All too Human - Blood for the Revolution

Name: Nikki Sanders
Loveless Alias: "Light My Fire" by KOTOKO
Power: The ability to cause explosions around her body, but only within her immediate reach. She can use this to increase the power of her punches and pierce through shielding or armor by causing the explosion too punch though it or explode inside armored targets such as tanks merely by touching them. Extended use of concentrated bursts causes her to fatigue rapidly, however, so she must use it with digression rather than her primary means of attack.
Nikki's eyes slowly scanned the seemingly empty street, the deceptive silence seemed to hover over the entire city block. She glanced down at her watch, which displayed exactly 5:45, five minutes before her target was supposed to come within range. They had no intel on who he or she was exactly, or what abilities the individual may possess. They only knew that this was their last chance to gain the upper hand. There could be no slip-ups this time.

She tightened the strap on her left gauntlet, her breath came slow and calm as she tried to clear her mind and focus on the task before her. The silence itself was toxic, draining at her ability to maintain concentration should something not quite go as planned. A single drop of sweat slid down her forehead and across her cheek, vanishing into the crease of her neck.


Something wasn't right... As she couldn't hear the sound of the escort units which were her first targets. She would have to eliminate them after immobilizing the important individual's transport, quickly capturing or killing the target before they could scramble an assault team on her position. They had only given her a 30% chance of success, but she had to take it if there could be any hope for them at all.


She could hear the group of vehicles approaching, but something had stalled them at one point, which is why they were slightly off schedule. It made her feel a bit uneasy, but she had little choice but to go through with the mission anyway. They wouldn't get another chance like this.

"Player One," Nikki whispered into her watch, "Give tell me as soon as possible when reinforcements begin to enter the area. I am initiating the mission now."

Just then, one of the escort vehicles drove right over the manhole Nikki was hiding below. She pressed her palm against the metal lid and fired a burst into the bottom, blowing a powerful explosion right into its interior. She quickly jumped up through the smoldering remains of the truck then dashed toward the main target, which happened to be a large truck rather than a vehicle designed to transport a specific person. This was upsetting to Nikki, but she kept her head about her as the truck attempted to take evasive action. She dove under the car and touched the hover conduits, causing them to explode as she tumbled out from under it just in time to avoid being crushed under its weight. She turned to her left to see which of the other support units would rush in to engage her.
"Alright." Though jovial at most times, even the pressure really did get to the otherwise cheerful Monica. This battle could be their very last so they had to focus at the matter on hand. Fanning her right hand to the left, she opened up 'statistic' trackers of the individual units. Two of the squares blinked Red with the word DOWN at the middle. Tapping it once, the squares were ordered into the precise placement they were in from ground level. A small bar on the bottom filled up to 23% didn't quite worry her, Player One was enough to track the situation with relative accuracy, but every bit helped. Though only a quarter done, she tried to hack the Comsat so that she could tell where and how many reinforcements would be heading their way.

In yellow letters, the words JAMMING COMPLETE was sounded out, having cut the radio within the area. Whatever the convoy was yelling out was cut abruptly, hopefully that would mean no further enemy disruptions would occur. Everything seemed quite under control, seeing a group of four soldiers scrambling out. "Four coming in at Eight o'clock!" Monica warned. By then, the convoy position changed in light of the sudden attack. The truck had nearly swerved and fell, obviously unable to continue with the wreckage of the first truck smoldering there. Two humvees aimed their high-caliber rifles at her, a smaller half-track revealing soldiers whom jumped off. "Delta, Fire!" Pressing a purple button to her right, a red light beeped at the other rebel's wrist watches, aiming and opening fire upon the soldiers. They jumped from the halftrack only to be cut down by supporting fire from both sides. At close combat, not even a tank could match Light my Fire. "From behind you!" she warned of a soldier who tried to bunt her with the butt of his gun, though as he would learn shortly, that was quite a mistake.

Though outside of her range, she was only able to realize JUST when it entered range. The prospect was enough to even have Monica suck in her breath. "Vansuits! There are three of them, Glasgow-class!" she warned, sending the information to her mind just when the beige Machine with one scanning eye beheld her form, aiming it's gun right at her as it fired. "Dammit! Support squad delta pinned down! Position Charlie is suffering from heavy fire!" It was painful to watch other Vansuits slaughtering their members who could only fire back at the hulking metallic frames with small arms fire. Even though a Vansuit stood a better chance than any normal human against a Loveless, even with Light my Fire she may fall to a hail of bullets. Things were really, really getting dicey.

