How to be Infected [[ Patches x DaShou ]]


Aug 16, 2009
Click. “My name is Colby Lillith Ojeda… I am nineteen years old, sophomore at the Art Academy just down the street from here. I live on the fourteenth floor of the Serenity Suites. You may be wondering why I am recording this on an old Barbie tape recorder that I got for my third birthday, but I had no other choice. If I am going to die, I want people to know who I am and what I died doing. A virus has spread across the world, causing everyday people to become rabid, angry-for-flesh zombies. I have been trapped inside my room for days now, unable to escape. However, I have a plan. There is a safe area on the other side of the county. It is far, and dangerous, but I think I can make it. To accomplish this task, I will dress up like one of the many infected here, one known as a “hunter”. Hopefully if the zombies see a hunter roaming around, they won’t think to mess with me and maybe, just maybe, I’ll get to the safe area alive. If not, well, hopefully a survivor will find this tape recording and pronounce me brave or something. Well… I got to go. I can’t waste too much time because I am not much sure on how long I can hold up in here before zombies find me. Colby out.” Click.

Colby stepped back from the tape record and removed the small pink and white tape out of the machine. Then she placed it on her dresser and grabbed a sticky note, quickly etching the words “LISTEN TO THIS” on it with a pen. She smiled happily, proud of her work, but was interrupted by a loud banging noise on her door. Gasping, she quickly ran into her room, dressing in her hunter costume she had been working on. It was perfect. She posed in her broken mirror for a while, making sure it looked exactly like a hunters costume before using face blood to start off. She spread it all over her mouth, hands and jacket to make it look realistic. She knew she was probably going to be covered in blood anyways by the time she spent longer than an hour outside. Set to go, Colby opened up her window of her apartment and quickly began to run down the emergency fire-escape staircase. It took a while but by the time she was down the stairs, Colby was already exhausted and on the ground. Zombies didn’t seem to take any notice of her at the very moment so this was a good sign. Colby sat down, looking around for a second to where she needed to go and then quickly started running in the direction, getting down on the ground and crawling like a hunter sometimes to fool the infected. She even was practicing her hunter growls.
Sitting on a rooftop, looking down at the street, a hunched over figure garbed in a tattered hoodie covering more than half his face, only his blood stained chin shows of his face. He watched as a man ran down the narrow alley, very cautiously. As he watches the man run, he tilts his head to the side. The man was carrying only a small handgun. He watched as he raised the gun quickly and cleared the alley way of the usual infected. Placing a shot carefully in each one expertly. So maybe the small handgun was something to be wary of. He shrugs. Makes this more fun. He places his weight on his legs, and tenses his muscles. The man was now only twenty yards away, two stories down... whatever. He poises himself almost aiming straight out from the roof. He lunges out, releasing all the tension in his legs! He sores out from the roof! ... and then realizes just how high up he was, and lets out a shrill scream "CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!!" The man in the street turns around at the sound of the panicking flailing infected in midair, but not in time. The hooded figure managed to launch himself just right and land on the man, taking him straight to the ground. The man raised the gun, the figure slapped it to the side, and then began to claw at the man, ripping and taring. Once the man stopped moving under the figure, he paused and sat on his heels. Huh... looks back at the rooftop he had been on. Guess it was three stories... Turns back to the man under him. Oh well, seemed to have worked just as well! Now bored with his kill, the hunter moved off the body and began scaling the nearest wall. Just another day for Isaac.

Of course, this didn't use to always be Isaac's routine. But after the outbreak, he found himself soon infected. And not just infected, but specially infected. His gymnastic carved body and cross country built endurance managed to make him a very unique kind of feature to the outbreak. Unlike the other brainless infected, who he got constantly fed up with for their lack of forethought, he could actually comprehend what was going on around him, and didn't particularly like being shot. Besides that though, he was just another zombie. Still needed to eat...
It was really chilly outside, but Colby didn’t think it mattered to anyone. They were in a zombie apocalypse, why would the weather matter? The only thing that mattered to Colby right now was that she reached the nearest safe room before dark and then advance tomorrow for the next safe room. All up until she reached the main camp. As she made her way deeper and deeper into the city, Colby got slower with her movement and lower to the ground. Eventually she just ended up crawling on the ground altogether seeing as the regular zombies took no interest in her. Luckily she hadn’t crossed any special infected yet. Going as quick as she could crawling, Colby eventually made it to a dead end. In a panic, she looked around before getting on two feet and running through a nearby alley in hopes that it would end up coming back onto her route. However, a little into having turned into the alley, she tripped over something, causing herself to fly forward, landing with a loud thud. “Ah god!” She yelped, quickly scrambling to her feet again. She looked at her hands which were not covered in scrapes.

