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X-Men: a new Generation *accepting

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Aug 4, 2011
Welcome to the Xavier's School for gifted youths, where mutants of all kinds come and learn to harness and control each of their unique abilities. before posting you must go to this link: to create your CP (Character profile.

1. Do not just jump into sex, it's allowed but at least create a story first.
2. Create coherent sentences or else
3. Bullying is okay if it's character to character but OOC bullying is not alright.
4. Keep OOC at a minimum. It is permitted on the Charact Profile though the link is above.
5. Your character can go to what ever classes they want but please dont skip too much.

(P.S Storm is the Headmistress and all of the younger kids from the show like Kitty,Kurt, and Scott they left to live their own lives out side of the X-Men but will be coming on certain missions as Chaperons.)
a transport vehicle with the letters M.R.I. passed through local new york. Inside of it seems to be am ice sculpture chained to a metallic examining bed. The area around him was empty all except the open doorway heading towards the two guards sent to make sure their cargo got into the next holding facility. The man driving speaks to the passenger. " well we are almost here." The passenger then replies as he looks to the driver" well you know I hear that his brother was sent to the same holding facility." Meanwhile the ice sculpture suddenly had blue glowing eyes. The table below it began freezing inch by inch to the point that the entire vehicle including the two guards were encased in ice.
The plane had just landed in J.F.K airport and the people where already starting to stir, especially a young man named Lucid, his long brown hair almost covering his left eye. When everything was cleared and the passengers were allowed to exit the aircraft Lucid made his way towards the luggage station to pick up his valuables, when he arrived he was approached by a caramel skinned woman with shock white hair and breath taking light brown eyes, "Lucid Creed, hello i'm Auroro Munroe but, please call me Storm. I am here to escort you to Xavier Academy." she greeted "Hello Storm, it's a pleasure to meet you." he answered politely "I will be both the Principal and the professor of science, so you will be seeing alot of me." she laughed.
The giant monstrosity had finally awaken. It then sat up and looked around with a slight grin on his face. He then states" so My brother is here huh?" He slowly begins to get on his feet as he looks around at the gigantic ice chamber he made. He thinks to himself" well he won't be seeing me this way. Not as some puppet." He rams his way through the wall of the can as it burst completely open. He kept on running. The ground shaking and loud footsteps echoed like a raging bull heading for a red target. His greatest thought at the moment was to be on the move before the M.R.I caught wind which wasent too long after.
(post a character in the character thread)
Jean was once again sitting at the orphanage home looking out of her window wondering what to do with herself. She then made up her mind she was going to run away. she got up and opened up the window to the tiny room they put her in and changed into a white tiger form and took off running. She knew it would not be long before the police to catch wind of the fact she ran away again. She was tired of bouncing from home to home.
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