All too Human - Blood for the Revolution

"Don't worry! It'll grow slowly, you'll get used to it!" Kimberly's tongue stuck out teasingly. "And you don't have to swing any way to give your friend a good feel~" The reason why Kimberly must be getting so very touchy was because of how Nikki had not been there the whole day. She was so very lonely being alone at home, maybe she was taking out her boredom with a little playtime. Giggling softly, eventually she levelled her thinking, the slight blush fading. If anything, she was bi-curious. Touching females there didn't make her feel any different, what was so wrong with kissing another of the same sex? "It'll be on me! Daddy just gave me my Month's funds." She said, almost proudly as she waved the envelope a little proudly.

"Say, where have you been going? Work? Volunteer? Or..." leaning in to face her, she smiled broadly "...A boyfriend? That must be it, right? You're dating someone beneath my nose!" With the assumption that she was dating lit up Kimberly's face. "Tell me! Is he dreamy? Is he the quiet type or...are you into the bad boys?" she asked, eyes sparkling. Forget ordering Thai, she wanted to know more about her Boyfriend!

"Yeah, tell me about it! Is his name Mr.Rubadub? Kehehehehe!" teased Monica. For a joke on her 17th Birthday, she was gifted a Magic Wand vibrator, merely for joke's sake. She still had that picture of how red she was when she found out that, supposedly Nathaniel had gifted it to her. They managed to swap his gift with their own, Bradley helping with the packing and James with the...acquiring of the goods. Laughing herself up, she held onto her gut as she replied back to Sugar.

Dear Sugar

We really need to meet sometime...we're seriously low on morale and personel...I hate to say this but we need to meet, face to face if we wish to continue operation. The future of Accelia depends on this.

"W-what the heck are you two talking about?" Nikki huffed, although she did turn a hint red, "I don't have a boyfriend and you two know it... I don't have the time for a relationship even if I could find someone crazy enough to date me. I mean, come on... I'm not attractive at all, really."

To be honest, it was sort of a sore spot for Nikki to be teased about her lack of a romance life, as the only guy she had showed any interest in at all was Nathaniel himself and he had not given her the slightest inkling of interest since the time the two of them met. Perhaps it was the age gap, or perhaps it was something completely unrelated, but for some reason he didn't seem to return the awkward tidbits of affection that she would give him on occasion. She didn't blame him, of course, but rather centered her frustration on her own lack of feminine appeal. More often than not, she did tend to fit into the male crowd more with her headstrong and aggressive personality, which didn't earn her any points in the femininity department.

"My type of guy is a man I know I can depend on, who is strong and compassionate while remaining firm when the moment requires it," Nikki shrugged, "Find someone who is like that and can love me for who I am, then I'll be set. Unfortunately, guys like that don't really exist... Well, including the last part anyway."
"Huh? You two? What are you talking about?" Kimberly tilted her head, a little confused by the words she had spoken. Monica frowned a bit, noticing the blunder she had made. Monica only communicated inside the head of those whom she connects to, Kimberly was not one of them. Of course, this did not stem her curiosity as she recalled the words she spoke. "Busy? Busy with what? You haven't been attending the Music club in so long..." Ending in a slightly somber note, only to return with a bright smile.

"Wahahaha! If you can make me wanna fondle you then you're cute enough~" she said, smiling as she tried to grope her once again, only to frown when she managed to avoid her attempt to grope her. Hands on her waist, she placed her arms soon after onto her shoulders, leaning in a bit after she got dressed. "Don't worry~ You'll find the soulmate in time, trust me!" she said, softly turning Nikki's cheeks, pecking the red-haired girl with her lips. Blushing softly, she looked into Nikki's eyes. "And if not...I'm always here~ Teeheehee!" she giggled softly, a soft pink fluster upon her cheeks as she pranced away, ordering the food to be delivered.

All alone, Monica managed to get some time to talk to Nikki. "I've gotten contact with Sugar. She says one of our members is held prisoner in a Low-security civilian reconditioning center. They haven't found out about him being a you think you can make it? I have corrupted data files for fake IDs..." she said, giving her a moment to think of such. "We have atleast 48 hours until then...we have to act fast before they find out..."

"Heyyy...Nikki! Wanna eat now?" called out Kimberly, from downstairs as she prepared the table.
"Ah, I meant someone at work," Nikki sighed, "She's often teasing me about having a boyfriend as well... I'm sorry I haven't been that active reciently, but things are starting to get tight."

She let out a soft sigh, giving her friend a genuine smile, "I appreciate you being here for me, Kimberly, but I really think I should sort things out for myself this time. I can't keep relying on you to support me and pick me up when I tear myself down. I need to learn to be stronger for myself."

Nikki listened intently to what Monica told her, her eyes slightly narrowing as she realized she had to hurry if she wished to make the deadline. She was hardly well rested, but she would have to take the risk and attempt to break in by stealth rather than with a flashy appearance as she often did.