Turning around, Colby went to glance at what she had tripped over. It didn’t look like anything from far away. So Colby went over and kneeled down in front of the lump. Upon taking a closer look, it looked like it was a mangled corpse. Colby’s face turned several shades whiter and nausea boiled up in her stomach. A corpse this mangled only meant one thing, a hunter was around and was probably still nearby if it wasn’t shot. ‘This poor man…. He was certainly not having a good day,’ Colby thought to herself, shuddering a little. For a while, Colby just sat in front of the corpse because it wasn’t connecting to her that she should probably move on. She was convinced when suddenly she heard a loud wailing. Immediately, Colby was standing again, panicking. A witch. Not knowing where it was coming from, Colby started to run up and down the alley, hoping she would decide on a way to turn. This was probably the one moment where she wished she could jump like a hunter.
Isaac was halfway up the wall of the building, pondering how to break the window without knocking himself to the street below, when he heard someone trip. Normally this wouldn't even catch his attention, seeing as he had seen the infected around here stumble as if they weren't really infected, but in fact just intoxicated. However, usually when the infected hit the floor, it takes them a good couple of seconds to realize that they are now no longer standing. This one however, cursed. Never had he heard the usual infected here say anything intelligible. Lots of jibberish, and plenty of moans, but not very conversational. He completely forgot about the window and why he wanted in, and turned to the street below him. Upon seeing a look alike of himself, he felt a mixture of 'Aww, I'm not special' and 'HOLY JEESUS SOMEONE TO TALK WITH!' but of course, still wary. He slowly crept down the wall, staying well within the shadows. He reached the ground and perched behind a dumpster, peering around the side.

Isaac watched as the stranger gazed at the body. He had already eaten his share, and took the pleasure out of killing it, so he wasn't particularly possessive of the remains. Once the Witch down the block began her evening wailing and crying, the stranger perked up. He wondered if they were new to this part of town... '...Do we typically travel? Get bored of one city and move to the next? Huh... I hadnt thought of that before... ' He slowly creeps out from behind the dumpster and approaches the stranger, crawling and keeping his usual low profile. He sat on the body as if a comfy seat right behind the stranger, waiting for the stranger to realize his presence. He pretended to be bored and play with his claws, and examine them... 'Hey! I have little scales all over my hands!? When did this happen?!' Now peering at his hands intently.
Colby started to run down the alley, deciding it would be best to go in the direction she had planned, playing her chance with the witch. She quickly reached the end of the short alley and faced a turn which she immediately looked in the direction of. There, in the middle of the tiny alley, was the witch, wailing as loud as she could. “Oh lovely, just lovely,” she growled under her breath. Knowing she stood no chance against the witch, she was in need of finding a new path---quickly. She didn’t want to know what else lurked in this alley. So Colby quietly, and slowly, turned around and headed back down the hallway as to not startle the witch. However, once she turned down the hallway, she realized she had soon to realize she had much more coming to her.

As she headed back towards the entrance to the alley, she noticed something was now sitting upon the corpse she had seen earlier. At first glance, it just seemed like another infected that was just in its own world….observing it’s…claws? Colby looked back; making sure the witch wasn’t following her before realizing that none of the common infected had claws. Immediately her head whipped back around and she halted to a stop about a foot away from the body. It was the hunter! The plan that had seemed oh so perfect a while ago now just ended up being her cause of death. Her heart was racing and she clenched her teeth tight before plopping herself on the ground. “Why you of all the zombies?!” She blurted out, almost ready to start wailing. In case he didn’t catch on that she wasn’t actually dead, she didn’t cry or say anymore. She just sat and stared at him, hoping that he’d just move on so she could.
Isaacs interest in talking to the stranger quickly diminished as the stranger said "Why you of all the zombies?!" Isaac slumped on the body. A look of 'wow... really?' hidden behind his hood. Annoyed, let down, and bored, Isaac decided to hell with it. He sprung up over the stranger, aiming for the window he had previously been trying to get through. Crashing through the glass, he left the stranger in the street. He tucked and rolled into a room of the small apartment. 'Ha! Well, I at least figured that one out.' Smugly he began to crawl to the door of the room, but stopped in mid-crawl. 'Wait... why did i want in here again... ' He looked around the room trying to figure it out. ... and eventually gave up. 'Meeeeeh wonder what the whiny little girl is up to.' Finding another window, he went into his pounce position again, and threw himself at the window. Only to be stopped completely by iron bars on the window sill. He stopped almost immediately, with his face smashed into the bars. He slumped back into the room. 'Did they seriously only bar the one window?!' Caressing his forehead, he looked at the other windows in the apartment. Annoyed, again, he went to the next window over, and checked it for bars. Once convinced he wasn't going to smash his head again, he dove through.