Even though the deft figure managed to duck behind the burning ruins and the still-intact remains of a half track, the Vansuit crushed the half-track, aiming at her even though she wasn't far from the machine itself...
Upon hearing Player One's warning, Nikki, or Light my Fire as she was known, turned and aimed her palm directly at the man's chest, the ensuing explosion enveloping his entire body and incinerating him instantly.

"Vansuits? They must have known we were coming if those are here already, darn it," Light my Fire dove down to avoid the fire that soon hailed down around her, running toward its legs while skirting around the debris for some cover with the intention of disabling him at close range. If she kept her distance, she was practically nothing more than target practice for a skilled pilot. If she could close the gap, however, even heavy armor provided little protection from a close-range blast. She knew that it was a risky move, but she couldn't afford to let the target escape, whatever it was, although it was already becoming painfully clear to her that there was very little to no chance of her escaping from this battle alive.
"Sanchez!? Mackenzie?! Lorenz! Report now!"
"...P-please..D-do- *BANG*"

Having lost contact with Delta, she was really frustrated at how quick that the left flank had been decimated. How many men were guarding this convoy?! Just when their troubles were over...another Trio of Glasgows came rolling just within her view! "We're in deep now!" warned Monica, "We've got three more heading down towards Position Charlie. What had started at first to be a surprise attack was merely the scene of a bloodbath. The convoy easily responded as if they KNEW the attack was coming! "Two more behind you! A soldier at 3 o'clock!"

Hearing another request for backup only to be cut short by the sound of an explosion, Monica knew that they were experiencing very, very heavy losses. Already he had lost contact with Delta, presumably destroyed as the ground forces, though slightly less than when they came out, obviously finished off what remained of them and moved their focus towards the Right Flank, pinning desperate Rebels who, low on ammo amidst a carpet of gunfire.

Meanwhile, the unfortunate Glasgow could not fire directly underneath him and tried to jab at the Loveless, only to be awarded with a molten arm as while thrusting, almost half of the arm it threw as a punch melted entirely into a cooling mush, only to fall forward as it's legs too were blown clean off, falling with a loud crunch. The other Vansuits simply opened fire, letting their fallen comrade take the hit as the machine caught flame, the cover just enough as yet another Vanship was destroyed from a blast at close range. Cluttered up meant there was little room to maneuver, the plentiful debris making it all too easy to dodge their attacks. "Hit the one on the right, just below the cockpit!" Monica said, hoping that the fuel tank explosion would provide enough of a distraction for her to escape. "W-we've got to bail! Reinforcements may be coming soon, Charlie's going to fold! Get out of there!" said Monica, leaning in towards the Overdive system. She couldn't afford to lose Big Sister now! She had already lost Florence...what more would be taken from her?!
One of the Vansuits tried to back away as the Loveless's flames leapt up from the melting remains of its comrade. She leapt up, the tracking movement of the Vansuit in the upward direction inadiquite to nail her in mid-air. She landed directly on its head and fired a blast down its middle, its legs sinking lifelessly as the core was blown clean away. Light my Fire Jumped back as its partner slammed its fist into the burning wreckage, trying to smash her before she could leap away. Nikki slid under the wreckage as it collapsed, drawing hte drivers attention momentarily, allowing her to get in close and place her hand on its frontal armor.

"I can't leave without finishing this!" Nikki thrust her right palm forward, sending a blast directly into the center of the last Vansuits which was still operational. It turned and leaned over, slamming into the road with a metallic groan She turned toward the target truck and concentrated her power to break through the outer armor and incinerate whatever was inside the truck, although she suspected it was actually empty from how poorly this mission had gone. Whatever it was, it wouldn't do them any good anymore... She mentally swore that they would pay for this bloodshed in full someday, if not by her own hands then by someone else's.

"Fine, help me get out of here," she dove back into the manhole and took off into the sewers, knowing full well that they had probably already set up units at all the exits by now. It was just the sort of day when everything else seemed to be going wrong... She had lost so many friends that day, she didn't even want to think about it.
Monica was relieved. Knowing Nikki, she was the stubborn type, the kind who wept for her fallen allies and avenged their deaths with the enemy's own. With each loss slowly piling up, it would be quite hard to follow through with their promise, the promise that they would carry the revolution without Nathaniel. "T-take a left on the junction, walk 80 meters and turn right." Opening another command, she was able to successfully use the Comsat, turning on the surveillance towards where the ambush had taken place. It looked quite like a war zone, burning wreckage of Vansuits, the scattered bodies of their comrades and the charred remains of those unfortunate enough to be inside the scorched vehicles or have faced off against Light my Fire. However, she did zoom right into the truck, the front armor quite scorched and tipped to the side, right at the concrete shelter leading inside the Sewer systems. Soldiers were rallied there and- N-no!

