X-Men: Training Day (BWA x Sana)


Nov 14, 2010
It was only five hours into his first day at Professor Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters and Kyle Phillips had made his prediction of blowing up the microwave come true.

"Damn it!" He grunted, his fingers already wiping away the black soot. Yesterday, he was terrified to even touch anything electrical or gas-based, which was impossibly hard in the multitude of cities and suburbs in Australia. He had moved to the Outback on his 21st birthday with his father and sister, the trip almost impossible without the use of vehicles that would explode if he went near them. It seemed like an eternity, but they found the perfect place and had begun to settle in... that was, until that massive black plane appeared.

The people onboard talked to Kyle's parents, told him of the school, a place where he could be safe. It wasn't long before Kyle found himself in a rubber suit, strapped into a seat and watching the little farm in Victoria's countryside suddenly becoming nothing more than a mere speck. When he had arrived, he was asked to close his eyes, which he did so obediently. Moments passed and he was guided down what seemed like countless hallways and endless corridors. Finally, he felt the suit removed and he let himself open his eyes to his new home.

That afternoon was more exciting, much more, as Kyle became used to being surrounded by kids, teenagers and others his age who were like himself in many different ways. However, he remained away from the main building, staying on the outskirt of the parks and such. Eventually, as the sun began to set, he decided to finally return to the dorms. If he was going to become used to his powers and to this new life, he had to stop hiding.

And so, here he was, grumbling as he stood by the shattered remains of the dorm's microwave, ignoring the laughs and snickers from the other students. Suddenly, the sound of something flying through the air whistled into his ear, making him to turn his head towards the sound on instinct. The object, a spitball made of ice, suddenly erupted into shimmering snow as a small bolt of lightning destroyed it. Kyle was not in the mood for bullshit.
For eight of her nineteen years she’d been at Professor X’s school and that was the way Hannah liked it. When she’d started to show her powers right after puberty hit she’d been labeled a freak, someone different but here at the school everyone had some kind of difference and it made her feel like she belonged. That sense of belonging was all Hanna had now, her family had died in a car crash only a year after she had come to the school. It felt odd at the time, but the pain and loss felt detached like it happened to someone else, after all her family was here at the school now.

Shaking her head to break free of her reminiscence Hannah heard Professor McCoy tell them that their chemistry lecture was over. With her thoughts and mild remembrances disturbed Hannah grabbed her bags, shoving her books and homework assignment into the pack before heading out into the grassy Quad between the buildings. Everyone seemed to be talking about the new mutant who had been brought to the school, apparently he had some kind of talent with electricity or gas, something like that. Not really caring at that point Hannah decided to head off towards her dorm and the meetings between the RAs and the Dorm Head for her building, most people probably would have been aghast at the way the students practically ran their own accommodations inside the dorms, but they housed students from the age of five or six up to the students who usually would be at University studying up to postgraduates. Most of those older students usually ended up either working at the school or to protect it and the humans.

Sitting through the meeting for the next hour she fought to pay attention when suddenly she was told that the new boy was her responsibility. Groaning at the fact that he was on her floor and down her hall in the dorm building Hannah decided that she’d need to talk to the new boy soon, lay out some ground rules and get him settled in with as few incidents as possible. With that in mind she gathered her things yet again and left the room, as soon as she stepped outside she saw several students laughing at someone in the building’s communal kitchen, and even saw one of the students flick a ball of ice at whoever had caused the commotion inside.

Looking around she realized that there were none of the other RAs or the Dorm Head and it was up to her to sort out the problem. Storming her way over to the mob she tried to see over, around and through people as her 4’11” height gave her trouble. Her tiny nature had been problematic before but her skills with her powers had earned her a reputation to be feared. When one of the older boys in the group laughing at the exchange between the mutants in the kitchen saw her standing there he immediately made way. Hannah admitted her image did seem a little frightening; her black elbow length gloves covering her hands, a tight fitting black and purple shirt, the sleeves billowing out and coming down to the middle of her forearms, a pair of tight black fatigue pants, black leather coat slung on her arm and shiny black boots that came almost up to her knees with big silvery colored buckles on them and the purple and shiny silver streaks in her naturally black hair offset against her lightly tanned face and storm grey eyes only added to the effect.

