The Mountain Village (Wingshadow and Haruki-sama)



From the point of view of any outsider that happened to be passing through this remote mountain village, it appeared as nothing out of the ordinary other than being particularly small and not well known. It stood amid a thick pine forest skirt that spread out in all directions, only broken by wide square fields and the occasional water conduits that fed into them. The village itself had only two preschools and one upper-level school, which contained middle-school through high-school classes. There were a few grocery stores here and there, mostly nestled next to the residential areas alongside the water conduits that ran through town. All-in-all, it wasn't much different from any other developing community... From an outsider's cursory inspection, that is.

Every twenty years, something unique would happen between winter and spring, that odd time of the year when its much too cold to go outside yet not cold enough for ice to form or snow to fall. On just such a day, when the moon passes through the eye of the local church's bell tower, a single tone resounds across the village... a deep tone, a solitary tone, one which marks the initiation of the event... in which different planes of existence cross each other and beings are drawn from other worlds to this town.

No one knows why it happens, or where these beings will appear precisely, but every time the tone sounds, the locals know what to expect... Something extraordinary will be passing through the portal, something very odd indeed.

On this particular occasion, it happened to be a girl. She sported a bright blue and white school uniform with an orange band pinned to her left sleeve. She had short brown hair, and a confused looked on her face as she stared out upon the empty road winding up toward the high school.

"This isn't my school," she blinked twice, "This is weird... Just a second ago I was..."

She looked around, as if looking for someone.

"Damn it all!" she pounded her right foot against the concrete in a frustrated manner.
No, it wasn't a big city the likes of where he wanted to move originally, but at least it wasn't the country where he used to live. Some days though, the young man, on his way home from running errands around town, clad in khaki pants and a warm long-sleeve shirt (it was getting cooler out after all), wished that there was more excitement.

It was perhaps an odd fantasy to have, but being one who was into the various worlds of anime and the wide range of colorful characters within them, he allowed his mind to run wild at times, pondering over how those fantasies could become reality.

He knew of the strange occurrences through conversations with locals and friends he had made here, yet he had to experience them himself.

As he walked the sidewalk and the church bell sounded once with its low resonating sound, he suddenly felt a shiver, and brought his arms around himself.

"Damn...they said winter comes early here, but I didn't think THIS early. Guess I should get home before it gets too cold."

He rushes forwards, but suddenly comes to a screeching stop as his eyes stare longingly at a girl. He had seen many younger folks of the village, and none of them wore uniforms like this one the girl was sporting. He knew of a girl with that same uniform from one certain anime he had amongst many on his shelves at home. He squirms a bit in place. as he kept staring at the one and only Haruhi Suzumiya.

When she stopped not too far away from him, all Matt (his name) could do, was to wave and greet her as he would any other in the small town.

"Hiya!" he said, then smiled as he finally drops his arm to his side and waits. Maybe, just now, he could finally realize some of these fantasies he longed to do.
Haruhi Suzumiya, for that indeed was who it was, turned on her left heel and looked over the boy, starting at his shoes and working her way upward until her eyes rested a little higher than his eyebrows. She placed her left hand onto her hip and shifting her weight to her left foot she gestured at him firmly with her right hand pointer finger.

"Yeah, I suppose you will have to do," she leaned forward slightly as if she had to in order to speak at his level, "Could you tell me where this is? I don't have all day, either, I don't want to be late to class!"
Like Haruhi did with him, Matt did with Haruhi. His eyes start at her feet, and went up her body until his eyes stop at hers. He could only smile at her and just shake his head a bit. "You look lost. You're in a small town at the base of the mountains."

As he continued to stare, Matt got to thinking about how he was going to get Haruhi to go home with him. He had no ideas in mind. All he had on his mind right now was showing this girl just how odd he was. He knew she liked the odd, unique, and just plain weird. She loathed 'normal' people....that much he knew. He was anything 'but' that, despite his outward, plain look.