"Alright, I will be down in a minute," Nikki called down to Kimberly, then aside to Monica, "Fine, I'm in. I will be ready to go in three hours. Give me the details as soon as you can,"


Following dinner she thanked Kimberly for dinner before turning in, sad that she had to deceive her friend in such a blatant manner as she locked her room's door.
The young Blonde had to admit, she had a bit of interest in Nikki. It went beyond looks, however. How many times had Nikki been there for her when she needed help? Where was everyone else when she, soaked in the driving rain, was expelled from her mother's estate because of her refusal to deny her Father? Who else held their hands out when she was depressed from her Family affairs? No one but Nikki. She felt it was only right to be there for Nikki when she needed her. After all, that's what friends do, right? "Awww, no fun! You should bring me along! Remember how the last double blind date went?" she ended with a laugh. It ended stupendously horribly, especially with Nikki getting drunk along with the two bachelors. Funny thing was, the men didn't even want to get drunk. Quite a bit of mischief that day, the only time when the otherwise conservative and cautious Kimberly acted wildly.

Dinner went by quite well, especially with Kimberly reminding her about an upcoming quiz. She was so very eager to wear her new pajamas which of course, she showed with great enthusiasm to Nikki, answering her back while she brushed her teeth. Eventually, the lights turned off, all but the light at her desk which she used to write her journal, unaware of Nikki leaving through her window.

Now that they were in the clear, Monica was quick to fill in the details, sending her a mugshot of James, who, visibly looked roughed up begrudgingly holding up a placard with his name and ID with handcuffed wrists. "I've received Information from Sugar that James is held in Cell9B in the Hoffman Reconditioning Center in this ward." she said, "I did some cross-referencing and there's no lie; he is in there. His interrogation will be at 1:00AM and they will be using an Analyzer. If he goes into that room we might never get a chance to rescue him if they bring him to Key's Lobby. I'm downloading the Fake ID to your Bracelet." A loading bar came up on the Hologram, exchanging her ID as a student into a Janitor in the Prison at Cell complex 9.

"Infiltrate the premises and find a way to get out. I'll lead you through. Sugar has arranged a Red Taxi for you at 8th Street, she said there will be an associate there waiting." A few minutes passed and soon enough, a Taxi rolled on by. "Good to see ya, Nikki." said Bradley, who, though roughed up, did look quite lively. "Nice to see you're not bound up and harassed by those Bastards." he said, opening the door just for her. The figure on the driver's seat looked quite confused, but even so, the two got in and it drove up towards the Reconditioning Center. After scanning his funding, his Fake identification came up. "So, how are you?" he asked, breaking the formalities after the brief silence.
"Lets hope I don't have to run into either of those outcomes," Nikki glanced to the right out the window of the Taxi, her fingernails tapping in a nervous manner on the glass, "To be honest I feel like shit... I had to watch dozens of my comrades die right in front of me just a few hours ago, but Monica had to listen to their screams. I was nearly beat down by a hostile Loveless as well, only managing to force him to retreat due to his own overconfidence. I just want to do what I can before my body gives out on me..."

Her left hand massaged her right shoulder, which was already starting to stiffen up on her slightly due to overuse, "If this doesn't go smoothly, there is a very good chance I won't make it back out alive, so lets hope that doesn't happen."

She knew she didn't have a lot left in her, but even so she knew that her abilities were needed to make this mission a success. Time was of the essence, and they might not have the luxury to wait until she was well enough and recovered physically and mentally. She had already accepted the fake ID that would get her onto the premises, and it was up to her to get herself inside and out without drawing too much notice... She glanced over at Bradly, a calm yet determined look covering her features.

"So, how about you?" Nikki gave him a humorless smile.
The young man wanted to reply in a snide, joking manner, but her sorrow was genuine and he refrained from acting as he always had. That was the sacrifice that any member of Accelia had prepared for: to lay their lives for those who would make sure their sacrifice had not gone to waste. Bradley could go on about how their deaths were justified, but he knew that to Nikki, any human life shouldn't just be lost without reason. Bradley sighed. "There is always a tomorrow if you believe there is. Just don't give in and keep going." he advised her. Thankfully, the Fibronox glass that separated the driver from the passengers made it impossible for him to hear their discussion.

"...You don't have to participate." he said. "On the offchance we do fail...I'd rather walk home with another comrade than having to bury her myself." Had he known she was overexerting himself, he would have said to Sugar to prevent her from joining them. His words did not hint towards hesitation; he meant every word he had said. But, knowing Nikki, his words would be in vain so he decided not to chase it further.

"I've been better, but overall things worked out quite well: I managed to avoid the IDS from taking the underground complex all the way up to the abandoned Highschool near the edge of the town. I was injured from a Loveless who chased me, but I managed to get in contact with Sugar and arrange for this." Like she, he had little time to prepare, a moment's rest and a few refreshments was all that he took, hence the small take-out container of soda water on a cup holder. The driver took a few turns here and there, eventually driving closer towards quite a magnificent, all-white Building. Leaning back, relaxed he turned back to her. "Don't you worry, we'll make it through. Just don't push yourself too far."

