Cold Encounter (Touketsu x me)


Jan 18, 2009
The winds buffeted the mountain peaks of Snowport. The snow storm had come out of no where, and in all the times the young man had explored these peaks, never had he been caught in such a violent display of mother natures chilled fury. "Base camp...can you read me?" he called into the small comm piece on his shoulder, but the storm was interfering with the signal and the only response he got was the soft crackling of static. He could the exposed parts of his body getting cold, he would soon be to cold to really travel down, so he felt it best to find a place to wait out this storm.

He slowly moved, holding his arm up to shield his face from the oncoming snow. As he traveled forward, he felt his foot slip and he tumbled down a small drop the snow softening the fall, but only adding to the chilling bite he had felt, he looked up, wiping his goggles clean before he noticed a dark form in the veil of white. He walked towards it, seeing it was a small cave mouth, he made his way towards it, tumbled inside and making his way out of the storm.

He stuffed his hands into his jacket, trying to warm them as he sat down. It was much quieter in the cave then outside, and the sound of the wind no longer bit into his eardrums. He let out a slow sigh, the cold air had made his lungs feel sore, but now as his body grew a little warmer in the cave, he was able to calm down for the moment.
She shivered softly, she was only part pokemon, a Glaceon to be truthful. Her human area's we're freezing though and she couldn't help but wish that she had a warmer place to go. She walked along in the snow she pulled her hat, which hid her ears from view, down over her face. Her dress hid her tail as well, it was furry which she was very thankful for, her dress had luckily been made by some very nice ladies.

They were the color of Glaceon's fur, it looked like it would have been her fur had she been a full Glaceon, as she walked she noticed a dark hole in the side of the mountain, she made her way, her boots making the snow crunch. She peaked in blinking as her eyes adjusted, she flinched in shock seeing someone else in their. "U-um.. could I join you inside, its really cold outside.."
The cold impaired his hearing though he heard the faint voice. "Sure..." he said not looking up, staying in his huddled position to keep warm. Even in his clothing, the snow had managed to somehow get inside under his jacket and thick pants and he was freezing, if only he could build a fire, but with no wood, nor a means to even make a heat source, he was sorely out of luck. He looked up brielfly to see her, at first he beleived it was simply an illusion to see her. Or possibly a trick of the cold, but he said nothing, and simply listened to her step into the cave.
She stepped in, her dress was about knee length and had fur on the bottom and inside, it had no sleeves but had a high collar around the neck which was furry, she had a hooded cape, the hood had long since fell off and her hands were freezing even with the fur gloves she had on. She walked to the back of the cave as her eyes adjusted she noticed a bunch of wood stacked, she dragged a couple forward. "There's a bunch of firewood back here.. we could make a fire to dry our clothes.." She murmured softly.

She set them in the middle more towards the back before sitting down, she could feel that her feet were wet in her boots, knee high and fur lined as well she sighed, she was wet all over. "We really nee dto get out of our wet clothes.."
"Yeah that sounds like a good idea," he said, though he felt a bit strange undressing in front of a stranger. "My names Arren by the way," he said offering his name, if they where acquainted it would been a but less awkward, at least he thought so. He looked through the few things he had, he had a few wet matches. He prayed there would be on dry enough to ignite though.Before taking off there cloths though he thought it best to find out if he could even get a fire going, so he went to her little arrangement of branches and twigs and tried his luck.

He brought the tip against the small rough igniter strip on the box, the match fizzled but didn't light. He tried several more before he had a small flickering flame. He was careful not to blow it out as he placed it in the center of the bundle, and slowly there was a small crackling fire. He could see now, the dark cave lit in a soft glow. He turned to see who was in here with him, and was franky shocked to see her.
She smiled shyly, she was taken aback by his shocked look, her ears and tail were hidden she knew that much, maybe it was her clothing, she looked down at herself shy. "I'm Ixmil.." She says with a soft blush on her face. " I know I'm dressed weird, but it kept me warm while I was walking around out here." She says while looking down, she shivered before pulling her cape off and laying it out by the fire. She pulled her gloves off showing her blue nails, painted of course.

