Pokemon Breeder


Oct 26, 2011
Fellicia had always wanted to be a breeder, and she even put off getting her first pokemon until she had finished learning everything she could at a college dedicated to it. The lithe young 20 year old was on her way to see her friend Caine, who had promised her a pokemon for her birthday if she passed her training and got her breeder's licence, since her birthday was only a week after finding out her results.

Walking up to his house, she knocked and waited, nervous because he was one of the best breeders in the north east of the region. She didn't know what he had with him, but she knew what ever she chose, it would still be in it's egg or only just recently hatched.

Fixing her long platinum hair, she tried to hide the blue stripe she'd dyed into the back of it as the door opened. "I passed," she squealed to him excitedly, "I'm officially a breeder like you!"
Caine opened the door for her, the tall, brown-skinned, -haired, and -eyed man smiling as he saw her. "That's great." He said, "You'll have to wait until your real birthday to get your pokemon though." He grinned after a few seconds, before saying "Just joking, come in." The man, early in his thirties, walked before her, leading her through the halls, until they got to an intersection, one part leading to the hatchery, where the eggs lay, the other where the recently hatched were.

"Have you already made your choice?" He asked her, "Or shall we just look through both rooms until you find something you like?" He leaned against the wall inbetween the doors, the man never having lost his young and lean looks through all the hard work.
Pouting at his words, she shook her head, "Not funny, Caine. You know you are giving me my start as a breeder." she says and follows him down to the rooms. "Hmm... Let's look first." she says as she pokes her head into the room with the hatchlings. Going over to each of the stalls, she looks carefully at each one for a minute, absent-mindedly wriggling her ass as she leaned in to each to hold the young pokemon.

"This one." she says as she pulls an Deino from it's stall, "I like the dragon type, and dark type, so it's perfect. What do you think? Are they hard to raise?"

Looking to the little Deino, she smiles, "How big will he get to, evolution aside?"
The man nodded and stepped aside to let her past, his eyes unable to not wander down on the girls nice body once or twice. As she grabbed a Deino and asked if they were hard to raise he nodded "They're blind, so it bites around and tackles things to learn about his surroundings. They're pretty annoying to work with. He'll probably grow somewhere between 2' and 2'7", maybe a bit more if you're lucky." He said, looking at her. "Maybe it isn't really the best one to start with, because they can really get annoying quite fast if you don't know what to do with them."
Frowning a little, she puts the Deino back, looking around again. Looking over her shoulder to him, she smiles cutely and bats her eyes gently, "Could I get an Axew and a Houndour then?" she asked him, her tone clearly more hopeful than like she expected him to give her both, "Pleeeeeease?"

She lifted both from their neighboring stalls and held them up, their faces to each side of hers, "We look soooo cute together, Caine."
The man smiled slightly when she batted her eyes at him, knowing that for one she was going to ask him something, and two he'd have to work hard not to give in. And indeed the question came, and he knew she wanted them both "Do you really think you can handle two of them? You can always take one now, and come back for another later." He said, but if she pursued it, he could only say she could have them.
Nodding, she smiled to him, walking over to him with the pair of pokemon, "I can do it Caine. Besides, if I have any trouble, I have you I can call for help and advice." she says, "Oh! Do you have balls for them? Or will I need to get some before I take these..." she pauses as she stops to check the genders of her choices, "This guy and girl. Houndour is female." she says giggling.

"I don't have my stuff on me, because I was going to be heading back home before I leave to also try and get some gym badges. I'll need those to just get into some areas. You could come with me, if you have some one you trust to look after these guys and the eggs?"
"Alright, alright. If you come running back to me with trouble though I'll take them both back." He said. He already knew which genders they were, both because he had checked it, and because of some light differences in both genders. "I'll get you some pokéballs later." He said. As the girl told him he should come with her he shrugged.

"Maybe I could, but not for all too long, probably a week at most." He said, "But it'd be a good way to see if you are ready for this." He nodded, thinking a little "allright, I'll go with you. I'll just get Joanne to look after the eggs then."
Almost dancing in excitement, she jumps around a little, "Yay! Can I leave them here while I run home and get my things? I have enough money saved so We could stay in proper hotels and stuff, or buy camping gear. This is going to be so fun!" she says, her words coming out in rapid-fire. "I have a pack full of breeder goodies, although some are probably more arguable in their effectiveness. And lots of treats. Lots and lots. Gotta reward them when they're good, so that they know what behavior is acceptable."
Caine nodded "Then I'm going to get my pokemon and some other stuff for along the way." He said. He shook his head when she nearly ran off afterwards. With that lot of excitement, she was bound to get in trouble. He put the houndour and axew in a pokeball, and packed some camping gear, one threeperson tent included. He then waited for her, his pikachu (always need to have a pikachu :p) On his shoulder. (but G2G)
Running to her house, she quickly stuffed her pack of breeder-related items into a larger bag, and leaving a note for her parents, who she still lived with since she hadn't been able to find her own house to live in. She giggled as she called one of her friends and told her the news, before bolting back out the door and over to Caine's. This time, she didn't worry about knocking, she just opened it and ran inside in a single fluid movement. Ducking into the hatchling's room, she stopped, looking at the Pikachu on his shoulder. "I was thinking... I'm going to need to do something to thank you for the second pokemon... Is there anything you need? I could buy it, or is there anything you need done?"
The man smiled as he saw her return, his pikachu waving at her. He smiled at what she said, there were a few things he could think of, but none that he would ask her to, and she would do. "No, I don't need anything extra. I get enough from the pokemon and products we sell, I don't need anything extra." He said. He walked over to her and around her "Here, let me check your bag for a second." he said, opening it and looking through it. It looked like she had everything she needed for the trip. He closed it and handed it back to her. "Alright, seems good, let's go then."
"I'm so excited Caine, and I'm glad you'll be here with me for the first steps of it." she says as he looks at her bag, "But are you sure there's nothing? I mean... I talked you into giving me two pokemon simply by batting my eyes like I would do more if you said yes... So... If you wanted me to... Uhm Take care of your needs while we travel, just ask, OK?" she continues, smiling to him awkwardly, and then tossing a little treat up to the Pikachu. "Oh! Where are my Axew and Houndour? I wanna play with them as we go, maybe have Houndour walk along side me, and Axew on my shoulder, like your Pikachu."