After he had paid the taxi driver, they were dropped near the civilian zone. They were stopped by a few security forces. Despite the tense moments of soldiers pointing carbines at them, Bradley merely walked up, letting them scan his ID bracelet. When they did the same to Nikki, leading them to an elevator that took them to the basement area. "Go mop up Cells 7, 9 and 12." said a Supervisor, leading them to the dressing room. Separated, after he had changed to his jumpsuit, Bradley waited until she was there.

"Alright, Monmon, where's our prize?"
"Take a left there, use Sticky Fingers on the wall you would be facing. Be careful. Beyond that is the danger zone: anyone who finds you there will try to neutralize you."
"Hm, Sugar couldn't get clearance higher than level 3?"

Well, this made things quite hard. "Monica, keep track on the guards and tell from where they are heading from." Monica agreed, warning them of a soldier who walked dangerously close to spotting them, managing to sneak behind him.
"Are you suggesting that I consider dropping out of the mission? Like hell I will," Nikki outright refused to even consider it, "If my comrades and friends had the determination to face death without regret then who am I to shy away from a bit of shoulder soreness? I'll be fine... I won't be the one being carried away in a body bag."

To be honest, the more she heard about this mission the more nervous she became, which led her to the conclusion that she should try not to consider how risky it is and instead focus on the goal. If they could rescue a comrade and boost morale, it would be well worth whatever risk they had to take to ensure the desired end. She rested her elbow on the window and propped her head up against the palm of her hand as she looked out into the dark yet busy street outside the cab and let out a somewhat distant sigh.

"I won't push myself too hard, alright?"

That is what her words said, but her demeanor told a different story.

Once inside and after slipping past the guard, Nikki looked over toward her partner and asked, "Are the cells much further?"
"Not much, it's 9 cells to the right. You have a guard coming to your left!" she said, noticing the guard. Bradley darted his gaze to the left and right. No place to hide, it seems! "Hold tight!" he said, grasping Nikki with one hand, using the other as he pulled a zipper that formed on the wall, hopping into the little space as he closed it up in time, just when the guard looked around. "You okay there?" he asked, taking a little peek outside. He was pressing his body against her's when he shoved himself and her inside. There was no time to waste, especially at such a mission like this. "They gone yet, Monmon?" He asked. "All clear!" she said, monitoring the security movement as she typed a few codes into the interface. "Keep going left- Hold up, there's cameras past this area. Let me hack into the systems administrations configuration."

Bradley sighed as he leaned against the door. They had not the clearance to advance, to swipe their ID Bracelets was to sound off an alarm. Monica stuck her tongue out the side as she continued to type, frowning at the complexity of the security. She could handle it yes, but it would take time. Type type ty- WARNING! WARNING! SECURITY BREACH 9-J193! UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY! "Wahhhhh!" Monica jumped back when the message suddenly popped out. "T-this ain't good!" she sounded her dismay, an alarm sounding out as the announcer began to talk about a Security Breach at some area code. Bradley assumed that meant them.

"Well, here they come!"
he said, reaching to the door as he tore a large zipper open. "Get in!" he said, ducking when a bullet hit the door almost inches away from him. Well they came in fast. "Hurry up damnit! Monica, just tell us where the fuck he is!" he said, the frustration obvious in his voice. Monica was in a mire of confusion herself, ever tool at her fingertips locked out by the System. "I...I can't access anything! I can't bring up the radar! Nothing!" Was this some kind of a trap? Walking out into a chamber of sorts, a few soldiers pointed their guns at them. Bradley took the initiative, ripping a Zipper open beneath him, sinking in only to re-appear below a soldier,tripping him before engaging in close combat with two more.
"Y-yeah, never been better," Nikki smirked, brushing her clothes off a bit. The sensation of being shoved into a tight location with Bradley was one experience she hoped she wouldn't have to repeat too often as it was awkward and unexpected to say the least. She didn't make much of a fuss about it, as it was hardly a time to squabble over such minor things.

"Oh crap..." Nikki froze up as the alarms sounded, alerting the entire facility of their location. She dove into the opening Bradley had made in the wall and found herself in a large but open chamber of some kind. It was starting to feel as if they had fallen headlong into yet another trap as she rushed forward to engage the soldiers in close combat. Her stamina was already pretty drained, so she tried to take it easy and simply knock them out with well-aimed punches rather than burning them up with explosive blasts. If she had thrown too many of those, she would simply pass out.

"Get us the hell out of here, we can't complete the mission while being held down like this. We need to pull out!" Nikki shouted, her fist impacting the side of one soldier's face as she kicked another one in the shin before driving her elbow into the side of his neck. She was already breathing heavily and her arms hung in a tired manner by her sides when she wasn't swinging at the rushing soldiers.
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