Struggle Within (Razgriz x EclipseNeko)


Shall we write beautiful stories together?
Jan 27, 2011
Oboro Moritsune made his way to school; he'd be a new transfer student from Okinawa. He wasn't quite sure what to expect; his parents said that they had to move for some odd reason. Being seventeen years of age, he couldn't exactly argue. He ran a hand through his short, jet-black hair as he walked. He hated the uniform; it itched like crazy and felt small on him. "For crying out loud, screw the dress code". he grumbled as he undid the second button from the top; now it fit him better. He'd need to see about getting a bigger uniform, this one was just one size too small. Standing a good six feet tall and being broad of shoulder, not too many clothes fit him right; his parents were fairly well-off and had most of his clothing custom-tailored. However, getting a school uniform like that was proving more challenging than one might think, so he would have to wear it for just today and perhaps tomorrow. Luckily, the pants were fairly loose, but the shirt stretched a bit too tightly for his liking.

Eventually, he reached the school itself; he then smiled, "Hey, not bad, not bad at all." He then looked around to see some of the other students; mostly girls is what he saw. Very attractive ones, too. "Score!" he thought to himself with a wide smile; his other school was a sausage fest. Eye candy was always nice to have on hand, and such a wide variety too. But he would only look briefly and not touch; he made the mistake of doing the opposite of that in Okinawa and learned his lesson. Still, his gunmetal gray eyes, speckled with bits of cobalt coloration, shone brightly from his face. People had called him 'Bright-Eyes' back at his old school for this unusual eye trait. And some were actually polite to ask how his eyes got that way; he had no idea and he told them just that. He was fully prepared to repeat himself if anyone decided to ask.

"OK, so where do I go?" he said as he looked at his schedule, trying to see where his first class was.
Inoue Orihime slowly cracked her left eye open as she heard the sound of her alarm going off. She couldn't help but feel a little disappoint for she was probably having the best dream of her life. Her She slowly sat up in bed, rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes. She threw her legs over the bed and quickly slipped them into her favorite house shoes. She stood up and gave a big stretch before she yelped as her back popped. "Oh darn it!" She huffed as she headed towards her bathroom. She took her time getting ready, showering, brushing her teeth and finally putting on her school uniform. Her uniform was basic but cute. A grey skirt and a white blouse with a cute little red bow on the front. It was spring time so she didn't have to wear that dreadful grey jacket.

She quickly packed her lunch and started for her apartment door. She had a good ways to walk to school but she knew Tatsuki, her best friend, would be waiting just a few blocks from here to walk with her. She hummed to herself until she saw Tatsuki ahead of her. She grinned and quickly waved her hands above her head. "Tatsuki!" She yelled, running to catch her breath. They chatted a bit and started off towards the direction of the school.

"So, Orihime, have you heard about the new student we are having today?" Tatsuki asked as they turned down an alley. Orihime cocked her head to the side, she had heard nothing about this. "New student?" She asked excitedly, "We haven't had anyone new around here all year!" She was always excited to meet new people; it was just in her nature. They chatted about what he may look like, his personallity, grades, etc, when the school building finally came into view.

"Sorry Orihime, I gotta run to the school Dojo before First period!" Tatsuki waved goodbye and quickly darted off. Orihime smiled as she approached the building. As she got closer, she noticed a very tall boy standing outside the gates and he looked rather confused. Her heart skipped a beat! She knew it was the new transfer student and from looks of it, he was lost and not even inside the school yet. Being the person she was, she walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder. "Excuse me, do you need help?" She smiled, waiting for him to turn around.
Moritsune practically jumped out of his skin, giving a short yelp when he felt someone tap on the shoulder; he was so engrossed in trying to figure out where everything was that he didn't hear the girl walking up behind him. "Hey, what's the big......" he said but paused when he saw no one there. He then looked down and saw a very cute red-headed girl looking at him. "Oh. Well, hello there, ma'am." His gunmetal-cobalt eyes scanned rather obviously in a once-over of her; she was cute. But, Okinawa taught him that cute ones were already taken, and he really didn't feel like getting into a fight on the first day. Maybe later, he would fight to win her over, but not now.