Reaching up, he runs a hand through his short dark brown hair, watching and waiting for a good moment to maybe pounce on Haruhi. He would have preferred out of the public view of course.
"Well, that doesn't help me at all..." Haruhi huffed, crossing her arms in front of herself and looking off to the right as if scanning for someone else who would be more useful, "Unless I am mistaken, I might have just wondered here by accident, but that doesn't explain why I have no memory of this place or what I am doing here... This is so weird..."

Her eyes sparkled a bit as she looked over the empty streets, wonder and excitement starting to build up to a boiling point within her.

"Hey, would you happen to have a computer or something I could use?" she turned to Matt, without even asking his name. In her own mind, it didn't really matter who he was since he seemed to be just an ordinary boy to her.
"Yes, I do, but at my house, Haruhi. We'd have to go there first." he said. Reaching out, Matt then grabbed Haruhi's hand, looking her over again. He was curious of this girl's height to his own. He hoped she'd be able to handle him with whatever he tried.

He kept holding Haruhi's hand, his fingers curious and rubbing at her skin a bit, curious what it felt like.
Haruhi's hand was very soft, almost the feeling of the finest silk yet with the distinct texture of skin. Upon noticing his gesture, she instantly withdrew her hand, pulling it out of his grasp.

"What do you think you are doing?!" she snapped, "I never asked you to hold my hand... Humans these days are so cocky, just because I throw them a few bones they go ahead and start running wild."

She sighed, "Just show me the way, boy, I just want to see if I am in the same world, and a computer with internet access should be able to answer that question. I don't want to be bothered with you for any longer than I have to, so make it quick."

"How do you know my name, anyway?" Haruhi walked along with him, careful to keep a minimum distance of three feet between them, "I never remember introducing myself to you and I have never seen you before in my life."
Just feeling Haruhi's hand wasn't enough for him. Matt figured he would show this girl just how odd he really could be.

"I'll tell you how to get there, Haruhi. You seem to think I'm just an ordinary human. Well I can show you that I'm anything but that."

Matt wasn't about to let Haruhi gain distance between them. He steps over and follows Haruhi, walking a foot behind her. His hands reached out and came down onto her shoulders.
As he grasped her shoulders, Haruhi spun around to face him, skepticism clearly painted on her expression, "So your not a normal human, are you? Does that make you an alien or something?"

She stopped and waited for his reply, but she seemed more irritated at his "touchy-feelyness" then anything else.

"If that's the case, prove it to me," Haruhi's gaze intensified slightly.
Matt figured it would be now or never. Haruhi seemed irritated with his actions, not that he cared. She'd get a good dose of his "touchy feely" ways in a big, and odd, way.

"Prove it hmmm? Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you, Haruhi."

Wanting to attempt showing Haruhi just what he meant, Matt went and turned Haruhi back around.
(sorry about the short post... wasn't sure what else to add)

Haruhi placed her hands onto her hips and huffed, awaiting his "proof" without a word of response. Of course, she had no idea what he was actually planning to do to her...
"I'll tell you where to go Haruhi, goes."

With his hands still on Haruhi's shoulders and the girl's backside facing him, Matt hopped a couple times in place before he jumps up and forward, getting on Haruhi's back. His legs forcibly going to the sides of her waist for her to grab hold of.
"What the-" Haruhi wobbled a bit from his sudden weight on her back but managed to grab onto him and hold him in place and keep herself from falling over, "What are you, five years old? You can't just jump on someone and expect them to catch you..."

She shrugged, getting a sense of his oddness which honestly amused her, but trying to keep her focus on getting to the computer, "Whatever, you aren't all that heavy anyway... So where is your house?"
"Yeah, well it's obvious you could catch me. You can either go home is on this street, or if you wish, we can go around the back way where no one's watching."

Matt knew he was weird, but the thought and feeling of him now upon one of many he knew about from other be carried by Haruhi, was getting him a bit excited. His arms loop around her neck and he hangs on, waiting for her legs and feet to get moving.
Haruhi started walking towards the house, not really caring to be subtile about it as there didn't seem to be anyone else outside at this time of day. It was cold and slightly breezy, the only warmth being from her own body and the friction caused when her clothes rubbed against his a bit due to her movement as she walked. When she approached the house she figured was his, as they had walked past the others without Matt stopping her, she walked around the back of the house and knelt down to let him down.