She turned her eyes away, unable to witness the few survivors being shot by IDS soldiers, kicking their bodies away into a mass grave in a brief hail of gunfire. Wincing with her teeth gritted together, she tried to move away from the execution, only to see...a strange figure. Closing up, she was so caught offguard that she was unable to answer what question Nikki may have had. Who was that man? Taking a brief photo of him with the screen capture, she input it into a database search, trying to find just who that young man was. Soldiers, filed in a neat 4 by 4 row, saluted and walked right inside the sewers. "Careful, there's 12 men going inside, accompanied by a stranger. He might be a Loveless, I'm searching the Database! Take a turn to the left, walk through the catwalk to the aqueducts, that should take you far from them..."

Keeping a good eye on the radar...she did notice something approaching her way. "Hold up, someone's coming your way, ETA 3 minutes, looks unarmed." she said, trying to get a closer look. But all she could see was from her vision range; the Radar did show the approaching figure as a grey blot. It had no arms and often bumped into the walls. What could it be? Switching to audio, she could only hear groaning.

"Muuhhh! Mmhhhuuu!"

A gagged scream of sorts, one of trouble. Upon closer look was a figure with a straightjacket, arms strapped before him. His face was hidden by some kind of a hood, bumping into the left railing. "Hmmuuuhhh! Ehhnnnnmmm!" groaned out the figure, pathetically stumbling to the floor. What was a person like him doing at a place like this? "I...I can't identify that person...J-just be careful, he could be one of them!"
Nikki nodded and followed Monica's instructions, trying to keep her own head clear and cool. She knew what Monica must have seen... More of their comrade's and friends were being shot down and murdered without the slightest hesitation. They all knew this might happen when they volunteered for this mission, this perhaps being their most bold yet also their last. With how much their numbers had dwindled, it would be unlikely that they could continue to operate to any effective degree. They would have to go into hiding if they could even escape from this hell at all.

Nikki grit her teeth es she turned left and headed across the aqueducts, looking out for the person that Monica had mentioned. She saw him wiggling around pathetically, telling herself that he probably wouldn't be a threat since there he seemed to be the only one, and tied up at that. It was doubtless a trap of some sort, as the day had been filled with that sort of thing, but given that she had no other options available to her she decided to just rush past him as best she could, despite the possibility that it could have been an escapee of some sort. Monica didn't seem to recognize him, so she wasn't going to risk rescuing him.
The strapped figure continued to wiggle and groan, hitting it's head against the wall before it tried to turn towards the direction that the figure had gone. "Muuhhh! Uuhhmmm!" it cried out, struggling helplessly before the footsteps echoed within the tunnel. Wiggling, the figure seemed to flop, only to stop with a dejected, muffled cry as it lay there, almost as wanted her to come back, yet realized just how impossible such a desire was.

Taking another picture of the figure and while searching the database for the White-haired young man, the counter had reached 67%. "Take a turn left, there's a hole 2 meters wide there, hop over that. Take a turn left." The Water treatment plant was just ahead, a few turns and she would end back up to the surface near Lake Irna, far from the combat zone. "Take the left turn and then...What the?!" For no given reason, a brick wall 'suddenly' erected itself before her, the path barred entirely by a wall that was never there. Scrambling, she quickly noticed 1 Dot just ahead. Who could that be?

"There's a figure from behind...No! There are 12 figures approaching to the left! Take the Right tunnel!"
she said, noting that the 12 figures, whom she suspected to be the soldiers, huddled around the bound figure from before. She tried to get audio, but by that time Nikki was already far from the position that she could only hear the dripping of water and her steps. It led opposite towards escape, already leading back to the aqueducts, though on the other side. A few soldiers took note and fired off salvos of gunfire, mostly hitting the railing as the soldiers took the figure up, leading it forward as they hid behind cover, with two soldiers shooting at her position.

