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It's raining , it's pouring . [ Seka , Xelex , TouketsuSafaia ]

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Jun 16, 2011
The old man is snoring , or at least one was . Somewhere in the world . Sleeping right through the calm pitter patter of water against each of the house's windows . There was nothing like it . The smell , the warm , cozy feeling that only the most heartless and senseless beings could avoid . The clouded sky that blocked sunlight , the mini polls of water that sprung up wherever the land dipped in too deep . That day was not at all busy , not yet it wasn't . At least , for them it wasn't . The streets were clear of cars and the only sounds coming from outside other than raindrops dancing along the roof were the soft giggles and silly laughter of children outside . They ran out against their parents will in their playclothes and did just what they were meant to do . Being drenched did not matter or cross their mind in the slightest . Now , for those of us who might be stuck inside on such a gloriously calm day , such as these lucky three , an entire different world of adventures have opened up .

Nicole's head had jolted up after hearing the slam thunder moments after the flash of lightning . The closeness of the boom and flash had scared her senseless while she tried thinking it out and counting how many seconds had passed . It was impossible in her current panicked state . Though , really , who could actually remember the proper method for counting how close lightning was to them ? Another flash and an ugly clash would convince her to scurry up to Master's arm . Petting over each muscle that was defined on his arm , she finally relaxed her head back down to her shoulder . Eyes locked on the good friend and other pet that rested on the opposite side .
Celeste giggled at her master's other pet, Nicole was so silly when it cam to the thunder and the flashing lights, she walked over to the other girl and nuzzled into her neck and held her while she held onto Their Master. "Nicole~ Silly its nothing to be afraid of~ Master is here and so am I~ We'll keep you safe." She says nuzzling into her, giving her a tender kiss on the cheek, letting the frightened girl cling to the Master, she wandered away and looked out the window, she longed to play outside in the wet rain. She smiled and turned back to her fellow pet, and fond friend and skipped over smiling happily, even through the other girl was so frightened.
Efiroth smiled at his pets and gently pet Nicole, feeling for her as she seemed to be afraid of the lightning. "Nicole, don't be afraid. Besides, the lightning is..." he waited as he watched a bolt of lightning and counted four seconds. "It is twenty miles away, silly. It can't hurt us from here." He smiled down at her and stroked her lips, knowing she loved to nibble him. He smiled as he watched his lovely pet, Celeste, looking out the window. "Celeste, are you okay. Kitten?" he asked as he smiled, impressed with the way she was trying to cheer up her friend.
Between the two of them lovingly comforting here , Nicole had felt extremely safe . She gave a gentle kiss to each of them when they came around . " Thank you both . . " A gently lick across Master's finger when it was pressed to her lips before biting down on it . Both of her hands came up to hold his while nibbling and resting against him . " You want to play , Celeshte ? " She questioned , words slightly slurred while Efiroth's finger was in her mouth . The rain did not at all lighten up outside , but only got heavier and looked even more dreary .
Celeste giggles, brightening up at Nicole asking if she wanted to play, to their master she smiled coming over to kiss his cheek. "No Master, I just adore the rain." She says nuzzling him lightly before turning her eyes onto her friend, a grin spreading across her face. "What kind of play Nicole?" The playful girl states running her hands up Nicole's body while she sucked on their Master's finger, she giggles and nipped her friend's neck playfully.
Her head laid off to the side , eyes slowly closing while Celeste kissed at her neck . One hand had pulled away from Master's to curve around the back of her head and hug her close . " I - I meant . . " A moment went by trying to remember what she actually had meant . " In . . the rain . " Her grip on Master's hand was slowly letting up , though her mouth was still closed around his finger and her tongue had never stopped flicking against it .
Efiroth smiled down at them, very turned on when they played together. He looked outside and saw the dreary sky and the heavy rain. "Looks like we won't be going anywhere today, girls. But maybe later, Celeste, Master can take you for a walk in the rain." He smiled and pet her gently, his free hand running down to gently stroke her chest which he loved, groaning very softly at the nibbling. "What shall we do for entertainment, girls?"
Celeste giggles as Nicole had a hard time forming words and giggled even more when their Master stroked her chest, she pulled away from her friend's neck s very small red mark was there. "I want to go walk in the rain, and if Nicole wants to run around in the rain still I'm sure we can, then we can cuddle for warmth afterward, Master."
" What do you think , Mathter ? " When Celeste's head had pulled away , the free hand went down again to passively stroke at his stomach and crotch . It was near habbit now and she would pet at either one of them in various places , it came with each other's territory . " Would you like to take uth for a walk ? " She was still sucking very happily at his fingers and had no intention to stop .
Efiroth smiled and listened to them, enjoying Seka's playful treatment if his hand and crotch. "That sounds great, Celeste. Let's go for a walk, my kitties," he said as he stood up, going over to get an umbrella and smiling, walking over and opening the front door and walking out, opening his umbrella. "Now now, girls, don't get too wet or else you'll get sick," he said softly as he watched them outside.
Celeste made her way to the door happily, she ran outside running around in the rain, which was falling hard, in a matter of second's she was soaked to the bone and giggling happily. The rain was cold, she had been wearing no bra in the warmed of the house, outside her nipples were rock hard almost. "Nicole! Master! Come play!" She calls out laughing happily.
Nicole clung for a bit to her Master's side until they reached the door . When she saw Celeste running out and calling to them , having so much fun in the rain , it made her seem completely irresistable . She ran out to Celeste and hugged her gently onto the wet , soft , and grassy yard . Nicole was a bit more clothed , but still only in her panties while she rolled around trying to tickle and pin Celeste .
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