She set her gloves by the fire and slipped out of her boots, setting them by the fire as well, she held onto her hat staring at the ground below her. "I'm... a bit shy...."
He rubbed his eyes, but he guessed he really was much colder then he thought. " I'm sorry...just...." he said feeling embaressed he had stared. "I just what you where wearing...just reminded me of a glaceon," he replied, feeling like an idiot. He had to admit, he had a deep affinity to those pokemon, his first pokemon had actually been an eevee, and it had evolved deep in these very mountains. However due to sickness he had lost s lifelong friend and he guessed his memories and the chilling temperature had been playing tricks on him. "Thats a very nice name....very pretty," he replied, trying to lessen the awkward moment he had caused.
Ixmil giggled slightly at his words. "Its made to make me look like a glaceon..." She says softly while starting to pull her dress off, she kept her tail not moving behind her, she wore no panties or a bra under it. The hat fell off as she pulled the dress over her head, her ears perked up, which she flattened right away, she sat in front of the fire, her arms covering her chest while her legs tried to hide her lower area.
He busied himself with removing his cloths as well. He unzipped his jacket and removed his boots, feeling his thick set socks where a bit damp. The snow stuck in the cracks and crevices of his clothing had melted and more moisture had trapped itself in the folds. He removed most of it off. He was fit from climbing, and young, and had a few cuts and bruises that had healed over or where closed up. He did not notice her ears perk up,though he did notice just how attractive she was without her cloths, he however was trying to cover up as best he could, and wore his thick underwear, it was possibly the only dry article of clothing he had on. "So...then," he noticed her tail, she really was different.
She sat back down and looked out of the cave while biting her lip, her breasts where nicely sized and perky, her nipples were hard while she shivered. She glanced over at him noticing his fit body, she glanced away as he started to talk. "U-um... look.. I'm a pokemorph.. I'm part glaceon.. I live up here in these mountains.. if anyone finds out about me... I'd be looked for.. could you keep it a secret?" She asks with a blush across her face.
Arren had been about to ask what was she, but she seemed to have answered things for him without needing to. "I..I see," he said not sure how to reply, he was amazed at her, in fact she was the first one of her kind, or at least he believed so. He could see why she would want to stay hidden up in the mountains. He felt himself shivering a little as well, despite the small fire he was cold. "Ok...I'll keep it a secret," he replied his voice wavered lightly with the small shivering. He decided to get closer to the fire as well, and in doing so he was closer to her.
As he got closer he would notice her skin was the color of a glaceon as well, her eyes were dark blue, her hair was short in the back and long in the front. She laid down next to the fire warming her backside while her tail wagged slightly, her breasts were shown now, the nipples were a pale ice blue color, lighter then the color of her normal body color. Her ears perked up as she turned her head away from looking at him, instead she looked into the fire, blush across her face, she'd never been close to someone while either of them were naked.
He noticed the different as well, what he thought was pale normal skin, closer to the fire he could see the blue tint and how she did indeed resemble a glaceon by far. Her face, though very human also had a slightly hint of the pokemon, mostly her eyes, and the very faint muzzle she had, though she still seemed very much human, her obvious traits being her skin color, ears, and tail. Besides that she was nearly perfectly human. "It's cold...." he said gently, had it been warmer, he would have fully enjoyed her company, not that he did not, he just could not think alot with the slight shiver running through him. " you well.....where you a pokemon before?" he asked her wondering if her change had been gradual or had she been born that way.
She looked back over to him before crawling up and laying next to him. "body heat will make both of us warmer.." She says with a blush. "U-um it was a gradual change, slow at first.." she said. She had been human at one time, she glanced down slightly, laying down on her breasts pushing them into the cave floor, she shivered slightly. "Why are you up here in the mountain's anyways?"
He felt himself spare a bit of a blush as she said body heat would make them warmer. As she got closer he did feel warmer, though it was probably due to how fast his pulse was beating from excitement. "I see," he said thinking about what she said about her change, he never heard of a human doing that. "'s a very important place to me," he replied "I was part if a team, looking at weather patterns out in the cold....guess we need to do a bit more work since I don't think anyone saw this storm coming." "But thats not the only reason...I just happen to like this place...important memories here...see I had a partner before," he told her all about how he had an eevee for a pokemon partner, how she had evolved into a glaceon and how just a few years back she had died due to illness.
She frowned softly with a nod. "I'm sorry to hear about your partner dying from an illness, I'm sure they enjoyed every minute of your time with them until the very end. I know I would." She says with a smile, she laid down next to him and closed her eyes. "Should we sleep now and wait out the storm like that?" She asks curiously, she wished she had been home in her own little cabin, but she needed food for the winter.
He smiled gently "Thanks," he said feeling a tad warmer. As she layed down, he noticed just how curvy her figure was, how slim and lithe she seemed. "I always thought....sleeping in the cold was know might not wake up and all," he replied, however they did have a fire, but if it went out they would probably freeze to death, or simply lose feeling and end up slowly dying.
She nodded to his words. "It would be safer to fall asleep with our clothes on once they're dry and sleep, it would be a lot more safe to have a couple of blankets as well. But we don't really have that right now... I wish I was home sleeping under my pile of fur blankets with the fire roaring." She mumbles softly while sitting up to keep from falling asleep.
He nodded, true they did not have thge luxury of safe resting or anything. "Perhaps we should take turns?" he suggested, if they both fell asleep there would be no one to wake them. "So neither of us accidentally freeze over...and we can keep the fire going," he explained. It was the best he had.
She nodded. "We should take turns, do you want me to go first?" She offers with a jaw widened yawn before blinking and shaking her head softly. "Sorry about that, it came from no wheres." She says with a soft blush on her face.
"I'll keep first watch," he said with a small laugh. He would watch the fire as she took a nap, and in about an hour or so he would wake her so he could rest. However the biting cold was getting to him, and he felt the weakness of his limbs from the b\climbing and trudging though the heavy snow. He felt like he would doze off, from time to time though he nearly did but he kept himself awake for the moment, though as time passed, he felt himself drawing deeper towards sleep.
She had laid down falling asleep quickly after he said he would take the first watch, while she was half awake she felt something warm near by. She opened her eyes peaking out to see him laying on the ground asleep with her, the fire was almost out, she got up and grabbed a couple pieces of wood to put on the fire, it shot up warmer then ever. She smiled softly looking at him in his boxers as he slept, she was curious about him, her head tilted as she stared.
His breathing was slow, due to the warmth of her body he had a peaceful rest, even if it had come unknowingly. He did not even stir when she woke up and fed the fire, the only movement was the very small up and down motion of his chest as he slept. He dreamed, but he would not remember when he awoke, no when he woke up he would probably simply be wishing to sleep more, or that the snow would have stopped fallig and they could get out.
She bit her lip softly as she watched hims sleep, she reached out with a finger softly running it down his chest. His skin was different then hers, she went all the way to his navel and smiled gently pulling her finger back while she got up to check on the clothes. Her clothes were dry and warm, so were his, she frowned softly knowing they could get dressed now, she stared at him against from across the fire, before she made her way over to him once more, she shook him lightly.
He stirred a bit as she ran a finger down his chest and stomach, it tickled a bit, though he didn't wake. Once she stirred him though his eyes opened slowly and he moved, sitting up. "I fell asleep," he said realizing, he felt a bit embaressed he had, but it seemed nothing went wrong. He wondered if the storm was over. "Whats wrong?"
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