There was no doubt that the person behind the wall was a Loveless. "Bogey 1 is on the move! Heading your direction, ETA 1 minute!" Bogey was a designation for an enemy Loveless, unless she had a name for it that was the designation for now. Being her eyes, she zoomed in from her position, noticing the White-haired man press a few buttons on his cellphone, then holding it out. Suddenly, out of nowhere a small convertible car apparated form above her, gravity bringing it fast down towards her. "Look out! A car is falling from above you!" Though she was quick to dodge the automobile falling from above, only to land with a loud crash then tumbling down the darkness below, the figure surged forward, still typing on is cellphone as, out of nowhere, a stop sign tried to ram itself into her, protruding from the ground just as a pair of Knives apparated from behind her, surging her way.
Nikki nodded in response, feeling a bit sympathetic to the plight of the strapped figure, but knowing that there was little chance of her own escape at this point, let alone that of a bound individual that she had no sure identification for. She took the first left as instructed then leapt over the hole with ease, heading to the second left when the wall appeared before her. This was most certainly strange... Whatever it was, it most certainly had the power of a loveless behind it and had some way of knowing where she was headed.

"A car?!" Nikki dove out of the way just as the second attack soon followed. She leapt upward this time, the knives barely missing her legs as the stop sign blocked her forward movement. As soon as she landed, she turned toward the wall and pressed her palm on it, firing a blast through it in an attempt to crumble it and perhaps catch her attacker off-gaurd. She dove into the resulting hole to avoid the gunfire as she knew the men would stop as soon as they were in danger of hitting the loveless as well.

A bead of sweat ran down her cheek as she realized that there was no chance of avoiding a head-on attack at this point with the loveless... It wasn't the first time she had done so, but she usually had a lot more room than this small corridor to do so. There was no point in running until she defeated him as he clearly could anticipate her location and use somewhat ranged attacks. She trusted in her superiority in close combat to overwhelm him and potentially defeat him
Watching the figure run inside, Joshua simply pressed a few more numbers, the combination '3982' before pressing the Send button, letting a pair of steel girders come crashing down towards her. Though she did dodge, the metal beams impaled themselves quite deep into the concrete, barring exit once she darted back inside the tunnel she had just left. Where was she heading? Didn't she know that Genesis had blocked that off? Sighing, Joshua pressed the buttons '47', pressing Send once again as he made contact with Charlie company. "Subject has been detained, we have orders to pull out, sir." declared the soldier in the background, a soft 'ahhh' telling him that they sedated the prisoner and was prepared to ship him back. "You guys can go on home, I have a little chase to follow." "Roger that, Sir." replied the Sergeant, motioning to his men to move back on the road.

Ending the call, Joshua set off, running towards the metal beams which seemed to bend forming a hole for him to jump through, reforming back to an erect, straight beam once he had gone through. Running forward, he was met with a cloud of smoke and rubble. The wall that was there was just like any other wall, blown to pieces leaving the road up ahead. The Dam wasn't far off, knowing that he knew he couldn't just brandish Genesis carelessly. "Interesting." he said, kicking a small rock chunk before giving chase, hearing the distant pounding of the figure's footsteps out in the distance.


"You lost him, but chances are he's still chasing you." said Monica, the search coming up complete. That was a name that even had her gasping softly. "That young man...was Joshua Dalewood. He's Morrison's confidant. What is he doing here?!" she was already quite surprised. Why would a high-ranking member of the IDS be present then? Whatever was inside must be so important, Sugar wasn't a liar after all. "Hm. Take a left. Burst through the sealant blockades. You'll be at a defunct water pipe. The drop there is kind of far, so you have to jump into an open water chamber, there should be one right beneath you. Care to take the plunge?" joked Monica, hearing the sudden splash just when she had managed to get out of the broad, circle tank. "Whew! Comforting, eh?" the Operator teased, though she was quick to jump off her jovial teasing when she had spotted the Bogey.

From a distance, all he did was press a few buttons and, all of a sudden, the ground rumbled briefly as tridents plunged outwards. "Three behind you, two to the left!" warned Monica, able to anticipate just where the attacks would come. His fighting ability was baffling and quite controlled: how was he making such a myriad of attacks from a far-away distance. Tying a few more buttons, the figure slowly walked away from the pipe, only to have what looked like staircase steps to form, one behind, below and before him, each step swapping over so that there was always 3 steps. Even Monica was transfixed, not quite catching a pair of shackles jutting out from the ground to her left and right, shackling her left wrist, but the other missed, only to fall limply after it failed to grasp her other wrist.