"Yeah, I could use some help. But where are my manners? I'm Oboro Moritsune, the new transfer student. This is my first day here and I feel like I'll just end up wandering the campus aimlessly without some help. If you have some free time, would you mind helping me find my classrooms?"
Orihime gasped as the young man turned to face her. He was huge, he towered over her like she was nothing but a tiny ant. She blushed as his eyes staring right into her large brown ones. He was quite a cute, she had to admit that he was actually far better looking than her current crush, Ichigo. She shook her head and quickly bowed to him. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you like that." She said as she looked back up to him, the scratching back of her head. She didn't miss the fact that his eyes roamed over her body, checking her out. She signed mentally, that was the first thing guys did when they met him but who could blame them? Since her first days of middle school, she had been cursed with quite a large set of breast. It caused her so much trouble! From guys to back pains.

She was about to wave her hand in his face when he finally spoke again. She was thankfully he had nothing rude to say about her chest, there could have be hope after all. "It's nice to meet you, Moritsune!" She grinned cheerfully at him. "I'm Inoue Orihime and if you don't mind, let me see your schedule." She took it from him and read over it carefully. Her eyes lit up as she handed it back. "Well, it looks like your day just got better! Me and you have the same classes!" She clapped her hands together. "You can just follow me around all day as I show you the ropes." Without thinking, she grabbed his hand and starting leading him towards first period.

Once they arrived at Classroom 1-A, she opened the door and stepped in, motioning for him to come in with her. The whole class became silent as he walked in.. She hated to admit but he was rather strange looking for this area and knew she would have to help him make it through the day.
Moritsune was about to ask where they were before he felt Orihime grab his hand. "She's a bold one, I like that. Either that or just someone who's easily excitable. Either way, I think I like this girl." he thought to himself. Though he sighed mentally when she gasped; he wondered if people would poke fun at him for his height again. It wasn't that it was painful, more like extremely annoying. People weren't clever, they always called him 'BeanStalk' or 'Skyscraper.' But, she didn't comment on his height, at least not directly, something which he was thankful for.

As Orihime led him through the halls to the classroom, he followed her motion and stepped inside. The chatter that went on in the room came to a dead halt; he sighed in his head. "This is going to be Okinawa High all over again. Why the hell did I have to be so tall?" he said in his mind. It was always either his eyes or his height, nothing else about him. He rubbed the back of his head and smiled nervously, "Uh.....hello. My name's Oboro Moritsune. I just transferred here from the high school at Okinawa, so...please be patient with me while I adjust." At this a ball of paper came and hit him in the side of the head. He heard some snickering, but didn't see where it was coming from. "Guess I'm getting into a fight today, fantastic." Moritsune thought to himself. His strange-colored eyes scanned the room looking for the dead little fuck who threw it.

Unbeknownst to Moritsune, if a certain orange-haired boy had been in here, he would have been all over the kid who threw the paper ball. But he was off in a fight outside of campus, so he would probably be a little late to class.
Orihime couldn't help but feel a little as the entire class became silent. Every head in the room was now currently looking at Moritsune and her. She couldn't help but give a nervous laugh right as a paper ball was thrown at his face. She quickly covered her mouth with her hand as she looked at him, a very wide amount of emotions crossing his features. She quickly glanced back at the class and put her hands on her hips. "Whose the wise guy who threw the paper at our new students face?" She demanded as her eyes scanned the group of students. Either they avoided her eyes or some of them smirked; she wasn't really a very intimidating person. She sighed as she lowered her head, if only Ichigo was here he would have been up here helping her.

After a moment most of the students went back to their own conversations. Sgt looked up at Moritsune and smiled. "They will grow on you I am sure." She motioned for him follow her as she lead him to the back of the room. In the last row, she finally sat down. "You can sit here in this seat, the owner of that desk is probably going to be late anyway." She couldn't help but notice Uryu Ishida staring at them intently. Why would he have interest in the new student..? He was antisocial and usually avoided any confrontation; yet they were fixed on Moritsune. She shook her head and looked back at Moritsune with a smile. "So Moritsune, what brings you to Karakura? It's rare to see new students in this small city."
When no one stepped forward to claim ownership of the paper wad, Hotsuma decided to let it go; he couldn't just start kicking the ass of everyone in the room until he got the person who did it. Well, he could, but the risk outweighed the rewards in this scenario. When he found the person who did it, however, he'd 'teach' them to watch where they threw their garbage. But he'd save that for another time; he then followed Orihime and sat where she directed him. He noticed a strange, raven-haired boy with glasses staring at him. "What's his deal?" Moritsune thought curiously before sitting down.