Making sure that she never came into skin contact or eye contact with anyone Hannah worked her way through the crown which now had begun to part before her. Stepping into the kitchen she dropped her bag and her coat down on top of it, and put her fists onto her hips. “What the heck is going on in here?” There was ice on the floor, the microwave looked like Logan had come back and put a cherry bomb in it and static electricity was crackling through the air.
Kyle sighed internally. He was expecting someone to come along and ask what happened. Slowly, he uncrossed his arms and took a breath before beginning to speak. "I'm sorry... I kinda have trouble with anything electrical. I'm surprised I didn't blow up the whole kitchen." He felt something buzzing on his hand and he looked down, realizing that several flecks of ice had begun melting upon his skin, causing his powers to spark briefly as little arcs of lightning danced upon the surface of the liquid.

Grimacing as if it hurt, Kyle clenched his fist, the sparks stopping instantly. Standing at 6'4", with a moderate tan, short brown-and-blonde-streaked hair, a muscular frame and hazel eyes, he towered over the newcomer. However, her stance, her gaze and the fear he saw eminating from the other students meant she was not one to trifle with, unless you were a teacher, of course. What's more, the white t-shirt and blue jeans Kyle wore contrasted greatly to her blacks and purples. Glancing at her hands, he noticed the sleeves she wore. Perhaps some kind of physical power, he thought.

Wiping the ice from his hand, Kyle gave the girl a shrug. "I guess I'll fix this... that, or leave and stay outside. The latter seems to work best. Less explosions."
(Hair style:Hannah's hair (wrong colors though) sorry I didn’t know how to describe it, but it’s short on the back and the one side but longer on the top and the other side.)

Groaning at the mess Hannah just shook her head causing the short bobbed hair to flip this way and that, “Oh no you don’t.” She brushed a hand through her hair, and let it fall back to the side of her face the purple and silver highlights flashing. Looking around the room she surveyed the damage to the toaster, the outlet and the countertop as well as the mess caused by the ice and the explosion. Taking all of that in, Hannah turned back to the crowd, glancing at faces and ignoring the way everyone’s eyes worked hard not to hold contact with hers. Like she would hold contact and use her other powers on anyone that didn’t deserve it, finally giving a long suffering sigh she decided who would get to help.

“Martin,” She called out the boy who’s thrown the ice ball, “You’ve got mopping the floors.” Without waiting to see his look of protest she rolled on, “Issac go and get Lewis he’ll be able to put the toaster back together, and while you’re up there grab Isabella so she can check the wiring.” She rolled on dictating to several of the other students jobs to do to make the kitchen clean and tidy again before turning back to the new boy.

“Kyle right?” once again she didn’t wait for an answer, “Nevermind, of course you are you’re new. Alright where’s your crap? Grab it and follow me.” Stepping past his she started heading towards the stairs that led to their floor, talking the entire time. “I’m Hannah, you’re floor and hall’s advisor, basically I’m in charge of everyone in the hallway you’ll be living down, don’t like it when you get told to do something, deal with it.” As she walked she slung her bag back over her shoulder and the dark brown almost professional bag was at odds with her punky looks and style. Holding her jacket in the crook of her arm she pointed down the hallway before opening the doors to the stairs, “There’s the elevator if you prefer, you’re on floor 6, not sure if you know that yet.” Stopping she leaned back against the door and let her eyes roam over his face making sure not to meet his and waited to see if he had any questions or said anything back.
As the girl walked off, Kyle gave an apologetic wince to those who had to clean up, expect for Martin. Grabbing his satchel, he quickly caught up and listened to her, learning her name and position. As Hannah told him "orders were orders", he smiled. "Don't worry, I'll behave." He said, his tone a mix of humor and honesty. Upon reaching the stairwell and recieving the directions, Kyle nodded, about to step through the doorway when he paused, standing in front of Hannah.

Why couldn't she look him in the eye? Was she observing him? It wasn't long before he blinked, chuckling. "S-sorry, uhm... floor six. I got it." He entered the stairwell and began ascending. However, with every step he took, his mind kept going back to Hannah, to the way she spoke, the way she walked... something interesting about her lingered in the air. Kyle longed to find out.

Approaching the room he had placed the rest of his belongings in, Kyle noticed the possessions of his room-mate. It wasn't long before he realise he was living with Hannah. He swallowed.

