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Sep 1, 2011
Hiya there. I'm Teneo. There was a introduction thread but I figured it was only polite to offer something here too since I'm looking for partners.

Personal Details
-Male, Mid-Twenties, Bisexual, fairly bookish.
-I loathe character bios. Really. They're unnatural.
-Pictures don't help me. (Except for adorable ones of animals.)
-I don't have a muse. If I did I'd want it to be surgically removed.

I more prefer writing to actual smut but sex, even gratuitous and not terribly serious smut is neat too. I filled out a rabbit hole too.

Maybes are things I'm not going to get any real sexual gratification out of. (But we can still do them.) Anything else is fair game, with Favorite listing anything I've been interested in lately. I expect to be lazy on updating that list so, grain of salt and all that.

Here are some writing samples. There's no real smut here, just proof I own fingers and can daydream a little.

I should build up a big list of material I'm familiar with at some point and some preferences but those will require some thinking over.

Tabletop RPGs
Yeah, so I picked this stuff up when I was 16 and kinda stuck with it. I still do a weekly(ish) game with some guys from my campus when I remember to turn up.
-Dungeons and Dragons, 3.5 and newer
-Mutants and Masterminds, because I enjoyed The Tick too much.
-D20 Modern, this was just dungeons and dragons with guns, drugs, grenades and cellphones
-Warhammer, I like any game where I die messy and often.
-WH40K, Demons made of bandsaws abduct and devour you: aka Monday.
-Exalted, never understood any of the combat but gosh did I love reading the setting.
-GURPS, argh, Points. I had to give my books away. Some good times.
-Bunnies and Burrows, self explanatory.
-Kill Puppies for Satan, ha, ah... it's exactly what it sounds like.
-Spirit of the Century, too classy for me to adapt to it.
-Dresden Files RPG, more FATE, but solid if you liked the books.
-Song of Ice and Fire, which is nothing at all like the books.
-Shadowrun, not as good as it was on the Sega Genesis,
-Cthulhu, the less sanity the better.
-Paranoia, friend computer, I have communists to report.

This list is too long already. I declare it to be over.

Comic Books
I do get to read these from time to time. I still drop by a comic store to buy random ones in bulk, five for a dollar. They're better when you can't really follow the big plot.
-X-Men, only the Age of Apocalypse Series
-DC, some batman, some superman, some batman/superman.
-Hellblazer, read plenty of these in reverse order.
-The Walking Dead, because the zombies look much better in comics.
-Watchmen, well after the movie came out and it wasn't so cult anymore.
-Nextwave, this should be mandatory in highschool.
-Transmetropolitan, almost makes you want to be a journalist.
-Y: The Last Man, post apocalypse with a message. Or something.
-The Maxx, weird for the sake of weird and why not?
-The Tick, I will continue to pretend I have read them until I have read them.
-We3, animals should not wear people clothes. It leads to this.
-Chew, has all kinds of layers to it.

List grows too long. Let's work on the next one.

I've seen these before. Somewhere...

Fiction, often bad.
Orson Scott Card, magical realism as science fiction works for me.
Lords of the Rings, everyone at least pretends to read this.
Douglas Adams, oh gosh aren't I just a rebel?
George R.R. Martin, verily soothe verily.
Tom Clancy, the plots are solid and the politics are hilarious.
Michael Crichton, more techno-thrillers. Lovely.
Swan Song, Robert R. McCammon, an apocalypse story
Stephen King, you too huh? Moving on.
The Dresden Files, Magical Wizard Detective. I have awful taste.
Wizard of Oz, go look up these books. They're free and very trippy.
Atlas Shrugged, silly stuff but I enjoyed it as a novel.
David Sedaris, well, it's more or less fiction.
Gabriel Marquez, Magical Realism is a bit like Gonzo journalism isn't it?
Ugh, can't think of these in a well ordered fashion.

Classics: Not bothering. I can't seperate the ones I wiki'd (or saw the movie of) from the ones I've actually read.

Non-Fiction: not happening either. They're often boring or depressing for most people and I don't see anyone asking if they want to write something based on Baudrillard or something. Seriously, I quit the hard stuff this year. No more textbooks either.

The Good:
Thoughtful Westerns,
Fist Full of Dollars for example.

Cartoons with an Attention Span:
Miyazaki, Pixar and so on

The Bad:
B Movies, Flash Gordon, Buckaroo Banzai,
Cult Films, Brazil, Labyrinth, 5000 Fingers of Doctor T

The Ugly
Superhero Films, I have no taste. None at all.

Video Games
I'm out of touch with these.

Older cartoons, a little anime, some drama and some science fiction. All this effort is starting to hurt. Let's leave it there for today.
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