"Well, my parents thought it would be a good time to move. I wasn't exactly an honor student back at Nago High School; people often teased me for my height, and that prompted me to put them in their place. The combination of me getting into fights constantly and my father being reassigned made it pretty clear that we were moving out." He then sighed before continuing, "Sometimes they also poked fun my eye color; though mostly that was an honest question from curious males and overinterested ladies. I don't why they're like this; as far as I know, no one else has this eye color scheme." He then looked over and smiled, "But that's enough of my sob story. Tell me about you, Orihime."
She frowned as he told her some of his life story but something told her there was more to him than that. She just smiled though, not wanting to be rude by trying to pry his past out. "Don't worry about it! You are a friend of mine now." She grinned happily. "Meaning I'm here to listen to you talk whenever you need it! I have a tendency to talk to much and never shut up." She huffed as she caught herself about to go on a strange ramble. She looked up at eyes, they were quite striking.. nothing she had seen before. "Why would people tease you so much? Your eyes are beautiful.." She blushed as she complimented him. "Don't worry, these people aren't bad, just have to get used to you.

"Anywaaaay.. There isn't much to know about me I think." She paused for a moment as she thought of where to start. "Well, I lived with my brother, Sora, for a long time. He took me away from our parents because they were abusive... But three years ago he died in an accident." Her eyes gave off a soft, sad expression as she thought back to her beloved brothers death. "So, ever since then I've been living on my own." She laughed, this is when most people became upset. "It's okay though, if anyone messes with me.. I can kick their butt! I do have a Black Belt." She started to fiddle with her thumbs as she continued, strange how she was already giving this much information to him. She felt like she could trust him.

"I also love food but most people think I eat weird. My favorite is Red bean paste with buttered sweet potato and leeks! But really that's about it.." She blushed as she noticed she just talked his ear off.
"That's good to know, Orihime." He then chuckled when she basically called herself a motor-mouth before adding, "Trust me, there were some girls at my old school that could probably give you a run for their money." Moritsune couldn't help but flush slightly when Orihime complimented his eyes; she wasn't the first, but Moritsune wasn't used to being complimented about them. It made him strangely bashful. "Yeah, I know. I'm the FNG around here. That's Friggin' New Guy, in case you wondered." Of course, there was a more inapproporiate word that went there, but he tried not to swear in front of a lady. But whenever he got in a fight, he cursed like a fucking sailor, no matter who was around or who he was fighting.

Moritsune then listened as Orihime told him probably one of the worst things he could have heard; well, two. Not only were her parents abusive to her, her only relative that cared for her was taken away. His large fist clenched slightly; he couldn't imagine living without parents or family. But she'd done it, for three years. That made her tougher than any man he'd known from his own school, it made her tougher than he was. And he wasn't afraid to admit it. "I will say this, Orihime. You have one hell of a personal consitution to go through all that and still carry yourself so high." He then grinned playfully, "I think I'm actually a little intimidated by you." He could tell she wasn't lying about it either; something about told him she wasn't the lying type unless it was for a good reason.

"Well, I don't think they're too far off, if that's your favorite. But hey, you only live once, so enjoy it how you see fit." He then gave a small sigh and said, "Forgive me if this sounds too forward, Orihime, but if you'd like, you could come stay with me and my folks. We have a guest room that's unused." He then realized his potential mistake and turned his head in shame. "You just met her, Moritsune. You need to learn to keep your mouth shut sometimes. Now what is she going to think?"
She laughed as she noticed how he was becoming a little bashful from her words, she had never seen a guy be like that over her complementing something simple like their eyes. Heck, she wanted to keep staring into them but she would probably come off as a creeper! She couldn't help but blush at his words. She never found herself to be a strong or intimidating person, she just was put into some really bad situations while she was younger. "I never really thought of myself that way actually, I just think I'm a normal girl who tries her best to keep others happy." She smiled as her eyes looked down into her lap where she was currently fidgeting with her fingers. She had never been so open with someone so quickly like this but something about him that made her feel alright around him so quickly

