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Some fun ideas

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Mar 4, 2011
1. I am a well to do industrialist who never got married and had little time for relationships so he decided to get his fill of sex i am going to build a modern day harem. The harem itself is basically a large stone house in the middle of no ware with the amenities cable tv, internet, swimming pool whatever my girls want. looking for 7 to 8 girls to fill my harem.
x character age must be over 15 under 26
x must submit a well detailed description of the girl
x be creative i like everything to college educated business women to stripper who needed a place to live
also if there is anything you want to add just ask

2. I would like to play and older woman’s (29-45 years old) pool boy, landscaper something like that. She is trapped in a sexless marriage and I am young hung and on her pay role. She is very rich and well educated but has no job and gets bored being at the house all alone all day. My character bangs her when her husband is at work.

3. I want you to play Ashlee Tisdale.
I don’t want you to play her as a good girl. I want her to be bad. I want her to be addicted to sex, alcohol and coke. All three would be good but you don’t have to. Maybe she’s not addicted to sex she just willing to trade her body for drugs. When she’s out of the lime light she should talk like a motherless slut. She should do a big line of coke off my big dick. She should wear a dress and some type of expensive bra and pantie set. I was thinking I would play a father of one of her biggest fans. Age 35-45. We bump into each other after one of her shows in some big city. And will go from there. Any questions just ask.

4. This is kind of a weird request but it might be kind of fun I was watching that movie miracle santa anna it was over all a very good movie and uncle Sam might get mad at me for saying this but the Nazi girl was amazingly hot so I really want to do a Nazi woman x Jewish soldier thing sounds like a lot of fun. I would like a lot of plot with it but during the smuttier parts I want her to say that he is better than any German she ever had.

5. Has anyone ever read the wizards first rule books or seen the show the legend of the seeker? I am looking for someone to play a confessor. I don’t really have the plot nailed down but it should go something like this. The confessor must mate so she me confesses me and uses me till she is completely satisfied then I cum in her. (She may do this a couple of times just to make sure) I would play a simple but good commoner.

6.I know it’s not anything super original but I’m looking for someone to do a boyfriend / girlfriend. He is a simple country boy she’s a big city girl. She was an art major in college and when the graduate they move to (New York, L.A., ect… not a huge issue where) he’s more into the simple life but he’s in love with you. Any way our rp begins where after work he opens the door to their apartment and it’s his birthday. The girlfriend planned a surprise party all their friends are there. The party winds down about 11 o’clock. As he is cleaning up he hear music coming from the bed room he opens the door and Well I guess that’s your choice. It is some kind of sexual surprise for him. He’s a good boyfriend who works like a dog day in and day out so you want to give him a birthday he won’t forget any time soon. (maybe you have been taking poll dancing lessons?, maybe your just drunk enough to let him do something you never would let him do before?, maybe you bought a sexy bra and pantie set? Maybe a classic rp cheerleader and jock, teacher and schoolgirl, French maid) maybe a mix of thoughts ideas?

7. i play a boy in modern times. when he turns 18 he learns that he is a god (Norse, Greek ect.) he has total control amazing powers ect. and your the girl in his school who would never look at him. But now he has magic. so spells (maybe a little bimbofaction?)

8. You’re a stripper im a famous (rock star, businessman, Politian) take your pick. The point is I’m rich and I’m in your strip club. Now yeah you could make some good money if you give me a couple lap dances and maybe a hand job but you start to think bigger. If I give him sex and he knocks me up….i could have him for a lot more money than that. I’ll just tell him I’m on the pill….when I know I forgot to take it this morning. Sound like fun?

9. One of my new favorite ideas is 3 wishes. A girl age 15-26 is walking down the beach and trips over a lamp. When she picks it up and wipes sand off it a genie comes out. He tells her she gets 3 wishes. Now the wishes never seem to turn out the way the girls wants it to. It’s a really fun rp.

10.i would love to do a popular girl x geek boy high school rp. i would like you the girl to be the cool one and i want to be the geek. but to give the story some spice who about you’re a cheerleader who is very flexible. We should fall madly in love with each other. Maybe even some forbidden romance. Different religions are parents don’t like each other ect. Maybe we run away from home? If you want to go really far maybe I knock you up? Start a new life. Just some ideas.

11.I want to do a hunger games role play. My characters name is Mark Clay. He is in the hunger games due to the fact that he took his best friends place. (His best friend was getting married the next week) so he stepped in for him. He is from district 7 so he was basicity born with an axe in his hand. he is tall 6 foot 5. His skin is very pale and his hair blond hair is use kept short. He has many scars on his body form woodcutting. Do to working as a lumber jack from a very young age he is strong and is quite good with all forms of saws, hatchets and throwing axes. But give this boy a two handed wood axe and even the peace keepers wouldn’t mess with him. He is ok at hunting. He was able to do it a little with trapping but not much. Most of his time was spent cutting down trees. He hates the capital do to the fact that one day when cutting down loges he found a metal box hidden under the roots of the tree. He hid it form view. Later at his home he opened the box. In it was a small pamphlet called the Canadian constitution. It talked of liberty, happiness and freedom. After he read that he was no longer just a dumb woodcutter. He wanted to revolt agents the capital.
Your character can be from any of the other 12 districts but 7. I want her to have a different set of skills. They work together. Fall in love? Will you be the Katniss to my Peeta. Here is a good sight that will help you make your girl.

All of these roles will be played on yahoo im my sn is sparkweasle123 i will do it pm as well thought
o-o If you would be okay with a guy roleplaying as girl(s) I'll do the harem with you as a 1x1 rp. Or one of the other rps.
I can play a popular girl x geek with you...
I'm great with being controversial.
As long as the sex has you in a Dominant role, I'm fine with it.
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