New Mutants (Stickyfun x Mera1506)


Mar 9, 2009
Edward shivered as he scrounged the dumpsters of the dark city alley, cursing loudly to nobody in particular as yet again there was nothing edible here. Whilst it wasn't actually necessary for Edward to eat food, he despised the other way of sustaining himself. Oh there was nothing wrong with it, he didn't need to feed on people or anything like that, he could 'eat' from any source of electricity...but doing so drew attention to him....lots of attention, attention he didn't want. Besides that it was a painful reminder of what he was, of why he was here. Just a few weeks ago he had been in the loving arms of his parents, attending another anti-mutant quickly things had changed, the boy suddenly finding himself on the other side of the fence. Disowned by his parents, mocked and attacked by the people he once thought of as he was just another anonymous mutant living on the streets, one of the city's lost souls, abandoned by all and wanted by none.

As Edward moved on to the next dumpster, he cursed once again as he found no food, his stomach grumbling loudly, painfully. He was so hungry....if he didn't do something soon he was almost certainly going to pass out, possibly even die. There was no choice. Edward may have hated himself, but he certainly didn't want to die. Turning slowly, the boy looked up at the various lights illuminating the alley, some of them flickering on and off. The boy hesitated for a few moments, then looked towards the exit of the alley. It was late at night, probably around 1 or 2 in the morning, so there weren't many people around. Well...that would make things safer at least.
The boy raised up his arms, then closed his eyes, muttering a silent curse on his body before tensing up. Moments later, sparks began to fly around the alley, followed by what almost seemed like lightning, electricity arcing from the flickering lights and down to strike Edwards body, absorbing quickly into his body, rejuvinating him, satisfying his hunger. "Nnnn..." Edward gasped when the flow of electricity finally halted, all of the lights now burned out, the alleyway being plunged into almost complete darkness, though Edward could still see quite clearly thanks to his abilities. With a soft sigh he walked over to sit down between the two dumpsters, leaning on one of them and closing his eyes. Hopefuly everyone would just think there would be a power surge and wouldn't come to investigate....he just wanted to get some sleep.


At the Xavier mansion, Wolverine growled in frustration as he looked down at his watch. How long was he supposed to wait here? The Professor had told him to go outside and await the arrival of a newcomer to the school, someone making their own way here, but there had been no mention of just what time the newcomer was supposed to come. Hell, there hadn't even been any mention of who this newcomer was. Still, it wouldn't be hard to figure out....anyone who didn't look familiar would be a pretty safe bet. " time he asks me to stand out here I'm gonna tell him to send someone else...I have better things to be doing than waiting out here in the middle of the night...." Wolverine growled softly, the noise echoing almost menacingly through the niight air like the growl of an animal.

Moments later he looked up, starting to sniff the air. There was a new scent....someone approaching. He sniffed again....female...approaching fast...the scent was new, unfamiliar. Could this finally be the one he was waiting for? He hoped was beginning to get cold and Wolverine wanted to just get back inside and grab himself a beer. "If this isn't her then I'm just going back inside....and I aint gonna use the door...."
Kitty was in a small restaurant, getting a drink, watching the TV and eating a meatball sandwich. It was a lousy bar, but mutants were welcome here. In fact the place was run by mutants. Though they looked perfectly normal, one was a shapeshifter, the other had the ability to ripe things such as fruit or vegitable or return them to a ripe form when already rotting badly. As a result the meals were great and cheap since the ingredients were usually collected from the leftovers from other restaurants.

Then suddenly the lights flickered. 'Now what.' Kitty thought and took the last bite of her sandwich and left a few dollars on the table as she headed tot he nearest wall and phased through. She bumped into someone. She couldn't see a damn thing, yet the breee told her she was outside. "Sorry, I didn't see you." She said. Of course she was standing in between him and a wall and two dumpsters.

