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Calm Waters [[Patches x Dashou]]

Llewellyn just gave him a look of dissatisfaction. She placed her hands on her hips and tapped her foot impatiently before walking around him, gently pushing him out of her way. “Do you realize how hard of a punch I can pack?” She smirked mischievously before looking around the deck. The ocean wasn’t as pretty as it was at night, and the ship definitely wasn’t as quiet. There was a bunch more people out hustling and bustling to get things she more than likely didn’t understand, done. She moved her hair so it rested over her shoulder and then smiled to herself in amusement. They looked just as idiotic as what she heard them act like last night. This was definitely going to be an adventure worth taking. Before doing anything else, she turned around to Mercutio with the smile still on her face. “I’ll have you know that if you do do anything to me without my permission, my father will more than likely have a way of finding out, and if he does find out, I can guarantee that you’ll be dead within the day. So, be nice~” She said sweetly, even adding a little giggle at the end before turning her back to him.
Mercutio followed her out, and upon her warning, he only raised an eyebrow. He was finally starting to understand where all the women superstitions were coming from. "You really don't seem to get it, do you?" Chuckling. He noticed a few of the men had stopped what they were doing to stare at the new arrival. None the less, he continued. "First of all, you stowed away on my ship, I had every right to to put you back out to see with out so much as a dingy. Second, IF something were to happen to you out here, no one would know. You ran from home, and are now many kilometers from any port. And the sea is a very very large place to look for one person." He smirked as he stepped towards her. "These men are outlaws, and thieves and occasionally murderers. And you have just trespassed onto our home away from home." By now, almost the entire crew had stopped and now watched them. "So, Duchess, Be nice." Smiles warmly. "Because for the next few months, you'll be living among thieves and the likes."
Llewellyn listened to what he had to say only to just dismiss it with a sly smile. “Whatever you say, Mr. Mercutio~” She said in a sing-song voice. If he didn’t believe her, then that was his problem he’d regret in the time being. “I’m just saying I’m more than what I appear to be,” she said, shrugging her shoulder. “If you don’t believe me though, I guess that is your problem,” she smiled and walked away, observing what some of the crew members were doing---not that she had any interest anyways.
The crew stopped when she came near, unless it was something that needed dire attention. They stopped and gave her hard looks. Some muttered prayers and some completely avoided eye contact. Mercutio leaned by his open door. No obvious emotion upon his face. He just watched her go about the ship as if she owned the place. Was this really the same girl he had frightened and had crying on his deck last night? It hardly seemed so. He watched her examine the crew. He was slightly afraid of what was to come.

It didn't take long until someone shouted, "Witch!"

This sent a wave of murmurs among the crew. Some began to look at her menacingly. Some began to slink away beneath the deck.

Mercutio just grew anxious.
Llewellyn stopped where she was, hearing the name called out. “Witch, am I?” She looked in the general direction the voice had come. “Do I really look like one to you guys?” She said, fluttering her eyelashes and smiling innocently. “Right now, I’m far from being witchy. However, if that is how you want me to be. I can CERTAINLY, be witchy. You don’t want to see someone in my power being witchy,” she snapped, glaring now. She whipped around and strutted off, to hand around by herself. “The nerves of men,” she huffed, rolling her eyes.
Someone went up to Mercitio. He looked back at Llewellyn, then back to the captain. "This is going to ruin us sir. I can feel it...."

"What? The girl?" Pretending as if he didnt know. "Sure, shes been on deck for two minutes now, and i already want to throw her in the cargo hold, but she wont ruin us." He watched her huff, and nearly laughed. "Giovanni!"

Giovanni leaped from below deck. "Aye, Capitano!" His light framed body skipping over to where Mercutio was. He quickly noticed the crew was upset about something, and then saw the girl. He eyes grew wide, and he began to mumble in Italian, gazing at the girl. "Whhhhy, Capitano, who is our guest?"

"Giovanni, find her something helpful to do. Maybe with you in the galley. Just something. And Keep an Eye on her please?" Looking at Giovanni to Llewellyn.

