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Midnight Masquerade ~A Halloween Orgy~

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Marcus' breath was slowly becoming more intense, his heart beginning to beat faster. He then began to unzip his pants while rubbing his crotch with his other hand. "I hope you don't mind ladies, but I must make some space...",Marcus stated as he let out his glorious, dominant looking manhood. Right now, it was about half way up, so he decided to fix that. He placed a strong hand around his massive shaft and began to stroke. He continued this, stroking up and down, long and slow strokes, continuing to pump some blood into his cock.

After a while, he was fully stiff and erect, his length standing at a whopping eleven inches and his width almost two inches around. Indeed Marcus was a 'big boy' in more ways than one. "Oh don't mind me, please do go on if you wish...",he said with a playfull smirk, hoping the girls loved what they saw.
Jess looked over at marcus and said " oh marcus your such a big boy i want to taste it ". Jess moved down off the futon to her knees and grabbed alex"s knees opening her legs more she then pushed back the bottom of the girls dress to have better access to her panties. She took off the girls panties and tossed them at marcus. She then put her mouth up to the girls pussy and begain to eat the girl out.
Continuing to stroke his massive, mouth-watering manhood, he caught Alex's panties and gave them a good smell, sighing with content. "Ahhhh... I just love Halloween...",he commented as pre-cum continued to ooze out of his urethra, and dripping all the way down to his balls. "Be sure to get yourselves good and wet... I wouldn't want to pull or tear anything inside either of you...",Marcus stated as he wrapped Alex's panties around that thick shaft, now using it to masterbate with, the fabic felt good and silky... and soggy. "Hey Jess, how about you toss yours over here as well?",he asked with a smirk.
Jess smiled and then stood up and bent over so her butt was faceing marcus and took off her skirt then wiggled her butt a bit then the panties came off. She tossed them at marcus then went back to eating alex out. She stopped to say " you play with my body if you want marcus".
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