Joanna was on her way to the institute. She wasn't familiar with this part of the US yet, so she had to look around for a bit. But she found it and her scent picked up a male outside, her eyes spotted some movement out front. She heard the growl and the comment and chuckled as she landed a few feet away from him and folded her wings onto her back. "Hi there, you must be Wolverine." She said. The proffessor had given her the name of who would be waiting for her. "I'm Joanna, it's nice to meet you." She told him and held her hand out for him to shake.
Just as he had been about to slip into a sure to be nightmare filled slumber, Edward suddenly felt someone kicking him, the boy gasping and being knocked to the floor by someone walking into him. His first reaction was to growl and look up angrily through the darkness, blinking when he saw a girl around his age. He was distracted for a moment, but then he realised she seemed to be between him and the wall. Where had she come from? The dumpsters were against the wall, she couldn't have come from behind them. "Wh-who are you?" Edward backed up a little, his hands sparking with electricity as he was slightly nervous, making it more than obvious just what he was.

"G-get away from me. Y-you're a mutant aren't you! G-get freaks ruined my life!" He growled, electricity sparking around him a little more as he started to vent his anger. The boy was clearly a mutant, yet here he was calling her a freak for being one.

Wolverine raised an eyebrow as the girl landed infront of him, watching as she folded her wings away, his eyes looking her up and down. She was a little different to mutants he had met before, but then again every mutant was two were exactly alike even if their powers were similar, there was always at least a subtle difference. He looked down at her extended hand, then rather than taking it just folded his arms across his chest. "....You're late" The tone of annoyance in Wolverine's voice was obvious, then again it wasn't hugely different from how he normally spoke. "Come on" Wolverine turned and opened the door, just heading into the mansion.
"No I didn't ruin your life. You're a mutant. And you were taught that mutants are freaks before you got your powers?" Kitty said, seeing the electricity coming from him. Well cause for electricity surge found. The only way a mutant could be so on edge and think of other mutants as freaks was if he believed it and had been taught that. "Let's get one thing straight, mutants such as ourselves aren't freaks. There's no crime in being different from others. Nobody is the same. But those afraid of us call us freaks and try to hurt and even kill us. Afraid of what we might do. You don't need to be a mutant to cause plenty of damage, just look at the kid who shot up his school last week." She said. Normal human kid, brought machinegun into crowded school and fired at random in a packed cafetaria. Dozens were killed, then he'd gone further out into the building before offing himself with the last bullet.

She wasn't going to comment on the you're late part. She hadn't been given a specific time, just get here before midnight, it was 11:50pm. She followed him inside and closed the door. He was annoyed, obviously. Some bedside manner he had. It was sort of funny actually. She looked around, taking in sight, sounds, scents. His was rather strong and not unpleasant to her.
"O-of course you're freaks! What else could you be?" He seemed to keep referring to Kitty like she was different, the boy clearly in denial over what he was, more than likely due to fear. If anything he was probably more scared than most. "You things can...can fly and...shoot energy beams and...and..." He looked down at his hands which were sparking with electricity, before closing his eyes quickly, clenching his fists and trying to will it away. "I...I'm not a freak...I'm not a mutant...I...I can't be....mutants are wrong.....they shouldn't exist....." His body was shaking now. This was the first time since being thrown out of his parents home that he had been truly confronted over what he was by another another mutant, another 'freak' like him. "I'm human....I'm human....I'm not a freak...I'm not a freak...." Edward stumbled back into the wall, shaking more visibly now as light began to return to the alleyway, giving Kitty her first good look at him. Edward looked...terrible. His clothes were a mess, his pale skin covered in dirt.

"So the Professor got another gullible sap huh?" Wolverine didn't look back at her, just kept on walking as he spoke. "Just don't be another stuck up do-gooder...we've got more than enough of those around here already" Wolverine just grunted and shook his head, turning to enter the kitchen and opening up the fridge, grabbing two beers, tossing one of the bottles over his shoulder at her without even asking if she was old enough. Either he knew she was, or he simply didn't care. "So..." Wolverine turned to face her, extending one of his claws to slice off the top of the bottle neck. "....How did he sucker you into coming here?"
Kitty could see he was in denial. She'd have to approach things differently. He looked horrible. "Why are you out here dumpsterdiving? Don't you have a home to go to?" She asked him. Many mutants got thrown out after their powers were revealed so she wouldn't be surprised if his cse was no different. Especially with parents who are against mutants that strongly. His clothes though dirty were expensive, no long term street dweller could afford those so it was recent. Beast had been a great teacher when it came to learning how to observe.

