Cold Encounter (Touketsu x me)

"Our clothes are dry. I figured you might want to get dressed, it should be light in a couple of hours. Not sure how long until the storm breaks though. We should find better shelter then this though.." She says while pulling on her dress and boots, her hat she pulled on next wiggling into the clothes. She wrapped her cape around her putting the hood up over her head. "I'll be heading out... I'm heading back to my place, I have a heater and a warm bed calling my name.. your welcome to come to wait out the storm, it could be days."
He put his cloths on, glad they where nice and dry, it felt nice, and made the heat of the cave better. He didn't think much of going back out into the storm, but then again it was better then freezing and dying in a cave. "Alright," he nodded accepting her offer, it would be nicer then the cave for sure. "Will you be able to find your way in this storm though?" he was curious if she would be able to.
"Of course. I'm part Glaceon you know." She says with a wink while putting snow on the fire to put it out, she then grabbed her bag and headed towards the opening of the cave. "Let's get going, its really not that far, a couple miles away. Maybe two or three hours." She says with a nod while walking out into the storm, snow blew around angerly, as she headed up the mountains more.
"Alright then," he smiled and followed her out into the storm. The weather was no better then it had been the few hours previous. He wondered if the exploration team was even looking for him, probably not, it would be too risky. He followed her, at times it was hard to see her, she would blend in with the snow for brief moments, but he would always see the faint blue of her dress and the fluttering of her cape and he kept pace with her.
After three hours they came to a dark shape in the middle of the storm, she made her way up to it with a smile, she unlocked the door and walked in pulling him in as well. She turned on the lamp next to her door. "I only have one bed... so you can sleep in it if you want, I'm going to make some food." She says going over to the kitchen area, the whole cabin was small, it had a living room with a couch in it, a fire place in front of it, the house was already heated, as she pulled off her cape, gloves and hat.
"Thanks,m" he said though he did not feel all that tired. He felt the warm, and it felt soo good, like a hot embrace from the bitter cold. "It's nice," he said about the cabin, small but very nice. He looked around and decided he would probably just rest a little. "Do you need any help?" he asked her, deciding to see if she did before he rest.
She smiled with a laugh. "You can help if you really want to." She says with a grin. While she gathered the things to cook for dinner, she started to cook the food together, something simple just some meat with sauce. She also started to cook rice off next to the side of the meat and sauce.
He helped as best he could, though it truthfully seemed she did not need much. It sme;t good, and he realized he hadn't eaten for some time. He wondered how she lived alone, but he knew being part pokemon probably made living in this environment easier for her.
Soon enough the food was finished, she turned off her Stove and set some food onto two plates, she got out forks and spoons setting them all on the table not far away from her with a smile. "Food's ready, it's still hot though so be careful. What would you like to drink?" She asks making her way to the fridge to get something for them both to drink.
"Water is fine," he replied, simply not wanting to impose to much on her hospitality. He could not help but look as she walked to the fridge. Her hips moving gently, and each step she took. The food was indeed hot as he could see the warm vapor coming from his plate.
Ixmil grabbed a glass off the counter, filling it up with water before she turned around walking back to the table, she set it down in front of him. She then took her own seat before starting to eat while looking at him curiously. "So will you be waiting the storm out here with me?" She asks curiously between her bites of warm food. Her mouth watered with every bite.
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