The Mountain Village (Wingshadow and Haruki-sama)

Continuing to stare at Haruhi, he listens to her words, but doesn't really have an answer. Winking, Matt turned himself around so his back faced Haruhi. "I need to sit down, Haruhi."

Figuring he'd leave her ankles untaped, so she could move, Matt backed up and came down, sitting on Haruhi's lap.
Haruhi jumped slightly as he rested his rear on her thighs, not expecting him to just take a seat on her as if nothing at all were amiss. She could feel the warmth of his back as he rested against her chest, which made her more than a little uncomfortable but didn't vocalize her dislike for her current position.
He didn't just rest his rump upon Haruhi's lap. He shifted slightly.....his rear rubbing against her thighs to get comfortable, not caring how uncomfortable Haruhi was.

"Mm, how am I, Haruhi?" Matt asked, his eyes staring down to the female's feet and lower legs, wanting to see if she moved them at all in reaction.
Haruhi clamped her legs close to each other, showing her discomfort, "How are you what?"
"Hehe, I guess I am a bit heavy, though you haven't said so, nor have you moved."

Matt moves his hands down onto Haruhi's bare knees. He begins to rub them, wanting to feel up her skin. "I should admit, I liked it when you carried me earlier, Haruhi."
"Well, jeez, you certainly have odd interests," Haruhi remarked, kicking her legs a bit to get him to stop rubbing them, "Let me go already!"
"Oh? Well I'm glad you finally noticed that, Haruhi. I 'did' warn you that I was an odd one, not just an ordinary sort of guy."

He didn't stop rubbing at her legs. No, he kept on, even going as far as squirming back to take up all her lap. He wanted his weight to be felt by her, to see and hear how she would react.

"Or would you prefer to watch me do all this to someone else, hmmm?" He suggested and turned his head, winking at her.
"Just because you have a twisted sense of sexuality doesn't mean that you're any different than any other normal human. When I said weird, I didn't mean that sort of weird," she squirmed under his weight, trying to get him off of herself.

She blushed slightly when she heard his next question, "Of course not! What sort of girl do you think I am?"
"Well, what if you knew that the squirming you're doing beneath me is quite exciting to me?" he asked. Finding himself slipping down, he brings his hands down to grip onto her wrists (which he kept taped to the chair's arms) to hang onto her.
"I would tell you to fuck off!" Haruhi was getting quite frustrated at him by now, "This has gone on for long enough! If you don't let me out of here, I'll scream. You hear me?"

She was apparently growing scared of the boy, which fueled her desire to escape, by any means necessary.
"Hmmm, fuck you say?" Matt grinned ear to ear. Haruhi just gave him a good idea. "That may be a bit tricky in this chair, but I'm sure I'll manage. I'm 'growing' rather desperate myself. Not to scream though, but rather, to screw."

Without warning to the female, Matt quickly got up, and turned himself around. Now facing Haruhi, he came back down hard upon her legs, straddling and rubbing them with his own while his hands go to grip onto her shoulders firmly.
Haruhi's eyes grew slightly wider upon realizing what a big mistake she had made in saying that to him, then she shut them tightly as he started to rub himself on her legs, "H-how can you get off to something like this?!"
"Ohhh, I don't know, I just do Haruhi. Don't odd or unique things get 'you' off at all?" he asked her, curious.

He figured he'd have to do something quick to get his way with Haruhi. Matt starts to thrust his hips and groin against Haruhi's own, grunting with each thrust. "Mmmh..."
"Not when someone's forcing me to participate against my will, it doesn't!" Haruhi protested, trying to keep herself calm as he rubbed himself against her. She hated to admit it, but the entire situation was starting to have an effect on her body, causing it to heat up and her entrance to ever so slightly dampen.
"Well.....too bad. Oh and I should admit, I rather liked that little ride you gave me, but it was way too short, Haruhi. I wanted to do that again." Matt stated, rather demanding towards the young female. He settles down, putting all his weight down upon Haruhi's thighs, not caring if it was uncomfortable for her. He wouldn't know unless she moved or made any sound in reaction.
Haruhi squirmed, straining against the restraints and trying to throw him off or knock herself over. She was feeling more and more used every second he spent resting on her body, and the desire to escape was building to a boiling point in her. She couldn't stand much more of his calmly worded taunts.

