Struggle Within (Razgriz x EclipseNeko)

She was quite curious herself to what his mother had meant by her statement. Maybe she already knew what they had planned? She seemed like a very intelligent woman and nothing probably slipped passed her. Meanwhile, his father had caused her to blush when he was teasing Moritsune about asking her out. He was probably just messing around, she that great of a person she felt like. She smiled as his mother shut the door, leaving them alone once again. "I did agree but I am interested to see what I have gotten myself into her." She giggled as she placed her feet on his bed. She was sitting indian style on his bed, making sure sure he had plenty of room to move around. "You know, having a "brother" again would be nice. I bet Sora is smiling right now knowing I have finally found a family to help me." She sighed happily. "I enjoy your company, I don't mind waiting a bit longer to go down. To be honest I'm quite nervous about all of this." She looked down at her lap, fiddling her with a lose piece of thread on her shirt.

"People are going to start rumors as to why we would be leaving to and from school together. I already have a strange reputation as it is. Thankfully, I am not bullied anymore, due to Tatsuki always saving me... and I have a feeling you would too now." She shook her head, wanting to change the topic. "Anyway, how are you feeling? Do you need to me to help you with anything?" She stood back up, looking down at him carefully. "You must be in so much pain right now, I feel so bad." She leaned over and smiled at him. "I'll help you up, we should probably head downstairs."
"Ah, it's alright. Let 'em have all the rumors they want; if anyone gives you a hard time, let me know. Your 'brother' will take care of you, most definitely." he then said in response to her quandary, giving her a confident smile to help ease her worries. "Sounds like this Tatsuki girl is quite a feisty one; there's a guy at my old school who loved girls that could hit." He then paused when she asked if he needed anything and offered to help him get up from bed. "Oh, Orihime, don't worry, it's a lot worse than it looks. I promise" He then sat up with a grunt; sure it hurt like a bitch, but it could be a lot worse. And besides he didn't need her worrying on his account. If Nago High School had done anything for him, it was make him tougher, more durable.

He then used a lot of obvious effort to swing his leg over the side of the bed; Orihime would see that he was still wearing pants, luckily. She would also see just how broad and defined his chest was, despite having his right arm, shoulders, chest and torso wrapped in white. There wasn't any injuries on his legs, though, unlike Orihime; he then chuckled lightly and said as he rested on the edge of his bed, "We're gonna have a hell of a time explaining this at school, aren't we? I bet Chizuru will go ballistic when she sees you." While he didn't know Chizuru on a personal level at all, he could tell from her previous actions and words that she was very attached to Orihime.

He then looked at Orihime and asked, "Could I ask you to grab me a shirt from my closet before we head down? Any one will do." If she looked into his wardrobe, she would find quite plain clothing; logoless shirts and the like, mostly. Kind of like his room, very plain and undecorated. He never really saw a need for anything like that, anyway.
He was right, Chizuru will throw a fit when she sees her tomorrow! She didn't didn't even think about how she would explain this at school tomorrow; with her luck Chizuru will think Moritsune took her down a dark alley and beat the crap out of her and is staying close to her to make sure she keeps her mouth shut or else. Her face went pale as she thought about Tatsuki as well... She would have a fit and probably try and kill Moritsune herself. She quickly shook her head, not wanting to see the emotions that came across her face. She moved a few steps back from his bed, as he sat there and tired to get up, blushing has the blanket slid down his chest, revealing his half bandaged and half exposed chest. She couldn't help but notice how nice of a body he had on himself...

She diverted her eyes to the floor, not wanting to be rude as he grunted and groaned sitting up in bed. She nodded her head as he asked her to grab a shirt from his closet. She walked over to it and opening it, viewing his wardrobe finding very plain shirts, no designs.. just plain colors. She picked up a black shirt and brought it over to him. "I hope this one works, it was a tough choice." She teased him. She helped him pull the shirt over his head and his arms through the holes. She was so close she could feel his body heat against her skin. She could feel herself being drawn to him but before she moved closer to him, she snapped back and quickly took a few steps back.

