High School of the Dead: The Decent into Darkness Chronicles (Wingshadow and Mech)

""Thank you, Souji-kun," Tomoki took one last breath before the young man brought down the blade.

With that, the weapon sliced clean through its intended target, nearly an instant death for the young educator. His lifeless form slid down lifeless upon the back lawn, head cleaved and unable to be reanimated to join the assembly of the walking dead. He fell forward, with the side of his face pressing gently against the sweet-smelling ground below him as if having fallen into a peaceful slumber. For him, however, he would never have to rise up again.

Oba-chan stood beside Souji, her left hand holding her long smoking pipe with the tip pressed between her lips. Her old and wrinkled face looked down at her grandson, then turned toward the young man and reached her right hand toward him. She held a long-handled shovel.

"The least and old woman can do for her grandson is give him a proper burial. Go on inside and help the young lady," a sorrowful smile graced her lips as she spoke, "I think I can manage myself... If any of them weird folk come by, I always have my trusty shotgun, so don't you worry. This old crone won't go down without a fight."

She patted his shoulder, showing that she bore no ill-will toward him before shrugging her shoulders and turning toward the lawn once again, "Tis a sad day we live in, when someone of my age outlives her grandchildren... A sad day indeed."


Hitomi lay in the room that had been assigned to her by Oba-chan, her right hand spread across her eyes and forehead while her left hand hung off the edge of the bed. Between her fingers she could see the still fins of the fan as they stood at the ready for the electricity to return, which of course was futile. The only sound she could hear was from her own breath, and the distant groan of the old wooden house frame against the afternoon wind. Her mind was quite literally blank, neither considering nor debating, as she patiently waited. What did she wait for? It was anyone's guess.

Tiring of her position she curled over to her side and laid her head down on the pillow. Calmly and idly, she began to trace the curvature of her figure with her left hand, finally resting it on her hip. Abruptly she sat up and began to undress, stripping down to her undergarments before slipping under the covers. She hugged the pillow, pulling it close to herself before drifting into a light doze.
Souji watched the limp and lifeless form of his teacher on the ground, his face expretionless. It felt as if something inside him died with his teacher that night. Something that made him keep looking forward despite the circumstances. Maybe, what died was that side to him that promised a better future for Hitome moments before. Hope. Hope simply vanished from him the moment he took the life of his friend with his own hands. Could he really carry the burden of having taken that man's life? He tried to convince himself that he could, but guilt was already eating at him in such a way, he imagine he would be an empty body soon enough. How could he give her hope and take care of her, if he could barely stand his own presence at that moment?

Oba-chan's words took him from his self inflicted penitence, and he heard what she had to say, his eyes just as lifeless as Hitomi's own, when she heard the news. He nooded to the older woman, a part of him wishing she wold be mad at him and punish him for what he did, as he should be punished. But she didn't and wouldn't. So he simply nodded, and walked back to house. He wanted to help her bury him as well, but he probably wouldn't be able to. He felt the weight of the sword on his hand, and heard the blood dripping from the blade to the grass bellow, and suddenly he couldn't hold it on anymore, and his tears flowed down his cheeks. He wasn't sobbing, or crying desperately, but still, he had to let his feelings out, or he probably would explode.

He stopped before he reached the porch, and dried his eyes before entering the house, sheathing the sword as he did. The living room was silent, and the boy imagined Yukihito had warned the girls of what would happen, and they were probably in their own rooms, trying to cope with the situation in their own manner. He climbed the steps to the second floor silently and slowly, as if trying to delay reaching her room for as long as he could, but he was upon the door in seconds, no matter what he did. He looked at the knob, and his hand stopped befor reaching it. What would he say? How would he look at her?

"Are you scared?" - Asked a voice behind him, and Souji froze in place. He knew that voice all to well. He turned to the man behind him, and saw his father there, standing some steps behinf him, in a blood covered uniform, a big hole on the side of his head. - "I told you. You always had a tough body and delicate feelings. We both knew you would break sooner or later. Now's a good time as any, isn't it?"

Chapter 4: Back from the Dead

Souji looked at the man, pale. There was one more thing he couldn't handle, no matter what. He was really seeing him. Not imagining things, but seeing it. His father was there, beside him, the same warm smile he always had with his son, the same way he had always been, aside the bloody clothes and a bullet hole on the head.

"D-dad?" - he asked, unsure. Was he going crazy? That was the only option, as he knew his father was dead. Of course, the dead could walk at this day and age, but still, not talk and smile like that. - "What... You're... You're here?" - he couldn't help but ask.