This would be interesting.
She waited for a while going back to the kitchen to check on the way things had been cleaned. Did that moron not know that if a mutant didn’t meet your eyes there was a reason for it. Her frustration at the day, and now having to basically babysit the new boy had her in a slightly grouchy mood. Inspecting the kitchen she gave her nod of approval and decided to head upstairs and do all of the work she had assigned to her for the next few days. Maybe if she got ahead in her studies and had some spare time she’d be able to relax.

Taking that idea to heart, Hannah roamed upstairs and found her door slightly ajar. Pushing it open she stepped in quickly and dropped her bag at her side in shock. “You have got to be flipping kidding me!” Throwing her hands up she was about to storm out of her room and down to the Dorm Head’s room to demand him to fix it, to change something somewhere, but reluctantly thought better of it. Her throwing a tantrum would probably result in nothing, until a new building was added to the school she knew that there was a shortage of rooms, some students were already starting to have three students to a room, and the luxury of RAs getting a single room was becoming a thing of the past.

Grabbing her bag she stomped over to her bed and the dressers which had all been moved to one half of the room. She was only glad that she’d been able to keep her canopy bed which gave her a little privacy and security during the night. Glaring at Kyle she opened her mouth snapping at him even though this was probably not his fault, “Alright new boy, first rule, don’t touch my stuff without permission, I’ll castrate you. Second rule, you bust any of my electronics I’ll make you fix it, I don’t care how. Thirdly, learn to control your powers, you’ll get the hang of it quickly but to help I’ll be throwing golf balls at you every time I see your powers uncontrolled. And finally, I wake up early and go to sleep late, deal with it, we’ll make a shower schedule later. Any questions?” With that out of the way she grabbed her bag and put it on her desk pulling out her Latin books and chemistry books while she waited for any response.
It was overly clear to Kyle that, because of the apparent changes due to his arrival, Hannah disapproved completely. However, as she began laying down the ground rules, he began to care less and less as his anger began to grow. If being labeled as a freak, taken away from his friends, from his family and to be humiliated and laughed at by everyone in his dorm wasn't enough, he had to deal with this little firespark not becoming used to what (hopefully) was going to be temporary. He finally snapped, dropping his satchel with more force than intended and pointing a finger at Hannah.

"Excuse me? First of all, I wouldn't touch any of your things! I'm a guy, a proper one, not some tryhard from the cities who succumbs to the media! Why the fuck would I bother touching your hair straighteners and moistureisers?! Secondly, I'm sorry I'm such a stupid mutant that I can't control something on the spot! You've been here long enough, while I only just got here last fucking night!" With a growl, he approached the nearby balcony, pulling the door open and stepping outside, turning to face Hannah with angry eyes. "Thirdly, I'm here to do just that, but I don't need you breathing down my neck or anyone looking down at me! Oh and finally, I can't shower. First and last time I tried that, I nearly killed my ex-girlfriend because I left the water charged with static from my skin. Oh yeah, and your sleep schedule won't affect me. You know why? Because I'm gone."

With that, he leaped over the edge, not caring about his belongings, his pissed off room-mate or anything else as he plummeted six floors, landing with a loud thud on the grass. The impact would have broken human legs, but he wasn't human, not anymore. Walking off towards the nearby tree-line, he growled and pushed a hand out, a bolt of white hot lightning striking the bark, the spot of impact igniting into flame.
Rolling her eyes at his juvenile display Hannah got to work on the university level chemistry and mathematics that was assigned to her by Professor McCoy. Working quickly she put her new unwanted roommate out of her head and got down to work. As she worked she found that the assignments weren’t enough to occupy the entirety of her mind and found her thoughts drifting back to Kyle. That guy was impulsive, angry and obviously short tempered, all of which irritated Hannah. She especially disliked the way he’d run off to sulk after arguing back rather than standing his ground.

Her frustration mounting Hannah found it more and more difficult to concentrate on her work. Finally she decided to go through her things and make sure everything had been moved and was still in its proper place. Opening drawers and her closet she found everything still in the places she’d left them just moved over to make room, her bed and dressers now only on one half of the room and the closet space had originally had things hanging haphazardly here and there and now all of her things hung neatly on one side. She wondered for a moment which one of the RAs or the professors had come into move her things and decided that it was probably either Professor X or Professor Gray as they could use their telekinesis.

