How to be Infected [[ Patches x DaShou ]]

Trevor shrugged. "Well, we are one of the few people he can talk to. Maybe he's just getting lonely." Smiles a little as she leans on him. "Im sure he's just passing through though..." Looking over at Isaac.

Isaac, in another world, is focused on Colby. "Hmmm.... Okay. Can you not crawl on walls either?" Leaning half way out the window to talk to her.

Trevor now forced to talk to Isaac's rear end as he hung out the window. ".... I hope." Looks back at Drucilla.
Colby looked at the wall and immediately her eyes settled upon a drainpipe. “I might be able to get up climbing this… hold on,” she said as she walked over to the pipe. Carefully she latched herself onto the pipe and tried to use the hinges keeping the pipe in the wall to put her feet on. However, she got stuck a few seconds after starting. “God dammit, I can’t see with this hood on!” She frowned and shakily took her hand off of the pole and pulled her hood down, revealing her messy peach-colored hair. Then Colby attempted to climb the pole again. She made it about a quarter of the way before she started to tremble. “I… can’t…. do… it! So… tired… need…breaaaaAAAUGH!” With that, she slipped off of the pole and crashed to the ground. In shock, Colby laid there on the ground for a moment, wide-eyed. “I don’t think I can climb either… unless it is a ladder…”

Drucilla heard the scream and walked over to see what was going on outside. Her long neck enabled her to look out of the window from over Isaac. She peered down at Colby with a blank expression on her face. Then, she squealed with delight. “Oh! Lookie ‘ere! It looks like Isaac has gotten himself a little lady hunter. I didn’t even know those things existed! Maybe this means he won’t bug us no more and instead stick with his lady more instead of Miss Cry Baby,” Drucilla said in excitement, clasping her hands together.
Isaac looked down at her confused, turning to Drucilla, "Hold that thought..." . He hopped out the window and down to Colby. He landed in a squat, sitting on his toes and hands, leaning towards Colby. From under his hood his eyes searched over Colby questioningly. "So... you cant climb, and you cant jump? You sure you aren't just another zombie?" He begins to pace around her. "You are very strange..."

Trevor watched as Isaac flung himself out the window. "... And he's off again." Rolling his eyes he turns to Drucilla. He shrugs, "Sorry... He can be a handful sometimes. We're lucky someone is putting up with him for us though. He needs something to keep him busy or he can get a little... " ponders for a moment for the right word. "...Off." He smiles a little uncertainly.
Colby quickly pulled her hoodie back over her face and sat up once Isaac came down. When he started to question her authenticity she was about to break in nervous sweat. “I don’t know. Maybe I ju-just don’t know how… I don’t think I am as br-brainless as other zombies. I’m fully capable of doing things n-n-normally… unlike them…” She said, starting to sulk in depression now. It was as if she was sad she wasn’t as authentic as she wished she could be.

‘’Off is an understatement,” Drucilla corrected and watched as Trevor came over. She would’ve been smiling now if it wasn’t for the fact her jaws were distorted. She giggled slightly and ran her finger along Trevors tongue. “Well maybe if he’s gunna be good fer gone then me ‘n’ you can begin on our fun, no?” She asked, giving him a seductive wink.
Trevor smirked. "Its Isaac. I can only hope he's gone..." He looks in the direction of the window and then back to Drucilla. "For now, I Think we can safely assume that he is..."

"... Dont know how? How can you not know how? Perhaps you're just out of practice maybe?" Tilts his head to one side. "Its a miracle you haven't starved, not knowing how to leap." He stands up, a rare moment, and stretches his back. "OOOoookay lets start with something easier than that. We gotta getcha at least walking like one of us." Taking a few paces back. "Catch me." A large grin spreading just barely visible under his hood.
Colby gave him an awkward look and scratched her head a little. “Catch you? O...k…?” She slowly got up and kept her eye on Isaac. Then she started to run at him, having the worst time seeing under this hood. When she finally got close, she went for the final leap….