Isaac landed in another alley way, and squatted only feet away from a little girl who sat in the street crying. 'Yep, just as I left you.' He listens to her wail and cry for what felt like the most awkward minute he had lived yet. Eventually, he just smiled and waved. He had learned from past experiences not to touch her.
The Witch continued to wail and cry, swaying form side to side, hiding her face and tears form the infected world. She continued to do so even though a hunter had landed right in front of her. It wasn’t until he started waving at her did she stop crying. Her bright red eyes started to glow as she growled a little at the hunter. “What do you want?” She snapped, lowering her claws and keeping her eye on the hunter. It wasn’t often she got visitors that were just there to wave at her. All they wanted to do was shoot at her, specifically head. How dare they call that crowning… “You’re not going to ‘crown’ me too, are you? Because I have had enough of that sick joke. If you even dare to think about it, I will tear you to shreds.”

“Did that actually work?” Colby asked herself in disbelief when the hunter left with taking just a glance at her. She got up on her feet, smiling proudly. It worked! She was free and not dead! Immediately she dashed out of the alley, shoving a zombie out of her way until he fell. Hearing the odd groan come from the zombie as it hit the ground, obviously not registering what happened made Colby laugh. She went from being pumped, to being scared, to being pumped all over again about this whole mission. Things were going just her way now! “Nothing could ruin this for me----“ Colby suddenly hit was seemed to be as hard as a wall and fell back with a loud “OOF!”. She rubbed her head and groaned a little, looking over to what this mysterious wall was to see it was a tank. This was even worse than the hunter and witch. At least she had a chance of living against a witch and hunter!

Now she was running right back into the alley once more, deciding to take her chances with the witch and hunter as the tank followed her, throwing cement slabs around in rage. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuck!” She whimpered as she turned the corner to where the witch and hunter were. “GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY! TANK!” She yelled at the two--- not really thinking they understood a thing she was saying. Not that it mattered because the tank would crush them all anyways.

The witch looked up in shock once she saw Colby running at them. Immediately she shot up to her feet and screamed her arms and claws spread out in a warning. However, Colby just whizzed on past them, causing the witch to stumble back and scream in rage.
Isaac, now in easy clawing range of now pissed off Witch, and in the direct path of the SUV sized lump of muscle called Tank, he turned and ran for his life. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" Screeching as he sprung down the alley. He soon leaped over the Stranger, 'Must learn that persons name dammit!' and passed him 'Or her maybe?' He launched himself over a high brick wall, hoping his tag along would follow. He turned around and popped his head over the wall to look for the stranger. And watched in horror as Tank charged after, visibly slowly though. But when he started throwing cars, it hardly mattered.
The witch, once she saw the tank, immediately climbed her way up a pipe that lined the side of a building and out of harm’s way. Colby, however, didn’t have those special skills. All she could do was run, screaming. She didn’t even want to glance back to see how far behind the tank was because just the growling noises he made was intimidating enough to make Colby feel like she was going to piss her pants.

