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Midnight Masquerade ~A Halloween Orgy~

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Aug 25, 2011
Character Profiles and OOC

It is a few days until All Hallos Eve and that means the annual hosting of the Midnigt Masquerade and Cherry Grove.
Beautiful woman and handsome men are arriving in cars and carridges alike, even a few limosines show up. Some people are showing up in traditional 1800's attire others are showing in costumes. The ball will go on until Hallween whenever all masks will be removen.
There are only two rules:
1) Do not remove your mask
2) No morals allowed

Have fun
RE: Midnight Masquerade ~A Blue Moon Event~

Alexandria stepped out of the large black laquer carridge with help from the stage coach driver who offered his white gloved hand. Delicatly she put her hand in his, her wn hands wear wrist high white gloves with an intricate velvat lacework design. She as wearing white sleevless gown the top a corset, the bottom flarig out at her hips into several layers each shorter than the next. The edge of each layer having black lace trim and positioned on her back was expensive lace butterfly wings attatched to the corset back.
Finally was her mask, black lace velvet in the shape of a butterfly to match her wings, pinned to her chocolate brown curls which cascaded down her back. The horses whinned and stamped their hooves as she picked up part of her skirt and walked up to the front doors of Cherry Grove Manor. They were opened immediately revealing men and women trailing about in a giant foyer bathed in golden light.
With a mischevious grin she stepped in.
RE: Midnight Masquerade ~A Blue Moon Event~

Jess swan rode up to the ball in a limo the driver got out and he was one sexy man and said "miss swan we are here". There was no relationship between the driver and miss swan save for the fact if she got horny she slept with him. She got out of the open door he held out for her and nodded her head to him and he just stood there no emotion on his face. Her black dress outfit hugging her body making it all the more lustful. she made she got the mask on right and then she walked into the ball room. she walked in and noted how some of the men turned to her and eyed up like a pack of wolfs going for its next meal.
RE: Midnight Masquerade ~A Blue Moon Event~

Waiting inside the ballroom was Marcus Callaway, a rather fine built looking young man, looking to be in his mid-twenties, in his prime. It was clear that his muscular frame could be seen through his dashing, high priced tuxedo. His hair was a short, chocolate brown, his emerald green eyes seen through the eye holes of his mask. Marcus was a charmer, a flatterer, and through years of experience, he knows exactly how the female body works, and what it wants...

The mask he wore, was somewhat of a procelain face mask of what seemed to be a hawk, it only covering his eyes, some of his forehead, and the beak covering his nose, revealing the warm, charming smile on his face, his strong jaw line and chin shown as well. Marcus had then paid attention to the doors that open, revealing two women stepping inside, immediatly noticing the males that waited with him started to gawk. He kept his cool and his smile remained, eyeing and nodding at the two women to see if he would be successful in getting their attention.
RE: Midnight Masquerade ~A Blue Moon Event~

Upon walking in she found herself surrounded with at least five men wanting her attention, she played the part giggling into her gloved hand her eyes glittering misteriously.
Her cotton dress pushed her breasts up so tha when she stooped over slightly her cleavage was obviously visable. Aledandria quickly dismissed the men looking for something more, dark and handsome in mind. Patrolling the edge of the ballroom she watched as the women twirled in their beautiful dresses, and the men in their suave suits. She noted two people that held her interest; a woman in a risque dress and a man in a dashing tuxedo.
RE: Midnight Masquerade ~A Blue Moon Event~

Seeing that he earned one of the women's attention, he winked under his mask and kept his smile, giving a nod towards her. Marcus then realized that he wasn't the only person that caught her eye, he his gaze followed her's to see another woman, who was equally erousing and stunningly attractive. This made Marcus feel rather excited, imagining some of the possibilities with her also noticing Jess. He's never met the two, but boy would he like to... He wanted to see how this would play out, and see who would go to who first...
RE: Midnight Masquerade ~A Blue Moon Event~

Jess walked down the steps pushing aside some men. She then noted two people looking at her and she grinned a very handsome boy and a very pretty girl. She thought about maybe doing a threesome but first she had to get to know how they roll if they was bi or not. She walked over to the girl waving the man over. She looked at the girl and held out her hand saying "hello my name is Jessica Swan may i ask your name ".
RE: Midnight Masquerade ~A Blue Moon Event~

She was glad that the girl had approached her, with a wide smile she grasped her hand and curtsied.
"Alexandria Carri, nice to meet you." She said standing slightly closer than most aquaintaces usually would.
RE: Midnight Masquerade ~A Blue Moon Event~

Marcus saw the rather fiendish grin Jessica made when she noticed that he and the other girl were looking at them. He then saw her walking over to the first girl before waving him over, making his eyes widen slightly in interested. He cleared his throat a bit, and fixed the collar of his tuxedo, and walked over in a rather strong stride, confident, but arrogent. HHe gave a bow to both women, his smile remaining as he looked down at them both, giving a slight bow. "Hello ladies, it's quite the pleasure to see you both at this fine event. I am Marcus Callaway.",he spoke in a deep, masculine tone.
RE: Midnight Masquerade ~A Blue Moon Event~

"Hello marcus nice to meet you "Jess held out her hand to him. "My name is Jessica Swan but you both my call me jeas". She checked them both out and thought to herself they would do nicely for a threesome.
RE: Midnight Masquerade ~A Blue Moon Event~