His father laughed just as whole heartedly as he did when he still lived.

"Of course I'm not. You know I'm not. Still, you see me, don't you?" - He shrugged. - "So I am. In a sense, at least."

"What... What are you doing here?" - Souji asked the man he looked up for so long, not knowing what else to say or ask.

"What a silly question. I'm here to help you, as always." - he smiled, warmly. - "Right now, the way to help you, is to convince you to back away from this door, Souji. Let her sleep and mourn. Go back to your room, and leave her be. She doesn't need you. She doesn't want to see you. Not now, and maybe not ever."

Souji looked at him, almost panicking. Was it true? Probably. He did kill her fiancee. So it was a possibility, even with all she said moments before he did it. Still, Souji couldn't bring himself to believe in it.

"No... No!" - he refused, looking at his father.

"It's true. You killed him, don't you?" - asked the police man, with a stern look, as if feeling the pain inside his son.

"I... I was helping him. I didn't want it..." - he tried to refuse it, but words were failling him.

"Don't lie to me Souji. And don't lie to yourself. We both know you desired him to be out of your way. We both know you imagined him dead or away from her, countless times." - said the man, sadly.

"Wha... What?! No! It needed to be done!" - Souji protested, horrified. But guilt heaped inside him, boiling to such a point, he could feel his chest about to burst. - "I didn't... No..."

"You did. You made it happen. He is gone now." - he smiled, almost proudly. - "Now what?"

Souji looked at his father's bloody form in silence, at a loss. His knees were trembling and the sword escaped from his grasp, hitting the floor. He couldn't say anything. His mind was spinning, all those carefully accusing words rolling around inside him, making him feel even worse. Without even thinking, he opened the door to Hitomi's room and entered, closing behind him, as if trying to leave his father outside. If only he could...

But inside her room, they were alone. No sign of the bloody police officer. Just her tiny frame under the covers. Souji looked at her, and made his way to her bed, sitting beside it. He face looked sad, suffering, even in her sleep. His hand touched her cheek, caressing her slightly. He skin, soft as snow, was much more delicate than the richest of silks.

"I'm sorry." - he said to her, then. - "I did it... I'm so sorry..." - he confided again, even though he knew she was suffering way more than him.
Hitomi wasn't sleeping very soundly, and she gently stirred and opened her eyes a short while after his fingers had brushed across her. She blinked and instinctively pulled away half a foot before recognizing Souji. Her mind slowly mulled over what he had said to her as her arms reached out and grasped him by his shoulders, pulling him to herself until he sat on her lap.

"No, it is I who should be apologizing... Doing something like that is not a thing you should have been tasked to do, and if I wasn't so weak I would have done it myself," she leaned forward and hugged him, her arms wrapping around his sides and holding him close to herself. He could probably feel her alluring warmth and the flutter of her heart, uninhibited by her lack of clothing. She rubbed her soft cheek against his, as if prodding him.

"Souji, you did not kill Tomoki... You set him free," she whispered in his ear calmly, but her voice was clearly cracking up from the sorrow in her heart, "You released him from the horrible fate of becoming like them... He died a proud and noble man, did he not? That is how he wanted it to be, and do not let anyone else say differently. You did not do it out of malice, rather, you did it out of love."

Growing in boldness, she brushed her hands up under his shirt and ran her palms across back, savoring the feel of his skin against hers. She pulled herself up slightly and kissed him square on the lips, maintaining the embrace for a few moments before letting him go.

"I still love you, Souji, isn't that enough?" she looked up at him, her wide frail eyes searching his for some glimmer of gladness or return of her approaches.
Souji simply sat on her lap, glad to be comforted. He knew he should be the one comforting her. She was the one suffering the most. But still he couldn't. He was selfishly indulging in her kindness and love, so he could drown a feeling that would be ten times less than the sadness she was feeling herself.

Tha feeling came, mainly because he knew that she was right, but also, she wasn't. He wished for Tomoki to die, many times before, when he watched them from afar. Of course, it was the simple whim of a childish boy who considered himself more of a man than everybody else. It wasn't a wish that came from the bottom of his soul, which he desired with all his might. Just simple thoughts of how easy it would be for him to stay if her, had Tomoki never existed, or simply died. Now, the guilt for ever thinking like that about a man he came to respect and like, eventually killing, was eating away at him in ways he couldn't even have guessed existed.

He heard what she had to say, and decided to simply believe in her words, trying to convince himself that she was right. He did not cry so he did not have any tears to wipe, but after taking a long breath, he parted a little away from her arms, so he could look at her, and nodded.