Sighing she decided that a long shower would help to ease her frustrations and without thinking simply pulled off her gloves, shirts and pants dropping them onto her bed quickly followed by her underwear. Opening the door to the bathroom, her preoccupied mind had blotted out the fact that Kyle might eventually return and she set about washing herself, the warm water relaxing her muscles and the flowery shampoo at odds with her tough exterior. She absolutely loved the smell of strawberries which was why the bathroom was full of strawberry scented shampoos, body washes and conditioners which Hannah set about using with abandon. Her showers were her daily luxury as she usually spent half an hour to forty-five minutes simply enjoying the warm water. Finally she turned the water off and roughly dried her hair with a towel planning to run a brush through it once she was dressed. Wrapping the towel around herself, the towel showed her cleavage and if she took to large of a step or bent to much the towel would show her rear, and stepped out into her room.
Kyle grumbled in the forest, still walking, still fuming. After what seemed like an hour, he finally stopped, standing completely still with nothing but the sound of his frustrated breathing and the chirps of nearby birds. He stared at the ground, stared at the thing that had stopped him. In front of his feet was a dead bird. It hadn't been torn apart by cats or foxes, nor was a single feather loose. It was as if it had a mere heart attack. Kneeling before it, Kyle continued to stare. Then, curiousity pinged at him. Slowly, he reached out a hand towards the bird, concentrating. Little streaks of lightning went to his fingertips, until they shimmered with power. Then, as if guided by an invisible hand, he lowered his hand and touched the bird.

There was a gentle spark and, as if it were a miracle, the bird flapped into life. It sung a beautiful but confused chord, unsure what happened. Seeing Kyle, it immediately flew off into the trees, leaving a smiling Kyle kneeling on the forest floor. Looking back to his hands, his smile widened. He could not only destroy, but heal with his powers. Rising onto his feet, he concentrated once more, asking his body to control his powers, keep them at bay. It took a while, but he eventually found out how to keep his lightning in check. Satisfied, he looked back in the direction he came. Maybe it was time to head home.

Returning to the dorms, Kyle began to climb the building like he had before. He had to be quiet; he was gone for a while. Reaching the sixth floor balcony, he peeked to check if Hannah wasn't doing anything she would growl at him for. Sure enough, she was in the room with just a towel. Climbing onto the edge, he snuck to the side then placed a hand on the wall, concentrating enough to draw the electricity from a nearby lamp to visibly travel towards him. Hopefully, it wouldn't spark...

... it did.
Coming out of the bathroom Hannah was humming to herself still wrapped in her towel. Being so used to having a room to herself as well as her new roommate’s flashy exit not to mention Kyle saying he’d be away for a long while had Hannah not thinking that she might step out to someone in her room. To be precise there really wasn’t someone in her room but someone outside even though Hannah didn’t know it at the time. Her black hair had been roughly dried, the short bits sticking up randomly and the longer parts hanging down limp with the moisture still captured by the dark strands.

Hanna decided to fix her hair first and moved over towards her side table, the one which contained all of her brushes and the like. Looking at the table she realized she’d left the lamp on even though the room light was as well and as she reached for the switch she felt a static charge build on her skin before bursting as the bulb exploded and a spark flew from the lamp towards one of the walls. The electricity filling the air next to her damn skin was directed by Kyle who she couldn’t see outside and was drawn by her wet skin as it was allowed to flow through the air, its containing bulb and wires destroyed letting the current spread.

As she felt the electricity touch her skin Hannah just groaned in frustration, disappointment and resignation just before she felt the current enter her body. Every muscle and tendon tightened and jerked as the current flowed, her nerves screamed in protest and shut off after a few seconds in sensory overload. Yet even still Hannah just stood there, rigid as the current flowed through her. Finally the circuit breaker for her room tripped stopping the power to her room and Hannah collapsed unconscious onto the floor.
Kyle watched in horror as Hannah stood rigid, the electrcity coursing through her body even as he tore the balcony door open, rushing to her side. When the circuit breaker engaged, Kyle was there, catching her as she fell unconscious. Lying her down, he felt his adrenaline peaking as he tried to remain calm, thinking off a plan. Taking the towel, he ignored the fact that her sexually appealing body was right there before him, naked, and began drying her skin, making sure not a single drop remained. "Come on, Hannah, hang in there..." He pleaded to her, unsure if she could hear him. Covering up her nudity with the towel, Kyle clawed at his hair, panic rising.

