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Pokemon in the woods (fandom x perriq)


Feb 21, 2010
Misty stretched as she grabbed the bag at her little campsite. She was on a trip to the woods not too far from Cerulean City, hunting for new Pokemon. She had only arrived here a day ago, but already she had caught several new Pokemon. Rather pleased with herself, Misty was ready to reward her hard work with a nice bath. She had purposefully come to this exact point in the forest due to the nearby hot spring.

With a slight hum Misty approached the water, just out of sight of her camp, then dropped her bag at the waters edge. She glanced around quickly to ensure that she really was alone, before starting to undress, revealing her slim, naked form. Her breasts weren't big, but they were certainly noticeable even beneath her clothes. They bounced slightly as the girl removed her bra, then lastly removing her hair tie to allow it to fall free around her shoulders.

"Ahhhh..." The red head stepped forward and slipped into the hot water, letting herself get used to it before slipping in completely so only her head was above the surface. "I love this spot...."
Mewtwo's eyes opened with a start. That girl was the first thing that came to mind. He could feel the mind of that water trainer from the nearby city, the same one who had been on his island during the tournament... That hair, that red hair, burned in his memory brightly. She was intruding upon his territory, capturing the Pokemon he was protecting... He felt the minds of the colony of clones that lived near and inside of his cave, bustling about. All of them were still there, but the trainer girl would capture them without even knowing. She must be dealt with...
Lifting himself up in the air, he soared towards the location of that mind. Spying her from above, he was marginally surprised to see her nude. He had never seen a nude human before, let alone a female... He felt a stirring in his loins, not so surprising to him since he suspected human genes had been spliced into his DNA at his creation. Slowly he descended to the body of water, pressing a blanket of calmness over the girl's mind.
Misty was relaxed in the hot water, about to reach for her bag and a bottle of soap before she suddenly felt somewhat....well...even more relaxed. "Mmmm...." At first she just figured it was the water and leaned further back, allowing her head to start slipping beneath the surface. That was when she noticed it though. As Misty's eyes moved to look upwards she spotted Mewtwo floating down towards her. The girls eyes widened somewhat as she saw him, but for some reason she didn't couldn't panic. "Wh-what....?" As her memories had been wiped, she didn't remember Mewtwo. To her, he was just a Pokemon she had never seen before.
"Greetings, Misty," he told her, his voice arriving directly in her brain rather than going through her ears. That voice resonated in her mind as he reached inside it, pulling away the block on her memory. He lifted her gently from the pond, water flowing off her nude body, and pulled her towards him. His tail lashed slowly behind him as he reached out and cupped one of her breasts in his hand, squeezing lightly. If she were to look down, she would see his cock, ever so slightly purple, becoming visible and hardening. "It has certainly been a while since I last saw you," he told her, admiring her small, perky breasts.
"Wh-what....who...?" Misty gasped as she heard the voice in her mind, not seeing Mewtwo's lips moving. Well...she didn't really see any lips on him either. Did he even have a mouth? Before Misty could ask any further questions though, memories suddenly started to flow back into her mind, her eyes widening as she remembered. "M-Mewtwo? What...what do you-" She cut off as she started to lift up out of the water, blinking as she left it, water dripping off her. "Whar are you doing Mewt-" She cut off again when he grasped her breast, the girl squeaking in surprise, glancing down and seeing an almost human looking cock emerging from the Pokemons body. "Oh can't want...."