The witch looked over to Colby as she ran down the alley, still enraged by the fact she startled her, she grabbed a brick from the roof and chucked it down at Colby. The brick landed perfectly on the back of her leg where it bent, causing Colby to yelp and collapse. “GOD! Just. My. Luck. I’m “dead” for ONE DAY, and it’s already a living HELL,” She yelled, looking back as a shadow casted over her. Her eyes went wide in terror and she just crouched down, covering her head with her hands as the tank lifted a slab of cement from the ground. Not that the hands would help her in any way.
Isaac watched this all from his perch. He watched the witch throw the brick 'Bitch...' and he watched the tank stoop over the stranger. 'Dick...' He watched the stranger curl up into a ball. 'aww... how the hell am i suppose to figure out your name if Tank smears you...' Isaac looked at where they were, and guessed about how far they were from him. 'I could jump that...' ... 'I think' Always the impulsive one, he tensed his legs and sprang out into the street, launching himself high over cars and streetlights, but also going as straight out as he could. Hitting the pavement hard next to the stranger, he landed with a "Umpf!", and he let himself roll past, grabbing onto the stranger's leg and dragging him 'Wait, its a her?!' (now getting a closer look) and dragging her with him as he slid across the street away from Tank. He then rolled to his feet and grabbed Her by the wrist and tugged her along. He pulled her towards a narrow alley off the street, and lead her to a large dumpster. He waited for her to jump in, waiting for the tank to charge around the corner any second. When he turned around and saw her still standing there, almost looked like in shock, he rolled his eyes, hefted her easily and tossed her in. He jumped in himself, after closing the lid on top of them. 'Lovely. First girl in weeks you run into that still has a her brain in one piece and you throw her in a dumpster. Go Isaac!'
Colby was just dumbstruck with everything that happened. She wasn’t quite sure how to comprehend it all either. First, she was enjoying her little escape as a hunter, ends up running into a hunter, then a witch, then being chased by a tank----all she had left were the ugly infected! Now, to top it all off, the hunter threw in her a dumpster and followed in after her. In a panic she immediately shot to the farthest wall, pinning herself up against the wall in terror. What was the hunter going to do? Was he going to kill her? Colby was about to let out a shriek when she heard the tank roar again. Instead, she immediately dropped silent and looked at the lid of the dumpster, waiting for the roars to diminish. Once they did, Colby panicked. She screamed as loud as she could and pushed the lid of the dumpster open, trying to wiggle out. She was definitely not having a good day.
Isaac just sat in his dark corner of the dumpster, and watched as she vented. He waited for her to calm down, crossing his arms and sitting in the trash and god knows what else. He just saved her ass, and all she would do is scream? 'Granted, i did through her in a dumpster...' but still? Really? Screaming? Not even a Thank you? He draws in a breath. "Your welcome..." A little sarcastic, and spiteful.
Colby finally managed to wiggle out of the dumpster, landing with a thud just outside. But to her disbelief, she didn't run. Did she just hear the hunter talk? Did hunters always know how to talk? Was she losing her mind? Out of curiousity and fear she got up and turned back towards the dumpster. Slowly, and trembling like mad, she opened it up and peered inside. "Di-did you just t-t-talk?" She asked, thinking herself crazy for asking that question. This creature in the dumpster, whether or not he did save her ass, was still a zombie. Zombies were supposed to be stupid. Or at least, unable to talk.... only make incoherent moans and gurgles. Her bright blue-green eyes peered out from under the hood and locked onto the hunter.
"Me? Talk? Oh yeah, I suppose I can. How about you?" smirking in his little shadowy corner. He crawled along the side of the dumpster, and peered out at her. "I also have a wide and explicit vocabulary." Crawling out of the dumpster and perching himself on the lid. "So, you must be new here, so I'm going to give you a few pointers. One, Witch there in the street, doesnt really like people. At all. Don't talk to her. Or touch her. Second, try to think of Tank as It. When he sees you, he'll want to tackle you and tag you. Or toss you. Which ever comes first. Just don't let him see you, and if you do, run, and don't let him tag you. Now where you from? Who are you? I like your outfit. Am i asking too many questions? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG ITS BEEN SINCE I TALKED TO SOMEONE OTHER THAN THAT CREEPY HEAD HUMPER?!" Isaac began to get a little excited and a little carried away. He continued to ramble on for another minute or two, before realizing he hadnt heard a word from her yet. "... What IS your name?" Leaning forward, with his face still hidden.
Colby mentally slapped her forehead when she heard that he had an explicit vocabulary. Well, gee, a zombie with a sense of humor. Not something she’d want to get killed from. Before she had a chance to speak, the hunter started to bombard her with questions. She opened her mouth at one point, but no words came out. When he finally looked like he was going to stop talking, she went to speak again but was interrupted by his final question. This time she waited a good 30 seconds before speaking, making SURE that was his last question. “Okay… I never expected something like you to be able to make noises other than gurgles and moans, let alone ask me a bajillion questions. I’m from the other end of town…. I’m a hunter, obviously like you… I know what the other special infected are so you didn’t need to tell me that stuff and I don’t want to know what kind of conversations you have gotten into with that head humper…”

