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Looking for RP

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Aug 17, 2011
I'm looking for a couple of things right now... Well... Craving more like.

Overall I am into beastiality, incest, pregnancy and transformation within a scene. I prefer long term RP over one-offs, but they are still fun too.

The first craving I have is a body-swap incest and pregnancy. A pair of twins find a magical totem or such and screw around with it. What they don't know is that it was an item used by magicians past to 'enhance' their sexual experience, by swapping them into their partner's body at the point of climax. This one however had been altered by it's owner, and it makes both people involved fertile, and the (now) girl can't stomach the idea of terminating the pregnancy if she gets pregnant. They are stuck like this until the item 'decides' to return them to their bodies, but once again, it's through sex, and they don't know how long until it will do so. Preferred age bracket for this one is 13-16.

Second craving is a transformation and beastiality one. Girl gets abducted by underground lab, experimented on. She isn't visibly altered, but the genes that control her reproductive behaviors and capabilities are screwed around. She is repulsed by the idea of sex with humans (which they test by screwing her before they let near an animal), and attracted to dogs (or horses). Also made capable of being impregnated by which ever dog or horse screws her, being used to try and 'breed' anthros since the lab's attempts to 'make' one have all failed.
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