Then she kissed him, her soft lips on his own. He could feel her breath tickling his nose, but it was the best sensation he ever felt. Her hands ran through his back, and the soft skin of her fingers were more delicate than the finest silk.

"Thanks." - he said, as humble as he could ever be. His eyes pierced her own, as he heard the words he wished to hear for so long. - "I love you too. I loved you from the moment I saw you." - he answered, this time, embrancing her like a man should embrace his woman. He laid in the bed, resting her head against his chest.

"I know it's a stupid question, but... How are you feeling?" - he asked her, concerned for all the feelings she had bottled up inside her. - "Do you wanna talk about it?"
"I... Don't think its all quite sunk in yet," Hitomi replied softly, her breathing calm but her heart fluttering in her chest, "For nearly all of my life Tomoki's been there for me. Sure, we had things we disagreed on, as any two people would, but more than anything he would never let anything come between us. You might even say he was my constant or someone I could always depend on. To the end, all he ever wanted was to make sure everyone else was taken care of... And he didn't want anyone else worrying about him."

She relaxed her grip on Souji slightly as she tried to let go of the slight tension in her voice, "He was too much like me in that way, damn it..."

Hitomi breathed slowly and deeply, as if imprinting his distinct scent and their combined warmth upon her mind. She wished to memorize him, as it were, and ensure that she would remember every aspect of his being. It was not that she wanted him to replace Tomoki, as he would forever live on in her memory and remain impossible to remove, but she wished to force herself to move on. She knew her own weakness, and how dangerous it would be if she dwelt on her loss for too long. Hitomi was already peering over the abyss of her own unstable mental state for a while now and she did not wish to press things any further than she had too. Of course, she was also risking the possibility that by trying to block out and relegate her feelings for Tomoki to the past, she might be internalizing the pain to such a degree that it would resurface at the most inopportune moments.

"I'm... I'm fine, really," she gave him an uneasy smile which she hoped would convince him to let the subject drop. After all, it was hard enough for her to save face like this when she wanted desperately to find some way to cope. She was trying to let Souji become her emotional support by casting herself on him, but at the same time she felt concerned that he might feel she was simply using him as a substitute...
"Ok, then..." - Souji replied simply, even though he knew she wasn't. How could she be fine? He wished she wouls talk to him a little more, take it all off her chest, but as he expected, she didn't. She simply swallowed all of the pain, and buried deep inside herself, what was, in itself, something that Souji feared she would do, but that he also admired her for. She was a strong woman. Of course, she had a limit and as everybody else, she was dangerously close to it, but still, she was still brave and strong. Now it was up to him to keep her safe and shield her from anymore pain that would push her over the abyss of desperation and hopelessness that they were all hanging since it all begun.

"Let's talk about something else then? Something good..." - he said, though he was at a loss at what to say. His fists were always a lot more sociable than his tongue, except when it came to cursing, so he was way out of his comfort zone. Then he found a topic he decided she might like. He rested her head against his chest. - "You know, I never thought I would say this, but I miss school. Napping on the roof. Getting scolded by you because I forgot my homework... Well, I never forgot it really... Did you know I actually always did my homework everyday? I just never showed to any teacher..."

He laughed slightly, his hands running through her hair in a soothing way. - "I also miss you in your red jersey, giving PE class to the girls. You looked really sexy in it. Oh yeah, do you remember that time in the pool? We had swimming classes, and I surprised everyone by coming. It was the only swimming class I ever went, because I knew that you would be the one teaching it, though you rarely ever gave swimming classes. You spent a lot of time trying to convince me to tag along everyone, and I simply told you to piss off, until you were som mad I thought you would drown me with you own hands." - Souji laughed at the memory. It was a dear memory to him. - "I went there simply to take a picture of you. The one in my deskdrawer."

"Those were good times." - he finished, look at the ceiling.
"You know, I miss the school every single day," Hitomi sighed, "I miss how simple my life was, having most things taken for granted such as not having to worry about food being available or having to run for my life... It worried me that you never seemed to put much effort into your studies, but I suppose part of that was my own fault for not realizing why you were doing it."

She softly cooed while he stroked her hair, like a content kitten in the lap of her owner, "So you admit you were involved in the picture bootlegging? I'm surprised you are being this honest... I mean, I could totally use this as blackmailing material."

Hitomi was kidding, of course, as it didn't even make any sense given that the six of them were the only people in the world that they were certain were still alive. She tried to forget this fact for the time being, however, and simply indulged in the moment by enjoying spending time with Souji... her Souji.

