1X1 Captain AmericaXBatgirl rp.

Steven thought, thinking it safer to be with an ally than alone in a city. "I'll stay then." he said, turning to look at her various art. He came back to the Captain America picture. It reminded him of who he actually was.
Terra said to him," See everyone loves this picture that i painted about a superhero." A little kid asked her and said to her,"I really want to see Captain America in person,is their anyway that us kids could meet him in person pretty please miss.?" Terra looked at Steven and said to him,"I'm glad that you are staying for the whole thing with me Steven,and is their anyway you could get in contact with Captain America because all of these kids really want to see him in person pretty please.?"
Steven heard the children wanting to see Captain America. He smiled; little did they know that he was the superhero. He looked at them. "Sure. You'll see him soon." he said, changing to look at Terra. "I'll be right back." he said. He made his way to a sealed off part of the building and changed into his Captain America suit, making his way back.
Terra said to all of the kids,"Do not worry he'll be here soon,just relax for a few minutes and you'll see him soon I promise." She was wondering what Steven was up to and one of the kids said to Terra,"Captain America is here and do you tihnk that he'll sign our comic books about him pretty please Terra.?" Terra looks at Captain America and said to him,"The kids were wondering if you'd like to autograph all of their comic books for them,they love to read Captain America comic books all the time. This will make the kids very happy if you could sign their comic books."
Captain America looked at all of them. "Of course! What kind of superhero would I be if I didn't?" he asked, smiling. He took each of their books and neatly signed them.
All of kids said to Terra,"Your the best Miss Terra, you made all of us kids very happy thank-you Terra and you too Captain America." Terra said to all of the kids,"I'm glad that I made you kids all happy and your welcome anytime kids,and enjoy the rest of the art show with your parent's ok." All of kids smiled at Terra and then at Captain America and thye all returned back at their parent's side and the parent's were very happy with this day. It was 6:30pm now and the art show was over and Terra helped put everything all away in the proper places in the art musem. She was done when all of a sudden something showed up in the sky and she looked at him said to him,"I have to go now see you later Captain America." She leaves the art show and she quickly goes into the girls washroom and she changes into her batgirl outfit and she climbs out of the window and jumps onto her motorcycle and drives towards a building and she climbs up all of the fire exit steps and made it right on time. She looked comissoner Gordon and said to him,"What is up Comissoner Gordon what do you want me to do hmm.?" Comissoner Gordon said to her,"We just got a call from someone that they saw Mr. Freeze son robbing a jewellry store you must stop him at any cost and becareful he cna freeze people ok." Terra nods her heads and she jumps off the rooftop and lands on her motorcycle and she drives right to the jewellery store and she sees Mr.Freeze son stealing a diamond and she must avoid not getting hit or frozen by his freeze gun at any cost. She jumps off her motorcycle and she takes out his goons and she needed away to stop Mr. Freeze son at any cost. Mr.Freeze son sees batgirl and said to her,"I thought that you were parayzale in a wheelchair and your not,but this time your going to be sorry." He shoots his freezing gun towards batgirl and she dodges it very well and said to him,"My mother was in a wheelchair and she can walk now and your the one that is going to be sorry. This time,not me,I can defeat you no problem at all,and you'll never know when another superhero will have back up or not. Your going down Victor for once and for all." Victor was chuckling at this and said to her,"I don't see any back up with you at all your bluffing Batgirl." (9Left another opening for Captain America to finally meet Batgirl.))
Captain America saw the image in the sky, and figured it had nothing to do with her. Maybe she left to get home before something bad happened. He left and ran towards the inner parts of the city, following the various cop cars that passed him to see where they were going. When he reached the jewellry store, he saw the blue tinted, ice wielding man, and then he saw the black-dressed Batgirl. He ran over and knocked aaway a few goons before tackling Victor. "Two on one's not so easy, eh?" he said.
Batgirl looked at Captain America and said to him,"He'll be more safer if he is tied up,let's tie him up and the cops will be here anytime soon to pick him up ok." Batgirl ran circles around Victor and she tied him up pretty well so he couldn't get free and her rope that she used was a heat rope that slowly makes any ice person slowly getting a bit weak. The cops finally arrived and said to them both,"Well done Batgirl and you too Captain America and we'll take him from here and nice rope that you used on him Batgirl thank-you both." Batgirl nods her head to agree with the cops and she said to Captain America,"Thanks for the help I really did neeed the help thanks Captain America,see ya around I have to get home now ok bye." Batgirl got onto her motorcycle and she drives all the way back to the batcave and she goes through a hidden road that no one knows about at all and she parks her motorcycle into the batcave and she jumps off her motorcycle and she presses a button and a bookcase opens up and leads to her room and she got out of her batgirl outfit and left it in the batcave. And she changed into her pjs and she was Terra now. She wonders if Steven knows where she lives or not.
Captain America helped the cops load Freeze into one of their cars, making sure to keep the rope tight. When he was loaded, he shook hands with an officer. "anything to be of service." he said, walking to stand by batgirl. She looked so familiar. "You're welcome. It's my job to fight crime, and help those who do so as well." he said smiling at her. He watched her drive away, and decided he'd go home for a while. He didn't know where the Batcave was, but he did have an idea of who Batgirl was. He'd have to figure that out tomorrow. He went home, changed and slept.
Terra made herself a cup of tea and she sits up in her bed and she begins to drink her pepperment tea and she was slowly relaxing and she was glad that Steven didn't notice her black eye at all and she was relif by that. She was done her tea and left her room and hugged her parent's goodnight and kissed them on the cheek and she went back upstairs and cralwd into her bed and she begins to doze off to sleep for a bit.
Steven fell asleep an hour or so before her. He also awoke early in the morning. He kept having dreams about how he had met Terra. He knew she had to be Batgirl. He would ask her if he saw her that day. He got up and took a shower and got dressed before heading out into town.
Terra woke up right at 9am and she crawls out of her bed and heads to her own washroom and she turns the shower on and she removes her pjs from her body. She steps into the shower and she has a quick shower as well. Terra was done her shower and she grabbed a towel and dried herself off and got herself all washed and dressed. She leaves her home nad grabs her purse and her coat and get's onto another motorcycle and drives into town and parks her motorcycle in a parking spot about a block down from the cafe she always goes to all the time for breakfast. She walks up the street and walks into the cafe and she sees Steven here as well and wonders what the blazes he is doing here too and she sits down at her favourite table and orders herself a bagel with ham and cheese on it and orders herself a cup of tea as well.
Steven was out, enjoying the life in the city. He had ordered just a simple breakfast: some waffles and coffee. He ate his breakfast before noticing Terra sitting in the same cafe. He waved at her, but continued to sit and eat.
Terra waved back at him and she was enjoying her bagel and her tea and she also was enjoying a cookie as well. She was glad to be away from her parent's for a little bit and she sighed.
When he finished his meal, he got up and walked over to her table. He sat down across from her, joining her. "Hello. How are you?" he asked, leaning forward and resting his arms on the table.
Terra said to him,I`m doing good thanks for asking me and how did you sleep last night? I slept pretty good last night and I had no idea that you come this cafe as I always come here for breakfast all the time Steven.``
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