She giggled at his comment about life, he was right though. She was young and should live life how she wanted. Just as she was about to respond, he said something that totally caught her off guard. "What!" She gasped loudly before covering her mouth with her hands. "You want me to come live with you? B-But that would be such a burden to take in someone you hardly even knew!" She knew her face was dark red as she stumbled on her words. She noticed that he held his head lower after asking her such a thing and she kind of felt bad. "Well you know.. I might take you up on that. The area of town I currently live at is kinda becoming dangerous anyway!" She smiled trying to cheer him up. "I think it would make my bother happy to know I was safe." She reached over and placed her hand on top of his. "Please don't feel bad about asking, I can tell you regret that, but it actually made me happy."
Moritsune was so embarrassed at himself for being so direct that he didn't register Orihime's acceptance of his offer. It wasn't until he felt a hand on his own that he looked back at Orihime and heard her tell him not to be ashamed of asking that he felt a sense of relief. He then chuckled before responding, "Whew, that's good. I thought I really screwed up there. And don't worry about being a burden; my family's done this before and I see no reason I can't join the little tradition. You'll find the Oboro household to be very accommodating." "Oh great, you dunce. Now you sound like a freaking TV advertiser. Get it together man!" he scolded himself again. His face was still a bit flushed from his extreme bout of personal shame; Moritsune was still somewhat naive when it came to women, and most found his directness to be very off-putting.

Just then, the doors opened again; the room went silent as an orange, spiky-haired boy and an extremely tall, dark-haired boy walked into the classroom. They both had a couple of bruises and scratches on their face and bodies; they obviously won whatever fight they were in. Moritsune could tell they fought together by the fact they both had marks and came in together. They were both obviously fighters; Moritsune could see it in their body language.

The murmurs in the classroom resumed once the initial shock wore off; clearly this was a near-everyday occurrence. The orange-haired boy and dark-haired boy made their way to Orihime and in turn, Moritsune. Moritsune sat up in the desk, pulling his hand from under Orihime's. There was an awkward silence before the orange-haired boy spoke, "Looks like you made a new friend, Orihime. You must be that new transfer student." Moritsune nodded and introduced himself when he stood up from the desk; he would prove to be just as tall as the dark-haired boy. "I am. Name's Oboro Moritsune." "Kurosaki Ichigo." The taller dark-haired boy then introduced himself "Yasutaro Sado. I heard you were from Nago High School in Okinawa."

Moritsune nodded and replied, "Yeah, that's me. Looks like you two had some fun." Ichigo gave a derisive snort and said with an annoyed expression, not that it was directed at Moritsune, "Bunch of annoying punks trying to prove they were tough. So bothersome."
Orihime giggled as he rambled on about his house and family. "I guess I could come over tonight and visit you family." She paused for a moment. "I wouldn't want to move in without the proper introduction first anyway." She smiled, still not moving her hand from his. She couldn't help but notice how strong they felt and slightly calloused. His face was still slightly red and she could feel a blush slowly creeping on her face. Just as she was about to ask some more questions about his house, the classroom door swung open and there stood Ichigo and Chad.

She felt Moritsune hand leave hers and she quickly stood up. She saw how rough looking they both appeared and knew they had been in another fight. She started to grow nervous as Ichigo made his way to her but his eyes weren't set on her but Moritsune. She stood there awkwardly waiting for them to finish speaking. "Well, I'm glad you two seem to get along well!" She chimed in after a pause of silence. "Sometimes Ichigo can come off as scary." She gave out an awkward laugh as she scratched the back of her head. She looked Ichigo up and down again and huffed. "Tatsuki is going to kill you if she find out you were in another fight.." She giggled as she saw the dark hair girl enter in.. with the teacher in behind her.

Her eyes widen as she quickly sat down, hoping Moritsune would do the same. She smiled as Ichigo and Chad went to take their seats while Tatsuki glared at both of them. "I'll meet you after school if you want me to go by your home tonight!" She whispered as the teacher began class.
"Sounds good" he whispered back; he then stared ahead and listened as the teacher began the lecture. Moritsune still felt a little weird that he'd been so direct in asking Orihime to stay with him; for some reason a nice girl like Orihime being forced to live alone like that just didn't sit well with him. He was just glad that she accepted his offer; he was sure his parents would find Orihime to be acceptable, not that their standards were very high to begin with. His folks were very laid-back; though they could be very stern when they needed to. Especially when he got into fights; which at his old school was quite often. Mostly because of his size, people thought he was a tough guy; well, he was when he had to be but he tried to be friendly to people and show that not all giants like him were bloodthirsty brawlers.

