Tricking a slytherin

Draco left to meet Jasmine in Diagon Alley after getting the message, taking a seat at a table outside the cafe while he waited.
JAsmine smiled as she sat down across from him, a sketch pad tucked under her arm, laughing softly as she settled in her seat."You look well."
Draco smiled at her, glancing at the sketch pad she had with her. "You don't look half bad yourself. Can I look at that?"
She blushed a little having only brought it because she planned on going to the park after before nodding passing it over."Sure."She smiled. There were a few pictures done from pansy's wedding, one of the couple and draco as they talked,, a few of her family, a few of childen playing at the park...whatever caught her fancy really.
Draco took the pad, flipping through it. "These are really good, Jasmine. Have you considered becoming an artist?"
Jasmine shrugge a little."When I was younger,yes.But when I got out of school my dad decided I needed a real joob so I work at the ministry instead."
She shrugged taking it back, looking away from him sadly."I know.But... I cant. While I start out I'd have no money, and I cant deprieve my family of that while I start out."
Jasmine smiled a little."I do.Sometimes."She sighed softly."but my family thinks its a waste of time when i could be doing something to help them, to help them pay off their debts...and I hate arguing, or fighting with the about its easier to just...not."
Draco smiled back, glancing at her sketchpad again. "And they don't think you selling your artwork would be helping them?"
She snickered,"Not when they dont think I'm good."She shrugged."I know they're wrong, I'm just tired of fighting them.So I sell some, pay off what I can, and just dont tell them."
Jasmine shrugged ordering her food to before answering him."You were nice, and enjoyable to talk to. I wanted to know you better. WE only know each other because I know pansy, so..I thought why not?"
Jasmine winced."My family thinks it is.And it might be.But...I do enjoy spending time with you."She said truthfully
Draco raised a brow, watching her as the food arrives. "Well if it is about money, you aren't getting a single knut from me."
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