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Seeking long-term partners

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Oct 19, 2011
Indianapolis, Indiana
Please keep in mind i will reply faster to PMs then i will to things posted on this thread.

Alright, well I can play both Female and Male characters, but i'm looking to play Female Characters the most, right now. I'm open for any kind of plot ideas. Head's up, while my girls have attitude, they enjoy being submissive, and yet also sometimes getting to be ever so slightly dominate.
My girls seem to always some how get into trouble, or trouble finds them.

I'm looking for a guy who can handle such things, can be gentle, but also firm. The guy must be able to not only get her into trouble at some points, but also be able to get her out of trouble, just the same. He is dominating, but willing to let her explore, though keeps her on a leash.
My girls will fight being dominated yes, but, it doesn't last forever, i promise.

I am also open to less dominating ideas just the same, but my girls don't seem to change as for as there attitude and the trouble finding them. I can play from Past to Future, Human, to Fantasy. After all, i'm not a to picky person, and always willing to often try out new things. I will say i tend to base my girls off myself(Though, not fully) to be honest, just makes them easy to play with that way.

I'm open to doing Role-Play with Males and Females, since i can play both gender of characters. I just ask that you can make a paragraph or more one we have. Over time, i'll get some plot ideas that i have. But i'm also always open to hear any ideas you all might have. While i like to try and work around what it is you are craving and wanting the most, i'm rather flexible and willing to often try out new or different things.

Alright, so i play both makes, and females in my plots. Whoever is my main character though, i might make them in first person. All depends on who it is really.
You can find a link in my signature that will lead you to a page with all my characters on it, from male to female. I've still got to get all my girls added though, so bear with me on that part.

Plots, and Ideas
So, as a heads up know, both my plots, and ideas, are more stuck around Action bases. I do NOT tend to aim for the smut stuff, unless it's possibly a rare moment/day for me and the plot/idea calls for it. I'm always open to hear your ideas and plots that you may also have.
If you want to see some of my ideas and plots, click on the link in my signature to find them. It will take you to a forum just like it will if you look for my characters. But, there is a sub-forum in this one. The sub if for plots, but my ideas are strictly in the main part of that forum.

You and Me
Alright, so, heres the thing. You should know a little about me anyway, and how i work in role-plays, from the above. Keep in mind, i'm more or less, semi-lit. At times though, i can be literate.
I would like you to be able to post details, let me see what's going on inside your head. Write a book, if that's what it takes. The more for me to read, and work with, the better off things will be.
You must be semi-lit, to lit(or advanced).
You should be able to know how to work with more then just one character at times.
Know how to twist the plot, give it curve balls, keep it going. In other words, you must be able to have a tone of ideas in your head to help keep things alive.

If, you try tossing sex into the plot 24/7 or darn near close to it, i'll more then likely drop the plot. I'm NOT here for smut, unless i've got a plot, that calls for it.
The RP, needs action. Not all the time, but, scattered here and there, to help keep it moving along more.

You must be ok with doing PM RPs, as i don't get around to checking the forums all that much to start with. Though, you might be able to convince me into a thread RP. You never really know.
Also, you must be ok with me doing 1st person on at least my main character i will play.
Despite me playing 1st person, keep in mind, what happens in the plots, stays there. I'm not here to make anything real out of them.
It stays on this site only. Do not abuse(spam) my messenger or e-mail.

My F-List:

Feel free to help bump up. And please, PM me if you are interested in any of my plots/ideas, or even have one of your own, that you think i would be interested in.
Hm, I like the sound of your characters. Your girls sound like they've got spunk and a little bit of mischief mixed into them. Tr1cky is indeed interested.

Expect a PM!
KING likes what he reads.
I will check to see if I have pmed you or not.
if you haven't gotten a pm from me, expect one. ^^
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