“As for my name. Why should I tell you? Do you guys even HAVE names? Or even remember it if you did?” She crossed her arms, keeping her eye on the hunter at all times. “Well, anyways… I suppose it can’t hurt. This is a freaking zombie apocalypse. I’m Colby,” she shrugged and looked away.
Isaac looked her up and down. "Of course we have names. Our diets have certainly changed, and for some a few appendages, but not much more than that. ...For me at least. And a few others. Mostly me." He looked at her smugly. "Now the common scrap you find in the streets and buildings are probably what you think of a typical zombies. But like you said, some special ones out there that aren't quite so brain dead. Or at least, not as brain dead. There are some out there who have one thing in mind, and completely fixate on that, and then there are some that just cant hold a thought for more than a few seconds. I might be somewhat of the latter of the two..." He looks her up and down again. "and you're sure you're the same..." Reaches out and pokes her, "as me?" Looks at her questioningly.

Before giving her a chance to answer he turns away, "whatever. Hey, you should come with! I just remembered where a few survivors were holed up!" Isaac bounds down the street, like a little excited puppy promised treats. Isaac has clearly adapted well to his life as an infected, but the side affects of constant adrenaline racing through his body and whatever mutagens in his system obvious have impaired his attention span and some of his memory.
Colby stood there, her heart dropping when the hunter began to question her zombie-hood. She was about to answer but couldn’t because before she knew it, he was bounding off in the other direction. “Uh….” Colby wasn’t sure what to say, so she just stood there. Then it hit her like a rock. “Wait, is that safe room nearby?” She asked quickly, starting to follow the hunter now. She really hoped so because if it was nearby, this was her chance to getting somewhere safe, to go somewhere away from this lunatic of a hunter. She needed a place to stay for the night that wasn’t crawling with zombies and had food that didn’t contain human flesh. “That sounds great if it is because I have been looking for it all day,” she said, frowning a bit when she couldn’t keep up. “Could you slow down a bit? I don’t know how to jump like that.”
Isaac looked back, "Safe room? Well, I suppose its safe." He shrugs, not really knowing what a safe room might be just because he was infected long before they became available. "Safe for whom? Us or them?" Stopping where he was and perching on his heels as he waited for her. He watched her make her way slowly over to him. "How is it you don't know how to jump? Isn't that just something naturally attributed to being a Hunter? Like a requirement or something?" Isaac had to try not to ramble on. But it was difficult.

He sat patiently for her to catch up, rocking back and forth on his heels. He looked around the street and saw the usual infected looking at them. After a quick growl and mock lunge at them, they backed off and ran away much like scolded dogs. He watched them go and smirked a little, slightly amused with himself.
“Yes, I mean the safe room for me! I have been trying to find it, because I needed a place to stay for the night. I’m on a mission you know, like top secret!” She frowned a frown of false determination and strength. “As for the leaping thing, I have never been able to jump as long as I remember; I don’t think I can or even tried once. I don’t plan to either,” she said, rolling her eyes. Finally she managed to catch up to the hunter, gasping and wheezing. “You know, you are waaaay too energetic to be a zombie. You might as well no be one at all.” She complained, trying to catch her breath between words. When she saw him tease the other zombies she just smack him aside the head. “Don’t be mean to the brainless commons. They didn’t do anything to you.”
"But they're so annooooooying." He about pouts then turns around. "Wait a sec, who are you to tell me what to do and how to do it? I saved you from your bestest buddy Tank not but five minutes ago? Didn't I?" Looks at her intently. "And how can you call yourself a zombie? Since when do we have missions that aren't dictated by our hunger and bellies?" Peers at her. "Your an odd one..." Turns on his heels and begins to crawl slowly, obviously agonizing for him. His groans and growls becoming more and more persistent. "Coooooom'oooooon..."

He slowly leads her back to the corpse in the alley, where they first met and the window he had been trying to get into and eventually succeeded.
“Well….so what if I am different from the other hunters? At least I am not another face in the crowd,” she said, crossing her arms. She rolled her eyes when she heard the agonizing groans coming out of the hunter’s throat. She was really close to kicking him at the moment but since this was her only chance of finding a safe room, she had to keep him around for a little while….maybe long enough to find a good gun. Once the hunter stopped, Colby stopped. She looked around, trying to figure out why he had brought her back here. “Why are you going this way?” She asked, looking at the corpse she had come across earlier. “Where is this safe room?”
Isaac peered up at the window he had crashed through. "If memory serves..." 'which it very well might not' "It should be right up there!" He leaps high and through the window, leaving Colby in the street. Crashing right into someone just inside the window sill, who upon contact, blew out a cloud of smoke as if they were covered in flour. They both tumbled back and fell, upon which another cloud of smoke was released. The room now thoroughly full of smoke, Isaac was unable to see anything around him. Or breath. But he was pretty sure he knew who he had ran into. "Sup... *coughes, gags and wheezes* ... Sup Trevor."

