Eyes of Virgin Snow: HakuHina [RPers: GenesisXKenshin]

Uesugi Kenshin

Aug 27, 2011
It had been two years since that day on the bridge. Though he was thought to have died, Haku in fact survived Kakashi's Raikiri... But Zabuza did not survive the assault of Gatou's men. Zabuza's dying wish was for Kakashi to take Haku with him to Konoha- and that's where he stayed, training under one Anko Mitarashi.

Now 17, he'd gotten taller, his muscles ever so slightly toned. He looked mostly the same as before though, save he now wore a chuunin vest over his brown sweater instead of his blue robe. He'd also gotten to know a girl during this time... Hinata. He'd even grown fond of her.

Now, he was watching his friend train. The young man smiled as he watched the busty young woman train. Oh, how he admired Hinata so. She was kind, gentle, and... Well, was she beautiful? He studied her features again with his brown eyes, brushing some of his black hair out of his face. Her nose was cute, her eyes gorgeous, her lips suggestive, and her form sensual. Yes, he'd say she was beautiful alright. Haku so badly wanted her. However, he knew she loved Naruto, and not him. Indeed, he was forced to watch her from afar.

Or was he? He could, in theory, use a certain genjutsu his sensei had gotten from Kurenai and taught to him. No, no, he could never.

Could he?

"Hinata-chan..." he cooed out, smiling at the girl only a year younger than him. "Can I... Ask something of you?"
Uesugi Kenshin said:
It had been two years since that day on the bridge. Though he was thought to have died, Haku in fact survived Kakashi's Raikiri... But Zabuza did not survive the assault of Gatou's men. Zabuza's dying wish was for Kakashi to take Haku with him to Konoha- and that's where he stayed, training under one Anko Mitarashi.

Now 17, he'd gotten taller, his muscles ever so slightly toned. He looked mostly the same as before though, save he now wore a chuunin vest over his brown sweater instead of his blue robe. He'd also gotten to know a girl during this time... Hinata. He'd even grown fond of her.

Now, he was watching his friend train. The young man smiled as he watched the busty young woman train. Oh, how he admired Hinata so. She was kind, gentle, and... Well, was she beautiful? He studied her features again with his brown eyes, brushing some of his black hair out of his face. Her nose was cute, her eyes gorgeous, her lips suggestive, and her form sensual. Yes, he'd say she was beautiful alright. Haku so badly wanted her. However, he knew she loved Naruto, and not him. Indeed, he was forced to watch her from afar.

Or was he? He could, in theory, use a certain genjutsu his sensei had gotten from Kurenai and taught to him. No, no, he could never.

Could he?

"Hinata-chan..." he cooed out, smiling at the girl only a year younger than him. "Can I... Ask something of you?"

She looked over at Haku, her mind otherwise preoccupied with thoughts of Naruto, and ways she could get him to look at her. "Yes, Haku?" She walked over to him and satnext to him, still panting slightly from her efforts. She looked up at him and smiled, her white eyes still semi distant.
She liked Haku, but not in the way she adored Naruto, always seeming sligtly distant towards Haku even though she consdered him a god friend. "Did I do something wrong that time?"
"Ah... No, you did well..." Haku explained, his hands resting on his lap as he watched her sit down. He smiled at her, a bit awkwardly. "You know... Hinata, you're a lovely young girl... Charming, sweet, considerate... And I-" he stopped himself. What was he thinking? He knew she loved Naruto. Admitting his feelings for her would lead to nothing but awkwardness. "... I... Um... Nothing." He looked away from her, trying to think of what to say or do next.

Maybe he ought to use that jutsu.

Turning his eyes back to her, he looked into her milky hues, his smile warm, loving. "Do you mind... Looking into my eyes. Just for a moment?" he asked. Though an incredibly awkward question, the way he asked it made it seem perfectly normal.
She looked slightly confused for a moment before nodding, seeing no harm in what he was asking her. She sat upon her knees trying to steer her thoughts away from Naruto as she looked up at him, calming her breathing as she stares up into his eyes. She blushed slightly as she looked at him.

"Why are we doing this Haku?', she asked him, curious at why he would want her to look into his eyes like this. It made her feel almost giddy, looking in his eyes the exact way she had imagined looking into Naruto's eyes so many times. She blushed but continued staring at his beautiful brown eyes.
"No reason... I'm just... Testing something..." His hand was hidden from her sight, and he quickly ran through a series of handseals. His eyes seemed to glow for a second as the genjutsu activated. It was a subtle one, almost impossible to break due to being so worthless in battle. But Hinata would soon feel her emotions for Naruto being turned into feeling for Haku. "Hehe... So sorry..." he said, half for making her look into his eyes... And halfway for doing such a thing to her.
She blushed and giggled before looking away, almost litterally dragging her eyes from his. She smiled, blushing a bit more brightly before looking up at him again. Was there something different about him, or was she just noticing how entirely handsome Haku was for the first time? She stood up and tilted her head in slight confusion. Why had she been going after Naruto for so long when one of her best friends was so wonderfull? Thoughts like this continued to swarm through her head untill just looking at Haku made her blush. "Haku, would you walk me home?", she asked in a voice that was almost a whisper, afraid that he would turn her down.
Haku heard the slight fear in her voice- that fear of rejection. How she spoke around Naruto.

It had worked.