When class was over, he stood and said, "Well, since we have the same classes and I don't know this school one bit, could you lead the way, Orihime?"
No matter how hard she tired, Orihime couldn't focus on her lessons that day. She fidgeted and bit the end of her pencil as she dozed in and out of her daydreams. She was kinda nervous meeting Moritsune this afternoon. She could always decline his invite but she was feeling lonely living home alone.. And if her brother was here, he'd make sure she went. She sighed as she looked at her book in the last class of the day. It was history and she was trying hard to focus on the history of WWII but she just couldn't. When the final bell of the day went off, she quickly bolted out of her chair, sighing happily that the day was finally over. She looked around and spotted Moritsune standing up as well.

She quickly walked over to him and smiled. "How was your day?" She said. "Sorry we couldn't sit together in this class, Mr. Jones prefers assigned seats still." She waited for him to pick his bags up, before they started towards the door. "So you want to hang around the school for a bit? or head on towards your house?" She questioned as they dodging all the other noisy kids in the hallway.
(Lol, I'm surprised Chizuru didn't throw a hissy fit at Orihime or something XD)

Moritsune found it difficult to concentrate; while it was nice Orihime accepted his offer, he still felt like such a creeper for being so forward. He wondered what she thought about him, if she felt that he was creepy. His eyes gave off that vibe to some; since they were so unique in their coloration, people tended to shy away from him. His height made people afraid of him too; it would come as no surprise that he felt very lonely at his old school. That made it hard for him to make a lot of friends. This school seemed to be a little different, but not by much. It was quieter, more organized sure, but the students for the most part still tended to stay away from him.

When class was over, Moritsune let out a sigh of relief; history was such a boring subject to him. While learning from it was obviously important and that much he knew, studying it just seemed to be remembering important dates and people. He saw Orihime approach him; he felt so nervous around her for some reason. Well, in his eyes, she had an incredible figure. He knew being that shallow was terrible, but he was working on it. He also liked that she seemed eager to befriend him, though he was certain she was that way with everybody.

He then answered her question, "It was alright, Karakura High is pretty different. A lot quieter for the most part." He then chuckled when she mentioned assigned seats, "You guys are luckier than I was. Every class was assigned seating; the teachers actually did research on the students and assigned them based on how big of troublemakers they were thought out to be." When she asked him if he wanted to head home or stay here. "Going home sounds nice. I gotta warn you though, my father's a bit of an.......eccentric. Mother is very pleasant though, you'll like her a lot."
She blushed as they walked towards the gates of the school, awkwardly chatting like they may have known each other for years. They noticed that other students were giving her strange stares like she was kind of weird walking with him. She felt bad because she knew that his strange appearance would be hard to accept but she had a feeling it would work out fine in the end. She had a feeling that some of the students thought she might be looking for him for more than friendship though, due to her larger set of breast and built, people assumed she slept around. She honestly never had done anything with a guy before! She huffed as she looked down at her feet right as she heard a loud scream and hands wrap around her neck.

"Inooooooooooooooooue~!" Cried Chizuru behind her. Orihime gasped as two soft hands came up and groped her breast from behind. "Ahh! Chizuru!" She cried out as she tired to pull the girl off of her. Orihime's face was bright, bright red as she struggled. She couldn't help but look up and see the surprised expression on Moritsune. At the same moment, Chizuru pulled away from Orihime and glared at Moritsune. "Now who are you?" She growled at him. "Are you after my Orihime too?" Orihime made a small "eep" sound as she ran inbetween both parties. "Chizuru! This is our new transfer student, Oboro Moritsune!" She gave her a weary smile. Chizuru turned her nose to him as she looked at Orihime. "Inoue, I worry about you sometimes." She huffed. "But if you need some time to "relax", you know where to find me." She gave Orihime a hug as she before she left them.

Orihime sighed as she looked up at Moritsune. "Uh.. Sorry about that. She kinda has a crush on me.. and doesn't take well to other guys." She took him by the hand, pulling him out of the school gates and on to the road. "Let's get going before she finds us again! Lead the way Mr.Moritsune!" She teased.
As they walked and talked, Moritsune also noticed the looks being sent in his general direction; though they seemed to be looking at Orihime. What? Was it against the law for her to talk to a new transfer student? The thought of Orihime sleeping around never even crossed his mind; her demeanor seemed too innocent. He'd seen a lot of 'loose' girls at his old school, the real hardcore sluts, and he could tell by looking at Orihime she definitely wasn't one of them.