He amused her. He was no two goody two shoes that was for sure. She followed him to the kitchen and caught the bottle in one hand. She used a talon to undo the cap and took a gulp. "I'm just me, I tend to be practical, I hate injustice. But the ways I approach things are hardly idealistic." Joanna said. "I spent a lot of time away from people or with those who don't judge. But people like that usually live in a monestary of some sort, when I heard about a school for mutants I thought it would be nice to be around other mutants." She said. "How did he sucker you into staying here?" She then asked him.
"Of course I don't have a home to go to! Not now! Not anymore!" Edward started to slide down the wall, his hands covering his face in a pathetic attempt to hide how much he was shaking. "I don't deserve a home....don't deserve a family...don't deserve freak freak deserves anything like that....." He shook his head, moving his arms to hug his knees to his chest now, eyes tightly shut to hold back the tears. "I'm nothing now....just some freak....a monster.....I barely deserve to be alive...." Of course Edward was rather lucky to even be alive. When his parents had thrown him out they had very nearly killed him. It was only a surge of his powers that had held them back, the two afraid of the potential harm Edward would be capable of.

Wolverine just rolled his eyes as she spoke. Great....practical and hated injustice...sounded like a do-gooder to him....then again he wasn't always so different, of course he preferred to refer to it as honour rather than justice. "Nice to be around other mutants huh? Well you've come to the right place for that at least...." Wolverine took a large gulp of his beer, gulping it down like it was water. But hey, it didn't really matter, wasn't like he could get drunk, his healing abilties saw to that. It had its uses sometimes but....damn just once he'd like to know what it was like to be drunk. "Me? I guess it started with a lot of promises that couldn't be kept....since then I guess I just sort of stuck around. Not like I've got anywhere better to be..."
"But you're not a freak." Kitty said. "Tey're wrong, mutants aren't freaks, there's no crime in being different." She said and took a few steps forward. How was she supposed to get through to him. "Let me show you something." She said, hopefully this wouldn't totally freak him out. Right now she was running out of ideas. This kid was in over his head, some parents. She wouldn't mind, no she'd love giving them an earful.

"I see. You know I hate to see what the so called normal people do to mutants. There was this guy I found wandering through the forest looking for his daughter who'd been taken by mutant hunters. In Wakanada everyone basically is a mutant so when she came into the outside worls she had no idea. I offered my help. I found her. These guys wanted to feed her to some starved dogs they kept, not to mention they raped her. I took her home, but not before I fed those dogs the cocks and balls of their owners. She was rather amused by that, as was the dad.

He's some hot shot business man in Wakanda. Since those mutant hunters had fancy weapons he gave me a vibrainium upgrade to make sure I could handle them. Well those hunters had fancy weapons alright, but judging from the way they were handling them I don't think they ever read the instruction manual. Such a bunch of idiots. But the upgrade sure was nice." Joanna told him. It was just conversation material and a do gooder, maybe she was a little.
"Of course it's a crime! It's a crime against nature!" Edward looked up at her angrily, his eyes sparking with electricity for a moment, before he quickly closed his eyes again, trying to calm down. He didn't want to hurt her by accident, but his control was so limited....if he lost control then he didn't know what might happen. "Show me something....? Show me what? What could you possibly show me...?" Edward shook his head slowly, his eyes once more opening as he looked up at her, a little more calmly than before.

"A Vibranium upgrade?" Wolverine raised an eyebrow. She did smell a little different than he would have expected....a him. "Well.....good for you..." To be honest, Wolverine likely would've done something similar in her position....he despised those who persecuted mutants...honestly, he almost thought maybe she had been a little too merciful by the sounds of it. "Wakanda huh....haven't been there in a's that block headed king of there's doing these days? Or did he not grace you with his presence?"
"Why? Did you parents use an unnnatural way to conceive you? I know my didn't, they just did it the old fashioned way. Mutations happen every day, it's how species change and adapt. Without no living creature can survive so it's perfectly natural." Kitty said. 'Thank you Beast.' She thought. The big blue teddy bear of the mutants was wise, a scientist. To many he looked scary, even she had been a bit unfazed by his looks for a moment, that was until he started talking and turned out to be the kindest person she'd ever met.