"Mr. Callaway so nice to meet you, is it just me or does this party seem a bit...drab at the moment?" Alexandri asked looking around the room, "I know of a parlor in one of the back hallways perfectly stocked with refreshments nd a paticularily comfortable futon." She smiled a half smile at the idea of sleeping with them both. Picking up the edge of her skirt she awaited their reply
RE: Midnight Masquerade ~A Blue Moon Event~

Marcus took her hand in his, and brought it to his already grinning lip, giving it a kiss before nodding. He looked at the two, trying hard to hold in at the fact on how attractive these two women were, thinking the exact same thing Jess was thinking. "Alright then, Jess."he answered back with a wink and looked to Alexandra. "Now that seems like an idea, please, if you'd be so kind to lead the way..?"
RE: Midnight Masquerade ~A Blue Moon Event~

She had been so wound up in leading them to the parlor she had completely missed his question. She giggled lightly offering him her han as she curtsied.
"I apologize, Alexanria Carri." She blushed lightly.
Marcus had then gave a nod towards Alexandra as she gave him her name, followed with a chuckle. "Pleasure to meet you miss, might I say, you look stunning this evening.",Marcus complimented as he then looked to them both. "You both do, truely.",He added, as it was rather funny how he was talking so formally, as he guessed they were more than likely going to take part in rather exciting activities.
Jess followed the girl to parlor and smirked this girl was trying to get them alone so maybe she did flow the same way. Jess looked at marcus and smirked if she knew her guys right he would jump at the chance to sleep with two girls.
Marcus had then made his way to the futon, placing on leg over the over and sitting back a bit. If he was going to be acting wild with two girls tonight, he might as well know a little bit about them. It turned him on even more anyway during sex that he did know a few things for sure. "So, ladies.",Marcus spoke, looking at the two, and then to Jess first, raising a brow under his mask. "Is there anything interesting you can tell to a guy like me?",he asked, then looking to Alex, and then to them both once more.
Closing the parlor door she sighed lightly.
"Now that we're in private we can talk normally." She said stripping off her gloves. Then reachin unde the first skirt layer of her dress she undid some hidden buttons to show that the layers could be removed revealing the dress to be a corset with a long sheer skirt.
Alexandria strode over to the bar and poured herself a small glass of whiskey before sitting on a leather chair across from the futon. The front of her dress raised up to midtheigh once the layers were removed so once she sat it raised up rather further.
"I am a huge fan of playing sports, but I havnt had time to release...." Pausing she took a drink. "...tension." She finished slyly eyeing both Jess and Marcus.
Marcus' eyes widened under his mask a bit, as he felt releived that they could talk normally, knowing where this was going... He then unbuttoned a few top buttons on his tuxedo and loosened his collar up, as well as rolling his sleeves up just below his elbows, showing off his muscular forarms. "Tension you say? Well, I could say the same thing, a lot of things can make a man stressed out, and worked up.",Marcus stated to them both. "Well, I'm into mixed martial arts sparring in my spare time, and it's been going rather slow, unforchunatly. Perhaps a different close contact sport can... fix that?",he said with a small grin with an eyebrow raised.
Jess had taken off her boots and placed them by the closed door showing she had on white ankle socks. She sat down on the other end of the futon wich caused the short part of her dress raise up to reveal black see throu panties. " well I love to help others releive tenson and I love to watch porn and I love to read books and party" jess said in a tone of voice that told the both of them she was addicted to sex.
His grin getting wider, it was oh so obvious that Jess wanted to have a threesome with them both, and his senses haven't failed him. He leaned forward a little bit and raised a brow towards Jess. "Really now, well, I can safely prediect what kind of person you are, and I like it, A LOT.",Marcus spoke. He then turned his attention towards Alexandra, brow still raised. "Don't you, Alexandra?"he asked her.
Smiling she finished her whiskey and pressed a hand to Jess's theigh sensually, before doing the same thing to Marcus. Her dark eyes glittered behind her mask as she leaned forward as well, a few of her curls sliing over her shoulders.
"Of, course. Jess's bluntness excites me and I cant wait to see more." She breathed, clenching her theighs agains the growing excitement.
Jess let out a evil snicker and said "girl some one as hot as you does not have to ask again you will get your wish". she then turned to Marcus and said "here comes the show". Jess looked at where Alex's hand was then she took her own hand and placed it on the girls thigh and with the other hand she reached up and gave the girls breasts a light squeeze.
Marcus sat back a little more, raising his eyebrows a bit as they went above his mask, enjoying what he's seeing. "Well then I guess I should let you two warm up a bit, after all I want to be sure both of you are ready.",Marcus stated as it's heavily implied that he'd actually like to watch them for a bit, thinking that just merely watching the two getting themselves ready, will get HIM ready. Marcus has been rather stressed lately, just about anything would get him hard right now...
Her heart suddenly skipped a beat in excitement as her breast was lightly squeezed. Scooting closer to Jes she let her hand slide uo to rub the crotch of her silky panties and the tell tale wetness growing there.
Alexandria then began makig out with Jess, her tongue parting her lips and then delving deep inside. She opened her legs farther revealing a black lace thong. With her other hand she reached up to massage Jess's breast teasingly.
Jess let out a soft moan as she kissed alex back. She then undid the top of the girls dress to expose her bra. Jess then undid the bra letting the boonies out. She broke the kiss to take her mouth and kiss along alex's neck down to her breast.
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