Monica tried to anticipate his next attack. "I think his attack vector is that cellphone! If you can defeat him he should be harmless!" she advised, this time vigilant enough to know that another press of his cellphone summoned five firecrackers pointed at her, fuses lit as they whizzed towards her. "Watch out!"
Nikki dodged the tridents, bending her body to avoid their sharp points with relative ease. She was quite startled at how tenacious this opponent was, until Monica informed her that it was none other than Joshua Dalewood. Why was he here, indeed? Was he trying to finish her off himself? Apparently she had gotten herself in a bit too much over her head.

"The cellphone? Alright, no sweat," Nikki whispered back as she used her left hand to break the chain on her right with a small explosion. She held her hand downward toward the water and launched another explosion, using the surge of water to knock the firecrackers away while she broke a shard off of the pipe and threw it at Joshua then leapt toward him in an attempt to close the distance between them before he could simply walk away from her on his moving staircase.
The water dampened the speeding firecrackers, heavy enough as they fell as duds, soaked and darkening the paper that wrapped around them. Hm! This was getting interesting, finally! Joshua laughed softly, amused at the flying shard, easily batting it aside with the sweep of one hand, a grey brick wall forming around him as it easily deflected the blow, crumbling just in time for him to see her approaching. Slamming his palms together, a shock wave boomed out, sending what looked like the contents of a toolbox exuding from him. He hoped this would be enough to deter her advance, unaware of her power himself and just how good it was up close.

"Heh. Interesting." he remarked to himself. He held the cellphone on one hand, typing out the number '2123' as from the ground a replica Leaning tower of Pisa rose up, trying to deter her further, trying to block her flight path leading right up to him, all while various hardware store implements raced towards her.

"Something's wrong..." noted Monica, "All of those objects appeared out of nowhere..."
"He can summon them using his cellphone, he must have the power of creation to some degree at least," Nikki shouted back to Monica as she puched her right gauntlet forward into the closest toolbox object, causing an explosion toward Joshua which punched right through the Leaning Tower of Pisa replica, scattering the tools and leaving a hole through which she could pass, only briefly landing inside the replica long enough to jump toward him once again.
Ah! So they did figure out! Sadly, they were quite wrong about one aspect. Throwing the cellphone aside, a small trampoline was created at the bottom, where the small cellphone bounced off of, safely landing on the floor. With both hands held out, his palms glowed a slight blue as he held them out, creating a translucent, arc-shaped blast shield that, no doubt, took in most of the force. Most, however, was the key word as the resulting explosion sent him flying, though a mass of pillows were created just when he hit the wall, sliding down as a bouncy castle was created below him, allowing him to walk out practically unscathed, though he did clutch his right side. "The Power of Kings, Genesis." he said, looking up towards the figure. "To tell you the truth, the cellphone is just for me to play Tetris, each number moves the blocks a certain way." shrugging, he began to walk up, slowly. "By the way, what's your Alias?" So that was what Monica was confused about!

"T-that must be why he was able to make those walls without typing in the phone. T...this can't be good!" Monica had never heard of a Loveless THAT powerful. Even though his creations were easily dispatched by Light my Fire, the fact that he could take her attack head on relatively unscathed was a tell tale sign that they may have gotten over their heads on this. "I'd love to continue playing with you, but I still have to come back telling them I nicked you or took an arm off, no? Morrison expects of me something, so I can't walk back empty handed." With the snap of his fingers, one hundred cutlasses appeared, frozen in the air all around her. With another snap, the swords began to race towards her, nearly at bullet speed.

Monica was in a panic. She was literally surrounded everywhere by swords, all of which was flying straight at her. This was the difference in their power, it seems...
"Tetris?! You have got to be kidding me... He's so full of himself that he refuses to take any of this seriously! My friends were fighting and dying out there, and we was playing a game on his damn phone?!" Nikki didn't have long to mentally vent her anger as the cutlasses appeared all around her.

"Oh shit..." in the mere half-second before the swords would pierce her through, Nikki could only think of one way of deflecting them, and even then it wouldn't let her get off unscathed. Without hesitation she pressed her palm down toward the ground below her as she sent a blast upward at herself. The expanding air would be enough to knock the swords away, but it would damage herself as well. She didn't really have a choice at the moment, however.

the ensuing explosion worked as intended, but she was stunned from the explosion, her combat suit torn in various locations as she panted in pain. Her body was resilient to heat and her own explosions, but at such a close range it still had an effect on her. Her blazing eyes were fixed on his form, realizing that she didn't have the power to take him down by herself.

