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Vampire Night Club

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Jun 18, 2011

Downtown New York there is a wild night club called the Blood Rose. This club is well known because it opens it's doors at 9:00 and closes and locks it's doors at 11:00 PM and doesn't let people out until morning. The truth is that the club is owned by Vampires. These creatures of the night will seduce and feed of the prey in the club. However, the Vampire bite is very addictive and often has the people coming back for more. The club is owned by a powerful Vampire mistress who takes care of her children.

No godmoding
Have fun
PM me all profiles for approval.

Rules of the Vampires

1. Sunlight kills you
2. You have the ability to dominate and manipulate with a gaze.
3. You need to feed of blood to stay alive
4. You are faster and stronger then a human but, you also have the ability to control yourself.

Vampire Ranks

Vampire Queen
Elder Vampire (1000+ years)
Mature Vampire (500 Years)
Young Vampire (100)
New Vampire (99- years)

To turn a human into a vampire

1. you must drain the human to near death
2. Then let the human drink some of your blood

Ranks for Humans

Just been bleed
Never been bleed
Humans have will often act like slaves or servants to the Vampire that bleed them. This often carries through to a great amount of respect and loyalty to the Vampire that turns them.

Club Jobs
All staff are Vampires

Owner/ Vampire Queen:

Bartender (3 Max)

Waiters/Waitress (5 Max)

Cooks (2 Max)

Bouncers (2 Max)

Other Vampires:


Character Sheets


Job: (if any)


Bleed too:
Amy stood outside in the line up waiting for the club to open. She was very excited to be able to party club in New York. Amy had landed from London that morning and spent most of the day sight seeing now it was time to dance and hangout. Amy wrapped her red scarf around her neck to keep herself warm. Also it looked good on her.
Emma took a look out of the window into the night and smiled. she pulled her leather jacket out of her closet and put it on and walked outside and shivered from the cold night air. This did not stop her from going to the club. Her red spaghetti dress blowing in the wind. She had on black tights that were hugging her legs. she was pretty with all her blond hair. she looked at the girl in front of her and noted she was a cute girl. She checked out Amy real quick before going back to see how quick the line was going.
Amy was oblivious the the fact that the girl behind her was checking her out. She was just anxious to get into the club. Soon enough the line was moving and Amy was to the bouncer. She showed her British passport for ID and then she was let in. Amy went to a booth against the opposite wall of the Bar. The dance floor was empty but that was because the club was just opening.
Emma watched the girl get in then it was her turn at the bouncer. She showed him her id and she too got to go inside the club. She soon found her way to the bar and got herself a beer. She then found the girl Amy and walked over and asked her "mind if i join you ".
Amy looked at the girl and smiled. "Sure you can join me if you want. I am going to get a drink though." Amy said with a British accent as she got up and headed to the bar. She ordered a glass of vodka and OJ then went and sat down.

"I'm Amy." She said in the same accent.
Emma smiled and said "iam emma nice to meet you ". She had no accent of her own but her voice was very pretty. She sipped her beer smiling at amy.
Amy smiled back and took a sip of her drink and looked to the dance floor. "So what brings you here tonight?" She asked
"well for starters i love to party and going to clubs seem to be my thing and i love to have wild fun what about you"? Emma asked .
Alexia swung into the bar through the back door. She had gotten a text on her phone telling her to show up for work tonight, they need an extra hand to cover the bar. The girl yawned lightly, exposing her longer then normal canines to the world before they were once again concealed by her lips. After throwing a wave at some of the other employees she ducked into the locker room to change her shirt to that of the uniform. A black silken button down shirt with the clubs logo just above her right breast and on her back. Not bothering to take any of her jewelry off she put her hair up in a ponytail before striding gracefully out to take her place behind the bar.
"I've been traveling the world and just arrived in New York today. I heard that this place is a fun club so I thought I check it out." Amy said. She began to look around and thought the Gothic theme was kinda cool. Also there appeared to be rooms up the stairs beyond the bar near a VIP lounge.
"Well i happen to check out every bar in town cause i can now and i got to say this place so far rocks great look and a cute chick at the bar" Emma said seeing how the girl roll when it comes to sex.
"There is some attractive people here. I think tonight will be awesome." Amy said almost finishing her drink.
Alexia surveyed the crowd in the dark interior of the bar with boredom. No one had even came up to ask her for a drink yet. Cocking her hip, she leaned against the counter and continued to watch as the humans interacted with her own species. A small smirk graced her lips whenever she saw someone or a group of someone disappear up the stairs.
Emma walked to the bar with amy she tapped on the bar and said"i need to order two drinks one a strawnerry dakeri and what ever she wants". She pointed at amy to let the bar tender know who she was talking about.
"Can I get a long island ice-tea." Amy said in the british accent. "Thanks." She said to both the bartender and Emma.
Emma took her strawberry dakeri and said to the woman behind the bar "thank you and you look good tonight".
Alexia handed the red head her drink as her eyes turned to the blonde, she let a slow smirk light her lips as she looked the girl over slowly, an appreciative gleam coming to her eyes as she bowed her head lightly in thanks of the compliment. She repeated something similar with the red head next to her before her eyes went back to the blondes, her own red eyes meeting the other girls. "One could say the same for you to ladies. What brings you to the blood rose?"
"Mmm, a dangerous, yet thrilling past time." She commented to the blonde. Her lips staying in their smirk. "Perhaps next time you coming seeking some fun I won't be working..." She teased lightly as she inhaled the two of their scents. The smell of their blood nearly making her mouth water. They smelled better then the normal strung out donors who came around. These two still had some life left to them it seemed. "May I ask your name?"
Emma grinned and said "i will have to find out when your off then "
"My name is emma whats yours".
"Come around enough and you'll find out for yourself, now won't you?" Her eyes looked into that of the blondes, adding a little push to the tease, not enough to force, but perhaps plant the feeling that she should come around more often. She winked slowly, playfully at Emma. "I'm Alexia, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Emma."
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