Though when the blood-red-headed Chizuru decided to call out her name and molest Orihime in a somewhat playful fashion, Moritsune was quite surprised indeed. Though when she confronted him and accused him of trying to get after Orihime, he was about to explain himself when Orihime decided to do that for him. So all he could do was stand and watch; though a curiosity crossed his mind when Chizuru emphasized 'relax'. Was Orihime bi? He strongly considered asking her before she told him about Chizuru's crush; in hindsight, Chizuru now had the body language of a lesbian. And even though he wouldn't admit, he had a temporary fantasy of Chizuru and Orihime making out, and boy was it hot! He then mentally slapped himself, saying in his mind "Jeez, Moritsune! Don't be a lecherous old pervert!" as Orihime led him outside of the school.

He then couldn't help but laugh when Orihime called him "Mr. Moritsune." Giving a small grin he teased back, "OK, right this way, Miss Orihime. It's a fair ways away from here, but not that far." As they walked along, he noticed that more of the students were looking at them weirdly; he then said quite loudly, "Why don't you all take a picture? It will last longer!" This caused them to scurry off; he then grumbled "Man, it's like a crime to be friendly to people these days. Sheesh." Though something else would seek his attention; he heard a car engine that seemed to be getting louder quickly. Looking down the road, he saw a car going very fast. "What's that guy's hurry?" he asked to no one in particular; though now it seemed to have hit something and came barreling straight toward them. Time seemed to slow down for him as this happened; "What the fu...." he exclaimed before he remembered Orihime was with him. He then pushed her out of harm's way; though he would prove not to be so lucky. The car clipped him hard, causing the boy to emit a pained grunt and get thrown into a wall as the driver corrected its course and kept on speeding off. Moritsune's body hit the wall hard, his head whipped up and slammed against it, rendering him unconscious as his body slumped to the ground in a sitting position.
She really hoped Chizuru didn't leave a bad impression of her with Moritsune. She didn't have anything about Chizuru and her liking of girls, but she couldn't see herself dating the girl. She was a good friend and had been with her almost as long as Tatsuki and wouldn't want anything to happen to that. She giggled as Moritsune started talking back to her, glad to see that he was opening up more and more. She felt kind of lucky to be talking to such a handsome and exotic looking man. "I don't mind a little trip, as long as I can leave before night falls. It's kinda scary walking home at night." Just as she was about to speak up again, she heard him loudly snap at the people around them who were staring. She blushed as she watched all the people take off, leaving just them walking down the road. "I don't think they mean anything by looking at.." Was all she could finish as she heard a loud noise coming right towards them.

She saw it, the car racing right towards her. She stood there like a deer in headlights, unable to move but her eyes as wide as possible. She could feel her hair whipping around her face and right before she let out a scream, she felt her body being pushed. She gasped as she hit the pavement, hard. She yelped as her shoulder and leg scrapped along the rough ground. She looked up just in time to see Moritsune's head slam into the wall, his body falling limply to the ground. "Moritsune!" She cried out as she scrambled to get up as the car took off, leaving the road clear expect for her and Moritsune. She ran to his side, lifting his head. "Moritsune! Wake up!" She cried out as she started to search his pocket for a cellphone, and much to her luck.. she couldn't find one. "Damn it!" She cursed, which was rare for her. She could feel tears building up in her eyes as she looked at him, his face scratched and bruised. She had to get help but she couldn't leave him here, and that's when she made her mind up.

One thing about Orihime they didn't know, she was a Black belt and had a lot more strength than people gave her credit for. She positioned Moritsune around her so she could pick him up and carry him on her back. She read many stories where women had carried their husbands and family, so why couldn't she. She winced in pain as she lifted him, her leg swollen and sore. His dead weight body was almost to much for her and that's when she heard the sound of a car coming again. "Oh no.." She whispered as she closed her eyes for impact. But she was never hit, instead the car pulled infront of her and a woman came out of the driver side in a panic.. All she remembered as the woman taking Moritsune and hauling him into the back seat and pushing her into the front seat before darkness took her.
Moritsune would be out cold for a short while as he rode in the car; he woke up in a haze. His head throbbed and his body felt sore; he blinked a few times and raised a hand to his head. "Ugh, wha....." He then noticed he was in a car. "How did I.." he started before he remembered, "Orihime!" His fast-acting made him clutch his ribs in agony; they felt like they were either slightly broken or heavily bruised. Either way they hurt like hell. He looked to see her out cold in the front seat. He then looked to the driver and saw a very familiar face in the rear-view mirror. "Mother? Where did you come from?"