"I never believed that you were a truly bad kid," Hitomi decided to continue the train of thought, "and I am sure you already know this, but rather than blame you for your own behavior, I took it upon myself to try to guide you to participate... I wonder how long we would have remained in that state if things had not turned out like they did. I probably wouldn't be here right now, with you, and for that I think I can be thankful."

She scooted up slightly, until her chin rested comfortably in the crook of his neck, "I know that it is terrible of me to ruin the mood like this, but you realize that we can't trap ourselves in the past. What is over is gone, and may never be again unless we make it for ourselves. If we want things to go back to the way they were, we will have to fight for it and never let ourselves give up no matter how bleak things may become."

Hitomi rather abruptly sat up, straddling him while allowing him to take in her mature figure. Her athletic body and strong stomach muscles could be clearly noticed even when she was fully dressed, but while she was sitting there before him wearing only a pair of pink underwear, it would have been simply impossible for anyone NOT to notice. She gave him a pleased smile, watching for his reaction as she reached behind her back and unhooked her bra.

"Would you... Like to see them?" she asked in a deceptively innocent voice.
High School of the Dead: The Descent into Darkness Chronicles

Blackmailing material? What you gonna do about it, huh, teacher? Ground me? Detention? Take me to the principal's office? I'd like to see that." - he smiled playfully while his finger ran down her long hair, soft as silk. He could smell the shampoo scent that hang in every thread. It tickled his nose, in a sweet and pleasant way. He felt a little better that she seemed to be a little happier than before. - "Guilty as charged. I'm proud of that picture. Its a goddamn masterpiece. Da Vinci would be ashamed of Mona Lisa, if he ever got to see that..." - He knew it would sound as a great exageration, and he made sure to make it look like it, so she wouldn't know he really thought that way.

He listened to her, quietly, his smile dying when her last words reached his ears. Souji sighed, looking at the shadows in the ceiling. He could hear a light rain tapping in the window, as if the sky weeped that night, for all those they lost, as he immersed himself in his memories. She was right. The past was gone. The school, the house with a gun collection, his future as a cop, his father, his friends. Everything gone. - "I know. Don't worry... I won't give up." - he told her, in a soft tone.

She suddenly sat up, and allowed his eyes to take all of her mature figure. He felt a tightening pression on his crotch, hoping that, she wouldn't notice, even though she was sitting directly over it. He gulped down a little, holding his breath. She was even more beautiful than in his wildest fantasies. He never ever imagined her that perfect, even when dreaming or fantasizing about her. She was only on her lingerie, but she did not seem to care. He watched as she unhooked her bra, and the click of the hook echoed in his ears. That was happening. And he was supposed to be in bliss, but he wasn't.

Because she did not want him. She wanted anything that could make her feel better. And Souji was there, avaliable and willing. All his dreams were coming true, and he felt empty and void. But he knew he couldn't deny her. He did not want, also. He saw no value on his own life anymore. He had lost anything, just like her. So if she needed him to be there, in anyway, he would. If she wanted to cry, he would hould her. If she wanted to lay with him, he would lay with her. And If she wanted to fuck him, he would fuck her. He didn't mattered. She did. So he forced himself to smile, and nodded. - "Yeah. I do. I'd love to see them." - he answered, his hands resting each on one of her tights.

From the back of the room, he could feel the gaze of his father, vigilant.
Hitomi slowly let her bra fall, perhaps lingering a bit longer than usual in order to gently tease him with the gradual revelation of one of her most closely guarded secrets. Her bountiful, perfectly-shaped breasts stood directly in front of him. Throughout all of their trials and battles, not a scratch had been put on them, so they remained as soft, round and unblemished as they had been for years before all this had come to pass. He had doubtless fantasized about her body many times, but he had doubtless never seen the genuine article before. She gently took his right hand in her left hand and guided him until his hand cupped her left breast, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she felt his warm hand brushing against her sensitive nipple.

"Please don't look at me like that. I... I'm not doing this out of out of pity or a desire to replace him with you, Souji... I'm doing this for you and for myself as well," she reached up with her right hand and stroked his cheek in a loving manner, "If I let myself dwell in the past, I'll drive myself mad with grief. I need to move on, move on with you... I need someone to be there for me, to love and support me even when I am broken and worn down with sorrow. Please, be that for me, Souji... Be my lover and companion."

