X-Men: Training Day (BWA x Sana)

Hannah was gasping and moaning as he rubbed her through the pants she was wearing, touching her in the right spots to get her squirming and soaked. Whimpering she felt her hips pressing back against his hands and was lost to the pleasure of him rubbing her before she felt him take her hands and rest it against him. Eyes wide in shock she felt her fingers slowly curl around the large bulge it was literally the largest she’d ever felt and she grinned letting her hand explore its length through his pants.

Her concentration disintegrated the second his tongue lashed out against her nipple making her back arch with pleasure, “Kyle!” Getting fed up she pushed him sideways and grinned as she forced him to tumble onto his back on her bed. Grabbing his shirt she started to tug trying to get him out of his garment so she could touch him back.
Kyle released a groan as Hannah praised his efforts, the resounding moan sending a shiver down his spine. He captured her nipple between his lips, suckling it needingly, before he felt her hands press into his chest, forcing him down onto the bed. Kyle returned her grin, purring softly. "Mmmm... rough, hmm?" He teased, reaching up to massage her breasts briefly, before obeying her desires, slowly lifting his shirt above his head and pulling it off.

Aside from the tanned skin that adorned his muscular torso, Kyle had a collection of scars and cuts, healed over and standing out in contrast to his skin. He could feel Hannah's eyes glance over them and he bit his lip, wondering what she would say... or if she was too lustful to care.
Her eyes barely took in his scars, rather her hands felt them as she let them slide over the slightly marred skin. He must have done some stupid things in his life to get these marks or must have been treated very poorly. Either way his scars didn’t disgust her or even matter very much to her as she touched his skin. The electric current flowing through her was making it so hard to think as she let herself touch him and let his hands touch her in return. Her bare breasts coming under his assault time and time again only served to force more heat into her core and soft moans from her lips.

As her fingers explored Hannah rolled herself on top of him, straddling his hips and grinding herself down against his bulge. Her tight yoga pants letting her body mold to him as she slid herself back and forth on that large package. Groaning she leaned down and let her lips collide with his, still making sure to keep her eyes from holding contact with his even in her aroused state.
Moans of intense lust flooded from Kyle as he sat up, running her kisses and running his hands along her back and ass. He growled, nibbling and tugging at her bottom lip with his teeth, before he began to partake in her breasts, kissing and licking them hungrily. His hips began grinding with hers, his thick package throbbing and pulsing through the rapidly becoming stained fabric of his jeans. He looked up from Hannah's breasts, sucking hard on a nipple, and noticed she was avoiding eye contact occasionally.

Pulling at the nipple, Kyle released the nipple with a pop, moaning. "Mmmmngh! H-Hannah... look at me..." He breathed, wanting to gaze into those eyes as their lust became a firestorm.
Quivering as she felt him rubbing against her, his teeth nibbling at her lip and his body all over hers, Hannah was unable to concentrate. Shaking her head she gasped feeling him pulling at her nipple, the little nub popping out of his mouth as he moaned. She heard his request and only shook her head this time in a definite ‘no’ as she squeezed her eyes closed. “That can’t happen, I won’t let it.” Her voice was breathy and hoarse as her lust kept coursing into him and back into her in their continuous circuit.

Reaching up she slid her hands over his chest letting them feel the smooth planes of muscle and the few scars there. Sliding her hands down and between them she felt her hands against the top of his pants and let her fingers dip below the waistband of the cloth, feeling, touching and exploring to her hearts content as she tried to drive him to distraction. Finally she reached down with one hand grabbing the button and popping open the front of his jeans.
Kyle frowned, but nodded anyway. He had to respect her wishes, her desires. No doubt, she had another power. Sighing in pleasure, he joined her in exploration, his hands taking in the softness of her skin, every curve of her sensual and amazing body. Her hand journeying beneath to find him hard and throbbing caused him to release a deep growl of approval, something he had never heard himself say before. He intensified the lightning, adding to the rush of lust that was forcing them into submission; he knew she would only take it up.

Realising she was undoing his hands, Kyle's arms flopped back onto the bed, his hips raising slightly. He didn't mind her taking charge. He wanted her to, at least for this. He pulled her down for a deep kiss, his tongue slowly invading her mouth and wrestling hungrily with hers, moans of pleasure running from him like water from a tap.
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