Nodding gently, he stood up and took his hand in her, smiling down at her warmly. "Of course I will, Hinata..." he said, nodding once as he slowly lead her out of the training grounds into the twilit streets of Konoha. "... Your father is out of town, isn't he?"
She nods and holds his hand lightly, her bod shaking at just his touch. She blused brighter and looked over at him. "Why, Haku?", she asked, curious as to what he had planned. She lead him slightly, still holding his hand, wanting to have him close to her as she lead him to her home. "Thank you for walking with me," she said as they neared her house, her voice stll soft and slightly fearful. "Would you like to come inside for a bit?" She asked, hoping he would say yes but her heart screaming that he would say no. She looked into his eyes again, trying to hide the fear in her eyes and her voice.
Haku blushed heavily at the question, one hand running through his own hair. "Of course I would..." he answered. Things were going better than he had expected. He held his hand to the side, pointing at the door, awaiting her to unlock it so he may open it for her.
She nodded and pulled out her keys unlocking the door quickly before stepping back and looking at him, once again thinking how lucky she was. He was coming into her home! She would atleast be able to be closer to him for a few more moments if nothing else. She blushed and smiled before reaching out for his hand again, still wanting to be close to him.
Haku opened the door, holding her hand as he let her walk them inside. He closed the door behind him before, suddenly, leaning forward and kissing Hinata deeply on the lips, moaning gently into the girl's mouth as his hands gripped her shoulders. "Mmmn~"
She blushed and looked up at him, gasping before she began kissing him back, her eyes closing asshe allowed her tonge to dart out to his lips, licking at them softly as if begging for entrance. She allowed her own hands to find his neck and wrap around behind it. She pressed herself softly into him, blushing brighter before pulling away, breathing heavily.
Haku panted back at her, his hands embracing her tightly as he stared lovingly into her eyes. "Hinata... Should... We take this up to your room?" he asked, his tone seductive the way his words slipped off his tongue. His hands moved down to the small of her back, nearly groping her rump.
She nodded, unsure of what she was doing but loving every minute of it. She grabbed one of his hands and led the way, wanting to get there as quickly as she could. She had no clue what she was feeling but she loved it, her every move seeming more and more geared towards egging him on.
As they entered her room, he almost immediately, pressed her against the bed, his hands going to her zipper and undoing her loose jacket, revealing her mesh-covered breasts underneath. He pressed his hands against them, cooing gently as his teeth grazed her neck. "Oooh, Hinata... I want you~"
She blushed as she felt his hands over her breasts, moaning softy as she looked up at him. His teeth on her neck only heightened her sensations. She held onto his shoulders and smiled, looking at him. "I... I want you too, Haku. Will you take my virginity?" She asked, her voice begging him to agree, knowing that she had already gotten this far.
Haku took his time in answering, sucking on her neck as his thumbs twitched upon her nipples, tongue leaving long trails of saliva on her neck. Haku could feel his member hardening already. He pulled back slightly, looking into her eyes and chuckling. "Only," he said, "if you take mine." Then he moved his hands to his pants, sliding them off slowly...
She blushed and watched him, still moaning from his caresses and the feel of his tongue on her. She looked up at him and nodded again. "Of course," she moaned watching with curious eyes as he stripped before her. This feels too good to be real ,her mind practically purred at her as she looked up at him, hoping her time with him would never end.
Haku would have agreed with her. For about two years now, he dreamed of being with Hinata- now he was doing oh so much more than that, his pants now off, his member pulsing hotly with passion. His eyes seemed to pierce her own as he pulled down her own pants. "Hinata..." his voice quivered out, realizing he was taking what should have been Naruto's place. "I love you..." As her pants, too, came off, he pulled aside her panties, aligning his member with her womanhood. "When... You're ready."
She nodded, knowing that if she even tried to convey the magnitude of what she was feeling for him her words would fail her. She held onto his shoulders and looked up into his eyes, her body shaking with anticipation and pleasure. "I love you too, Haku," she practically moaned. She pushed herself down onto him, trying to help him enter her, but wincing as she felt his large member pressing against her tight, wet, virgin entrance.
Haku let out a moan as he entered her, soon finding his passage blocked by her hymen. He pushed on, feeling it break as he hilted himself in her, his member resting against her cervix. "Hnn~..." He pulled back, and went back in, repeating these motions as he slowly began to pant. "H-Hina..."
She moaned looking up at him and smiling, the pain having passed and the pleasure being almost more than she could bear. She grabbed his shoulders and moaned louder, her body shaking with pleasure. "Haku!" She moaned out, wanting to feel more of this unbelievable pleasure.
His hips continued to pound against her, his hands moving behind her head and cupping the back gently as he kissed her deeply. It was the only thing keeping his moans back. His member seemed to pulse intensely, precum starting to gather at the tip and lather her insides.
She kissed him back, her tongue playing with his as she moaned into the kiss, her eyes closing in pleasure. "Haku! I think I'm about to.." She moaned out breaking the kiss as her tight pussy began to tighten and writhe around his member, her body shaking even more. Her eyes opened as she felt her climax growing ever closer.
"About to release, hmm...?" he asked, looking down at her and chuckling warmly in between moans. "Well... Feel free. I want you to feel good. For I love you..." he said as he bucked into her as hard as he could, his sac slapping audibly against her as he felt his own climax approaching. "HINATA...!"
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