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how do photos make you feel?


Jan 9, 2009
Nova Scotia

      • You know, those photos that give you the fuzzies; that make you feel
        warm inside or those that make you feel inspired to draw. Hell, even the
        ones that just resonate with you for no reason at all. Feel free to post
        the picture and explain how you feel about it/what you enjoy about it : >

          • awolnation2-1.jpg

        This is some cover work done for the band AWOLNATION that I particularly
        enjoy. The colors remind me of moon mist icecream; they're very ... stellar
        and unworldly, I love the blend and gradient effect. The astronaut in the
        background adds a rather pleasing touch, as well.
The image has been deleted, but I love AWOLNATION! All of their covers seem to be aesthetically pleasing!

A lot of the time I'm inspired by the stones that I work with. For example, this one:

It almost tells a story by itself. I see the ocean. The far reaches of the world. Hope.
Wow thats a really pretty rock what kind is it? i do see the ocean with the sand underneath
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