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Submissive Fantasies and a Bit More

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Aug 29, 2011
I'm your basic woman with far too many submissive fantasies. If interested, please send me a PM and do not reply in the thread. I am looking for one private message or forum partner and won't be taking on a lot of writing partners as it would overwhelm my limited abilities. My preferences:

• An effort to write well.

• Gender doesn’t matter to me as long as you can write and like the idea of developing characters and plot.

• I play either submissive females or non d/s characters.

• I will play through forum posts, private messages, or email.

• I will try posting every day or two and let you know when I can't. I’d like the same.

• I pretend that plot is important, because it is, but I want and crave eroticism.

• If you’re a twisted dominant who loves shaping a girl into something new, this is a plus.

I like,

• Being dominated, degraded, humiliated in all its forms;

• Emotional and physical domination;

• Rough treatment, face slapping, hair pulling, and more extreme stuff;

• Being controlled, but I mentioned that already.

• Reluctant and Non-consensual role play between characters;

• Sexual use and abuse of almost every variety;

• Some pain;

• Bondage, ropes, whips, chains, masks, gags, cages, leashes, etc.

• Pet play

I won’t do,

• Scat;

• Vore;

• Body parts being cut off (as opposed to piercings, tattoos, a pretty brand, etc.);

• Underage

• Probably some other stuff, like no necrophilia, but we can discuss it.

If it’s not on my list and it’s not a no. Then we can discuss it.

A few basic, undeveloped fantasies of mine,

The Marriage A girl feels neglected in her marriage. She loves her husband, but he’s vanished into corporate America. To get his attention, she hires an attorney and files for divorce. She gets his attention, but no in the way she expected.

The Business Trip A girl on a business trip picks up a man in a hotel and enjoys a risky one-night stand. Later, after she returns home, she begins to talk the man online and under his guidance learns about dominance and submission, and experiments. Slowly, he introduces her to a wide range of sexual delights and perversions, and teaches about her long -buried need to be dominated.

The Couple A couple want nothing less than total consensual power exchange, without games, negotiations or safewords. They agree that pretence is out of the question as they want the power relationship to be both genuine and absolute. Slowly, the dominant partner takes control. Ideally, even as the idea of consent becomes meaningless, the absolute domination will be balanced by affection, occasional humor, and intelligence as well as interaction with a realistic world of work and friends (perhaps integrating the friends into the role play) as my character’s uttermost submission flowers.

The Old Boyfriend A girl fled her backwoods town for college, leaving behind the abusive boyfriend who used to tie her up and have his way with her. Now a college graduate and twenty-three, she is drawn home and the old boyfriend and she began a game of cat and mouse as she tries to fight her longing to be back in the strong arms, whips, and chains of her old beau.

The Clandestine Job A girl lives in Shanghai on her family’s money. One day, she meets a woman/man who works for the American Embassy and they begin a torrid affair. The girl has deep rooted submissive tendencies and the lover asks her to take on a clandestine assignment for the Embassy. She is asked to enter into a nightmarish affair with a wealthy industrialist who may be selling state secrets. An accomplished master, who wants a groveling pet to play with, the industrialist meets and the girl and she enters into a hot-blooded affair, spying on the industrialist while having the degrading, sex she craves. On her knees, crawling before the industrialist and his friends, she finds herself thriving on the thrills of pain, humiliation and the rough sex, sliding deeper into her submissive role, even as she feeds the industrialist’s secrets to her lover, the embassy attaché. What happens when she is eventually found out (if she is ever found out)? Does it end and how?[br]

The Agreement “If you accept, you will be used simply as a piece of entertainment, at your master’s bidding day or night. You’ll be shared with whomever s/he decides. Like a piece of property. Do you accept?” Dressed in leather, caged, and bound, my character eagerly says yes and is transformed from part-time submissive to fulltime property, her master tormenting her at every turn, the life she’s chosen.

The Recruit A beautiful, headstrong girl is a volunteer cadet in a military academy. Enjoying the disciplined military environment, she excels in gymnastics and unarmed combat and comes to the attention of a clandestine colonel who earmarks her for a top secret mission. She is plucked out of basic training and dropped into a painful crash course in the art of submission. To be successful in her assignment, she must fool the target into believing that she’s a true submissive, and she takes on the role as she has all others. While she finds herself falling in love with the colonel who placed herself into this situation, she must submit sexually, slowly placing herself into a situation where she can assassinate the head of this underground organization.

The Blackmailer A successful woman writes nasty sadomasochistic sex books under a penname. When a man she knows finds out, she is furious that he would pry into her private affairs. But then he offers to bring her kinky fantasies to life. Captivated by the sexy dominant, she finds herself swept into an S&M world, dressed like a whore, thrust into sexual situations, and experiencing the bondage, punishment and humiliation she once wrote about in such graphic detail. The dominant is often cruel, but also can be intensely affectionate, leaving the girl in a statue of confusion. Does she love this person or is she nothing more than an object of lust and does she want to be more?

Finally, I provide a more developed gamer style fantasy, quite twisted and more plot oriented and perhaps an unplayable scenario, which I may have to write this one out as fiction. It involves alternate realities, gender transformation, revenge and probably a few other things. I should mention, I'm not an expert in MMORPGs, anime, Cosplay, Japanese culture, assassins, etc. So I would be faking everything including the game setting and would expect my well-written, non-existent creative partner to do the same.

