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Submit Damn it!

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Jun 21, 2011
New York State
Taylor is aggressive vampire that belongs to a royal vampire family. She is very strong and full of pride but also emotionless and cares for no one and nothing. Taylor doesn't take very well to people not listening to her. She is more powerful the most vampires and demands respect or else punishment will come to those who don't listion to her. Taylor is a very attractive vampire and most people think she is actually very handsome. Taylor is a tall 5"8 and has long silver hair with a strong emotionless face and pale skin. Recently her father has been getting sick and feels as if he will die soon. Taylor is next to rule the country but many vampires plan on killing her before that happens. Though it would take an army of vampires just to kill Taylor herself her father has requested soldiers to guard her as back up but are completely under her control. One of the soldiers is the best in the country and is ordered to stay by her side, although she is stronger then him, two is better then one. But Taylor HATES this idea and that soldier hates it two. He is use to being the strongest and in control of everything but so is Taylor. So the minute they meet they but heads and Taylor makes it her goal to dominate him and force him to submit to her no matter what she has to do to him.

((the characters are supose to look anime like))
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