Then he felt it, a mind trying to enter his own. It had to be either Professor Xavier or Gray, no-one was this good. Then he gasped as he knew what it meant. No, please! I'll fix this, just let me do it! Looking down at Hannah, he stroked her soft cheeks, feeling all the excess charge leaving her and flooding into him safely. "Hannah, wake up, please!" He pleaded, checking her pulse to confirm she was still alive. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! Wake up, please!"
Consciousness didn’t return slowly to Hannah rather it slammed back to her, along with the feeling in most of her nerves as she felt the electric energy in her being pulled away from her. Whereas the act of being electrocuted was surprising and simply due to the amount of charge, it was overwhelming; this act, the taking away of the charge was actually painful and it was what caused her to reawaken. Sitting up she pushed at Kyle screaming in pain until he let go and she curled into a heap in the corner. She was glad he’d only touched her for a few moments and those had been while she was unconscious.

Hannah lay there panting, her naked body cold now that she had been lying first wet, and then dry but nonetheless uncovered in the room except for a damp towel. The elaborately designed piece of silver set into her bellybutton glittered shone in the sunlight still streaming through her open window. Whimpering and shaking she tried not to move as her overstressed nerves screamed with every twitch and spasm that still rocked her muscles from his withdrawal of the electricity in her. Even with the pain she kept herself from looking in his eyes that would be an even bigger mistake than his touching her for too long.
Kyle was knocked back, staring at Hannah as she cowered in pain. "H-Hannah, I'm sorry... I thought I had control... I DID have control... look.." He turned around, looking for anything of hers, before grabbed her phone. Showing it to her, he made it light up by pressing a button, proving that it wouldn't break before he placed it back, moving only a little closer, his hazel eyes pleading. "I don't understand what happened, though... I tried draining some power through the circuiry in the walls, but the lightbulb must have overloaded... I'm sorry..."

He reached out, wanting to pull her in for a hug, but then Kyle fidgeted and pulled the hand back. He didn't want to hurt her, not again. So, he sat there, looking at Hannah and praying she understood. "I didn't mean to hurt you.."
Slowly her panting breath came back under control and she just lay there breathing slowly, her nerves still on fire and her body now aching from the strain. Finally after a few minutes she felt like she would be able to talk and heard her voice come out shaky but there, “It’s okay, you didn’t know.” Hannah’s voice croaked like she’d been sick and lost her voice, the pain she still felt was laced into it giving that quiet croaking sound a wavering quality quite at odds with her touch persona from earlier in the day.

Deciding that she needed to move and stop lying on the floor, Hannah reached out a hand a grabbed her dropped towel and covered herself with it. “Could you please get me some clothes.” Speaking slowly because her throat hurt from screaming earlier, she also tried to hide her blush at the fact that she had just realized that she was still naked in front of Kyle and the embarrassment flooded through her.
Kyle nodded then went over to the drawers, pulling them open. Maintaining his maturity, despite the fact that he felt himself blush, he randomly picked out a pair of panties, a top and a pair of pants. Returning to Hannah, he placed the clothes beside her then slowly sat down with his back to her, giving her the privacy she needed. As he listened to her pulling her clothes on, Kyle could feel the prodding presence again, followed by a voice. "Is she alright?" the male, elderly voice asked. Kyle blinked. He knew that voice.

"She is alright. A little shaken." He replied in his mind.
"Good... I've told Professor Gray to return to bed. Please, be careful from now on."

Returning from his first ever mind conversation with the legendary Professor Xavier, Kyle turned his head slightly. "Hannah... when I touched you... I felt something. It wasn't anything harmful or dangerous, but I assumed that was because you were unconscious... tell me... what is your power?"
Pulling on the clothes she didn’t care what they looked like at that moment she just wanted to cover her body. First off she was cold and second the embarrassment of being seen naked by your new roommate was something that Hannah didn’t enjoy. Finally when she was dressed she cleared her throat to let Kyle know she was dressed and heard him ask what her power was. “One second,” Shaking her head Hannah stood up and wobbled unsteadily but she wasn’t fully dressed, as she knew it. Quickly going to her dressers she grabbed socks and a pair of elbow length gloves pulling them on and watching as all of the skin besides her neck and face was covered.