"You come into my territory," he told her, his thumb caressing her nipple slightly. Reaching into the back of her unconscious minds, he found the section that controlled her arousal and triggered a gentle release of hormones. Not enough to drive her wild, but enough to heat her cheeks and moisten her lower lips... "You capture the Pokemon under my protection. I'll grant you did not know it was my territory, but ignorance of the law is not immunity from the law. I am the lord of this land, and I will exact justice however I see fit..." She saw him lick his barely visible lips, which were turned up in a grin, "And it is my decree that you will aid me in continuing my bloodline as payment for your crimes."
Misty gasped as she felt a slight wave of arousal sweep through her body, her nipples immediately hardening in Mewtwo's paw, whilst her pussy started to grow slightly hot and wet. "I....I didn't mean to....I...I'll leave....I wont come back....I...I promise..." Misty panted slightly, swallowing nervously at the sight of his grin. "Wh-what? you can't be serious...." Continue his bloodline? He wanted to have a child with her?! Was that even possible? Pokemon were born from eggs....did that mean he wanted to lay some kind of egg inside of her? "P-please...please don't!" Misty started to squirm, attempting to pull free of his grip, though it was pointless. It wasn't like she was being held physically anyway, there was nothing to struggle against.
Mewtwo mused that there was no reason to tell her that their child would probably be a live birth as he stroked her nipple in one hand, lifting her mentally so he could slip her other nipple and suckle gently at it. Reaching into her mind, he turned the trickle of arousal into a flood, feeling the heat of arousal wash off her form. He was going to take his sweet time with her, let her writhe in her mingled arousal and panic, her desire to fuck and her desire to flee. This was going to be very fun indeed!
Misty squeaked as her nipple was captured in Mewtwo's mouth, gasping and shaking her head, the sensation unfamiliar, yet incredible. She had never felt anything like this before, but still, that didn't change the fact she didn't want this. "P-please st-stop. Stop th-" She cut off as the arousal suddenly grew inside of her body. How was this happening? What was happening to her body? "O-oh god...." She immediately grew much wetter between her legs, juices starting to trickle down her thighs.
She felt one of the Pokemon's thick fingers press against her pussy. It was very thick, about half as thick as an average man's cock when hard. Slowly he slipped it into her body, working it in and out slowly. "You're stubborn," he told her, savoring the taste of her tiny nipple, "That's good... That trait will make my children strong."
Misty spasmed as the finger slipped inside of her, the girls hands going to grab onto Mewtwo's shoulders as she floated beneath him, gurgling with her eyes shut tightly. "N-no....p-please...." Misty whimpered, biting her lip. "St-stop it.....I'll do anything else just....stop it..." Her pussy was incredibly tight even around just his finger, every thrust getting her hotter and wetter, her hips shaking as she resisted the urge to move against him.
"Be silent and accept your punishment," he told her, working his finger in and out of her tight snatch. She must be a virgin... "You may take either this punishment, which I can promise you we shall both enjoy, or you may take the OTHER punshment," a grin crossed his face, "Which I know that I shall, at least, enjoy."
"Wh-what...?" Misty blinked, panting heavily. How could any punishment be worse for her than this? "Wh-what is the other punishment...? It can't be any worse than this....there's no way it could be..." Misty whimpered slightly, feeling her arousal continuing to grow, her body continuing to react to Mewtwo in ways she didn't want it to. Her pussy was still growing hotter and wetter, her cheeks incredibly flushed with embarassment and arousal.
She felt Mewtwo reach into her mind and plant an image in her thoughts.