"Kids! Dinner is ready!" She suddenly heard her his mom call from down the stairs.

"I guess we better get downstairs before they come up here and question us."
(Lol, sounds like Moritsune's going to have his work cut out for him)

Moritsune chuckled as Orihime pointed out his lack of diverse clothing, "Yeah, well, never was one for logos or anything like that. Made me feel like a walking billboard; given my size, I could probably apply for a job as one, hehe." He completely missed Orihime's blushing, mostly due to the discomfort he felt in his own body. He coordinated his movements with Orihime's to try and get it ove rhis head. It was one that was made for him, so it wasn't all that tight on him; that much he was thankful for.

His whole upper body felt incredibly sore, like he worked out too hard and didn't stretch. Some movements sent significant jolts of pain through him, but he managed to hide most of them in his body language. He didn't want Orihime helping him; not because he hated her or anything, just that she was hurt as well. He could feel the stitches from his head wounds starting to itch; this was going to suck.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Knowing my father, he'll give me a real hard time if I take any longer." he then replied to Orihime's suggestion; he stood with a loud groan and started making his way to the door. He then stopped after a few steps and looked back at Orihime to say, "You have a hurt ankle; you can lean on me if you want.....You know, to help keep the weight off it. Mother wouldn't be too happy if one of her patients was hurt even worse." While part of him wanted her to be closer to him, the larger part was just trying to help her recover more quickly.
She laughed at his statement. "He would make a nice billboard though." She thought to herself. Her little thought caused her to blush even more, she shouldn't be thinking thoughts like that! She bit her lower lip, and just smiled at him as she tired to ignore the growing redness in her face. She watched as he moved, his body would twitch in pain but his face hid it well. She frowned but her brother was the same way, always wanted to be strong for her.

She was happy to see he could stand up on his own, not much seemed to be wrong with his legs, that she was thankful for. She seemed to had forgotten about her own ankle injury though because when she took a step to follow him, she almost fell over from the pain that went through her leg. When he looked back and offered her his help, how could she refuse? She would need help going down the stairs, putting that kind of pressure on it would cause it to take even longer to heal.

"Sure, if you don't mind. I might be quite heavy." She teased as she limped her way over to him. She blushed as she wrapped her right arm around his bicep and leaned into him. She could feel the body heat coming from him, enjoying being this close to him. "Lead the way good sir." She giggled, trying to make things less awkward for them.
"Of course not, Orihime." he said as he stuck his arm out slightly; the pain of moving it kept him from sticking it out too much, but it was enough to where she could wrap her arms around it. "Onward and downward, then" he replied with a small chuckle of his own. His own face flushed as he felt her ample chest on his strong arm, but turned his head slightly so that the bandages hid it. He took his time going down the stairs, letting Orihime set her foot down as much as possible before proceeding to the next one. While it didn't take a horrendous amount of time to climb down, it definitely took longer than it would have.

When they finally reached the downstairs, Moritsune saw both of his parents already at the table. "Ah, there's the two resident lovebirds! Let me help you there, son!" Moritsune's face reddened even more, putting his previous embarrassment to shame as he replied, "F...Father! Show some restraint!" He then let Masahiro help him seat Orihime comfortably so that her leg wouldn't twist uncomfortably. The two men then took their own seats again, Moritsune giving his father a very disapproving look, to which the black-haired man replied, "Oh, lighten up, son! Your old man's just teasing you! Honestly, you're more like your mother than you let on." He then realized his slip and tried to recover, his face sweating a little and his hands raised defensively with a sheepish grin on his face, "Not that it's a bad thing of course, hehehe."

