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Male Seeking Female Long Term Roleplaying Partner

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Aug 11, 2011
Somewhere in the universe
Hello Again everyone, I've decided to update and revamp this :).

---What I'm Looking For---
A female long term roleplaying partner. Preferably Someone who is submissive, I'm rather dominate when it comes down to it.

I don't mind how long it takes you to respond to a roleplay either. I've got all the time in the world, so please, take your time.

---What is my writing style---
I'm a semi-literate roleplayer. I Typically write 2 - 3 lines per reply. I also play in third person.

I don't like being literate, for I feel that putting to much detail into something requires a lot of effort, and makes roleplaying less enjoyable.

---Where and How---
I prefer to roleplay through e-mail, private messages, or in a forum.

---How quick are my responses---
That would depend on what I'm doing at the moment, I love video games and anime, so if you don't get a repsone from me right away or an extended period of time, its because I'm playing games or dealing with RL.

---Genres / themes I like---

=Slave And Master
=Comedy (Especially if its random)
=Alternate History
=Science Fiction
=Science Fiction / Fantasy Combo (Phantasy Star for the win!)
=Wealthy Family / Heritage
=Steam punk (Though I'm not very knowledgeable in it)

---Genres I don't like---

=Drama (Can't stand it)

---Character Races I Like---
=Demonic Women
=Angelic Women
=Fae / Pixies
=Furies / Antrhos
=Hybrids / Animal / Insectoid Girls
=Android / Persocom

---Character Races I don't Like---
=Certain Insectoids (Wasps, Bees, anything with a stinger)

Feel free to PM me :). I await your response.

Update 8-15-11:

I now have a link to my rabbit hole in my signature, feel free to look :).
I'm interested in a Romance roleplay. Anything in particular? I like werewolf roleplays too ;] PM me if interested.
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