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Your Most Overused Phrase? :3

I stole this from my brother.
"You make my soul hurt."

And some others that I've come to have.
"This guy/chick!"
"Holy Jeebus!"
"Well, hot damn..."
"No way..."
"Hey oh!"
"Talkin' to you makes me wish that my 21st birthday came sooner."

And, particularly with a couple of friends I can easily make fun of them:
"Dude, I can keep this up all day."
"And that's why I'm better than you."

And tryin' to hide what I say:
"Nothin' fa la la!"

Finally, when I'm utterly defeated or thoroughly served in words or actions:
"Heh, fuck me senseless." or "Fuuuuuuck." followed by the slow toss of the head backwards.
My recent one, "Let's get shitfaced [tonight]".
It means let's get smashed, or wasted.
I also say 'sh-wasted'. Cuz I'm cool like that.
One that I've grown fond of:

"Cheese and Crackers!" - exclamation of surprise or exasperation
*Points to the fact I've only spoken to darkangel like four times and she's called me 'sweetie' a good dozen times. Thought I was special* Sniffle.

Also, I totes thought we only said 'shitfaced' in the U.K. Weird.

-- Ooh, sniffle is one!

So, anyway. Mine are generally replacing actual english words with ones I basically made up. For instance

Totally - Totesface

No - Nopers

Yes - Yes'ums

Maybe - Meh-urmumnuh*further grumbled, shrug of shoulders, lopsided facial glare* >.>

I also seem to constantly add things like 'Sugar/Sugah, Honey/Hon, Babe, Sweetie, love/lover/lovah' and other such terms to the end of my sentances for absolutely no reason except because I love you all. Except you there. Yes you. *Points at that specific person*

I have a habit of ending certain words with the self-created word 'faec' when describing my feeling; For example, 'I am sad' turns into 'I'm really sadfaec right now'. You can totally use 'faec', go 'head, hon. -- See, I did it again! T_T

Finally, another of my most-used phrases is..'Did you know!!' whilst sticking my index finger into the air. Yes, I'm -that- person. The know-it-all smartass you prooobably used to beat up and shove in lockers and junk.

Yes, I speak -that- much that I have like a half dozen most overused phrases.
"I'm going to punch you in the throat."
"I will fucking drop kick you into next week."
"Shut the fuck up."
"Now you fucked up."
"Congrats you have officially fucked up now."
"Tough titty."
"Don't break my butt!" -Look up 'wkuk-abe lincoln'

My absolute favorite: "This is some grade A fuckery!" I came up with that while playing Dead Island. xD
Mystica said:
Nope, it's here in Quebec too!

Is it really true that most Canadians don't have an accent? A guy I know he was born and lives in Canada said that nobody he knows has an accent. I was truly saddened. Like, death poem and sharpening my tanto kinda sad. I love that accent too.

And now it's time for...Random fa-act of the daaaaay~ Tscha!

The interstellar gas cloud Sagittarius B contains a billion, billion, billion liters of alcohol... Charlie Sheen is looking to relocate there soon. Trolololol.
Some nice phrases (and interesting Troll fact. xP). Mine is a little time, but I've noticed that I seem to say "Yeah" in tripli-cat often, especially at work. In addition to that, I seem to also say "That's true" a lot as well. Meh, I'm boring, I know.

LoL Curse Phrases
"Ugh, bull shit."
"Oh, fuck me..."
*After escaping death from an enemy Champ* "Trololol"
*Being chased by enemy team* "ShitShitShitShitShit!!!"
Snowe said:
Mystica said:
Nope, it's here in Quebec too!

Is it really true that most Canadians don't have an accent? A guy I know he was born and lives in Canada said that nobody he knows has an accent. I was truly saddened. Like, death poem and sharpening my tanto kinda sad. I love that accent too.

And now it's time for...Random fa-act of the daaaaay~ Tscha!

The interstellar gas cloud Sagittarius B contains a billion, billion, billion liters of alcohol... Charlie Sheen is looking to relocate there soon. Trolololol.

Yes, it's true. Quite honestly, I always ask, what IS a Canadian accent? It's not really an accent. Perhaps some words are pronounced a little differently, and we say 'eh' a lot. But it's not really an accent. Although there are certain provinces and areas that have more prominant Canadian 'accents', but mostly in the country (like any country-side).

Here in Quebec, the Canadian 'accent' is actually a Quebecois accent, because most people here have French as a first language.

Canada is extremely multicultural, so most accent around here are that based on ethinicity, not necessarily nationality. xD
I also started saying "En Plus" which is the French equivalent to "Also" or can be used as an equivalent to "on top of that" in a specific context.
And I say that when I'm NOT speaking French. xD
Mystica said:
I also started saying "En Plus" which is the French equivalent to "Also" or can be used as an equivalent to "on top of that" in a specific context.
And I say that when I'm NOT speaking French. xD

Hot. I say "salut" in greeting and farewell, often while I am also not speaking French. We should get together and speak broken French together sometime. I'll teach you all of the dirty Quebec words I know. If anyone asks what the fuck you're saying, you can tell them things like, "Oh just tabernacle, Christ, host, and chalice, in French." They'll think you're a French religious freak, rather than just a raunchy French freak... which is somehow better.
RoryN said:
Mystica said:
I also started saying "En Plus" which is the French equivalent to "Also" or can be used as an equivalent to "on top of that" in a specific context.
And I say that when I'm NOT speaking French. xD

Hot. I say "salut" in greeting and farewell, often while I am also not speaking French. We should get together and speak broken French together sometime. I'll teach you all of the dirty Quebec words I know. If anyone asks what the fuck you're saying, you can tell them things like, "Oh just tabernacle, Christ, host, and chalice, in French." They'll think you're a French religious freak, rather than just a raunchy French freak... which is somehow better.

Wait, you do realize I live and grew up in Quebec right? So I know how to speak French. xD
And I know all the slangs... I live here!!! ;D

I just realized I say 'cool stuff' ALL THE TIME.
For all sorts of things.
Mystica said:
Wait, you do realize I live and grew up in Quebec right? So I know how to speak French. xD
And I know all the slangs... I live here!!! ;D

I just realized I say 'cool stuff' ALL THE TIME.
For all sorts of things.

No, I didn't. Obviously. But I think that's totally bitchin'. <3
RoryN said:
Mystica said:
Wait, you do realize I live and grew up in Quebec right? So I know how to speak French. xD
And I know all the slangs... I live here!!! ;D

I just realized I say 'cool stuff' ALL THE TIME.
For all sorts of things.

No, I didn't. Obviously. But I think that's totally bitchin'. <3

Ahaha, yes. Bitchin' indeed! Quebeckers UNITE! ;P
I love Montreal.
I love Montreal too. Haven't been in a long while though now that I no longer live in upstate NY. Took many road trips back in the day (like before you needed passports and what not). Ah... St. Catherine St... how I miss you. How I miss The Loft. Is that place even still around?
darkangel76 said:
I love Montreal too. Haven't been in a long while though now that I no longer live in upstate NY. Took many road trips back in the day (like before you needed passports and what not). Ah... St. Catherine St... how I miss you. How I miss The Loft. Is that place even still around?

It sure is! ;D
Not that I know of. Now it's more of a club/modern bar thing. I think you can rent it. I haven't been honestly. I think they have a website.
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