The Twisted Alternate World of Coskill Virtual 3D

A twenty something guy lives in his parent’s basement and dedicates his life to tormenting new players in an advanced three-dimensional 3D MMORPG known as Coskill Virtual 3D, which involves combat, computer hacking, and Cos Play style characters. It features intense player versus player interaction where you can kill, steal from, and generally make life hell for other characters. His Avatar is a level 95, eighteen to twenty year old female Japanese assassin who dresses in black tights, pleated shii skirt, black latex shoes, a ribbon collar, and a sweet, black .9mm pistol. No one knows the identity of the actual player of Sawa-Kite7, the name of his avatar. But in the game, s/he is incredibly hated and yet also something of an evil, rock-star goddess.


Sadly for our twenty year old, one player who has endured Sawa-Kite7’s brutal and unending griefing is a brilliant, female theoretical physicist specializing in the field of chaotic inflation and the idea of an infinite ergodic universe (infinite alternate realities). Her avatar is a male character who controls in the game one of the major player created corporations. Sawa-Kite7 has been hired by a rival conglomerate to assassinate (again) our brilliant young female physicist’s avatar.

This time, the physicist enlist outside aid and fires up a set of outrageously expensive equipment to create in essence a wormhole connecting the present reality with the envisioned alternate reality where the world envisioned in Coskill Virtual 3D’s actually existed. Horrifyingly, the energies unleashed by our brilliant physicist rips a hole in the fabric of space and time and wipes out time, the universe and reality as we know it.

Oops. In the aftermath, the female physicist wakes in the totally real, over-the-top masculine body of the head of one of this realities’ most powerful corporations. His/her mortal enemy, our twenty year old basement dweller, wakes in the body of his oh-so-cute Japanese girl assassin.

This is the story of what happens as these two come to terms with their new, very different life situations.


And finally, a far too long sexual fantasy, which can hardly be called a plot at all.

A girl who dreams of about a life that is so much more than husband, job, and sex two or three times a week. Her dreams involve sexual slavery, being used and abused, testing her limits and proving her love in the most extreme fashion. She finds the man she loves and they branch out from vanilla sex to risky behavior and slowly, they discover in each other the yin and yang of her sexual submission, his love of domination.

No matter how often he might tie her up though, spank her bottom till it glows cherry red, and she cries bitter tears. They both understand that it’s play time in reality. He can never truly be her master, because he loves her too much. She can’t be his slave, because she always reaches that point where fear overcomes desire and she calls out her safe word.

One day, as the boyfriend slowly fucks her, he tells her he’s made a decision. Aching in the slow bliss of his body sliding in and out of her own, she listens. “I’m going to sell you to a man.” The thought of being sold, sends a delicious shudder down the twisted little girl and she squeezes down on his cock as if she could lock it inside her body forever. And later, I plan to find you after you’ve endured the depths of degradation and I’m going to ask you if this is what you really wanted, if it was worth it. And no matter what you say, I’ll do my best to make the fuck-toy that you’ve become my own.”

The girl laughs hesitantly. Is he serious? But yes, he’s deadly serious and she signs over her possessions, her property, her life insurance to him. She never says no, I don’t want this. Complacently, she cooperates as he purchases more life insurance in her name with him as the beneficiary. She had always asked to be made to prove her love, now she would.

He had laughed as she looked up curiously after filling out the last policy. “No, I don’t plan to kill you. But I’m going to need huge sums of money to buy you back in the future. When you vanish, the police will suspect it was me, but they won’t be able to prove if and eventually, the life insurance proceeds will come to me. Then I’ll find you.”

Her heart beat furiously. She knew she had to say no, but her body felt so energized by the thought, her center turned to liquid heat at the thought of being a slave.”

The last day, her boyfriend told her. The man I sell you to is going to break you down, he’ll strip you of every pride and inhibitions, he’ll do what he pleases with your body whether it’s to be pierced, tattooed or branded, because your body will be his.”

The girl shuddered at his words, but she didn’t look away even as he added, “you’ll learn what it is to fuck any man with your price or who he decides he wants to reward. Headaches, moods, none of that will matter to him.”

She wrapped her arms around her breasts as he continued. “You’ll become his fuck-toy and relish it. But it doesn’t matter if you don’t, because there will be no safe words, no backing out, no changing the terms, because he will literally own you body and soul.

Then as she watched, he produced this leather harness thing, with straps that crossed her chest and belly, and one which dug into her pussy and forced a butt-plug deep into her ass. She cried out as he clipped weights to her nipples, and put leather restraints around her wrists, forcing them up high behind her back, attached by a short chain to the back of the collar she now wore.

Looking down almost sadly, he asked. “Do you want to back out?” She slowly nodded her head no and he proceeded to gag her and made her kneel, sitting on her heels. He strapped her ankles to her thighs and put a spreader bar between her knees so I couldn’t move at all.

She felt real fear when two broad shouldered strangers walked in the room. It was then that she made instinctive efforts, frantic efforts, to hide herself, to get free, but it all went for naught as they packed her in the back of a van.

Her boyfriend had just made all of her fantasies come true. Would he ever find her again? Would she be the same?

I see the girl as sweet looking rather than slutty, at least initially. The girl next door.

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