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Super Roleplay Time! (MxF)

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Feb 3, 2009
Hey everyone. I'm making a RP request thread. Bear with me.

Master/slave pairings
High school pairings
Anything with an older male and younger female

Um... That's all for now, but I'll post more as I go. If interested, PM me.

My favorite pairing is mother/son, but no one ever wants to do that, so extra points I you want to.

Favorite ideas:
1) Babysitter/teenager, lots of coersion there, and many fun possibilities.

2) Pokemon trainer/pokemon, I don't know why but I've been into this lately. I could play either, but I have a few preferences on the female being the pokemon (mostly just that I love the pokemon Gardevoir).

3)Father/daughter: Not much to say. :)

4)Dad's friend/daughter: again, not much to say.

I RP over YIM also, PM me for the username
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