Misty stood next to Mewtwo, her face completely devoid of all emotion. She didn't blink, merely stood and breathed. She served Mewtwo faithfully, absent of thought or emotion. A mindless drone that was disposed of once he was no longer interested in her.

What Misty didn't feel, however, was Mewtwo's subtle planting of other thoughts. He's so big! I bet it'll feel really good inside me!, I'm so horny! Why not let him?, a prideful Hell yeah! I get to be the first girl to ever fuck a legendary Pokemon! and so on began to trickle into her consciousness.
The vision was rather....unsettling to say the least to Misty. Almost immediately she rejected the idea. There was no way she would ever give up her free will in such a way.....absolutely not. After the vision ended however, Misty started to feel rather....odd. She felt a little more....eager to let this happen.

"Nngh..." Misty moaned softly, starting to wiggle her hips, instinct starting to push her pussy up against Mewtwo's cock, shivering as the tip rubbed against her lower lips. "Oooooh....." Her arousal was nearly overwhelming now, the thought of fucking Mewtwo becoming less and less horrifying, the thoughts of pregnancy being pushed further and further out of her mind as implanted thoughts continued to fill her mind, even though she wasn't aware of them.
Unsure of Misty's virginity, Mewtwo reached into the girl's mind and set in place a trigger that would turn off her ability to sense pain once they began to have sex, and turn it slowly back on once they were through. She felt the man-like Pokemon lift her up in his hands, pulling her body close to his own. His hands cupped her ass and lowered her slowly, his manhood pressing against her pussy and slowly spreading her open. He lowered her almost delicately, allowing his enormous manhood to penetrate the young girl's tiny body as deep as he could fit it into her.
Misty whimpered as she felt Mewtwo moving her, panting heavily, her small chest rising and falling with every breath. Oh god....she couldn't believe this was happening. As she felt his cock pressing against her entrance Misty closed her eyes tightly, expecting some pain....but there was none. He started to slip inside, Misty groaning loudly as pleasure overtook her. The inside of her body was as tight as a vice around Mewtwo's cock, and despite her wetness, at first he would only be able to get about halfway in before it became too tight. Clearly, the girl needed some loosening up.
Even though his hands were on her ass, carressing and squeezing that gorgeous rump, she felt an identical pair of hands on her breasts; massaging the soft mounds and playing with her nipples. They weren't visible, so the obvious conclusion was that they had been conjured up by Mewtwo's mind. She could feel his lips kissing her neck and ears as he began to rock his hips, working his length back and forth to push it deeper into her tight and virginal pussy. His psychic restraints on her body had loosened, allowing her to move freely in return against his body.
Misty gasped as she felt both her ass and her breasts starting to be massaged, groaning loudly. Her body started to move against his as she started to get control back, or at least her instinct started to take control. By now her rational mind was taking a back seat to the pleasure. "Nnngh..." As he started to pump into her, her body gradually started to loosen up, a little more of his cock able slip into her body. After a few minutes, he had nearly got the entire thing inside of her.
Now that the prelude had finished, Mewtwo could finally begin to mate with the redhead. He began to rock his hips, and she felt the unusually large cock sliding in and out of her easily, the smooth skin and the ridge that all males had around the head of their penis caressing her velvety depths with a variety of textures while his girth stretched her wide. "Not such a bad punishment now that we've begun, is it Misty?" he asked her, a hint of taunting held in his psionic voice.
Misty couldn't help moaning loudly against his thrusts as finally he started to move a little more easily inside of her. "Nnngh!" She could hardly speak by this point, her small breasts bouncing against his thrusts. "O-ooooh!" She panted as she continued growing wetter around him, her flat, tight belly rippling with his cock moving around inside of her, the tip pressing up against her cervix with every thrust.
Despite his heightened intelligence, Mewtwo still fucked -quite literally- like an animal. He drew his hips back, the ridge of the head of his cock about to pop out of her pussy, before sliding it deep into Misty again. His hands, both real and telekinetic, wandered her body eagerly, pinching and probing and tweaking. She felt one finger press against her asshole and tug at it, pulling it open before sliding deeply into her.
Misty's hips were wiggling as his cock pulled nearly all the way out of her, then yelped and cried out in pleasure when he suddenly slammed back inside of her, bulging her stomach slightly once again. "Nngh!" Misty was clutching Mewtwo's shoulders tightly now, digging her nails into his shoulders as she bounced on his cock. She screamed as a finger, or at least what felt like a finger, thrust into her ass, though soon her body adjusted and it just heightened her pleasure. By now the girls pussy was flowing freely, practically pouring juices over the Pokemon fucking her.
"How are you feeling, Misty?" came that alien voice inside her head, perfectly calm and clear even though its owner was panting and grunting as it drove its cock deep into the tight, teenage pussy over and over. He was absolutely enormous inside her, and so was the finger currently working her virgin asshole.
"I..." Misty didn't want to answer the question. Deep down her rational mind was screaming at her to try and make this stop, but the manipulations that had been made to her mind, combined with the pleasure she was feeling overrode any kind of rationality she might've had left. "I....I feel feels so good!" Misty moaned loudly, wiggling her hips on his cock, panting heavily as she could fast feel her first ever orgasm approaching.
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