As he looked back to Orihime, he couldn't help but feel guilty; he'd obviously hurt her when he pushed her. But he couldn't let her get hit. It wouldn't have sat right with him, and if it did with anyone, he'd gladly punch them in the face repeatedly for any decency in that regard.
Mrs. Oboro had just been on the way to surprise her son by picking him up from school when she saw a young girl on the sidewalk in a frantic. As she drove closer to the girl, she noticed another body on the ground, beat up and covered with blood. She slammed on her brakes as she saw it was her son. She quickly jumped out the car and pulled her sons body away from the crying girl and laid in him the back seat while she forced the girl into the passenger seat. She quickly got back in the car and turned the car towards home. Looking over, she saw she young woman passed. She heard her son waking up and trying to talk to her. "Don't speak. I am getting you two home so I can check you guys." was all she said as she raced home.

Orihime's body felt heavy as she slowly started to wake up. Her mind was foggy and her body ached as she tired to turn over. She groaned loudly as her eyes opened and she was met with an unfamiliar room. That's when the events of the day came back to her and she bolted up, ignoring the pain in her body. "Moritsune!" She cried out, scared she had lost him. She looked around the room and found she was the only one in here. Just as she kicked her legs of the side of the bed, a older woman walked in the room with a tray.

"Hold it Missy." She woman said with a firm voice. "You don't need to move much or you will open your wounds back up." Orihime's eyes went big as she noticed her leg, arm and face had bandages on them. "Where is Moritsune? Is he okay?" She woman smiled at her. "He's fine, I'm Moritsune's mother, Akiko." She walked over the Orihime and began to examine her. Orihime blushed as she watched her. "Would it be okay if I saw him?"

Akiko nodded her head, standing up. "Just be careful. You will find him in his room, right across the hallway." Orihime smiled as she slowly got out of bed and nervously entered his room. "Moritsune?" She called out as she closed the door behind her.
Moritsune was led inside, stripped of his shirt and pants, and treated for the gashes and bruises he had all over his body. Currently he lay in a bed with a blanket covering up his body enough to where only his bandage-covered arms lay resting on top of him aching a little despite the severity of his injuries. Each time he breathed it hurt a little; he just hoped Orihime was alright. "Well, this is great." he mumbled; here he'd hoped things would go his way just once. But no, someone had to be a jackass and get Orihime and himself nearly killed. He then tried to cheer himself up with humor. "Well, at least I can scratch 'Save a pretty girl from getting hit' off my life's to-do list" he said before letting out a small chuckle. That turned out to be a bad idea, as he felt a job of pain in chest. Grimacing he laid even more still than usual.

He then heard Orihime cry his name out; he felt a huge breath of relief leave his chest since he now knew she was well enough to say something. Well, so was he, but he looked in a worse shape than her. When she came in, he noticed that she had some bandages on her leg arm and face. "Yeah, I'm right here." he then said in a somewhat guilty tone. Heaving a somewhat pained sigh, he then said as he looked at her, "Sorry, Orihime. Even though I tried to help you, you still got hurt."
Her heart skipped a beat as he replied back to her. She quickly made her way to his bed, avoiding random things in the floor. She smiled happily at him as she stood by his bed looking down at him. "Please don't be sorry Moritsune, if it wasn't for you.. I could have been hurt badly or.. dead." She whispered. She looked him over, frowning at how badly he was hurt, much worse than her. "I've only known you for a little bit and things have already gone bad." She sighed heavily. "I've always had bad luck follow me around but I never thought it would hurt other people too." She could feel tears building in her eyes as she spoke. "Just a few weeks before you came, I was shopping when a car had almost hit me again..." She paused for a moment. "Ichigo and some girl he knew came to make sure I was alright but I was, just a small bruise on my leg." She wiped a tear off her cheek.

"I didn't mean to ramble." She gave a small smile as she lowered herself to her knees so she could be even with his face. "I didn't know your mother was such a doctor! She did a great job fixing us up, don't you think?" She glanced around his room and giggled at how plain and bare it was, but it kind of suited him.
Moritsune listened as Orihime explained that she could have died if he hadn't pushed her out of the way. "Yeah, but still....." he started to say but trailed off. He then tried to respond when she started to beat herself for the bad luck. When she finished, he chuckled a bit and said, "Trust me, I know all about bad luck. But at least you have friends that cared enough to check on you. Whenever I got overpowered at Nago High School, they really let me have it. Sometimes it was so bad I couldn't even get up to walk. They either had to carry me to the hospital or have my parents come get me. It was lucky that my mother's a registered nurse and managed to get a transfer job over here in Karakura Town. So she definitely knows her way around bandages and all that. I don't know how she does it."

