably made them more messed up.
Thomas chuckled, "Let me remind you of three of the most famous stories of the goddesses you want to trick."

Thomas took a breath, "Artemis was bathing one day, and a hunter happened upon her, she turned the hunter into an elk with poison flesh and watched as the hunter was ripped apart by his own hounds who then died from eating the poisoned flesh."

He held up a second finger, "Aphrodite married her husband who truly loved her, she had him cat out and give him impossible assignments so she could screw every being she met including her own family."

Thomas held up a third finger "And Athena one of her high priestesses was raped by Poseidon in the middle of her Alter Aphrodite then proceeded to turn the raped and bleeding woman into a Gorgon, the first Gorgon Medusa, because she was angry at the woman for being raped by a god and for getting raped in her temples floor, while she begged for her goddess to help her."

Thomas sighed, "The greek goddesses were like the bitches from Jersey Shore, only worse, trying to trick them will just get them pissed off and considering your vulnerable to magic yeah, bad idea because we're trying to outsmart the goddess of knowledge and the goddess of cleverness, plus Aphrodite will make you too horny to think straight looking at her."

John nodded to the girl, "Your making the same mistake that most do, you assume the League doesn't kill because we aren't wiling to accept the burden the truth is the opposite."

He let out a simple breath, "Say we killed Dark Seid we could the League together could do it, we wiped out all of Apocalypse say we did it, the universe would be better right?"

He added, "But then what about the Luthors here, he' a bad man right, he deserves to die, then the Joker, then Captain cold then the muggers and rapists I mean they are scum right, then the crooked cops, after all they are betraying peoples trust, then the cops that didn't follow the procedure to the T, then the military after all they kill lots of people then the president he can't make decisions quick enough and that causes people to die, and soon we have become Dark Seid."

John looked at her, "Power is corrupting, we limit ourselves and what we do, because otherwise whose to say we wont' run a perfect world, built on the blood and corpses of those who opposed us, after all broken slaves are happy right?"
"I'm not talking about actively seeking out criminals and punishing them we got a system for that, flawed as it may be. Right now I'm talking about taking out an invading force who have the intention of killing us all by killing them before we're dead. Last time I checked according to American law that's legal. Self defense against a deadly threat by killing it is legal, they are the worst threat for Earth we've come across, worse than Darkseid. So why shouldn't we at least consider the fact that we may have no other alternative to save ourselves then by killing them." Forest Shadow said. "Unless you have a better idea..."

"Man screwed up would be the understatement of the century for those three. Of course we could simply ask another god about this, one that has a grudge against one or all of them?" Supergirl suggested. She wasn't going to give up that easily. She'd take the risk with those three bitches if she had to. A fate like this was just too cruel.
Thomas sighed, "I've tried, they basically say "Sucks to be you" Hades, and Aries agreed to help me if I gave them my soul, so I told them to let me think on it."

Thomas sighed as he sat down "I used the knowledge I'd gained form Athena to ask the Fates themselves, and they said that my fate is now entwined with my actions, I can give up the powers and die a no one, dust in the wind, or I can stand proud use my curse, and die hero as remembered and revered as Hercules."

Thomas chuckled, "It just sucks when I de transform I feel the things my other self doesn't did you realize I grabbed a round out of space, what would have happened if it was some type of magical metal I'd have been as dead as you were, and that sonic wave trick, it could have taken out the entire Watch Tower, but when I'm in hero mode it oh crap, "Blessed be the goddesses three!"."

A pulse of lust energy flew from Thomas's body he went through the reinforced glass window of the watch tower. Throwing his hands out he yelled, "Shield of Athena!"

The energy beam hit the barely erected shield dead center. The beams fusing Tommy gun was holding back the energy but the shield was cracking, he yelled out, "NO, NO, NO, NOOO!"

The shield shattered and the beam as large as Thomas's chest nailed him dead center in it. He used his powers to hold himin place. as he continued groaning, "NO!"

His magical cloth of his chest was burned away but he continued to hold the line. Blood flowed freely from the wound. And space's vacuum didn't help as Thomas finally let out a scream, thrusting his hands out he took a few deep breathes. Slamming into the side of the Watch tower hard enough to dent the steel he ironically ended up back in his own bed as the beam died. The three ion cannons having been destroyed by J'onn. Thomas was breathing heavily, as mini force fields shielded off the damaged parts of the watch tower. Thomas groaned out, "This sucked, super heated Ion cores, probably thrown out by the other ship a calculated risk fuck that hurt, never had my blood sucked out by the vacuum of space, good thing Artemis's senses picked up the energy charge."

Thomas spoke the code word, "Blessed be the goddesses three."

His energy pulsed away. Leaving the normal Tommy their in visibly better shape, but a quick look with X-ray vision would show multiple hair line fractures in his sternum. Which shouldn't' have been possible. Thomas sighed, "See hero reacts instead of thinks, Mr. Jones, have any of the other sensors gone off?"

J'onn replied, "No, must have been left behind during the battle when the Geth picked up your sonic boom technique, I was hoping the stories were a lie, luckily the ion cannons while containing didn't have anti Phase shift armor, a bit of super strength and the insides were outsides, it's still unsettling that the geth had a strategy even for defeat."

J'onn analyzed the devices, "And the Ions were hyper accelerated, had any being following the normal laws of physiques gotten in front of it they'd have been ripped apart on the subatomic level."

Thomas chuckled, "Guess we're lucky Technology and magic don't mix very well, magic don't need to laws of physiques even if energy is energy, I'm damn lucky my body had more."

J'onn nodded his head in agreement. Glad he'd cut the program off before it alerted the other busy league members of the attack. He was barely able to coordinate the global offensive a hundred voices suddenly desperate for information would strain even his abilities. Sitting down he mentally asked Kira how bad the damage was.

John shrugged, "It's better to die for your morals than live without them, Super man would die before he'd kill same with any real league member, killing isn't allowed especially with Cadmus watching us, although you may talk to Tommy Gunn, I noticed none of the Geth survived his finishing blow, the metal super heated beyond what even it could stand."
"Of course, if you want something they ask for your soul."Supergirl said. This stunk, it really did. All she could do now was being supportive. Afterall if she and hopefully the other two interested were supportive regardless of his form maybe it would help a little bit.

She watched in horror. Surprised by the sudden change, she hadn't picked up on it. She didn't know what she could do or what it was. It was when he'd started bleeding that she really got worried. But he seemed OK afterwards. But with a weapon like he described she decided to better be safe then sorry and used her x-ray vision. Well there's a hold in the hull held by a forcefield now, a dent in one of the other walls and Tommy has several hairline fractures in his sternum. She replied to J'onn.

"When it's just your life or the ones of other league members at stake you can make that decision ad I'm all for it, die for your morals, but right now the entire human race is counting on us and we do not have the right to make them die for our morals even if it means doing things that are against them and deal with the consequences later. Self defense is self defense and we still got an army working and killing people down on Earth." Forest shadow said and now made the mirrors appear. The spores she had used before for cloaking herself and so on had floated down to Earth and now showed horrific events taking place there, people being executed, dragged out of their homes, buildings being all but vaporised and piles of dead bodies. "Tell me how much more of a threat do they have to become before you might consider killing these things because these people certainly don't want to die."
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