"Capitano, I am your man!" Getting excited. "I will watch her very closely! I will make sure she has something to do at all-"

"Giovanni." Grabbing his shoulder and turning him around so he can focus on him. "I need you to watch her, and give her a job. You are not to touch her, Capice'?"

Giovanni looks at Mercutio, squinting as is trying to see the truth behind him. "Ahh, I see, I see. No problema!" Eyes going wide with realization.

"Good. Now go! See to her. And NO Touching!" letting him go.

Giovanni made his way over to the girl. "Excuse me?" Letting his already heavy accent become thick.
Llewellyn was just petting her hair quietly, staring off into the ocean again. She did love it so. She looked away when she saw a man approach her, suddenly speaking to her in this heavy accent. Now, Llewellyn has seen a lot of people on the black market, a lot of tricks pulled, and she grew accustomed to know what was fake or not. Now, this man’s accent wasn’t fake but realizing she heard the voice last night and the accent wasn’t as heavy as he was using it now. She kindly smirked however; turning around to fully examine the man she had heard last night--- a common ruffian. “Why yes?” she asked as if she didn’t expect what was going to come out of the man’s mouth to be from the captains order. It seemed none of the men believed in “women” being good signs; hence the witch comment earlier.
"Signora! Welcome to the Evil Angel! She is my home and my love! Welcome aboard!" Taking a deep bow, and rising back up. "My Name is Giovanni deMaso! You may call me Gio! I will be in charge of looking after you, and making sure your stay upon the angel is as smooth as can be out at sea." Smiling smugly, thoroughly enjoying his new post. "Might I ask what your name is, Signora?" Reaching for her hand.

Mercutio watched as Giovanni skipped away to her. He smirked as he played his best card, and made the best possible first impression. He chuckled a bit as he went to his quarters, to see that they had been thoroughly claimed by the stowaway.
Llewellyn listened to his happy-go-lucky introduction, he was obviously enjoying himself. When he reached for her hand, she simply smacked it and frowned. “Don’t act so gentleman-like, I very well know that pirates are far from gentleman-like,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest, a skeptical look over her face. “I very well know that you are “over acting” your accent from what I remember hearing last night,” she clued him in to her prior “unofficial” meeting. “My name is Llewellyn Lillian Huntington,” she simply stated, turning away to return gazing out into the ocean.
Giovanni snapped back his hand and shrugged, dropping the outrageous accent. "Okay, Okay, fine whatever. Yeesh, I was just trying to be polite. Apparently you like it rough." Smirks a little as he places his hands on his hips. "Now come now, Signora. Lets get you started." turns towards the the hatch, waving a hand for her to follow.
After hearing his last comment, Llewellyn was in the right place to be reluctant. “Ready for what exactly? I’ll have you know I will not “play” with you if that is what you are bringing me into,” she snapped at him, refusing to follow him. “You also can’t boss me around, I am a lady and shall be treated as so,” she added to her statement, her eyes narrowing on Giovanni.
Giovanni stopped and turned around. Hands out defensively. "Siiiiignora, signora, signora, I wish you did not think of me to be such a foul person." letting his hands fall to his side. "I mean to put you to work in the galley, scrubbing dishes and pots, depending on your skill, maybe cooking." He sighs. "Please, Signora, do not play the woman card all day. We are no longer in port, and everyone must do something aboard this ship. Everyone has a chore. Including you now. You get to help me!" Smirks a bit. "Now, come please! There is much to do!" Again heading for the hatch.
“Why do I have to clean dishes? I haven’t even used anyone of them. Besides, I don’t cook or clean. I have other people do that for me,” she said, following him but not happy about it. She was not going to give in so easily to chores. “If it’s your chore, why don’t YOU do it yourself? Or get “snowman” to help you,” she said, referring to the pale captain. She was pale herself but that was a part of genetics, all she did was burn in the sun rather than get a darker complexion.
Giovanni rolled his eyes. "Everyone on this boat has a job or station to attend. There are no passengers." Looking at her attire. "No matter how they are dressed." He looked at her almost tired and weary. "Now would you please come?" Pointing to the hatch again. "All there is to do are a few dishes the crew used, and whatever the cooks used while making breakfast. It really is not so bad, considering what else you could be doing." Shrugging.
Llewellyn just pouted and turned around. “Make me, I dare you,” she hissed, glaring over her shoulder at Giovanni.