Pulling some paper from her notes, she looked at one list on there, "The first town I need for my badges is... Wow... it's 100 miles from here. Good thing I have some money, we can catch the bus some of the way, and then walk the rest. What do you think?"
The man got a blush on his face, hidden by the dark skin of his body, thinking deeply over that offer. But he couldn't take her on that, could he? He was over ten years older than her, but still, that body... He shook his head slightly.

"They're in their balls, here" the man said, giving the two balls, plus some extra other ones, to her. "Indeed, it would at least be better than spend days walking around." He nodded "Let's go to the bus stop then." He walked out infront of her, towards the bus stop. as they got there he looked at the scheme "Next one will be here in about half an hour." He said, looking back at her. "Would you want to do something until then, or just wait here?"
"Ok mister tour guide bus time table reader person." she says with a giggle. "Well, it gives me time to gef used to these guys." she continues. "Now, I need to make sure they are more than just battle ready if I intend to be a breeder, I need to keep them on a extremely beneficial diet that promotes their reproductive needs..." she mumbles to herself, and then looks to Caine again, "Why haven't you ever made a move on me, old man? It's not like I'm young enough to be your daughter. I've seen the sideways glances..."
The man nodded, and sat down on the bench there. He listened to her mumbling to herself, then at what she said to him he shrugged "Some of us have a bit of control over our Libido. I just didn't think it was right, I saw you grow up to become like this, and I didn't think it'd be right to make a move on you then, I'd hate to ruin it between us two."
Giggling, she shook her head, "A little fun wouldn't hurt us, Caine. If you want it, just say so. As long as you accept that it's no strings, harmless fun, it won't change anything between us except that it's more than just each other's company we enjoy. Silly old man." she says with a laugh, "And we still have time before the bus if you would like a preview of the fun, just behind the trees in case the police come by."
The man blushed a little, luckily still hidden by his dark complexion. He then decided it really wouldn't hurt, and that he would finally get over the urge to just bend her over and take her. "Alright, if it really won't change anything." He said, standing up again. He wondered if she might have learned a bit of the wrong things at college, or wherever she had gone.
Giggling yet again, she grabbed his hand and led him back to the edge of the trees, "Ok, preview. You choice of me stripping, or you getting head." she offers, "Hard choice? Hmmm?"

Moving one hand to his pants, and her other to her shirt, she waited for him to answer, looking to him with another teasing gaze as her hand pressed against him, before shaking herself slightly, making her breasts jiggle.
It really was a hard choice she gave him, and after thinking for a minute, he decided. "Let's do the last, otherwise you'd have to redress before going into the bus." He said. He called his pikachu back, not wanting him to look at what was going to happen between the two of them. He leaned back against the tree, wondering if she had had as many fantasies about him as the other way around.
Shrugging, she moved her hand from her shirt and to join her other on the front of his pants, working the zipper open. "Makes sense, so let's quit wasting the time we have." she says as she pulls him free of his pants and underwear. Massaging and stroking his manhood until it grew. "Stop me if we run out of time, five minutes before the bus is due." she tells him, right before swallowing the length of his shaft, her head bobbing as one hand toyed with Caine's balls, her other hand moving down to reach between her thighs.
The man nodded as she told him to stop her, though he wasn't really planning on doing it. He leaned against the wall while the girls smooth lips encased themselves around his nine and some Inch long length. It wasn't overly impressive, but still nice. He groaned lightly as the girl began working on his length, her daint fingers on his ballsack only adding to the pleasure. His hand rested on the back of her head, while the time was far frmo his concern.
Turning her eyes up to look at him, gradually becoming more and more lust filled as she both continued to work at him, and herself, not particularly caring that her crotch was soaked and quite visibly. Moving her hand inside her pants, she began to tease her clit more, mumbling around the hard and hot flesh in her mouth.
The man groaned more as she continued to work at him. He felt that as soon as they could he should return the favour, if she'd allow it and want it. The mumbling she did caused vibrations on his cock, and he knew it wouldn't take all too long before he'd cum over her, where the question arised, would she swallow or spit?
Shivering as she felt herself growing more needy, more sensitive, she tugged first gently, then much harder, on Caine's balls. Pulling her mouth away from him, tormenting him, "Preview." she says, "When we get off the bus, you can have the full thing." she says before standing back up and putting the shaft back inside Caine's pants.
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