She thought for a moment on how to describe her powers before deciding to just blurt things out. Her powers were technically uncontrollable, the only way was active, constant avoidance of eye and skin contact with others. “Um, well I have I guess two, but they do varying things each so it’s not really exact.” Beginning her rambling explanation Hannah fiddled with her gloved fingers staring down into her lap. “You left earlier after saying that bit about your girlfriend, and then just now with the lamp you jumped to conclusions. My power or at least the physical one is why they put you into my room.”

Shrugging Hannah trailed off before realizing she hadn’t even fully explained what that power was. “Oh yea…um,” Her cheeks turned red with a light blush of embarrassment again, something she wasn’t used to feeling, “through my skin I can absorb energy, electrical mostly, but also heat and the like, but that’s only absorption. I wear the gloves because if I’m conscious that energy can be used to manipulate emotions and the physical nerves of another person.”

Kyle blinked. The term he had heard before, when he had asked one of the people that found him how he could do what he could do. Scratching his chin and looking at Hannah's face, he begun to explain. "I think that you and I have a similar gene, only with yours... you can control the bio-electric current in people's brains, alter the signals that tell our bodies what to do. Me on the other hand..." He raised a hand, letting several sparks course over his skin. "I can store vast amounts of electrical power, use it as a weapon and, when I want to..." He cleared his throat, a fresh blush replacing his earlier one. "... I-I can target sections of people's pleasure and pain nerves..."

Letting the sparks vanished, Kyle looked at Hannah. Now his maturity was beginning to falter, as he could only picture her naked. Kicking himself internally, he shifted his gaze out the window, the sun beginning to set. Looking back at Hannah, a crazy idea came into his head. "Hannah... I think you should stop covering yourself up like that... because I want to help you control your power."
Shaking her head Hannah tried to get him to understand, “I don’t control electrical current in people’s brains, I directly affect nerves and all electrical impulses in the human body.” Sighing she gestured at him, “Like I can force your body to release different endorphins or hormones, or influence emotion due to the electrical currents in a person.” Standing up she started to pace her side of the room, “And it’s not something that you can help me control, it happens. My physical trait is a lot like most other skin-contact mutations. It happens automatically upon contact I can only try to guide it or amplify it and even then not always successfully.”

Her hands were gesturing wildly as she walked back and forth trying to explain her mutation. “It’s also not something that I really control where it affects, sometimes it causes pain, sometimes …uh…”couching she just gestured at Kyle’s crotch with a wave of her hand, “Other hormonal reactions... and that’s only my physical contact mutation.” Throwing both hands up she sat back on her bed with a defeated sigh, “I know you want to help but You can actually learn to control when your power happens, both of mine are automatic I can control them by avoiding the things that trigger them.”
Kyle listened, nodding gently as Hannah explained. He was surprised when she casually waved at him, especially his crotch, as she slowly pieced together for him the real, essential abilities she had. When she finished, the Australian watched her for a brief moment before sitting beside her, wrapping a gentle arm around her. She was, by similar means, going through the same thing he went through before he came here. She wanted to hide her talents away, as if they were some curse that was cast upon her. But, wasn't that why she was here? To be free to be who she was, to not be ashamed of her powers?

Then, something clicked. Subtly, Kyle raised his hand and gently stroked Hannah's bare cheek. He could feel that shift, the draining of his electrical energy slowly beginning to creep through his body. But Kyle knew there was an EXACT reason for having him and Hannah in this room. He let himself relax, allowed his power to be drained into Hannah's soft, beautiful skin. "Hannah..." He began to say, before falling silent. He couldn't put his finger on it, but this feeling was of peace, a calm he hadn't felt in a long time.

Looking into her eyes, Kyle stroked her cheek again, giving her a little more energy. "Show me. Show me what you can do, Hannah."
Shaking her head at her powers she stiffened as she felt his hand stroke her cheek, the tingle of electrical energy flowing had her nerves sighing in relief from the aching intense pain she had still felt after Kyle had tried to drain the current from her. As Kyle touched her cheek she felt herself relaxing his current flowing to her and her she felt her power stirring at the skin contact and waited to see how it would react to his touch. Suddenly she noticed him trying to look into her eyes and telling her to show him what she could do but Hannah just broke eye contact with him instead.