"You are going to have to do better than that," she faked a smile, "If you want me, you will have to take me back in a body bag... I have no intention of letting you take me for whatever sick purposes you desire."

She knew her stamina wouldn't last much longer, so she hoped she could goad him into making a rash move. Her mind had already resolved that she would die here, facing this powerhouse of a man to the bitter end.
Tilting his head in curiosity, he softly backed off seeing the explosion expanding from a distance. Putting up the very same barrier, from a distance it was weak, but most of the swords he had tried to impale her with were charred, melted steel leaving nothing more than puddles of still-hot metal dribbling on the floor. Whistling, Joshua was able to note his amusement at the prospect. He did give her some time to recover, her some time to compose herself before he would strike at her again. "Are you alright?!" asked Monica, very much concerned about her. Her life tracker had put her at a cautionary level, fatigue had settled at 67%, steadily rising. She couldn't put up with him at this rate!

"Y...You should retreat!" she suggested, knowing well that it was futile. Once she sets herself onto something, Nikki would stop at nothing to accomplish it. She could not help but smile when Nikki retorted back towards Genesis. "Hehe, sorry bout doubting, forgot you're not that type to run. Just jet out of there if you can't make it, kay?" she teased, showing, for a brief moment. They were in deep shit, but atleast she could now joke about it. "Now let's go so that you can have Nathaniel's Babies after this..." Poking a soft jab, she joked about how feverishly loyal she was to their leader. "Heads up, He's a-coming!"

Joshua clapped both of his hands as two Maui Statue heads formed right and left of her, about to clash and presumably crush her into mush. Following that, seeing as she swiftly dodged and darted towards him, he held out his left arm as two Streams of frozen air, making icicles and a frozen road behind them, darted towards her as Joshua jumped closer, his hand a ball of solid ice, protected by another translucent blast shield. "He's got another titanium blast shield! Smash through him!" she encouraged. Light my Fire can easily reach temperatures beyond Titanium's melting point, all she had to do was NOT to hit it at the thickest part. Did Joshua, or Genesis underestimate her powers as to foolishly attempt to fight her head on?
"Nathanel's babies, hm? I never thought of myself as much of a parental figure," Nikki smirked at her friend's joke, "Why don't you take over for me when I am gone, Player One... You have my blessing."

She grit her teeth and dodged his first attack, diving in toward him as he created icicles and attempted to protect himself with a shield. Did the fool really think it would protect him from her counter attack? Just how self-confident was this man? She had no choice but to meet his attack with one of her own, concentrating most of her remaining stamina into this one attack. She thrust her palms toward Joshua and fired a single explosion right toward his chest. The ensuing flames would easily pierce through his shield and melt his icicles, and if he didn't have some unseen defense it might have incinerated him along with them as well.

Nikki panted, out of breath as her vision was starting to grow hazy... her hand held up to brush away some of her hair in order to see if she had finally landed a blow on him or not.
The Icicle ball grew in intensity, attempting to engulf her Fireball with absolute zero degrees. The middle way created so much water that a soft trickle dripped from the ensuing clash, though ultimately the fire overcame his own Ice as it enveloped him, the flames singing through the shield as it slowly seared through. "Kuh!" gasped Joshua, trying to strengthen the shield, but in the end was entirely futile, having burned through a small chink in the armor that soon tore open, sundering the shield into many translucent pieces as he saw sent flying back, unable to spawn a trampoline in time as he landed with a painful, thud. His clothes were charred, thankfully he managed to create a thin wall of ballistic armor just in time, otherwise he would have disintegrated from the force of her blow. Feeling a stinging pain at his shoulders, he grasped his left shoulder, feeling the pain surging through him. "'s one scary Loveless you got there." commented Joshua. Unfortunately, while he did desire to eliminate her entirely, he had to flee. He had not the stamina to keep up. "But, I have matters to attend to. Till next time then, Young lass!" he joked, slapping both of his hands as five copies of himself, all injured in the same way, scrambled in many directions.

