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Guardian Angels and Demons role reversal

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Nov 9, 2011
Okay, as stated in the subject, I have an idea for an angels and demons role play. Before I'm asked, no it's not religious and it's not about the book or even the Tom Hanks movie. I am talking about this plot:

It has been believed that everyone has a guardian angel and they are the ones who guides the humans to the Kingdom of Heaven. But common belief is wrong. It is those who listen to their guardian angels who were sent to Hell. When Lucifer and his angels fell, it was because they did not think it right to trick humans into going to Hell. He was not the first ruler of Hell and he did not become the ruler of Hell until his mortal death, years after falling. Now, in the year 2010, more and more people are listening to the voices in their ear that is their so called "guardian angels" but there is one woman who has yet to receive her angel, the decent of Lucifer himself.

It has been believed that everyone has a guardian angel and they are the ones who guide the humans to the Kingdom of Heaven. But common belief is wrong. It is those who listen to their guardian angels who were sent to Hell. When Lucifer and his angels fell, it was because they did not think it right to trick humans into going to Hell. He was not the first ruler of Hell and he did not become the ruler of Hell until his mortal death, many years after falling for defying what was commanded of him. Now, more and more people are listening to the voices in their ear that is their so called "guardian angels" then ever before. But there is a problem. The descendants of the Fallen have not received their angel, even though it has been many years since each birth.

This roleplay is open to both a one on one play and to an open thread in one of the forms. PM me if you are interested in this idea. Those interested in one on one, please males only.

One more thing, for the men wanting a one on one play, the ideas I have for this plot are mostly between an angel finally sent to the descendant of Lucifer and his charge, Eve. If this works for you great if not but you still like the idea, maybe we can talk about it and bounce ideas off of each other to make it more appealing to those who want to reply.
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