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Rate that Signature!


I love the quotes, they make me tingle. :X I can't really find anything that I dislike too much xP

Very orderly and neat like an upside down pyramid. Nice colors and nothing is too big, and very nice banner.

I like the colors and I love the girl. But I don't like the mixing of two movies.
7/10 - its a nice drawing, reminds me a little of a armor from Guild Wars
reduction said:
7/10 - its a nice drawing, reminds me a little of a armor from Guild Wars

9/10. I love your quote. It's also nice and simply played with a little chunk of your life at the top~
9/10 for the creativity of your picture.

+1/10 for how beautiful you are.


10/10 for Novi Snow.

Edit: +1/10 for punching out a guy in our rp.


Yes. I did it first.
The tiny text hurts my eyes and it's hard to focus on. Plus scroll wheel. @_@

Buuuuut, it has Seong Mina in it. <3
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:

The art is a little off but I still like it.​

I love your new sig hahvy! Better than the last one. 9/10

...cause not many people (myself included) are gonna get the MBC thing... >.>

The picture is blurry and I didn't know what the heck it was at first. The words are conservative and nice, not too flashy.
Ivy Walker said:

The picture is blurry and I didn't know what the heck it was at first. The words are conservative and nice, not too flashy.
The picture is suppose to be blurry. That's how it was designed for dramatic emphasis.

and 7/10-- Harriet is mine.
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
Ivy Walker said:

The picture is blurry and I didn't know what the heck it was at first. The words are conservative and nice, not too flashy.
The picture is suppose to be blurry. That's how it was designed for dramatic emphasis.
Ah, well my mistake. His face looked like the furry bottom of an animal at first.
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