Just then he heard the front door burst open and a pair of feet bustle down the hall; Moritsune then muttered "Oh, crap" before the door to his room burst open. In the doorway stood a short man in a Japanese police uniform, his face streaming tears as he rushed to Moritsune's side. "Moritsune! My son! When your mother called, I rushed right over!" He then grabbed his son's broad shoulders and pulled him up slightly, "Did you see him? Did you see the asshat that hit you?" Moritsune then grimaced; he grumbled "F..father, no I didn't. Now put me down please, this doesn't exactly feel pleasant." His father laid him back down and said rather confidently and excitedly as he pointed a finger to the ceiling, "Well, don't you worry! The Karakura PD won't stop until this crazed maniac is found and brought to justice! No one hits the son of Oboro Masahiro and gets away with it!" He then held his pose for a few seconds; Moritsune then put a hand to his face and said quietly, "Father, we have a guest. Calm down, would you?"

Masahiro then looked down and behind him and saw the stunning redhead; he then bowed and took off his cap revealing a slicked head of jet-black hair. "Ah! Hello! My apologies, I did not see you there! You must be the woman my wife brought in! She's really something isn't she? I'd introduce myself, but I'm guessing you heard my name already! May I be so bold as to ask yours, young lady?"
Orihime had no option but to jump away from Moritsune's bed as the loud and boisterous man waltzed into his room. Her eyes were wide as dinner plates watching the scene before her, his father was much different that how he acted. His father was doing all kinds of strange hand and feet movements, tears streaming down his face. After the initial shock of it all, she had to smile. She was glad to see that his parents were at least very kind people. They truly cared for him as if he was their own blood son. Just as she was in the middle of her thoughts, his father turned towards her, his own eyes growing larger.

She couldn't help but blush as he took on more of a proper tone, taking his hat off and bowing to her. She quickly returned the bow. "A-ah! Yes, I'm Inoue Orihime. You son saved my life today and your wife fixed me right up, she did a fantastic job!" She rushed the words out of her mouth, "Nice to meet you Mr. Oboro!"

Before anything else was said, Mrs. Oboro walked in the room with her hands on her hip. "Masahiro, what are you doing coming into the house yelling like that? You know very well that my patients need to have a quite relaxing environment to recover." She huffed out. "Now please, go downstairs, the police department is on the phone with a possible lead of the hit and run." She smiled at her husband as he said his goodbyes and left the room. "Now kids, you can talk but please come down for dinner in thirty minutes." She looked over at her son. "I believe we have some things we need to discuss." She turned and walked out of the door, shutting it behind her.

Inoue let out a sigh of relief when it was just her and Mortisune again. She couldn't help but laugh softly. She felt a little sad at though, knowing this is what a real family is like. "You are really lucky, Moritsune. Your family seems so nice and caring." She smiled walking back over to his bed, gently sitting on the edge of it. "Do you want me to head out of your room so you can get ready for dinner?"
"Ah, he did, did he?" Takes after his old man, hahaha" Masahiro then replied joyfully; he then knelt down and gave his son a small nudge with his elbow, "So, did ya ask her out yet, boy? She's a real cutie." Moritsune's face, what little could be seen anyway as it was half-wrapped in bandages, turned a very deep shade of red as he stammered out, "F...Father! I just met her today! Don't ask such things!"

Just as Masahiro was about to tell his son it's never too son for love to bloom, his wife walked in and scolded him for his boisterousness. "Yes, dear. My apologies. Thank you." He then walked out of the room, saying his goodbyes before disappearing. "A...alright, Mother." he then replied to her statement; though he paused when she told him that they had some things to discuss. What did that mean? But before he could ask, she was gone, leaving it just him and Orihime again.

When she commented on his luck about having a wonderful family, Moritsune gave a weak smile and said, "Well, you agreed to stay with me , right? And I know my parents will agree, though it may take a few days to get everything arranged. So they're going to be your family as well. Truth be told, I've always wanted a brother or sister." He then replied to her question, "Not yet, I don't feel like getting up right now. If I may, I'd like to enjoy the pleasure of our solitude for a bit longer."
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