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Looking for play from anyone or thing

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Sep 15, 2011
Hello I will keep this short and sweet. I am looking for Role Play. I love plot. And I love sex. So I'm pretty much down with anything. Have an idea? Shoot it my way.

There are three things I have been craving lately.

An Role play taking place in the Elder Scrolls world. Daggerfall/Morrowind/Oblivion/ Skyrim. Whatever just something within the Elder scrolls world. Have a bit of a plot laid out so far. But open to suggestion.

Next been looking for a Detective Role Play. Really been looking forward to one of these as well.

The third, generic but I love it none the same. A Japanese Feudal or Meiji era role play.

So if you are interested message me! Have other Ideas message me! I just want to role play.
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