Drucilla giggled again and turned her back to Trevor. “Well then, show me what you got big boy~” She smirked and teasingly took off a strap of her bra as she headed into the separate room from where she had come, giving Trevor a playful wink as she did so.
Isaac smiled as he side stepped, letting her go past him, twisted around and ran past her. "Come on!, You'll want to be faster than that!" Laughing, he jumped from the street to the top of a dumpster. He stood atop of it holding his arms out wide in a challenging poise. "You coming?"

Trevor took a final glance at the window, hearing Isaac calling out to his new friend, he smirked and turned towards the bedroom. "Yes Ma'am..." Once inside the room with her, he turned around and closed the door behind him.
Colby growled when she missed, hitting the floor hard…once again. Maybe the ground was against her to. Heck, she wouldn’t be surprised if the world was against her because it surely seemed that way. She looked back to see the hunter standing on a dumpster, keeping himself wide and open. Her eyes narrow and she got back up to her feet. Without a word she dashed at him, trying to be cool by trying to jump onto the dumpster right away---instead, it all ended badly and she just crashed into the dumpster instead. At the least, Colby tried to grab at the hunters ankle and pull him down.

Meanwhile, the witch was still sitting on the roof, silent this time. She was quietly observing her surroundings with a look of disgust on. Surely enough, as she thought more and more of the world as it was now and what is used to be, tears started to fill her eyes. Soon she was sniffling and sobbing and her claws were hiding her face. Within seconds she was wailing once again as loud as she could.
Isaac was preoccupied with laughing, so much so he didnt see her swipe for his feet. Once she had latched on, he fell on top of the dumpster. Groaning as he lands on his rear hard, he springs himself over to the opposite wall, alongside a fire escape. He looks back at her and smirks. "Nice try!" He crawls up the wall as fast as he can, chuckling to himself. He climbs until he is close enough, and then launches himself straight up, aiming to land on the roof. Instead, he dives right into someone's swollen belly. "GAAaah! What the-" The two of them teeter back and fall over, landing on something. Isaac wrestles to get away, but is wallowing like as if he is on a water bed. Finally finding the persons face. "What the hell, Levi! What are you doing up here?!"

Looks uncomfortable with Isaac on top of him. Levi would have easily been 250 lbs as human, as infected... there were even less salads in his diet. He shrivels up as Isaac curses at him. Levi's unmistakable deep voice, "I was looking for food, found the witch, then i heard you, and you found me!" looks form side to side...

"Jeez, you about- Wait, witch? Shes up here?" He twists his head, looking around for her. "You suuuure-"

"OhSweetJesusIThinkShe'sUnder- GAAAUUUGH!!" He screams as he is being clawed from under his back. His scream is quickly out done by the witch's scream, though muffled by Levis mass, her scream is far more shrill and piercing.

Isaac's eyes go wide in terror, "Oh SHIT!" He springs off Levi, landing on the edge of the roof, about to loose his balance, flailing his arms to try and steady himself. "Wooah!"
Colby just stared at watched as the hunter seemed to vanish on the roof. What is with him and abandoning her? She pouted slightly, feeling like she was being teased and plopped down on the ground---arms crossed.

The witch huffed and puffed and screamed as she tore through Levi. “TEACH YOU TO SIT ON ME YOU FAT FUCKER! I HOPE YOU RESPAWN IN FORNT OF SHOTGUNS!” She hissed and then her head whipped up and eyes locked contact with Isaac. She started to growl once more, slowly approaching him. “It was YOU who pushed him onto me you asshole!” She started to cry and then shoved Isaac off of the roof.
"nononoididntmeanit!" Isaac is completely helpless for when she shoves him. He flops back awkwardly and plummets to the street below, free falling. None of his special abilities any use to him in this situation. He falls until he hits the pavement, hard, even bounces a little. A little cloud of dust blasts away from him as he lands on his face. After a second of lying on the pavement, he lifts his head up slowly. "Ughhhh..." Blinks a few times, wincing. "Dont piss off the witch. Ever..."
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