Moritsune just sighed and defused the potential situation, "So, Mother, you said we had some things to discuss when we were upstairs. Is everything alright?"
Orihime smiled at his little comment as they headed towards the stairs. Her chest was pressed up against him as she clung to his arm but she tired to press that though out of her mind. It wasn't his fault, he was just trying to help her. As they descended the stairs, she would go down one leg at a time, her ankle felt like it was on fire from putting all her weight on it. She sighed happily as they reached the final step and made a B-line towards were the dining area was. She smiled brightly as they entered, his father quickly bouncing up to help her. Of course, he couldn't resist giving another "Lovebird" crack which caused her to blush. She noticed how Moritsune stuttered on his words as her tired to argue that fact, she had to giggle. She was so happy to finally get off her ankle that she sat down with a ungraceful flop as his father helped her.

"Ahem, more like his mother?"
Akiko suddenly perked up. "Would you mind explaining what you mean by that, dear." She said, glaring daggers at her husband. She laughed as her husband tried to cover his tail. "I never understand why I put up with you but like they say, love can do crazy things to people." She faced her son as he spoke to her, and gave a small smile. "Everything is wonderful, Mority." She teased her son, for he hated that nickname. "I am just curious as to why you were with this lovely young lady. You never made friends in the past and here you were today walking with this girl, Orihime, to bring her to our house.." She paused for a moment. "I found this strange. Is there something you need to ask me?"
"You know I love you, honey. And besides, if it wasn't for my sparkling sense of humor and unbounded energy, what else would you see in me? Hehehehe." he then responded to his wife. Moritsune chuckled as his father tried to recover from his mistake; anyone would see that Akiko was the power-holder in the house. Not that Masahiro was a weak-spined baby, but he knew from experience not to make that woman angry; despite having a delicate-looking frame, she could hit like no one would believe.

Moritsune groaned as his mother called him by his least favorite name, "You really had to call me that just now? You know how much I hate that name, Mother." Masahiro just laughed, "Oh, Moritsune, you need to learn not to be so serious! You're not in Okinawa anymore! Besides, we're your parents! Don't you know? We're supposed to embarrass you in front of your girlfriend." If there was a new shade of red that was just invented, that was the color of Moritsune's face at that. "W...whoa! Whoa! I just met her today! It's not like that!" Moritsune loved his parents to death, but sometimes they were just too much.

When his mother then asked him if he needed to ask her something, this brought everything to a standstill; Moritsune gave a small cough and said, showing just how direct he could be, "Well, I was talking with Orihime today during class, and she told me she lived alone. So, I tried to be friendly and offered her to stay with us. So, I had planned to have her come by and meet with you to talk this over, just like we're doing now. So my question to you, Mother and Father, is....Would it be alright if she stayed with us?" He left out the part about her family; it wasn't his place to reveal personal details.

Masahiro put down his teacup and thought about it for a few seconds; a big grin then came across his face, "You take after your old man, my son. Of course she's welcome to stay here, at least in my books. We have an extra room she could use." He then put on a playfully pouting sad face and turned to Akiko, "What do you think, dear? We can't let this fine young lady be alone like that!"
"And it's apparent I love you, I put up with your butt all day." Akiko teased back to her husband. "Though I prefer you weren't sparkling in any manner." She smiled slightly. She turned back to face Moritsune, seeing that his face was turning a darker shade of red by the minute. "Oh hush, I've called you that from the moment I first had you in my care. You will learn to love that nickname." She told him.

Inoue was beat red during their family conversation. She was just called Moritsune girlfriend! She tired to hide her face behind her long hair, hoping she could go invisible. Never in her life had anyone ever considered her a girlfriend, she was always in the "friendzone" with any guy she liked. She heard Moritsune bicker back at his parents, that was until he brought up the very reason she came... Her moving in. She loved how quickly his father responded but there as a slight pause from Akiko.

Akiko sat there in silence, looking at Moritsune and then to Orihime multiple times with a serious look on her face. If Orihimie didn't know better, she looked very displeased about this idea, it was going to be a "No", she just knew it. "Well this is quite a question to throw at me after everything that went down today, but..." She made a long pause before a sneaky grin spread across her face. "I think Miss Orihime here and Moritsune would give us beautiful grandchildren!" She exclaimed loudly, joining her husband. Orihime thought she was going to fall over in her chair and die! All she could do was look at Moritsune with a smile, embarrassed.
"Hahaha, and that's what I love about ya, honey! Sharp like a knife and beautiful like a diamond!" Masahiro then exclaimed, wrapping an arm around his wife's shoulders; Moritsune wished he were invisible. His parents seemed to be going over the top; then again, they were always like this. "Yeah, love it like a hernia." he then mumbled, too low for either of his parents to hear. "Hmmm, you say something, son?" Moritsune just looked up, caught by surprise but recovering quickly "Eh-he, no, Father, nothing."