Even if she couldn't see the tightening in his pants due to his arousal, she could feel his member poking her in the crotch as she sat directly over him. She bent forward slightly and kissed him, tilting her head to the side slightly to allow for a more intimate embrace as she pressed her body against him with need and desire. She wanted to be here, with him... Even if they didn't go all the way that day, she wanted him to explore and enjoy her body, to be enraptured with her form as a sign of their bond, a bond which would be severely tried over the next few days and weeks. She wanted to seal a pact with him, as it were, that he would be there for her and remember this moment when they gave in to their desires and indulged themselves in each other's bodies.
Souji held his breath for a brief moment when Hitomi's bra slid down her arms, the perfectly-shaped breasts in front of him being exactly as he had imagined but still for some reason, seemed to be yet a lot more beautiful than in his wildest dreams. It was breath taking, literally. He exhaled hard when his teacher pulled his hand to one of her breasts. Souji cupped it, slowly, caressing the whole breast, before running his fingers across the delicate skin of her chest, until his fingertips reached her nipple, brushing softly against it. He heard her explanation and chuckled slightly, pinching ner nipple, a litlle before going back tu cup the whole of her breast again.

"I know, sensei. Don't worry. I want you too. I always wanted you." - Souji answered her, with a little smile. He did not believe her completely. Or actually, believed her, but figured that wasn't all of the reason that was happening. He could have, if the situation was different but, seeing the way everything turned out, he guessed it had more to it. But he did not care enough to complain, and wouldn't let her know what he thought about it. - "This is perfect for me. You know how much time I spent imagining this? How many sleepless nights, just wondering how this would feel?"

Then she leaned in for a kiss and Souji kissed her deeply, passionately, sucking her soft lips with his own. The softest touch was enough to send an eletrical current all throughout his body, making every last hair on his body stand. He embraced her firmly, his hands down her back until he felt his fingers touch the back of her panties, when it would ran up again, pulling her agains his chest. He could feel her nipples against his chest, and suddenly, his clothes were becoming simply suffocating. Souji once again brought his hands to her chest, this time cuping both of her breasts one each hand, caressing the nipples and massaging the body.

Souji wanted her so badly, he could feel every cell in his body screaming for her. Softly, he broke the kiss, and proceeded to kiss her cheek, and down her neck, sucking on her soft skin, sometimes strong enough to leave a mark. He didn't care for it. She was his now, and he didn't mind if everyone ended up knowing about it. He sucked on her neck, kissing it while going down, desiring to prove her beautifu breasts with his mouth, but leaving a trail of kisses and bites on his way down.
Just as she had imagined, once Hitomi gave Souji a little initiative he quickly took command, scooping her up into his strong arms and holding her soft body to his own. This was not the first time she had ever made love to someone, of course, but for some reason this felt much more raw and erotic than any time she had ever done it before. The way he grasped and molded her breasts, pinched and rubbed against her tender peaks which already stood out stiffly, caused heated gasps to escape her slightly parted lips which roamed his body, seeking an open spot of skin to kiss. Her hands came alive, pulling his shirt up and over his head in order to expose his chest then down toward his pants to release him from the tight confines of his clothing, which were soon becoming unnecessary for what they were planning on doing that afternoon.

She unfastened and pulled his belt out of the loops of his jeans, casting it aside like an unwanted and cumbersome article before unbuttoning and sliding his pants down his legs, her hands pausing to slide her fingertips along the toned thigh muscles. She could feel him over her body, roaming and exploring her while leaving a trail of kisses, sometimes pausing to suck hard enough to leave a hickey. Whenever he took hold of her breasts, she could feel the desire and need in the way he kneaded them with his fingers, which further heightened her state of arousal, her body pressing up into his touches. She wanted and needed this, to cast away her doubts and fears and embrace him as her new-found refuge and accept the sign of becoming his by receiving him fully.

Her legs were beginning to rub against each other as her womanhood dampened and her panties became soaked with her lubricant love juices. She loved it when her partner took control of her and held her aggressively yet tenderly... It made her feel at peace. When he finally reached her breasts with his mouth, she reached toward her own chest and gently pushed them up for his consideration, "Please, help yourself, Souji... Just be gentle with me, alright? I'm not as young as I used to be, so my stamina isn't what it once was... Perhaps we should stop after three or four runs."