Trevor is a muffled voice coming from somewhere under Isaac. "MPhff! ... hi Isaac." Trevor is a tall, almost stretched out sort of person. Obviously no longer human, his neck swollen and riddled with strange lumps and masses. He wriggles, trying to get out from under Isaac. "Isaac, could you-"

"Now what did I tell you about smoking in the house? Hmm?" Pinning Trevor. "Your gonna give yourself cancer you know that right? God only knows what kind of tumors you might grow!" Smirks.

"*coughs* Right... Well, if you have determined that I'm not going to be your lunch, WILL YOU GET OFF?!" Trying to sit up, but Isaac perched on his chest is enough to make Trevors arms tremble.

Isaac chuckles, and jumps off of Trevor. "Oo Oo! I have someone to show you!" Having to think where he left Colby before crawling towards the window.

"I already saw your friend out in the street." Getting to his feet and walking over to Isaac. "You really should pick up after yourself. Especially if your just going to kill them. Its a waste-"

"No, no no no. I made a friend!" Sticking his head out the window to look for Colby.

Trevor shakes his head. "Look, you cant keep the body as a friend. Alright? You need to either finish eating or at least give it to the poor usual infected guys." He pokes his head out to see what Isaac is looking at.
Once again, Colby was alone. When she saw the hunter leap through the window she sighed. She assumed he didn’t get the memo about how she couldn’t jump. A little after he had vanished though, a cloud of greenish smoke erupted out of the window and filtered into the sky. A smoker. Colby recognized that green smoke anywhere. Not to mention she could hear the coughing and wheezing from down in the alley. She frowned and looked around oddly. A common infected took a moment to stare at her, trying to register something but just ended up falling to the ground and causing a mass tripping effect of all the other zombies. Colby shook her head and looked back up at the window, wondering what was going on and why she was suddenly abandoned? Maybe he was trying to tell her to find her own way in? Or maybe she drove him insane….? Could zombies be driven insane? Other than a few specials, Colby wasn’t sure. She was about to look for a way in when the voices got clearer and the cloud of smoke dissipated. Colby stopped where she was and looked up at the window, seeing the hunter and…. The smoker. Lovely. Unsure of what to do, she just waved awkwardly.

From inside the room the other two were in, a loud squealing noise erupted in the air and an in came the Drucilla the Spitter. Drucilla looked all excited when she entered the room in all her glory. Her flower top, dirty capris, pink high heels and piggy tails. However, the excitement washed off once she saw that Isaac was in the room. “Sugah…” She whined, walking over to Trevor, “You said we was going to have nobody interuptin’ us and our fun.” She glared a little and crossed her arms, glowing green spit dribbling down her neck.
Trevor pulled away from the Window and turned to face Drucilla. He shrugged and looked over at Isaac. "I have no hope of knowing when he is going to just pop in! Putting a hat on the door wouldnt do any good! He always uses a window!" He shoots Isaac a little glare.

Isaac pulled his head in, saw and heard Drucilla, and poked his head back out the window. ' I dont want to know, i dont want to know, i dont want to know...' He looks down at Colby. "Aint you coming up? Or do i have to carry you?"

Trevor turns and looks at him. "Your inviting your friend up here now?! Did you not hear me say anything the last two minutes?" Throwing his arms out. "Hello?"
Colby frowned and stared at Isaac. “I told you, I don’t know how to jump! See?!” She said, getting down as low as she could on her legs, and leaping up about a half a foot into the air. “I can’t jump that high up! And I don’t see a door here.” Colby pouted and shook her head; these zombies just didn’t know how to listen apparently. It was probably because their brains were rotting out. Colby shuddered at the thought and looked back to Isaac, wondering what he was going to do about the dilemma.

Drucilla placed her hands on her hip and looked at Isaac. “Maybe you hafta put the hat on that there window then. Or maybe he don’t have no eyes at all. I don’t reckon I’ve ever seen ‘um,” she said, thinking about it for a moment but coming to no conclusion. Instead she just walked over to Trevor, leaning up on him lovingly. “Besides what is he ‘ere fer anyways? He don’t come ‘ere too often.”
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