Moritsune himself just paused as his mother contemplated whether Orihime staying here would be acceptable; unbeknownst to him - or Orihime for that matter - they were thinking the exact same thing. She was going to say 'No', or at least something that would equate that answer. Moritsune was about to argue about how she'd told him that her area was becoming really unsafe to live in when he just stopped dead at her answer; he could have sworn his jaw hit the floor like a lead brick. Masahiro just roared with laughter, "That's my Akiko! Beautiful grand-children indeed!" "Mother, not you too....." Moritsune muttered, covering his face in his hands and muffling his voice; if ears could blow out steam like in the old cartoons, Moritsune's would be spewing it like geysers.

He then looked to his left to Orihime smiling at him; her face was absolutely red from embarrassment like his. He just returned the smile with a weak one of his own; he then tried to derail the conversation now that it had been settled, his eyebrow twitching ever so slightly in annoyance "So, Father, you were on the phone with the Karakura PD. Did you find anything out?" Masahiro paused and said, "Well.....they've been tracking a few cars that were seen speeding away from the general vicinity. But they're working on figuring out who did what; luckily the car in question was caught on videotape, so they should have a match soon."
Orihime couldn't help but giggled as she saw how Moritsune looked. She wasn't sure if he was angry, embarrassed, insulted.. maybe all the above? His normal, calm face was gone and she could tell her was holding his mouth from saying something he might not want to. She did remember him saying that his parents were a tad different, but he seemed to have had a good family who was there. She was slightly jealous of him but not in a sense of resentment, just she wished she had the chance. "This is your chance, you bimbo!" She suddenly thought to herself. His parents did actually agree for her to stay, they just answered it in a way neither of them saw coming. She quickly stood up, stumbling over her chair. She bowed deeply to his parents. "Thank you Mr and Mrs. Oboro!" She said. "I don't know how I could ever thank you!"

Akiko smiled as she stood up and walked over to Orihime. She wrapped her arms tightly around Orihime and squeezed her into a giant hug. "Oh dear, you are just to cute!" She exclaimed. "I am so happy to have a girl like you to become my new daughter, I've always wanted a girl of my own." Akiko then let go of Orihime and motioned for her husband and son to come over. "Come, let's have a big family hug." She said, clapping her hands together.

Orihime gasped as the woman took her into a hug. She thought she would pass out from how tightly she hugged and her eyes were huge as she asked the others to come and join them. She was going to be pressed up against him even more, not that she would really mind. She knew the next few years of her life was about to come a lot more interesting.
(Enjoy it while you can, Moritsune. Enjoy it while you can >:D)
It was now Moritsune's turn to chuckle as his mother embraced Orihime; she could be quite affectionate whens he wanted to. He was certain Orihime wasn't expecting that; her facial expression was priceless. And now that Orihime was part of the family, she would get all the benefits of being under the Oboro family roof. There was naturally some documentation that needed to be done in order to give Orihime the full benefits, but that was another worry for another time.

Moritsune, however, would soon get to eat that little chuckle of his; he got up and made his over to where they all hugged, like the ideal happy family. His father joined in on the fun, saying proudly as he squeezed Moritsune's bulky form, "Now this is perfection!" Moritsune knew Orihime was squeezed against him; not that he particularly minded. In fact, part of him wanted to be even closer to her. "Not yet, Moritsune. Calm yourself.....besides, she's probably already taken. You're just wasting your time." he then scolded himself. Things were definitely going to get a lot more interesting around here; little did he realize how much the tensions would run high.
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