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New Idea!

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Nov 1, 2010
USA East Coast
A young princess is set to marry a prince from a far away country. Its all diplomatic love is not involved. However the man she is to marry is dominant and cruel. Evil some people call him. However the marriage must happen to keep the peace. Already though he is torturing her. Sending her nightmares and scary thoughts and at the same time trying to win her over with romance. He is currently staying in the summer castle with her and at every turn he is showering her with gifts and sweet words. Confused and frightened she isn't sure where to go and knows no one will believe what she says. Her own father finds the prince dashing and sweet.

I am hoping this will be a sort of dark gothic romance with some harsher things involved like BDSM and what not. feel free to PM me. I am hoping this will take place on the site. not really interested in doing it over IM.
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