"This way, you look like you haven't had a decent meal in days. Let me buy you something to eat alright?" She said. Hopefully he wouldn't overreact, but at least it was so late there was hardly anyone there.

"Yup." Funny how that caught his attention first. "Busy. He came by for like a whole minute." Joanna said. "So you've been to Wakanda huh? Tell me about your trip there." She suggested. She took another gulp of her beer and leaned against the wall.
Edward just shook in silence as she spoke, he knew deep down she was right, but still....17 years of being raised to believe that mutants were unnatural was hard to just give up on such a belief, even when confronted with the truth. "I....haven't" Edward trailed off, he hadn't eaten food since he had been thrown out of his parents house. Since then he had fed on nothing but electricity. Whilst it was enough to keep his body going, it didn't satisfy the ever-present hunger in his stomach, all it did was stop it from hurting so much. " nice...." Hunger it seemed was something that could at least convince him to put aside his beliefs for a short while.

"Not much to tell" Wolverine finished off his beer, putting the empty bottle down on the table. "We were kicked out not long after we arrived. We were chasing someone, crossed the border and were basically threatened with get out or die. I'd have liked to see them try.....but of course we had to be all nice about it" He rolled his eyes, leaning back against the fridge. "So what is this....'upgrade' you keep talking about anyway?"
"Please this way." Kitty said and expected him to follow intot he restaurant she just came from. A man who looked to be in his mid forties approached, he wanted to tell her they were closing until he saw the kid. "Where did ou find him?" He asked. "At the dumpsters." Kitty replied. They were lead to a table and so far everything seemed perfectly normal. "Alright my brother will cook something up for him, it's on the house." He said and disappeared into the kitchen. Well it was nice to offer him a meal on the house.

Ten minutes later he came back with a plate filled with a big steak, mashed patatoes, gravy and several kinds of vegitables which looked perfectly fresh and cooked. He put it down in front of the young man along with a knife and fork and dessert spoon. "Dig in. Do you like ice cream?" He then asked. He could have some for dessert. Kitty smiled. "I have to go to the bathroom I'll be right back." She said.

Once in a stall she dialed the proffessor's number. "Soory if I woke you. I bumped into this kid, he's a mutant, doesn't have a home, but here's the catch. He's been raised by mutant haters his whole life, is in denial about being one. I'd like to help him, but I'm running out of ideas." She said. "Where are you?" The proffessor asked. "Peterson bother's kitchen restaurant. He hadn't eaten in a long time so he's getting some now." Kitty said. "Alright I'll be right over." He said. Kitty returned and took a seat opposite of this young man. "My name's Kitty, Kitty Pryde." She said.

"Well my skeleton is covered in it along with some weapons." She said. "In a way not unlike yours, yes I've heard about you even before the proffessor contacted me. With the big difference that mine was voluntary." She told him. Vibrainium and adamanthium were equally hard and durable.
Edward hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should follow her, if he could trust her. But then....what difference would it make? Even if she did plan on betraying him in some way it didn't matter, couldn't be worse than half starving to death on the cold streets. A few moments later, Edward stood slowly from the floor, going to follow Kitty slowly out of the alleyway, wincing slightly from the bright lights of the main street. He had gotten used to living in the darkness thanks to his other abilities, a seeming control over light that often reflected his mood. Edward stayed silent as she led him inside, sitting down slowly and just staring at the counter, until suddenly it was filled with a large hot meal. He blinked at it, then after a few moments couldn't hold back, just immediately beginning to eat like he hadn't in days...well....then again he hadn't, not really anyway.

By the time Kitty came back he had already finished the meal, having cleared the plate completely. "I.....would like some dessert too..." He looked up at the man, already looking a little better than before. When Kitty introduced himself, he looked up at her for a moment, then away once again. "I'm....Edward.....Edward Sanders..."

"Is that so?" The girl really was more like him than she first appeared....if she had been able to survive that, could continue surviving the metal poisoning her body, then her healing abilities must've been strong....possibly as strong as his own. Still, she had rather more physical differences, whilst Wolverine himself could easily pass as a regular human, though his temperament usually prevented such a thing. "So how'd you hear of me? Seems like everyone I meet seems to know something about me that I don't..."
The owner decided to give the boy a big dessert too. He came in with a big ice coup wth different flavors, whipcream on top and a banana sticking out in the middle an chocolate sauce over it. It was what you'd call king size. "Here you go." He said. "Hey kid, if you'd like you can use the shower once you're done and my brother says he wouldn't mind lending you a set of clothes." He offered as his brother was clening up the kitchen.