Clifford, commonly known on the ship as Cliff, was not the brightest bulb in town. However, due to his massive muscles and height, he was accepted into the crew for work. He had heard the commotion going on between Giovanni and Llew and was wondering what the matter was. He stopped his work to walk over, the boat almost shaking with each step. He stopped when he was a foot away from Giovanni, towering over him. “Something the matter, Gio?” He said, his voice deep.
Gio gazed up at Cliff. Never getting use to his sheer size. "Why yes, my friend! I was just about to go look for you!" He looks to Llewellyn and points to be clear. "Capitano Mercutio wants her to be put to work in the galley. But she refuses! I have tried everything! No charm will move this woman. So perhaps you could, eh?" Saying the last part in a challenging tone, cocking an eyebrow over his grin.
Clifford looked down at Gio and then over to Llewellyn. “Okay, Gio,” he said, walking around Gio and stopping by Llewellyn. He wrapped his arm around her waist, lifting her up and holding her over his shoulder. Then he turned around and walked towards the hatch, opened it and then pretty much dropped her down there.

Llewellyn was shocked when she was picked up. She screamed and hollered at Cliff, demanding to be put down. On Cue, Cliff had opened the hatch and dropped her down the hole. She yelped when she hit the floor and looked at Cliff, almost demonically. “HOW DARE YOU DROP A LADY!”

Cliff flinched and looked down, “S-sorry, missus…” he sulked, watching as Llewellyn got up and wiped herself off, mumbling obscenities to herself.
Giovanni, a little too late, scampered behind Cliff. "Be gentle with the woman!" But watched helplessly as he dropped her down the hold. "OH, Cliff, Why? Could you please be more gentle next time..." he looks down into the lower deck where Llewellyn is brushing herself off. "You may have just doomed me..." Whispers to Cliff. He gloomily slips down the ladder to Llewellyn, "Im so sorry, I didnt think he would drop you! I swear it." Pleading for forgiveness.
Cliff just frowned, backing up a little as he was scolded---just like a puppy. Once Gio left to attend his duties, Cliff returned to his, lifting boxes and moving them around.
Meanwhile, Llewellyn was complaining about dirt marks on her outfit and turned to look at Gio when he slid down the ladder. All Llewellyn did, however, was death glare at him. She crossed her arms and was almost to the point where she could’ve started to tremble in rage.
Giovanni melted under the death glare. He tried to shrug, tried to say something, but only managed to mumble. "So, ahh... yeah, that was Cliff, usually a gentle giant... Usually." Smiles very weakly. "He uh, sometimes forgets you know. He is so large..." Pointing nervously above decks. "the drop does not seem so far to him..." Realizing he probably wasn't getting anywhere with her. "So yeah, umm. Follow me, I will show you the galley." Clasping his hands together, praying she cooperates. He takes a single step back to see if she follows.
Llewellyn just ignored him and just followed him quietly. Meanwhile, she observed every little aspect of the boat she came across and wasn't surprised with the way it looked. It could've been worse, sure, but it still looked like the pirate ship Llew always imagined one to look like. She glanced up every now and then to check where Gio was going. Once in the galley, she looked around spotting the dishes that were probably meant to be the ones needing to be cleaned. She was, she had to admit, shocked they even used dishes. That was something she wasn't expecting.
"So!" Sweeping an arm around the galley. Its low ceiling made the room seem cramp and stuffy. A small mountain of random cast iron dishes sat in a heap on one counter. It wasn't a grand kitchen like you may find in a restaurant. A small pit lined with stone sat in the floor, the bottom heaped in ashes. Above it, a small grate that let light fall into the dark galley from the above deck. "This is the galley. A very humble place really." Swiping away scraps off the counter. "Here the food is prepared, and here the dishes are stored and cleaned." Smirks. "and the dishes do not clean and store themselves now."
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