"This is the place, right?" Haruhi asked, "It seems ordinary enough."
He wasn't quite ready to get down off Haruhi yet. "Yes, it's my place. I know it's not much to look at, but it's nice and warm inside."

Figuring he may as well get off of her back, Matt backed up and stood, going to the door and opening it, He steps aside to let her in. He had other ideas in mind to get his ways with this girl.
Haruhi nodded and stepped inside, politely taking off her shoes and turning them around before stepping into the hallway. She looked up and around the house briefly, apparently searching for his room as she wandered up the steps towards the bedrooms.

"Do you live here alone?" she asked, as the house felt quite silent and empty. She stopped at the top of the steps and looked down, apparently unaware that she was flashing him with a panty shot if he were to simply look up.
Without a doubt, Matt was following Haruhi up the steps. His eyes watching her feet and elgs with interest as they moved, along with getting those glimpses of her panties.

When she stops at the top, he spoke as he stops on the step below her. "Yeah, all alone Haruhi. Keep's the last room at the end of the hallway."
"Alright," Haruhi walked to the end of the hallway as she had been instructed and peered inside his room. It appeared to be, at least at first glance, nothing unusal for the room of a boy his age. There was a bookcase in the corner, beside the bed and desk upon which stood his computer.

"Excuse me," Haruhi said as she stepped inside and looked around a bit before her eyes settled onto the computer screen. She rubbed her hands together and pressed the power button on the unit before taking a seat.
The bedroom wasn't anything exciting really. He had his home office downstairs, but he wasn't about to tell Haruhi this. Knowing he had his spare PC in this room, he could be in complete privacy with this girl.

Once she went over and sat down by the small desk and had her eyes glued to the screen, he shuts the door slowly and locks it, doing all this as quietly as possible while she was preoccupied.

Now Matt wasn't sure how he was going to do it, but he did want to be upon Haruhi more, but he first knew he had to affix her to the chair she was seated in. While she was busy, he went to his closet and fetched some duct tape. He didn't have rope on him at the moment.
"That's wierd... Almost creepy even," Haruhi clicked through the search engine results, "I can't find my SOS-Brigade homepage, but I can find all these so-called fan-sights that are devoted almost entirely to people with the same names as myself and my brigade members... Just what sort of messed-up world have I fallen into?"

She was much too immersed in how unusual and interesting this world that she had dropped into is to notice anything that Matt was up to.
"Just think of it like this, Haruhi, all those people think highly of you." he says, walking up behind the chair, tape in hand. "Including me, though I don't need a fan site. I have the real deal." Grinning, Matt then quickly brought some tape down and around...several times over, around each arm, fastening them to the arms of the chair. He made sure he went up high enough so she couldn't easy pry at the tape and undo it.
"W-what are you doing, you freak?!" Haruhi tried to pull her arms off the chair but it was fastened tightly enough for her not to get much headway at all, "What the heck do you intend to do to me?"

She managed to somewhat stand up with the chair still attached to her arms, albeit with a great amount of difficulty. She tried to make her way to the door, not realizing that it was already locked and that the chair couldn't fit through the doorway even if it wasn't. She tipped the edge of the desk, however, causing her to loose balance and slam onto the floor on her side. She let out a muffled cry, but otherwise she just lay there on her side looking up at Matt with a slightly fearful look on her face.
He watched and waited for Haruhi to finally go to the floor. Going over to her, Matt uprights the chair back onto its feet. "I just want you to stay for a while, that's all."

He now stares down at Haruhi's body, his hands down on hers. He's watching her lower half, mostly to see if she still moved at all.
"Ever heard of asking?" Haruhi remarked, eyes narrowing slightly in irritation but deciding for the moment to stop struggling as it apparently didn't do her much good, "Somehow I don't think you just want to spend time with me."
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