Nightcrawler teleported the proffessor to the restaurant and waited outside, knowing the frail state of mind of the boy. "wow that's a big one. Thinnk I could get a smaller version of that?" Kitty asked, she hadn't really finished her meal yet. "Sure Kitty." He said. She was a regular there. The proffessor rolled inside in the wheelchair. He had been there before and the brothers were among some of the first students at his school. "Good evening proffessor." The owner said. "Hello Pietro, it's nice to see you again." He said. "Likewise. I'm gong to help my brother with cleaning up now." He said and went back to the kitchen. "Good evening. I'm Proffessor Xavier." He said tot he kid. If anything the proffessor had a disarming kind of personality and was very easy to trust.

"I ran into an ugly guy in the forest up north called Sabertooth. He was pissed off about something and talking to himself rather loud." Joanna said. "He mentioned your name, about every curseword in the book, something about not getting an adamanthium upgrade that he wanted, but the stupid labcoats forced it on you instead and that's about it." She told him.
Edward barely heard the offer of a shower and fresh clothes, he just started eating the ice cream quickly, clearly still hungry despite the large meal he had eaten before. At the very least he seemed to have calmed down now, for the moment anyway. As he ate the ice cream there was even the briefest flash of a smile on his face....though it lasted for barely an instant before it was gone again.
The boy was so caught up in eating that he didn't even notice someone else entering the restaurant, at least not until the owner seemed to leave and a new voice was heard. "Hm..." Edward slowly looked up, having already devoured most of his dessert, turning to look up at the bald man in the wheelchair. "Ah....." He looked between Xavier and Kitty, she seemed to know him...that probably meant. "''re a....a...." He was torn between trying to say 'Mutant' and 'Freak', looking away from the man once again, staring at his dessert, suddenly not feeling so hungry.

"Sabretooth..." Wolverine growled at the mention of the name, his fists clenching tightly for a moment, before he tried to relax. "That day...." He shook his head, reaching for another beer in an attempt to calm himself. "If you ever meet him again, turn and run.....he's too much for a kid like you to handle, and if he gets mad at you then believe me....he'll kill you"
"A mutant yes. There is no denying that we are different from most humans, but there's nothing wrong with being different. Though people who didn't fit the standard norm have been persecuted long before mutants existed. If it wasn't because of different skin color it was religion or just being fat even. The point I'm trying to make is that some people feel the need to have a target, then persecute. In today'world mutants draw the short straw, but it's not unlike what popular kids do to less secure kids, often called nerds or losers. Even if mutants didn't exist it would be a different group who would be persecuted. This had nothing to do with those people being freaks of nature it's a way for one person to lead a group and to create an us vrs them mentality in the group to unite the people, feeling a need to control." The proffessor told the kid. Kitty just hoped the other was listening. But the proffessor was being his usual self, even Kitty had found it remarkably easy to trust him.

"A kid like me? I'm 85 years old thank you." She said. "Besides if he did try anything I'll just put him on the barbecue." She said and a blue colored flame appeared in her hand. "He never knew I was there, I was flying over him." She told him. "Man he's ugly, he makes Quasimodo look handsome." She joked picking up on a great deal of hostility from Wolverine.
Edward couldn't look at the Professor as he spoke, just staring at the melting remnants of his ice cream as the truth finally started to be drilled into his head. He knew the old man had a point...a very good point...but still...17 years of hate and prejudice... "'s totally different! Mutants are....I mean they're....they're much more different than anything else....practically not human...." Edward clutched at the sides of his head, shaking it. "But then that would mean I'm not human....that I was just some kind of..." He closed his eyes tightly once again. "I...I don't know anymore...I...I don't know what to think...I don't know what to do...."