Hitomi cupped his cheeks in her hands, stroking his sideburns with her fingertips as she looked over his face with soft, loving eyes. She couldn't remember when she first started loving him, but throughout their trials he had proven himself a trustworthy and courageous man, one whose kisses left her breathless and desiring more. His words were but a temporary remedy to her burning need. She needed his love to satisfy her innate need for comfort and reassurance, which could only be granted through this carnal expression of affection. She wrapped her arms around him and laid back on the bed, spreading her legs apart for his inspection while pulling him down onto herself.
Souji let Hitomi strip him off his clothes as he watched the jiggling of her breasts as she did, almost as if it was the most amizing thing he had ever seen. In his mind, it was. She was utterly beautiful in his eyes, a beauty unmatched by anything else in God's whole creation. She was perfect, unique. And now Hitomi was his, and only his. He felt empowered by such sensation. While the teacher undressed him, Souji continued playing with her body, his hands discovering every and each part of it. He wanted to touch in, to see how it felt, to kiss, so he would know the taste.

He kissed her breasts hungrily, while avoiding the nipple, tongue, lips and teeth playing with every inch of her tender peaks, only avoiding the very tip. While his mouth played with one, his hand tended to the other, in a never ending bliss. The boy listened to her, quietly and then smiled.

"You're talking like an old woman, sensei..." - he chuckled -"Of course I'll be gentle, but I know you're just playing with me. You're in great shape." - he caressed her face, gently and softly. - "But of course, I'll stop whenever you want me to." - he smiled, while taking nipple in his mouth sucking on it ever so gently, but keeping his eyes fixed on hers, from bellow. He wanted her to know he was listening. He nibbled her nipple and then make his way to the other one, as he hand to place in the previous. His other hand made its way to her bottom, caressing her butt while discovering it.

"You are my girl now. And we have all the time in the world to enjoy ourselves." - he said, as he suddenly grabbed one of her buttcheeks, a little strongly. - "So, I can take my time with you..." - he smiled.
"I know," Hitomi smiled in a slightly cheeky manner, "You can probably see that well enough when I am dressed, let alone now." Her toned body lay out for his inspection, as she was well built without loosing her distinctly feminine shape. As he played and explored, she couldn't help but be filled with a bit of pride knowing that he was practically mesmerized by her body. The way he teased and tasted her breasts caused her breath to become heavy and her chest heave slightly, eyes glazing over with the pleasure he was giving to her in the process. She let out a surprised yet pleased squeak when he took hold of her butt, bending up toward him and pecking him on the lips in response to his words.

"Yes... I'm all yours, Souji," she smiled up at him, "How would you like to take your girl? You know I aim to please, so if there is something in particular you want to try, just let me know... What sort of fantasies have you had about me? Perhaps we can enact a few of them."
Souji looked at her with, his hand caressing one of her cheeks, over her panties. He was simply admiring her beauty. Such delicate features, eyes so deep, he could lose himself and be freed from the pain and guilt that ate away inside him, creating a black hole he felt would end up devouring him. The boy kissed her chest, softly, a little above her breasts, while his free hand couped her face, caringly. He laughed a little, and could help but blushing when she mentioned his fantasies about her. She knew he had lots and lots of them, as any boy his age would with a crush as beautiful as her. It was unnavoidable, so lying didn't even crossed his mind. They hadn't even made love yet for the first time, but he decided it wouldn't hurt to share some of his fantasies.

"I had lots of them, you know?" - he squeezed her butt cheek a little, playing with the back of her panties right after. He looked at the ceiling, slightly flustered- "The main one, would be right after PE Class. I would be showering, and for some reason, you enter the boy's shower room. You say the female staff shower isn't working, and that you're late for your next class. So you undress and share the shower with me... It goes on from there..." - he blushed, slightly, looking at her."

"Another one... You force me to help you put away the gym equipment at the gym's storeroom, and we end up locked in there." - he paused, a finger entering through the bottom of her panties, along with her leg, carelessly roaming through her ass, sometimes close to her crack. - "Then it begins to get hot... Really hot. We start to sweat and clothes begin to bother. Some times you're desperate to go to the bathroom. But it seems we'll be stuck there for some time, so... We gotta make do... And it also goes on from that point..."
"What a naughty boy..." Hitomi poked his nose with the tip of her left forefinger, giggling and sliding her hips forward slightly as she began to grow slightly more emboldened, "So you would dream of holding me in your arms and giving me all your sweet love while clutching my soft, tender flesh and pounding away at your teac-, no, your girl's delicate flower, hm? I wouldn't mind a little shower play, but when I'm wet its hard for me to take my time and savor each moment if you know what I mean."