Of course, to Player One, it appeared as if they were ALL Joshua. "All of their patterns are the same! Heartbeat, Breathing rate, they're...ALL him." she notated, some vanishing into thin air when they were hit, all bearing a sly grin that condescended upon her should she try to kill a clone. With no more approaching figures...the battle was over, atleast. With a deep sigh, Monica fell on her buttocks. "No more life readings...I guess it's over." she said, relieved that they were finally in the green. Just a few more turns and she would be outside, ready to regroup with her. "Well, I can't even move my legs any expect me to make babies with him? Aren't you the one with the uncontrollable hormones in the first place?" she teased, turning on the Comsat to try and deduce who of the 4 leftover Joshuas was the real one. No dice. "Just take a left, exit the facility, head to the marked position and change to a civillian clothing. Turn up so I can see you dress~" she teased, preparing a camera-like application. In the event they do flee, they always arranged for a place to meet and change from military fatigues to normal clothes, perhaps for a disguise. This raid had gone so badly, who knew that whatever they were transporting was extremely well guarded? She would have to give Sugar a stern talking to.
"Hey, don't knock it till you have tried it... Perhaps its just a side-effect of my power but I can never seem to calm myself down," Nikki chuckled and made her way to the exit, not at all in the mood to fight clones knowing that none of them were the actual man in question. She was glad the fight had not lasted any longer than it did, as she probably would have fainted. She followed the directions out of the facility and slipped into a local dinner. She nodded to the owner and headed into the bathrooms, quickly disrobing and changing into a long-sleeved shirt and jeans before exiting. She picked up a bag of take-out on her way out and slapped down a few bills to pay for her meal before walking out, pulling a baseball cap over her head to hide her hair color which might tip a casual passer-by off as to her identity. With that, she tried her best to blend into the crowd and vanish.

"Thanks, Player One," she whispered into the mic, "But I think we will have to think of a new part-time job for ourselves for the time being... We don't have the manpower to continue on like this, now do we?"
" don't know what I'd give to just smile back..." ending at a more somber, quiet tone, she reminisced. Even now she was at the hospital's rehabilitation, looking out into the sky. She was only barely able to move her fingers to move on the wheelchair, looking to the sky with the glum face that refused to change. She had been crippled by the Disbelief Syndrome, first claiming her parents then paralyzing over 93% of her non-vital muscle. Florence, a volunteer, had introduced her to the very person she loved, Nathaniel Walshe. He was a very handsome man, but looks was just the least of his talents. With a kind heart he had financed a life-support wheelchair for her, no longer confined in a Nanochamber all of the days of her life. Even though almost her entire body was numb, she was still able to blink and see the beautiful world outside, to smell the delectable scent of flowers.

But...the grim reality he showed her changed the young lady entirely. With the determination in her eyes, a silent vow had pledged her loyalty to him. No child should ever be born to a Low man should be ruled by tyranny. This was why she fought. She fought for a better future for those who would go after her. Gearing up after she had harnessed the Overdive, what was once a quiet place of solitude for her was now the base of operations, the very backbone of Accelia. And she promised that, until her life gave out, she would continue fighting. She knew not Nikki's impetus, but it would have to be stronger or just as strong as her own drive. "Hehe, don't think so negative. They'll make your breasts sag and get you wrinkly down there!" she teased, scanning the area for any suspicious movement as she would go towards Apartment T81, their small base of operations, a final gift from Nathaniel: the chance to start over again. Their information was wiped from the database, presenting them the chance to live a life free from the tethers of Accelia's 'crimes' in exchange for his freedom.

"I'm attempting to get a hold of Sugar...I'm also browsing BBS boards for perhaps any dissent...we could use any amount of help we can." she said, scanning through the forums having found a peculiar person. It was a stretch, having to trust a person's posts in an Anonymous forum, but it would work out. Hacking the Com Sat once again, she was able to triangulate the area that the power, Kkju382, was at. "You should get some dinner going...I'll try to scan out any suspicious movement...There's no one tailing you so you should be good..."
"Hey, don't talk like that," Nikki shivered, "You know how I worry that I will grow to be an old hag!"

She slipped into the apartment complex in a casual manner and headed to the kitchen area as her friend asked her too, "What would you like to eat this afternoon, beautiful?"

