1X1 Captain AmericaXBatgirl rp.

Jan 10, 2009
The setting takes place in 2011 where Captain America woke up from his 70 years of sleep he was in and it's about 10am in the morning on a beautiful summer day out like today. A female girl with blonde hair,blue eyes,5'5, about 25 years old wearing a pink shirt,pair of black pants and her shoes were white. Her name is Terra Grayson and her mother is Barbara and her father is Dick Grayson and no one knows that she is actually a super hero at any cost. She got a call from one of her friends about someone that has awaken from a 70 years of sleep and she was a bit curious to know who it was. She enters into the hospital and the nurse leads Terra to Steven Rogers room and said to Terra,"Keep an eye on him he is a bit nervous around others, so just becareful what you say around him, and I know that you are an amazing artist just liek your father is. Go right ahead and draw him in a captain America outfit that is what your going to do ok Terra." Terra nods her heads and she begins to draw and she was drawing very well and she drew the perfect version of Captain America for her to try to sell in an art gallery in New York City and she sighed. (d. Could Steven Rogers be about 27 years old pretty please?)
Steven was laying in the hospital bed, a bit disoriented from where he was. He had awakened from a terribly long sleep, after all. He still had his old appearance, as a 27 year old, which baffled everyone who had come to see him. He noticed the girl in the corner, Terra, and saw that she was drawing. She seemed to stick out of everyone else in the room. He pointed to her. "Hello... Terra?" he asked, looking over to her.
RE: 1X1 Captain AmericaXBatgirl rp. funroleplayingguy and I only.

Terra said to him,"Yes I'm Terra and what is your name sir? i'm just drawing you,I work in an art gallery with my father who owns the Wayne company and the Wayne Mansion. Do not worry I'm not going to hurt you or harm you at any cost. I'm not a threat to you or to anyone else and what brings you to New York City sir hmm.?"
RE: 1X1 Captain AmericaXBatgirl rp. funroleplayingguy and I only.

Steven nodded. "Yeah... I feel that. I feel like I've known you for a while. I believe I was supposed to find you." he said, looking over at her. "I don't know what led me to you. Can I see your drawing?" he asked, beckoning her over.
Terra said to him,"It's nice to meet you Steven and sure you can see the drawing that I drew. I hope it's pretty good and I hope that you'll like it very much." Terra showed him the drawing that she drew and said to him,"This is a picture of Captain America that I drew and I'm getting very good at drawing more things more better Steven." She wonders if he'll like the drawing she drew or not and she sighed.
Steven looked at the picture. "Wow... This... This is me." he said quietly, studying the picture. "This is a great depiction. You're a great artist." he complimented, handing it back to her. "This is why I'm here... To find you. You have a connection to my past." he said, looking at her.
Terra said to him,"I had no idea I have a conncetion about your past at all,and I'm glad that you like this drawing of Captain America and I had no idea you are him at all,do not worry your sercet is safe with me Steven. I must get going now,i have to set-up for an art show that starts right at 4pm until 6pm. I hope that you'll come to it and meet my mother and father as well see you later ok take care now and bye." Terra leaves Steven room so he can rest up a bit more and she took her drawing with her as well. And she kept a peice of her hair over her right eye to hide a minor black eye she got from fighting last night against some thugs. That she defeated and tied them up and let the cops take them away to jail for good.
Steven nodded, watching her leave. Why did he feel so different when she came up? It was strange. he layed back onto the bed to rest, getting up an hour or so later. He turned to the side of the bed and stood up, stretching slightly before calling a doctor in. He got his clothes from them and changed, deciding to find this art show she was at.
Terra was helping setting up the art show and all of her drawings she has drawn were already painted by herself only. She sets up a small display of her art work and it was about 3:55pm. The doors were opened up right at 4pm and a lot of people entered into the art gallery and she wonders if Steven will show up or not at all and she sighed.
Steven was walking down town, looking for the exhibition center. He asked for directions, with few people actually helping him. But, soon, he made his way to the center. "Hello... Where is Terra?" he asked the greeter, finding out any making his way to her.
Terra said to Steven,"I'm glad that you showed up and here is a bit of my art work that I've done over the past few years. I hope that you'll like it Steven,and thanks for showing up as well." She gently smiled at Steven and showed him her art work that she has done over the past few years of her life.
Steven moved closer to the wall of art she had presenting. "Wow... these are so detailed. You are a great artist." he said, looking them over. His eyes wandered the wall, scannin each picture until he came to the one of himself.
Terra said to him,"I'm glad that you like my drawings and be on your sharpest guard at all times,I have a bad feeling that a group of thugs will ruin this art show for me and the others. Please keep your guard up and you can judge who looks a bit suspicious and not so suspicious ok Steven." She was glad that Steven showed up and she kept an eye patch over her right eye and hoped that Steven wouldn't notice that black eye patch over her right eye at any cost.
Steven knew that something felt odd too. He couldn't put an eye on it, but something was unique about her as well. He heard that he needed to keep his guard up, which he already did. He was very cautious when she said that.
Terra was showing everyone else all of her drawings that she done and that she is donating to the art gallery like her parent's taught her how to help others out in life. One of the thugs saw all of the drawings that Terra did and he withdrew a gun and said to everyone,"This is a stick up hand over all of your money right now and no one will get hurt at any cost." Everyone did what they were told to do and they handed all of their money over to the tugs and wished that someone would stop these thugs at any cost. ((I left an opening for Captain America to come in and save the day which is Steven Rogers.))
Steven was wandering around the other art stands when he heard the thug yell his threat and cock his gun. He knew he had to take action. He got down and acted as though he was a civilian. He moved over to the thug and acted like he had money, to give him, but instead uppercutted the man, knocking him out. he then ran to the other thug before he could notice.
Terra was watching Steven fighting and she found a broken bo-staff and she quickly tossed it to Steven so he could use it as a weapon to help him take on the other three thugs as well.
Steven was looking the other way as he took down the other goon. He heard her throw the staff and turned to grab it, proceeding to get in close quarters with the other three and take them down. "Thanks." he told Terra after dealing with them.
Terra said to Steven,"Your welcome anytime Steven and I'll just stay low to the ground ok,and your doing a fine job taking out those thugs keep on fighting Steven." Terra quickly ducked behind a bench and waited until this fight stopped nad she called 911 to report this to the police and they'll be here in 10 minutes to lock those thugs up behind bar.
Steven kept holding on to the staff, moving and keeping an eye on the thugs that he had taken down to make sure they didn't get up. He then turned to the ones that were still up, and proceeded to take care of them until the police arrived.
The police cars arrived and entered into the art musem and said to Steven,"You have done very well by taking these thugs down. I'm proud of you Steven Rogers well done." Terra was glad that their was another hero in town as well as she and she smiled at Steven and she gave him a hug to thank him for saving her art show.
Steven was talking to the police chief when Terra came over and hugged him. He turned his attention to her. "Hey, Terra... There's something I've been meaning to ask you. Are you a super hero? I feel something... strange... about you." he said. He had felt something since they first met.
Terra said to Steven,"I will tell you later if I'm a superhero or not ok Steven." All of people that were at at the art show got all of their money back that the thugs stole and the art show went on.
Steven nodded, looking around at the thugs being taken away and the people returning to their previous activities. "Alright. i'm going to go home for a little while." he said, looking at her. He didn't really know if it was still their, but he'd only hope for the best.
Terra said to Steven,"You can stay longer with me,you don't have to go right now,but if you want to go home for a bit,it won't bother me at all Steven ok." Terra was showing more people her beatuiful art work and everyone was admiring Captain America painted picture that she painted by herself.
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