"Not if I have anything to say about it! Let me go," she continued to fruitlessly struggle, her body rubbing against his as she did so.
Matt wasn't about to let Haruhi go. In fact, he wanted to pursue more of what he did earlier to the female. Turning and putting his back to her, he squirms back on her lap and reaches down, undoing the binds to her ankles. He then twists his body and unbinds her wrists.

Then he quickly got up off her lap, waiting to see what she'd do next.
Haruhi bolted for the door, trying to unlock it before Matt could find some other means of restraining her. She had completely forgotten about the computer by that time and wanted nothing more to get out of that house as fast as she could. Sweat was already starting to form on her skin and soak into her clothes, as she began to wonder if it was such a great thing to wish for strange things to happen. Even for her, this was a bit too extreme!
Matt wasted no time, wanting to get onto Haruhi once again like earlier. This time though, he knew he'd have to use forceful means. When she bolted, he followed quickly behind, and as she attempted to unlock the door, he reaches out and grabs her around the waist. The male attempts to tug Haruhi back towards himself.
Haruhi tried to pull herself away from Matt, her skirt being pulled down slightly in the process as she struggled to get away from him. She reached down and grasped his hands, trying to pry them off of her waist as she threw her weight left and right trying to make it harder for him to get a firm grip.
His hands reach inwards, taking hold of her skirt and helping to pull it back up. Then he quickly pulled Haruhi back closer. "Ahh, come on now, Haruhi. You're making me want to get back onto you like I did earlier. Mmm, that was quite fun, feeling your body move beneath me." Matt licks his lips and begins to hump up against her, while bouncing slightly off his heels. It was clear he wanted on her again....he just needed a moment for her to put both her feet on the ground, so she wouldn't fall over.
Haruhi looked back at Matt, the fear becoming quite evident on her face as she heard him speak. This fellow was a complete addict! An addict of what, exactly, she did not wish to know nor find out, but seeing his insistence on having it she found herself helpless to escape this boy's grasp. She shivered as she stood still for a short moment, the sensation of his body rubbing against hers much more perplexing as it had been earlier as she knew that he took great pleasure in it.
He grins wickedly, knowing 'exactly' what he wanted as he stared back down to Haruhi's frightened face. Nothing thrilled him more than to bring a strong-willed one like Haruhi down several rungs down the ladder. When she finally had both feet firmly on the floor and standing still, Matt took his given chance and hopped up. His body was already close against Haruhi's, so as such, he winds up perching on Haruhi's back once again. His weight coming down onto her a bit more forcefully this time around.

Gripping around her neck (not too tightly to choke though), and clamping his thighs against her waist, legs bent to keep his feet up off the floor, Matt waited and spoke. "Now come on Haruhi, walk some more."
"Will you let me go after this?" Haruhi tried to calm herself down, realizing that it would only make matters worse if she couldn't think clearly. She paced back and forth around the room while allowing him to ride her, feeling more and more humiliated by his demands by the minute. It wasn't that he was particularly heavy, but being forced to carry someone else made her feel like some sort of pack animal.
Unable to answer her at the moment, Matt just hangs on and rides Haruhi as she paced his room back and forth. Her gait makes him bounce slightly, in turn making him all the more aroused. Wanting to further said aroused state, his eyes glance down....he wanted to see just how her feet and legs looked and moved as she walked. He could sense the humiliation, which gave him more of a thrill.

"Mmh, just keep going, I'll get off when I've had my fill, Haruhi."
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