Tricking a slytherin

Nov 30, 2010
Jasmine Parks sipped her wine as she glanced around the ballroom. So odd was it to be attending a wedding, when she was looking to seduce one of the best men into being the groom at her own. Ignoring the painful squeeze to her heart at the thought of tricking the once slytherin, she sighed. This was going to be as painful as it was fun.

Siling to herself she snagged a glass of champagne from the waiter walking by her before moving to stand next to her escort for the evening. Amused that Pansy had managed to pair the two people in the world who could clash but still look good. Her hair was as dark as his was light, as tan as he was pale. Perfect contrasts. Smiling as she held the full glass to him she smiled at the older, more mature Draco Malfoy. "Her and theo make a good couple. Though I think she might injure him if he keeps stepping on her feet."She said with a soft laugh as she watched their friends dance.
Draco took the glass of champagne from his date for the evening, watching his two friends dance. He was amazed that Pansy had managed to get Theo to propose, especially considering the girl had been following the Malfoy heir around all through their years at Hogwarts. "You'd think he would have taken dancing lessons before this."
"Ah well, he did.This is actually better then what it started out as."She smiled sipping her drink. Knowing pansy had given up on trying to get the malfoy heir to look at her more."Shall we dance?Or just let everyone watch the embarassing display of the newlyweds?"
The reason Draco had never given Pansy a second glance was because he thought of her more as a sister than anything more. He gulped down his champagne and set the empty glass down. "Let's show them how it's really done." He took her hand and lead her out onto the dance floor.
Jasmine laughed softly as she rested easily in his arms, dancing as she smiled slightly. Blushing as a thought came to her as they danced effortlessly, beautiful together. "You dance beautifully."She smiled wider.
Draco held her close as they danced, forgetting for the moment that there were other people in the room. "So do you, Jasmine."
She smiled leaning into him for a moment, stealing a gentle kiss as the song ended. Forgetting to, that they had others in the room."Thank you for the dance."She said stepping away from him, blushing darker.
Draco nodded, stepping off the dance floor. "You are welcome, Jasmine." Seeing the newlyweds leaving the dance floor, he went to congratulate them before they left for their honeymoon, which he'd paid for as a gift to them.
Pansy smiled slightly as her friend approaehd them, kissing his cheek. "Handsome as always."she teased. Theo laughed softly wrappin a arm around pansy's waist,"Well, at least he didn't step on her feet."
Draco gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Congratulations, you two. I hope you enjoy your honeymoon." He chuckled, looking at Theo. "I can give you the address of the dance instructor my parents sent me to when I was younger. Maybe she can help you learn to dance properly."
Theo blushed a little before nodding, laughing sofly."That would be nice. Thanks draco." "My feet thank you."Pasy grinned."And you're sending us to itlay. Of course we'll enjoy it."
Draco laughed, smacking Theo on the back. "Just let me know when you return, and I'll give you the address then."
Theo nodded laughing softly, tilting his head."And what about you?You're the only single one left of our group.Any plans on settling down?The women of the world want to know what the wizarding world's most eligible bachlor is going to be doing."he teased
Draco smirked a bit, shaking his head. "Nope. I've got no intention of getting married yet. Of course, I just haven't found the right woman yet."
Pansy smirked a little."Well, you escorted a single woman today. You need to date more. I worry about you being all alone."She said with a smile as she looked at him.
Draco gave Pansy a look, glancing over at Jasmine. "I date plenty, Pansy. I do not appreciate people interfering in my private life though. I will get married when I am ready to, and no sooner."
Pansy laughed softly smiling when Jasmne looked at them, raising her eyebrow as she saw them watching her. "But draco, someone needs to interfer."Pansy said smiling. Knowing she should stop, but he just made her think he was lonely
Draco turned to glare at Pansy. "I don't need you or anyone telling me how to live my life! I'll get married when I am ready." He walked over to where Jasmine was standing, forcing himself to smile. "Thank you for the evening, Jasmine, but I should be getting home now"
Jasmine looked startled biting her lip a little. "It was a good evening. Thank you Draco."She smiled slightly looking like she wanted to say more, but not sure how he'd take it
Theo nodded."i will.See you when we get back."

Jas smiled slightly,"Draco,would you care to have lunch with me sometime?"
Draco glanced back at Jasmine, shrugging. "Sure. Just let me know when you want to meet and I'll be there"
She nodded tilting her head."Goodbye Draco."She said leaving. Amused and anxious. Disliking what she had to do, but shed do it.
Two days later jasmine smiled as she wrote the letter to draco to ask him out for lunch, a thoughtful look on her face as seh watched the owl leave. Wondering how she was going to live doing this.
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