Nikki was trying her best to keep her mind off how much they had lost that day. Her comrades were not merely fellow fighters, they were her brothers and sisters, the family that she never had the chance to enjoy. From as far back as she could remember, she had always been alone. She had been raised in an orphanage of sorts with other children who had contracted the Disbelief Syndrome, her own symptoms eventually growing to be one of the most severe cases. She nearly died on several occasions, her frail heart nearly giving out on her but she bravely held on... She didn't know why, but she felt that she needed to accomplish something, even if it were something slight, in order to leave her mark on the world and prove that she had been there and fought for her own significance. She never knew who her parents were, other than by the name they had given her, and so knew little about how to direct her life as her body slowly recovered. That is when she met Nathaniel Walshe. He and a small group of men broke into the facility that housed her, starting a fire that destroyed much of their records about everyone who had been raised there, and started a new life with Accelia...
And by beautiful, Kimberly meant it. Leaning on the couch suggestively, sporting her diamond-pattern sweater, skirt gingerly held just halfway above her milky thighs, her Teddy bear hung to her right. "I'm ordering Thai today, up to split the bill?" she asked, twin tails bobbing playfully as she turned to look at Nikki. Kimberly was what many would say was an 'ordinary girl': she was no troublemaker, nor was she entirely a square. She was the daughter of a high-ranking IDS member, so to many it was quite obvious as to why the Blonde young lady was so very plain: nothing she did raised eyebrows anywhere. She had warmed up to Nikki whom she would often tease, calling her such names like 'Beautiful' or 'Honeycakes' , endearingly of course.

Kimberly always smiled whenever Nikki was around. A true friend at hand, she often enjoyed her company though at times, she would get a little more physical. Say, for this time. "Surprise Grope~!" she said playfully, smiling broadly as she suddenly snuck right behind Nikki, grasping her breasts with both hands. Fondling and squeezing without so much of a concern as to Nikki's opinion of such, she too pressed her own breasts behind her. "It's growing~ You ought to eat fattier foods so that the nutrients goes...up here!" she teased, gently holding on, expecting her to wrestle a bit with Nikki.

Monica was having a blast, laughing at the scene. "Ohoho! Kimmy sure is very playful and touchy today! If I ever get out of this chair let me feel those boobies before they sag!" joking along, Monica laughed a good bit, recording the little escapade. However, her attention was diverted when she got a Message from 'Sugar'. While the Nikki and Kimberly had a little bit of an...intimate girl's moment, she went silent as she read the Mail:

Dear MonMon1293

Sorry to hear about the failed Raid...I hadn't estimated they'd bring a taskforce that large. I just got the information from a reliable source. They were ferrying a Prisoner named Vincent Brooks, arrested for supposedly posing as a threat to internal security...But that's in the past. After getting a good look through I managed to acquire a few forged documents to a low-security prison where a few comrades are held. One of them has yet to show that he is a Loveless, but it won't be long until they find out and transfer him to a Key's Lobby after which it would be impossible to rescue him!

PS: Have you heard of the Moonlight Reaper? Supposedly she murdered a Sympathizer...she's hunting down former or active members of careful.

"Kimberly, get the hell away from me!" Nikki pretended to be gravely offended at the groping, "You know I don't swing that way!"

"Et tu, brute?" Nikki was somewhat surprised that Monica was joining in on the teasing as well.

She let them have their fun for a bit before pulling away and straightening her clothes, "Besides, if they get much larger they will just get in the way... They might throw off my center of balance or something."

She had known Kimberly for quite some time. However much she enjoyed being with her, the playfulness on Kimberly's part would sometimes get a tad bit frustrating... Nikki did not dislike physical or spoken affection, but for someone who had grown up independent and self-sufficient the feeling of having someone dote on her made her feel uncomfortable. This would occasionally culminate in well-placed practical jokes or other mischief to keep Kimberly's approaches in line and tasteful.

"Sure, why not," she said in response to Kimberly's suggestion for ordering something out, "But I don't have much money to spare... Paying the rent is going to nearly run me dry this month."

Nikki relaxed onto the couch in the living room area, letting herself sprawl out over the cushions, "I'm beat... I bet I'm going to be so stiff tomorrow you would swear a train plowed right into me."

This was not an uncommon occurring as Nikki often pushed herself much too hard and would pay for it over the next few days of being almost as immobile as Monica. She would sometimes jokingly declare that it helped her understand her better. If Monica was Nikki's ties to the active, busy, and dangerous life as a Loveless operative, Kimberly was her tie to the normal, mundane, and personal life of an ordinary citizen. Together, she felt that she had a fulfilling life, even if it was one devoid of any amount of satisfying romantic development. Romance was one thing that Nikki never fully understood, but she still felt the desire to have someone like that in her life. One could say it is an innate human need not even she could opt out of.
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