Sighing she looked at her lap and kept her eyes away from him, “I-I can’t…not all of it at least…” With that she let go of the limiting control she held on her power and let it decide what it was going to do in response to Kyle’s touch. Hannah felt her power reaching into him, finding everything that was connected by electrical energy before it decided to go to work. To her mind it was like randomly flipping switches but she had a tiny amount of control over it and fought with her power for dominance keeping it from doing any harm even as it used electrical impulses to flood Kyle’s body with hormones and adrenalin. Groaning Hannah felt the same switches being thrown in her as the current that was flowing from him and into her carried her commands back to her creating a chain of lustful feelings that only grew as the connection held.
Kyle almost gasped as Hannah's powers were unlocked, feeling the pulse of her body probing him in a slow descent into arousal. His hand absentmindedly traveled downward, finding her breast and giving it a soft squeeze. Making sure not to break the connection, Kyle pressed his lips against hers, kissing her deeply and increasingly lustful. He pressed closer to her, his body now flooded with desire as he could feel her body go through the same ordeal, his cock growing hard and long at the same time he could feel her grow warm between the legs.

With a moan, Kyle began kissing Hannah, her lips soft against his own. His hand continued pleasuring and fondling her breast, getting rougher now, while his other hand slid between her legs, rubbing and pressing hard against the growing wet stain. Pulling away, he nibbled her bottom lip. "Mmmmm.... y-you.... are amazing..." he purred, his heart racing hard.
Hannah was lost in the feel of her own power, their combination of mutations made their connection like a loop, power being recycled constantly, her power taking electricity from him and then putting it back in the form of electrical body commands which in turn flowed back into her again. The loop they had made was driving her crazy as her power seemed to have settled on making them both crazy with lust. Usually she only affected someone else, like the time she’d found out about her power, when she’d found out she was different. Her mind automatically blocked out those memories and flooded itself with the pleasure she was feeling again.

His hands on her breasts and his lips against hers as her lust grew had Hannah moaning into his mouth. She felt him molding their bodies together and felt heat pooling at her core, settling between her legs as her panties quickly grew from damp to wet. Surrendering to the feelings Hannah let his lips claim hers, his hands roughly fondling her breasts and cupping her between her thighs rubbing and forcing the wetness to grow and spread as she whimpered and moaned at his touch. Her own hands were clutching at him fisted in his hair and holding him to her even as he nibbled her lip. The overwhelming feeling left her incoherent as she let him touch carry her away.
Kyle groaned hard, unable to take the lust anymore. He gripped Hannah's top and pulled it upwards, throwing it aside before laid her down upon the bed, beginning to savagely kiss and lick her soft breasts. His hands scrambled for the clasp of her bra, eventually finding it on the front before yanking her bra apart, freeing her breasts to the increasingly hot air of their passions. His lips immediately pounced, applying suckling kisses to her hardening buds as his hands resumed their work, grasping Hannah's breasts and rubbing her harder through her pants, his fingers becoming drenched with her lustful juices.

Tugging at her nipple with his mouth, Kyle released it with a loud pop, smirking. "Fuck, I want you so bad, Hannah..."
Squeaking in surprise she felt Kyle pull her top off and push her down onto her bed. Her lust fogged brain cleared for a moment and she was about to push him away but then his mouth found her breast kissing and licking them driving her wild even as his hands searched to undo her bra. Finally when her breasts were free she felt his mouth licking and sucking at her nipples causing her to gasp and whimper in pleasure as she felt her entire body tingling being driven wild.

His fingers rubbed against her through her pants and the yoga pants were now sopping wet over her crotch molding to the form of her body showing everything, the pouty open lips and even the bump at the tip of her slit was outlined through her wet pants. She couldn’t think as she felt his fingers plying across her, only react bucking her hips up to rub against them even as his mouth popped away from her nipple. Unable to respond Hannah could only lay there moaning under his touches.
A purr rumbled from Kyle's chest, the gentle feel of Hannah's pussy through her soaked pants stirring even more lust inside of him. He began to rub her clit with his middle finger, slowly at first, before slowly but surely gaining speed. Soon, he added a second finger, then the third and fourth, until he rubbed hard at her pussy. He continued to kiss and lick her bare torso, looking up into her eyes before taking one of her pleasured, shaking hands and resting upon his crotch, where a large bulge throbbed hard and hotly. "Mmmm..." He moaned, lashing his tongue against her nipple as he maintained the cycle of powrr, occasionally pushing more energy into Hannah.
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