She shook her butt back and forth slightly, her eyes slightly glistening with mounting anticipation and building playfulness as his hands began to drift closer to the dampening lips of her womanhood but never touching her there directly, which was still concealed behind the thin cloth of her panties which was the only significant piece of clothing she still wore. She began to push forward slightly, easing him onto his back as she laid down on top of him gently, resting most of her weight on her arms and legs as she loomed over him, giving him easier access to explore her body as he willed. Bending down and capturing another kiss, her tongue darted into his mouth and slid across his as she sampled the taste of his lips on hers and felt yet another warm rush of pleasure surge through her. She briefly pulled back and nipped on his ear lobe as she bent up to speak into his ear.

"Make me hotter, hot and bothered, Souji," she whispered softly, her right hand tracing around his side until her fingertips reached his hardening manhood, gently rubbing against him and testing his firmness, "Touch me, Souji... I want you to feel every inch of me, for I belong to you and you belong to me."
"I did, yes..." - Answered the pupil, looking straight in her eyes. - "Countless times I did it." - he confessed. - "I've dreamt of kissing your body... Licking every bit of it. Lips, neck, breasts, pubis, your butt. I've dreamt of biting it, and sliding my tongue through it." - he said, softly, whispering it in her ear, as his finger and hand touched her.

He kissed her as soon as she captured his lips, his mouth opening up for her, and his tongue welcoming hers, as he licked and sucked on his teacher's lips. No, his girl's lips. Desire boiled inside him as he felt her body pressing his own against the bed. The whole weight of complete sexyness and beauty. His hands roamed throughout her body, touching every bit of it, feeling her body as he dreamed of doing so many times before. The softness of her skin, the sweetness of her lips, and the sheer heat of her touch was sending him over the top with pure hapiness and desire, clearly showing in the way his dick pointed up, restrained only by his black boxers. She could feel it on her hand, through the thin layer of his underwear. Feeling her hand there was almost enough for making him, still a virgin teenage boy, come. An unrestricted moan escaped his lips.

"I will..." - he answered her, his mouth diving in her neck, sucking slowly on it, but hard enough to leave a Hickey. One of his hands quickly reached her butt once again, maybe the part of her body that mesmerized the boy the most, and pushed her waist against his, so she could feel his erection directly on her dampening womanhood, separated only by their underwears. The other hands caressed her tighs, and up her stomach to the breasts, once again moving down. He wanted her so bad he barely new where to start.

Suddenly though, both of his hands stopped on her ass, each one firmly grabbing each of her cheeks. Then he starte to bring her waist up his body, to his own head. Only desire could be seen in his eyes.
She could feel his hardness pressing agianst her through their clothes, the excitement coursing through her body causing a shiver to run down her spine. His actions were a bit clumsy but he more than made up with it with eagerness as she allowed him to explore her body as he wished. He was all around her, holding and enfolding her body with his own. Although she was significantly older than he, she couldn't help but feel the urge to give in to his lead, letting him set the pace of their first time together. And take the lead he did, although she let out a surprised squeak when he suddenly clasped his hands onto her butt and pulled her forward, requiring her to change her position slightly in order to accommodate him.

"Here..." Hitomi helped slide herself forward until his head rested between her thighs with her black lace panties right in front of his face, supporting most of her weight with her arms and legs so as not to press down on his chest, "You want to lick me, don't you? Go ahead, help yourself to a good taste."

She reached down and pushed her panties to the side to reveal a carefully trimmed patch of hair just above the damp lips of her sex, already slightly wet from the sensation of his hands roaming her body with growing eagerness. Each breath caused her chest to heave, a slight sheen of sweat glistening on her soft, flawless skin as she gazed down at her former student with eyes that craved him, cheeks flushed with a fresh rush of blood. She gently caressed his cheeks then ran her fingers through the sweaty locks upon his head as she urged him to continue by pushing her hips forward slightly, pressing his lips against her lower lips. She leaned back slightly, allowing a soft murmur of pleasure to escape her throat while her hands continued to stroke his head.
Souji looked at the dampening black panties right in front of him, holding his breath for just on second, as a new wave of arousal charged his already over excited body. When his breath finally came back, he could clearly feel the scent of her sweat and the sweet aroma of all the fluids dampening her sex. He kissed he tighs, closing the gap to her woomanhood pretty quickly, even before she could push her panties to the side, and kissed her through the layer of cloth, sucking on her underwear so he could suck all her juices from it. Only then he backed away a little, giving her space to take it out of his way. The boy blushed slightly, when he heard she talking that way. He never imagined she could talk like that in moments like these.