"85? Then you are a kid" Wolverine just snorted and took a gulp of his beer, glancing over as she produced a small blue flame, immediately rolling his eyes. "You think he hasn't been set on fire before? Probably just tickles him by now. Still, good luck if you ever try..." He chuckled, clearly making an attempt to be sarcastic, his previous hostility having settled a little.
"I understand. You could come with us while you sort out it out. You'd have a place to stay and something to eat every day. Also there's someone I'd like you to meet. Like you he struggled with being a mutant. He did for quite some time." Xavier said. Kitty listened. She didn't think she could have gotten through to him like that. Poor thing, she would help him, show him around, stick around so he wouldn't be alone among all new faces even if he hardly knew her.

"Was that fire 5.000Âş Celsius?" Joanna then asked him, probably not. "A kid at 85? Then how old are you?" She then asked him and finished her beer and tossed the bottle in the garbage can next to her. Her flames had gotten incredibly hot over the years. She knew he was joking, but she wanted to tease him.
"I....but why? Why would you help me? I hate...I hate mutants..." Edward clenched his fists as he said was true, he did still have a hatred for mutants, including himself. It wasn't something he could just let go of after a single hot meal and a kind smile. Still, the mere fact he was talking to them meant he was making progress of some kind. "I....but....I don't want to live on the streets either...." He was clearly trying to justify going with them, clinging to whatever reason he could...still...if it helped him deal with it for now then it would be for the best. "I...alright...I....I'll go with you...for now anyway..."

"How old am I...?" Wolverine's tone suddenly became rather more serious, looking away from her, now staring into his half empty beer bottle. "....Damn good question....if I knew the answer to that it could make things a lot simpler....knowing the answer to a lot of simple questions could..." Rather than finish it, Wolverine just set the empty bottle down, turning to go. "Come on kid, I'll show you to your room"
"Because you're obviously in need of help. I run a school where mutants are welcome, to learn about themselves, their gifts. Of course you're welcome. Many struggle with being a mutant and excepting what they are." Charles replied. "That's good to hear." Kitty said. "I'll stick with you, I know it can be a bit overwealming at first." She said. A face he already knew would help.

So he missed part of his memories, but older then 85, probably over 100. That probably hit a nerve. She followed him to her room. She had a bag with her, which she took upstairs. He didn't seem the pitty type so she wouldn't show him any. Besides it was late and she was tired as hell. "I'm looking forward to meeting the others, after some shuteye." She said.
"I...." Edward rubbed his face and took a deep breath. "A school......a school huh....I...well..." He nodded again. "Alright...." A place to live sounded better than anything, school or was a roof over his head and food in his belly....certainly better than feeding on electricity all the time. He blinked as he looked up at Kitty, she would stick with him? Well....that would make things easier. She was a familiar face...not to mention rather easy on the eyes.

"Looking forward to it? Yeah you say that now..." He shook his head as he went upstairs, passing through a few corridors and plenty of doors, before stopping outside an open one. "Here, this is your room, you're in around the rest of the students. You might hear some weird noises but just try to ignore it the morning we'll see what you're made of. I'll come get you about 7...."
"Alright Kitty, can you take him to the school and show him around?" He said, realizing that seeing Kurt might be a bit too much on the young man right now and Kurt was his ride home. "Of course proffessor." Kitty said. Kurt in the mean time had found the back enterence and the cook was nice enough to give him a few left overs while waiting. "Kitty was right, this is amazing, you found the perfect proffession for your gift." He said. The cook gave him a big smile. Kurt went back outside after a little while and not long after that the proffessor left, Kurt teleported him back to the institute.
"Come on, finish your ice cream and I'll take you to the school alright?" Kitty suggested and smiled at him.

