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Bleach: Gin/Kira

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Lavi Bookman

Jun 21, 2011
      • Okay I've been in the mood for something in particular lately and although I know I'm probably not going to get any hits for it, I might as well just put it out there anyway on the off chance someone might be interested.

        I want to do an RP from Bleach (the anime) and I want it to revolve around Ichimaru Gin and Kira Izuru.

        I don't mind when the RP takes place, whether it's before Gin and Kira meet, whether it's right after they meet back when Kira was in the academy and Gin was Aizen's lieutenant, whether it's after Kira became Gin's lieutenant and Gin became a captain or whether it's after Gin betrayed Soul Society and left. It doesn't really matter to me and we can work out details once I know someone's interested. There are so many possibilities that it's endless what we could come up with. ^_^

        I would be playing Kira and my partner would be playing Gin.

        One thing to note is that I want to see Gin in character as much as possible and I do want there to be some physical and mental abuse as well since that's how I see their relationship.

        I don't mind if we have minor characters come in too so if you'd like to do that as well to spicen up the plot then that's fine too.

        So if you're interested either reply here or pm me or do both! I look forward to hearing from you all!
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