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Ai's expanding request thread

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Aug 3, 2011
Alright I'll start this off with a little about me and what can be expected of me in a thread. I am nineteen I am in the military(hooyah Navy!!) so I work long hours and will occasionally be too tired to post. I am currently nursing a knee injury that I received on the football field at my base. Playing flag football nonetheless.(sorry venting, I'm still very angry about the situation) I am generally free from 5p.m. to 11p.m. pst. Although I might post sparingly throughout the day depending on work load, and memory capabilities(I'm not perfect.)

What I want he most as of right now. I want a fantasy based role play, that is extremely story driven. I am completely fine with just having random acts of whatever happens to go down at the time however, I strongly desire originality, a plot, and maybe scenes with intense battle and magic as well as all that... to throw in some humor... in bed ;) . One more thing right now to ease me back into my creativity, I am looking for someone who can guide the storyline and push it forward, I'll do my best to help but I expect that it's going to take me a bit to get back into the game.

I am down to role play on almost any medium, IM(MSN), pm, the forum, or if there is one I am forgetting I'd give it a shot.

Alright outside of my much craved Fantasy setting, these are some that I wouldn't mind doing. Mind you in all of these I prefer to play original characters and would prefer my partner(s) to do the same.
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