The vision that unfolded right in front of his eyes was probably the sexiest thing he had ever seen. It was mesmerizing to see what he dreamt of seeing since he had entered that goddamned school, and suffered each day as he watched her from afar. His finger went directly for the patch of hair, carefully scoping it, playing with them, felling its texture. He wanted to savor all sensations her body could provide. Teen on her own, she closed the gap between them, kissing him with her lower lips.

It was heaven. The temperature, the softness, the wetness, the scent and taste. It was all simply perfect. Souji's tongue slowly made its way out of his mouth, running up alongside each of her lips, than down the other, carefully discovering her most private place. He was being extra careful on it, giving it was his first tim and he had little knowledge on what would pleasure or hurt him, and decided to take it slow was the better way to find it all out. But that scent, that taste, made him just want to devour her, sipping the place dry. After his tongue, he indulged his lips in the moist of her own, kissing each lip gently and softly, sucking ever so slightly in it. Then his tongue again, this time thursted past her lips, slowly opening her up as it mad its way to her very entrance, just a little peek inside, gathering whatever moisture it could get, and bringing it back to his mouth, so he could indulge in her flavor once more. Every reacion of her was quickly analized and memorized, as he learned what she liked.

Finally, his lips found her clitoris, which he kissed gently, playing with it a little. His tongue poked at it slightly, his teeth very gently running by it, befor he pulled it softly in his mouth, and sucked it caringly, his body urging for more.
As Souji's tongue explored her sex, the tip brushing up and down in slow, broad strokes she felt a tightening in her chest accompanied by a moan as her thighs began to press against the sides of his head as if to hold him in place as he pleasured her. The warm, wet sensation of his tongue upon the sensitive petals of her flower caused her hips to push forward and her hand upon his head to pull his head toward herself with more force each time he delved into her moist channel and tasted of her sweet nectar which flowed freely from her. When he began to play with her clitoris, however, her reaction was even more pronounced.

"Aaahhmmm... Souji... Lick and suck it gently, it feels really good when you do," Hitomi fell backward, left hand still resting on his head while her right gripped the bed sheets below them tightly. Every brush, every nip of his teeth, showed the care and love that this young man, no, her lover had for her and her alone. The more he teased, tasted, and pleasured her body the more eager she became to enjoy the sweet satisfaction of the main course. She knew that he was a virgin, if his cautiousness and growing impatience wasn't enough of a clue, yet she wouldn't hold such a thing against him. After all, that just meant that she got to enjoy the experience of being his very first.

"There, that's fine, Souji," Hitomi released her grip on his head and propped herself up onto her elbows, "Just keep it up... If you'd like I could return the favor after you're done... Or, you could put it in."
The former delinquent was pretty happy to oblidge to her request, gently licking and sucking her clitoris, savoring each drop of her sweet nectar. The taste was completely different from what he had imagined it to be, in his fantasies. Much more delicious, he had to say. His very own premium licquor, which only him was now able to savor, so sweet, but also completely inebriating. The very sensation of her warm skin against his body, the slightest brush between them sending chills down his spine. A very broad range of emotions were boiling inside his chest at that moment, but her very presence numbed the pain and despair he should be feeling, and he was only able to experience a growing need along with the pleasure of her touch.

He had no idea if what he was doing was actually pleasant for Hitomi, his only indications of her arousal being the soft moans escaping her lips, the heat emanating from her tighs and the nectar freely flowing from her. It was actually a little bit scary to blindly caress her like he was doing based on nothing but instinct, love and pure, intense desire, but as she should have figured out by then he had nothing more to go on with.

He shook his head slightly, taking a moment to breath, as he looked at her with flushed cheeks.

"Just being able to do this... I'm..." - he trailed off, suddenly embarassed. - "Is it... good? I want to pleasure you." - Souji caressed her thigh with his thumb as he spoke, gently brushing her slightly sweat skin, softly, running all the way up to her abdomen. They way she spoke aroused him to no end, but it was a little embarassing also, no matter the circumstances. It made him feel very inexperienced - "After this... We can do anything. As long as you stay here. Surprise me." - the boy finished, smiling intimately at her.

Then, his lips went back to her womanhood, gently sucking on her lips, his tongue longing for the touch of her clitoris. A finger very carefully pressed against her, prying her sex open as it disappeared inside her, carresing her insides while his lips enveloped her clitoris sucking on it ever so gently. He wanted her to feel good, the best she had ever felt, even though he had little knowledge and no pratical experience. His feelings and eagerness to please were his only allies, and he hoped it would be sufficient.
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