She was saying that now? The way he said it only made her more curious. She followed him, damn this place was huge. She made a mental map while she followed him, hoping it would be correct she might get lost a couple of times, omething that probably happened to everyone new here. "Alright I'll see at 7." She said and walked inside and closed the door. She put her big bag down near the bed, stripped and took a shower. She dried herself by raising her temperature, rather then using a towel. She put on a nightgown which didn't have a back, not anymore at least and she lied down. It had been a while since she'd slept on a bed though. She just hoped the bed would be in one piece when she woke up. The next morning she was ready to go at 6:55 and was waiting for Wolverine...
Edward watched as the Professor left, then he thought he heard a strange noise from outside, though he dismissed it relatively quickly as nothing, just looking back to his Ice Cream for a few more moments, then going to finish it as Kitty had asked him too, only taking a few more bites before the bowl was empty. Slowly, Edward looked up at Kitty and nodded softly, standing up. He felt a little stronger now, feeding on electricity might have kept him alive but it wasn't really all that good for his body it seemed, not yet anyway. He did feel better now than when he had first tried it....maybe his body just needed to adapt to using electricity as a food source.
"Alright....let's go..." Edward looked up at Kitty, attempting to return her smile, though he couldn't really manage it. What little semblance of a smile he could manage came out rather sad. "What's it I'll....really learn to control these....powers?" Edward looked down at his hands, control....control was what he wanted most of all. Control meant he could hide....

Wolverine just returned to his own room, sighing and shaking his head as he walked over to the window. "Damn....she had to bring up Sabretooth and the past didn't she...? He always seems to dump onto me the ones that ask the worst questions...." He growled slightly, then just turned and walked over to his bed, collapsing down onto it and closing his eyes, drifting off into the same uncomfortable sleep as usual.
The following morning Wolverine had showered after waking, then was heading towards Joanna's bedroom door, glancing at his watch. Just before 7....good. They could grab some breakfast then head for the Danger Room. The girl seemed skilled, or at least cocky, so he wanted to see what she could do before he tried to teach her anything. Was pointless trying to teach what she already knew after all. When he arrived, he knocked on her door, then folded his arms to wait.
"Well it's sort of hard to describe, you'll have to see it. I'll take you to your room and give you the tour tomorrow considering how late it is." Kitty said and put her jacket back on. "You'll learn, but it requires a lot of practice." Se told him as she started to walk out. "Come on." She said, slightly smiling. She noticed he'd tried to smile, that was good news, it just hadn't come out right, but for a kid who less then an hour ago was denying to even be a mutant he seemed to be progressing pretty fast.

The walk to the institute took about twenty minutes, the gardens were big if not huge and the uilding had floors beneath the ground too. However Kitty lead them to the dorms which in this day and age were co-ed. "Here, this will be your room, it's right next to mine." Kitty said, there was an envelope stuck to the door. "The keycard should be in there." She told him. The room was neither big, nor small and had a small bathroom with a shower and toilet. Students didn't get the biggest rooms. In the room itself was a desk with computer and a one person bed, a walk in closet and bookrack.

Well it was a very short wait. She had heard him comeing and opened the door about two seconds after he knocked. "Good morning." Joanna said and followed him down to the kitchen. "So what's on today's program?" She then asked him, trying to map the route while they walked. she was dressed in cargo pants and another t-shirt with no back in it, she had to take those out after all.
Edward followed Kitty in silence as they made their way out of the center of town towards the outskirts. Then again what could he say? He couldn't exactly say he was looking forward to it, he wasn't. A school full of mutants? Even if he was one of them that was going to be....uncomfortable at best. Still....what other choice did he have? It was this or likely a painful life on the streets....not much of a choice was it?

When they arrived at the institute Edward stopped at the gates, looking at it with a surprised expression. He hadn't expected it to be like was so.....nice. Large open grounds, a really nice looking building....maybe it wouldn't be quite so bad after all.
When they got upstairs Edward blinked as Kitty mentioned her room was right next to his, nodding softly to her. "Ah...thank you Kitty....I really appreciate everything you've done for me...." He looked at her, attempting another smile, though it came out as sad as the last one, before looking back to his door, then turned to go inside. Almost right away he went to the bed, just collapsing onto it and falling asleep immediately, getting his first good nights sleep in weeks, he wasn't even woken by the sunlight streaming through the windows in the morning, the boy just seemingly out cold, though there was a slight smile on his face as he slept. "Mmm......Kitty...." It seemed one thing was returning to normal, the boys dreams...

Wolverine turned to go as soon as Joanna was out of her room, heading downstairs to get some breakfast before most of the other students awoke. "Well I figured I'd take you down to facility. I wanna see what you're made of before I decide what needs work. So get some breakfast and get ready to risk your life, this is no ordinary training, we're throwing you straight into the big leagues"
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